Chapter 133 Dismissal
Zhang Jiang got off the assembly line, took off his helmet, grabbed the car keys, and walked out of the room.

Mother Zhang, who came back from a walk outside, saw Zhang Jiang and said happily:

"Son, Mom is looking for you. I met Aunt Chen downstairs just now. She said that she has a niece who is a teacher. She is 26 years old and has no partner yet. You are just taking a break today, find a shop , go out and chat with others."

"Oh, mom! Don't worry about this..."

"Aren't you in a hurry?! Your sixth aunt's 25-year-old cousin's son knows how to make soy sauce. Are you in a hurry?!" Mother Zhang raised her arms and pretended to cry, "Oh, mom wants to hug her sooner." Holding a grandson, but you are hard-hearted, you are almost 30 years old, and you didn't even let me see the shadow of your grandson... woo woo woo..."

In the past, when Zhang Jiang refused to go on a blind date, Zhang's mother used this trick to pretend to cry, and it was unsuccessful. But today Zhang's mother cried for a long time, but Zhang Jiang didn't come to persuade her, so she took a peek with her arms away.

In the corridor, there is no shadow of Zhang Jiang...

"You little bastard! You can't even feel sorry for your mother." Mother Zhang entered the door angrily.


Xiangshi, No. 147-148 Renmin Road, full of convenience stores.

Wearing a blue vest, Su Qiaoqiao stood behind the cash register with her colleagues, skillfully helping customers pay their bills.

At this time, a man with short shaved hair came in outside the door, wearing a white vest, with a fierce face, holding a crying little girl by the hand.

As soon as the man came in, he didn't buy anything, and directly dragged the little girl to the cash register. He put one hand on the cash register and asked fiercely:

"Who paid my daughter the bill just now?"

He was so fierce that the surrounding customers avoided him.

Su Qiaoqiao and her colleagues also took two steps back.After listening to his words, the two of them took a closer look at the little girl he was holding.

Su Qiaoqiao recognized it. Just now, the little girl came to buy a can of Wangzai milk and a bag of licking biscuits, and she paid the bill.

Could it be that I miscalculated the money?But now the money is calculated by scanning the code on the computer, it is impossible to make a wrong calculation.

Although it was Su Qiaoqiao's account, she didn't dare to admit it, but her dodging eyes still let the man see the clue.

"Is it you?" The man walked directly behind the cash register, grabbed Su Qiaoqiao's arm, and pulled her out.

Su Qiaoqiao screamed and shouted:
"What are you doing!"

She broke free from the man's hand.The man pushed the little girl in front of Su Qiaoqiao and said:
"For a can of Wangzai milk and a bag of licking biscuits, my daughter gave you 100 yuan, but you found her for 70 yuan? Do you think she is a child, so you are easy to bully?"

Su Qiaoqiao frowned and said:

"Don't blame people, my little sister should still have an invoice, and we have a record of the bill, and I can transfer it to you."

"Who the hell wants to see your billing records? I don't even have an invoice. You must be the guy who thinks my daughter is young and easy to cheat, so I will give her less change."

"I don't." Su Qiaoqiao knelt down, wiped away the tears of the little girl who had been crying, and asked, "Little sister, do you still remember that my sister gave you a sheet of 'so long' and 'so wide'?" the little note?"

Su Qiaoqiao gestured with her hands.

The little girl shook her head.

"Really? Did my sister ask you for 89 yuan? I seem to have brought you to order."

The little girl was still shaking her head, crying louder.

"She is a fucking 5-year-old child, how can she remember so many things, you hurry up and get the money back, the difference is 19 yuan, and you can give it to Bao Lanliqun."

Su Qiaoqiao stood up, her thin eyebrows frowned even tighter, and she said:
"Sir, please don't make trouble anymore. The bills are recorded and monitored. You should be able to see how much money I gave my little sister. I didn't lose the money. Don't slander me."

"Is there a need for me to slander you? Lie money from the child and pretend to be aloof, I don't think I will give you something to suffer." The man pulled the little girl behind him and walked towards Su Qiaoqiao.

"What are you doing?" Su Qiaoqiao kept backing away.

The man didn't speak, and directly gathered his energy, and slapped Su Qiaoqiao (missed, emphasis).

Su Qiaoqiao screamed and squatted down.

At this time, Zhang Jiang just got out of the car and entered the store. Seeing this scene, his anger welled up. Without a moment's hesitation, he rushed towards the man:
"I'm fucking your mother!"


The shelf fell over, the goods were scattered all over the floor, and the two wrestled together.

Zhang Jiang was taller and fatter than the man, and gradually gained the upper hand, crushing and beating the man.

Su Qiaoqiao came back to her senses and found that the man was beaten by Zhang Jiang on the ground, so she hurried up and pulled Zhang Jiang away.

"Doctor Zhang? Why are you here?"

"Something happened, I just caught up with it." The Zhang family wiped away the nosebleed.

"I hate your mother!" The man got up, unconvinced, and rushed to Zhang Jiang again, and the two scuffled together again.

Seeing the fight started, the little girl cried louder and said:

"Dad, don't call anymore. I accidentally lost the money myself. It wasn't my aunt who gave it to me. Woooooo..."

When the man heard the little girl tell the truth, he exerted all his strength and pushed Zhang Jiang away.Of course he knew in his heart that his daughter was lying to him, and he just wanted to take the opportunity to pack cigarettes. He slapped his daughter with a "slap", pretending to teach him a lesson:

"You can lie at such a young age!"

Then he pointed to Zhang Jiang and said:
"You wait for me! Don't let me meet you again."

After the harsh words, the man dragged the little girl away.

The owner of the convenience store rushed over after hearing the news, and when he saw the mess, he called the police. The police checked the video and arrested Zhang Jiang and the troublemaker to the police station...

After Su Qiaoqiao cleaned up the messy ground, she was about to go to the police station to see Zhang Jiang, so she went to the boss to ask for leave.

The boss said directly:

"Don't come tomorrow."


"It's not easy to deal with such a small matter. If he asks for money, you can give him the money. Just call the police afterwards. We must make the store look like this. You are not young anymore, you are still like a child." After finishing speaking , the boss even murmured in a low voice: "If you haven't finished reading, your brain is a bit dull."

Su Qiaoqiao naturally heard the muttering, because the boss said it for her.

She pursed her lips, clenched her fists, and wanted to fight back by saying about the boss's idiot son who can only test single digits in mathematics, but she finally held back and asked:
"The salary?"

"Normal knot."

"En." The salary is fine, so Su Qiaoqiao is fine, she puts the store uniform on the cash register and leaves the convenience store.

Outside, the sun was setting.

The vehicles coming off work are bustling, and the drivers stuck in traffic are honking their horns manically.

Su Qiaoqiao quickly adjusted her mood, walked to the bus stop, and squeezed into the bus.

She grabbed the railing next to the car door and looked at the children in school uniforms in the car. There was a trace of envy in her eyes, but she quickly looked away, thinking about the next thing:

"Go and see how Dr. Zhang is doing first, and then go to see my younger brother. Spend a day with my younger brother tomorrow, and look for a job the day after tomorrow."

Life is hard, but Su Qiaoqiao has never been knocked down.

She is as tough as a reed by the water.

The sunshine gradually dissipated as the bus moved forward. Su Qiaoqiao didn't know that the sunshine that belonged to her was coming and would never dissipate.

 Nothing... I have something to do on Sunday, and I will make up for it in the fourth update tomorrow...

  This plot is one of the few realistic plots, not many.

(End of this chapter)

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