Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 118 The Powerful Mother Worm

Chapter 118 The Powerful Mother Worm

"Is it gone? Not too many." Dong Xue said.

"If there are more in the future, can you continue to ask you to help me become stronger?" Su Ming asked.

"Okay, I'm about to attack the germ mother worm that has evolved into a perfect form. It will carry a lot of ancient germs. If you can defeat it, you can just come to me."

Su Ming nodded.

November took everyone to a wall of meat, and after stopping, it said:
"Under this polyp is the parasitic point of the perfect germ mother worm, are you ready?"

Su Ming put Xiao Hei in his arms on the ground, indicating that he was ready.

November nodded, and lifted the polyp, revealing a cylindrical passage, which was a "water slide" again.

"You go down first, we will arrive later."


Su Ming entered the water slide first, and after a short period of darkness, Su Ming rushed out of the water slide and flew into the air.

He looked around.

Su Ming could hardly believe that he was still in Saixi's body, because there was no red at all, and the black germs and zerg were everywhere.

The name of the monster covers almost every space.

The movement of Su Ming's whereabouts caused the movement of germs and insects. They loosened the jaws that gnawed at the flesh, pulled out the spiked forefoot that was sucking blood, twisted their heads, and all looked at Su Ming.

Flying in the air, Xiao Hei also saw the innumerable numbers of germs and insects, and asked:
"Master, can we fight?"

"We will definitely not be able to fight alone, but there is still November for their help, let's clear up a foothold first!"

Using the gliding feather, Su Ming stayed in the air for a while, and first used the "perfect tactic" to send Zaemon to an area where monsters were relatively rare.

It hit the screen with a single hit, and then landed by itself, using the protector to pull back Xiao Hei who was about to hit the wall.

Viscous liquid!


After the three group attack skills were released, there was an extra foothold on the ground for Su Ming.

The germs and insects on the wall and ceiling rushed at the same time, Xiao Hei accumulated energy on the spot, and with a strong jump, he just knocked all the germs and insects away.

"Here we come!" November's voice came from the passage.

blah blah blah——

45 robust Antigen Zergs flew out of the tunnel one after another, hit the ground, clumsily stacked together, and then quickly separated, roaring and fighting with the Germ Zergs around them.

As soon as these 45 antigenic zergs joined, the germ zergs in the entire space completely boiled!
Their names are constantly changing, and they are colorfully intertwined, as if they have been played with a dynamic mosaic.

November and Dongxue rushed to Su Ming's side and said in unison:
"Go and deal with the mother worm!"

Su Ming was about to ask about the female worm, but after he entered this space, he didn't see the female worm, so he asked,

"Where is the mother worm?"

"Look up!" November smashed a germ zerg and rushed to the attacked Dongxue to help.

According to what November said, Su Ming looked up and saw a fat and bloated female insect attached to the ceiling. Its hands and feet had evolved into tentacles, piercing into Saixi's flesh and blood, sucking continuously. Nutrition.

On its body, black crystals also appeared.

Its abdomen is agitated, and ordinary germ zergs are being continuously produced by it. Some germ zergs pierce their spikes into its body as soon as they are born, in order to quickly absorb nutrients and complete adaptive evolution.

Their evolutionary information comes from countless dead compatriots.

The female worm was completely covered by the common germ zerg just now, so Su Ming couldn't find it in the first place.

The germ zerg around Su Ming were blocked by the antigen zerg, which was a good opportunity to attack.

Both Su Ming and Xiao Hei have long-range attack methods. It is easier to attack the female insect hanging from the ceiling, but Zaemon can't do it. Except for a "blade tooth" skill, he doesn't have many ways to touch the female insect.

So Su Ming sent Zaemon to attack ordinary bugs first.

He launched a magic ball at the female worm for a normal attack. Almost the moment the magic ball reached the female worm's body, the words "magic resistance" appeared in front of the female worm's name.

Perfect Germ Mother Worm (LV25, Gold Level BOSS): 249799/250000.

"What a fast evolution rate." Su Ming was secretly shocked. If the other female insects fought first and then adapted, then this female insect completed the evolution at the moment when it realized the danger.

After Su Ming marked the female worm, the little black face puffed up and spewed out a mouthful of mucus, which also carried the skill effect of "Coordinated Attack" by the way.

Before this powerful cannonball mucus hit the female worm, the name of the female worm changed again and completed the evolution.

"Docked Tail": A single injury will not exceed 10% of the maximum HP.

The female worm pulled out a tentacle, drew towards Xiao Hei's mucus, and exploded the mucus.

The tentacle broke off and smashed into the ground. It wriggled on the ground, killing ordinary germs and bugs, and gradually acquired the outline of germs and bugs, but without all the details of the creatures, just like using plasticine. Like pinched creatures.

This followed the tentacle to kill Su Ming, and the female worm in the air also attacked, throwing another tentacle.

Xiao Hei stopped the tentacles on the ground, and Su Ming was sent flying by the tentacles in the air, knocking away a lot of germs and insects.

Those germs and insects surrounded Su Ming, and dense damage floated out. The life gemstone on the owl magic wand shone with luster, forming a shield for Su Ming that could absorb more than [-] damage, helping him to counteract the attacks of these ordinary insects. Resisted down.

"Master!" Xiao Hei wanted to run towards Su Ming, but was entangled by the falling tentacles. The tentacles had 1 health points. Owner!"

"Hmph!" Zaemon charged and slammed into Su Ming, knocking away all the zerg on his body, and Su Ming was also hit in a mess.

Although teammates cannot harm teammates, the damage will still be reflected in another form, which is usually various control effects.

The surrounding insects found Su Ming who was in a stunned state again, and were all slowed down by Zaemon's trample. It protected Su Ming and waited for Su Ming to recover from the stunned state.

Although Su Ming is in a state of vertigo, his movement is only restricted by the system, which is different from real vertigo. Therefore, he can observe the battlefield while in a state of vertigo.

Su Ming discovered that the female worm's attack was not only aimed at him alone.

The female insect's tentacles kept falling, and while attacking him, it was also attacking the antigenic zerg. Once the antigenic zerg, which had the upper hand, was harassed by the mother worm, it lost its advantage, and was defeated by the pathogenic protozoa.

When the female worm was attacking, it was still producing small worms continuously, and almost by itself, it repelled Su Ming and more than forty elite monsters.

"It's not going to work like this..." Su Ming thought to himself: "There is a level 25 gold boss and a room full of mobs. I definitely can't beat it by myself. But since this mission has appeared, there should be a way to break the game. "

Su Ming continued to observe the battlefield and found that although November and Dongxue were also in a hard fight, they were not as weak as other antigenic zergs. One reason for their stronger strength was one reason, and the other reason was that their two Occasionally cooperate with each other.

"The Zergs won't cooperate, I want to unite them! This is the key to the mission!" Su Ming suddenly thought of the half of the team that was transferred by Dong Xue, and suddenly felt a little distressed.

If this mission can be repeated, he should think of a reason to keep that half of the team.

"Saemon, let's help the Antigen Zerg closest to us!"

 Thank you for the 100-point reward from "Xiao Gang Doesn't Hidden Knife".

(End of this chapter)

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