Chapter 106 Bringing someone to brush the book (please subscribe~)

The long sword on the ground is the "Knight Glory Sword" that Su Ming heard was wrapped in 5000 gold coins before Su Ming entered the book. Sold.

In addition to this sword, there is also one piece of gold equipment and three pieces of silver equipment on the ground, which is considered a big explosion. Usually, the knight leader will produce a lot of silver equipment, and it is considered good luck to produce one piece of gold equipment.

The other piece of gold equipment is called "Beast Tamer's Emblem". It is a special equipment on the first floor of the abandoned temple. Every profession has one. Su Ming was lucky, and it happened to belong to his profession.

This equipment cannot be traded, but you can go to the guard at the gate to exchange 500 glory points, which is equivalent to clearing the level 5 copies of normal difficulty. You can directly exchange two pieces of silver equipment, and you can also save enough 1500 glory points to directly exchange for one of your class. .

Beastmaster's Emblem (LV20, Gold, Accessory):
+500 Health, +500 Mana

+1 coordinated attack
+1 perfect tactics
Durability: 30/30
Occupational Requirements: Animal Tamer.

This badge will randomly select two skills to increase the level. For the animal trainer, the most perfect badge is of course the two skills "coordinated attack" and "well-trained".

Su Ming's is a little bit worse, but it's not too bad with Youjia's coordinated attack.

The other three pieces of silver equipment were duplicated with the equipment worn by Su Ming, so they were also sold directly to Venus.

Level 20 equipment is now the mainstream and sells well.

After picking up the items, Su Ming left the dungeon and made the settlement.

System: Your team successfully defeated the leader of the "First Floor of the Abandoned Temple of Stubbs", battle evaluation: C, gained: 48000000 experience, 100 glory points.

System: Please choose one of "Edigu's Rewards".

There is also a sign that can be flipped. The reason why it is called "Aidigu's Reward" is because it is actually a reward from Aidigu to the Knight Commander, and the player won the search.

The signs of the four on-hook teammates turn out to be an "X" sign. The copy of the customs clearance is not online, so there is no remake reward, but there is an experience reward, which can be regarded as a minimum guarantee for players who encounter accidents.

Su Ming seemed to have run out of luck, and only got 60 gold coins for the remake.

The experience of 4800w increased Su Ming's experience by 4%, and it was 12% for other players.

After exiting the instance, Su Ming disbanded the team.

"There is only a C must have taken too much time." Su Ming was a little dissatisfied and wanted to call again, but he checked the time and found that it was almost time for breakfast, so he gave up .

Su Ming died 3 times, and after such a long battle, he lost all the durability of his equipment, so he went back to the city to repair his tattered equipment, and then went to refine medicine.

The sales volume of the Breath of Darkness potion is surprisingly good. Many rich and powerful bosses are willing to spend two or three gold coins to enjoy the experience of killing monsters without restraint for one night.

But at present, its profit is definitely not as good as the magic potion, so none of the hired workers are making it, and the Dark Breath potion sold in the Venus Pharmacy is also made by Su Ming when he is training his skill level.


Diamond Crack had a good night's sleep and didn't get up until after eleven o'clock at noon.

After washing up, he inserted the information card into the card reader, put on the helmet, and entered the game.

His game character appeared in an open space not far from the temple.

After clearing the temple, the game characters will be teleported to the nearby open space, and the same goes for going online.

Diamond Crack opened the attribute panel, wanting to see which pieces of equipment he needed to repair, he scanned the attribute panel, and cursed in a low voice:

"Damn, the durability of the shield is gone, and it costs 50 gold to repair it once. Those hangers are really disgusting. I don't know when the spores hung with them in the end, and whether they won the hang."

Diamond Crack returned to the city, repaired the shield, and sent it to Stubbs City.

After being disgusted by others, he doesn't want to fight by himself now, so he plans to find someone to take it. He was walking on the road, and suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the attribute panel just now.

He opened the attribute panel again and looked at the experience bar under the character.


"Damn it, I died twice, shouldn't I lose all my experience? Why do I still have 12% of my experience left?" Diamond Crack quickly thought of a possibility: "Damn, these people finally reconciled , this can all be reconciled, it’s so heart-warming, haven’t you been hacked and equipped?”

Diamond Crack held doubts and opened the system message panel.

Here, you can see the equipment and distribution information released by the team.

System: The leader of your team has been changed, and the team assignment mode has been changed to "direct assignment by the leader".

System: The spores killed the defecting knight, picked up the "Noble Silk Coat (Silver)", "Petrochemical Sword"... 30 gold coins.

System: "Noble silk blouse (silver)" has been assigned to spores by spores.

System: "Petrochemical Great Sword (Bronze)" has been assigned to Spore by Spore.


System: Spores are killed in battle. *3

System: Congratulations, your team defeated the Templar Knight Commander Foss, team members: Spore, Diamond Crack (offline), Old Hen Soup (offline), Ant Killer (offline), Fungus Moon (offline).


After reading a long list of system messages, Diamond Crack was stunned and exclaimed:
"My dear mother, what happened? Single brush?"

The diamond cracks have all gone to the front of the temple, and they haven't recovered.

Single brush.

I have never heard of it, and no one has even thought about it. Could it be that this spore is a young player trained by some grand guild?

Just when Diamond Crack had a lot of doubts in his heart, he saw a familiar figure—a strange fish eating his head, an owl magic wand with green eyes stuck in his waist, and a wild boar lying on his head beside him. A resting slime.


What a coincidence.

This guy is now occupying an open space to make potions, and automatic shouts are constantly floating above his head. Seeing the content of the shouts, the diamond crack is completely numb:
"Level 20 Beast Tamer is leading someone, a level dungeon of elite difficulty, four bosses who don't need equipment, 300 gold each time, and four vacancies~"

It's really a one-shot...

After Su Ming went online, he went to play a normal difficulty dungeon again, and found that he still had enough strength, so he tried the elite difficulty and passed it smoothly. batter.

Su Ming found that there are quite a lot of teams leading people in the morning, usually 3 people lead 2 people, 380~450 gold per boss, each person can share more than 1 gold after the trip, and an extra piece of silver equipment is earned out of thin air.

Su Ming thought that he could play solo. Although the playing was a bit slow, the price should be lowered. With 4 people at a time, he could earn 1200 gold. This is a good deal.

So Su Ming shouted at the door of the dungeon while making medicine.

The ideal is full, but the reality is skinny. No one believes that Su Ming can swipe alone. In the beginning, everyone laughed at Su Ming twice. Now, after more than half an hour, Su Ming is still shouting as before, and everyone just treats Su Ming as Su Ming. Ming wants to make money and is crazy, so he no longer pays attention to Su Ming.

System: The "Making Dark Breath Potion" skill has been upgraded to LV2.

After receiving the system message, Su Ming put away the workbench and was ready to pay. He has been yelling for half an hour, and he also understands that no one believes in him, and the money will not be earned.

"Wait!" Seeing that Su Ming was leaving, Diamond Crack waved and shouted.

 Thank you for the 6100 point reward of "Changqing only wants to fall in love"~
  61 happy~
  Write two chapters first, I can't stand it anymore, and the remaining three chapters will be updated at night.

(End of this chapter)

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