Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 122 Barbie's Practice Brush

Chapter 122 Barbie's Practice Brush

beep beep.

Su Ming received a message from Venus, who said that it had been negotiated, and he could leave as long as the "Horn of Friendship" was cooled down.

Two hours later, Su Ming used up the last use of the Horn of Friendship and summoned Venus. Venus took out the extra positioning stone and stuffed it into Harder's mouth.

The two of them were about to leave, and Su Ming said goodbye to Dong Xue formally:



Dongxue watched Su Ming and the others leave, and got busy again. Although Su Ming left, the command method he left behind could help them deal with the bugs better. After dealing with the increasingly powerful bugs, they could go to the By dealing with the crystals, Sissi could recover faster.


Qingfeng Plain, the sky is bright.

Mosteria rolled up the curtains of the tent, letting the wind on the plain take away the turbid air in the tent overnight.

He ran under the tortoise's shell, lit a fire to boil water to make tea, played the accordion and sang songs about missing his hometown, while waiting for good news from Venus.

A flash of light flashed, and three circular magic circles unfolded not far away, and Totex stood up faster than Mosteria.

Mosteria knew that Venus and the others had returned through Totex's movements. He stopped playing and said to Totex:

"What's the rush, haven't you seen your son for three days?"

"If you talk like this again... I will go on strike for 3 days." Totes still had a way to shut up Mosteria.

Sure enough, Mosteria stopped making sarcastic remarks when he heard these words, and walked towards the magic circle in a hypocritical manner, saying:
"My dear Harder, you are finally back, I miss you so much."

Although he said so, he walked in front of Harder and couldn't wait to unload the cargo box from Harder:

"My little baby, I let you stay in Saixi's stomach for three days, and it didn't break, right? The scepter, the dragon sword, and the paintbrush are here..."

Hader rolled his eyes, he was already used to Mosteria's behavior, and he didn't bother to reminisce with him, so he quickly ran over and rubbed against Totex to express his miss.

Su Ming's mission was completed, and while he gained a lot of experience, he also got the opportunity to buy the "Looking Mirror" and a treasure from Mosteria.

Although Mosteria is stingy, he will not go back on what he promised. After counting the goods, he made sure that nothing was lost, and said to Su Ming:

"Thank you very much. It is not easy to retrieve the goods from Sisi's stomach, so please choose one of my treasures and go, you are worthy of them."

Su Ming glanced at Venus, and Venus made an "OK" gesture, signaling Su Ming to choose whatever he wanted.

Su Ming had seen these equipments when she was in Saixi's stomach, so she decisively chose "Barbie's practice brush".

It was a huge paintbrush, with three bright colors of red, yellow and blue on the tip of the swollen, soft white brush.

Barbie's practice brush (LV24, dark gold):

+146~224 magic attack power

+45 Dexterity, +120 Perception, +120 Spirit
+10% pet and summon skill damage

Splash paint: Passive: The wearer's normal attack can attack two targets at the same time, and the projectile speed increases by 20%.

Quick painting: The wearer can use Barbie's paintbrush to copy an enemy's clone. The clone exists for 5 seconds, and the damage caused to the clone will be fed back to the enemy body at a value of 125%. (The total amount of feedback to BOSS cannot exceed 30% of the main body).Cooling: 2 minutes.

Durability: 60/60
Occupational Requirements: Beast Tamer, Summoner
Price: 120000 gold coins.

Venus paid the money, and Su Ming got the paintbrush. Although he can't equip it now, he will be level 24 soon.

"A pleasant transaction." Mosteria took the money, flicked the accordion on her waist, and sang in the reverberation of the strings: "We are destined to see you~"

Afterwards, he ran backwards, pulled the cargo onto the back of the big tortoise, and walked away.

Venus looked at Su Ming who was waving goodbye, and said with a smile:
"It seems that this time the harvest is good?"

"Yes, I got a powerful special item, two pieces of gold equipment, and one piece of dark gold equipment." Su Ming said happily: "Although one of them can only be worn at level 25, it should be soon. Let's go, Wei." Sister Nas, I'll go to the bank to get the money for you."

When the two came to the bank, Venus asked Su Ming who was withdrawing money:
"You still haven't lost that friendship horn, have you?"

"No, but I don't have the number of times to use it. It seems to be useless. I was about to throw it in the warehouse. What's the matter? Sister Venus?"

"It's okay to throw it in the warehouse, but I'm afraid you will think it's useless, throw it away and let others pick it up." Venus put on a distressed look, and said: "After all, I have used it before, and there are still some other things on it." Where's my saliva?"

"This... the equipment will be reset when it is taken out of the backpack, right?" Su Ming touched his lips subconsciously.

Venus raised her eyebrows slightly, and was very satisfied with Su Ming's reaction to touching her lips. She approached Su Ming's ear and asked in a breathy voice:

"Then do you want to... really eat my sister's saliva?"

Su Ming was so teased that his face was flushed, he held back for a long time, and said:
"'s unhygienic."

"Haha..." Venus patted Su Ming's hat and said, "I'm just kidding, but my sister brushes her teeth every day."

"Me too." Su Ming remembered his vegetative state again, and added: "There should be."

"...Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore, don't you want the strategy of the second-floor temple? I have already sent you an email. It was written by the high-player 'Feixue Qianyue' of our dream guild. It is better than the forum. There are more details on the website, you can go and have a look.”



Time flies, and two days have passed in a blink of an eye.

Using the strategy given by Venus, Su Ming found a team to play a copy of the second-floor temple.

In the past two days, the savage group that Su Ming found is quite reliable. The moths before it didn't appear may be because the dungeon is difficult, and there are fewer miscellaneous people.

He found the savage group three times respectively, and gradually cleared the dungeons with three levels of difficulty: ordinary, elite, and difficult.

The second-floor temple is a ten-person book. After entering the dungeon, it will be divided into two groups. The group with strong output is usually the red team, which deals more damage to the Fire Witch; the team with low output is the blue team, which deals with lower damage. The Ice Witch.

This dungeon requires the cooperation of two groups, and Su Ming can't do it alone like playing the first layer.

Su Ming has fought against the red team twice and the blue team once, and he is good at fighting both bosses.

Su Ming is now frantically spawning monsters, and is about to upgrade to level 24. After equipping the dark gold equipment, he will challenge the second-floor temple on heroic difficulty.

While brushing, Su Ming received a system message.

System: Your friend "Venus" recommends your friend "Little Rabbit King" to you.

Su Ming accepted it directly.

Su Ming wanted to drill holes for new weapons, but none of the mosaicists Su Ming found in the city were very good, so he asked Venus, and Venus recommended the Little Rabbit King to Su Ming.

After adding friends, Su Ming greeted first:


"Hello, Sister Venus recommended it. Do you want to punch holes? What level of equipment?"

"Level 24."

"But, I'm in Quite City, and I just have time now, so come and find me."

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll go there after I finish fighting this wave of monsters."

"Hmm, don't worry."

 Thank you "Jun Xing Zhi Dao Ren" for the 1500 point reward.

  Thank you for the 1500 points reward from "Xin Ah".

  Thank you "Moon Shadow Floating Trace" for your 100-point reward.

  Thank you "So Helpless Nana" for the 100-point reward.

(End of this chapter)

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