Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 139 Controlling Monsters

Chapter 139 Controlling Monsters
Although they kept pulling monsters, Su Ming and the others forgot that monsters would respawn. When half of the monsters around the giant rock were cleared, the first obsidian monster that was eliminated respawned.

Fortunately, Su Ming was not pulling monsters when refreshing, otherwise there would be an accident.

"What should I do?" Storm Spirits asked Linglong, "Why don't you find a chance to touch it now?"

The surrounding monsters have been cleaned up by half, and the density is not high anymore.

"If I didn't have that elite monster, I might have given it a try. With that elite monster, my stealth would definitely be seen through." Linglong said.

"Let's kill a few more monsters, I'm about to level up." Su Ming said, "I'll find a solution once I level up."

After being able to play the mainline dungeon, Su Ming's upgrade speed has further increased, and now the experience has been pulled to the bottom.He remembered that there was also a "Bug Swarm Crown". After wearing it at level 25, it could directly control the elite obsidian monsters under the rock.

As he said that, Su Ming allocated the experience to himself to 80%, and attracted a few more monsters. After about ten minutes, a white light flashed on Su Ming's body, and he was promoted to level 25.

And Koguro and Zaemon are still a little bit short.

"Okay." Su Ming put on the swarm crown, targeted the obsidian elite, and activated "mind control".

A red light shot out from the black outside and white inside crown, hitting the obsidian elite. The obsidian elite went crazy, swung its fists wildly, and knocked away the obsidian monsters around it. After a while, it returned to normal, but was led by a red light, Su Ming Already able to control its actions.

After being controlled by Su Ming, Obsidian, who didn't fight back even if he was attacked, immediately fought back.

Su Ming controls the obsidian elite, attracting the hatred of all obsidian monsters.

Huge Obsidian Monster (Elite, LV29): 28000/28000.

With a blood volume of [-], it is definitely a qualified meat shield, and it won't feel bad if it dies.

Su Ming pulled the obsidian elite to flee far away, and said to Linglong:

"Now, go and open the treasure chest."

Seeing that Su Ming bought time for himself, Linglong didn't talk nonsense, started stealth and wind walk, and quickly flew towards the boulder.

Wind Walk (LV1): The Rogue increases his movement speed by 35%, reduces his body weight, and increases his jump height by 20%, lasting for 5 seconds.After opening, has 0.2 seconds of invincibility.Consumption: None.Cooldown: 30 seconds.

After starting the Wind Walk, Linglong stepped on the boulder and quickly came to the golden treasure chest. After more than ten seconds, he opened the treasure chest and put the items in the treasure chest into his bag.

He waved happily on the boulder and said:

"Okay, you can pinch the city stone and go back!"

"You go back first." Su Ming looked at the obsidian elite who was still being beaten, and said, "I will control this monster to brush here for a while."

Storm Spirits guessed what special props Su Ming used, and they didn't want to waste time, so they quickly agreed:
"Well, we'll wire the money to your broker. Venus?"


Afterwards, Zero Dragon and Storm Spirits left.

"Xiao Hei, Zaemon, let's help that big man." Su Ming shouted, and changed the experience distribution to 34%, 33%, and 33%.

"Okay." Xiao Hei jumped into the group of monsters, erupted with mucus, and immediately lured away a few mobs whose hatred was not stable. However, with the obsidian elites around, Su Ming couldn't bear to have Xiao Hei get beaten.

So he manipulated the obsidian elite to smash away the surrounding obsidian monsters, and punched the obsidian monsters who were about to attack Xiao Hei with two punches. Each punch could deal nearly 2000 points of damage, and immediately drew away the hatred.

Zaemon also rushed in. After fighting for a long time, it has also learned to cooperate. It will not attack monsters without thinking, but attack those monsters with stable hatred, so it is also very safe.

All the injuries will be borne by the Obsidian Elite.

Su Ming tried to give the obsidian elite a cake, but found it failed. It seems that only the animal trainer's pet can get the skill.

Soon, with the help of Xiao Hei and Zaemon, all the monsters surrounding the Obsidian Elite were wiped out.

Su Ming went up and picked up the various items they dropped, most of which were materials, mainly "obsidian fragments" and "broken earth elemental essence".

The obsidian fragments should be quest items, and the broken earth elemental essence is a kind of potion material, which is quite precious, and can make potions that increase elemental damage.

A dozen or so obsidian monsters dropped 2 or 3 broken earth elemental essences, and the explosion rate was not bad.

"I didn't expect the obsidian monsters to drop valuable materials. After everyone's level is up, this area should be very popular."

There will never be a shortage of players in places where valuable materials will explode.

Su Ming continued to fight monsters with the Obsidian Elite, and fought again. Xiao Hei and Zaemon both rose to level 25, and the Obsidian Elite only had more than a thousand drops of blood left.

After level 25, Xiao Hei Duang went to Su Ming's side to act like a baby:
"Master, master, I want to eat equipment~"

Su Ming rubbed Xiao Hei's head, and said:
"I've already contacted Sister Venus to collect it for you. Before the collection is complete, let's practice leveling here."


There are still 30 seconds until the control ends.

"I don't know what will happen when the control ends."

Just in case, Su Ming kept the Obsidian Elite away from him.

When the 30 seconds were up, the red line disappeared, and the Obsidian Elite returned to the bottom of the boulder blankly, and its blood volume began to recover rapidly.

"So that's the case, it's like getting out of battle with the player."

Su Ming was worried that the obsidian elite might die directly, but now he is not afraid.

He carefully fought the monster nearby for 5 minutes, then approached the Obsidian Elite, controlled it again, and then turned on the rampant monster spawning mode.

Obsidian Elite was beaten crazily for 5 minutes, then returned to blood, rested for 5 minutes, and started to be beaten again, and the cycle repeated.

When he controlled the obsidian elite for the tenth time, Su Ming discovered that there was an extra abnormal state on the obsidian elite.

Rage: Obsidian Elite's attack speed is increased by 100%, maximum health is reduced by 90%, and defense is reduced by 90%.

Su Ming blinked. Does the obsidian monster not want to be beaten?
Su Ming said to Xiao Hei:
"Xiao Hei, this time you are here to carry the monster."


Xiao Hei resisted a monster, and Su Ming controlled the Obsidian Elite to rush up.

Boom boom boom!

Four punches per second can kill an obsidian monster in two seconds.

Zaemon didn't even have time to make a move...

With this state, Su Ming can brush monsters and level up faster.

Afterwards, every time Su Ming controls the Obsidian Elite, it will be in a state of anger.

And when he was controlled, his eyes towards Su Ming became more and more resentful.

No. 20 times, Su Ming received a message from Venus:

"The equipment has been bought for you. You can go to the warehouse to get it yourself. By the way, the two clients are very satisfied. They gave you an extra 200 gold, and this sister will not participate in the dividend."

"Okay, thank you sister~"

Su Ming crushed the return stone, and the obsidian elite released by Su Ming roared, evolved from an elite to a BOSS, and rushed towards Su Ming.

Under Su Ming's shocked gaze, it punched the phantom of Su Ming returning to the city.

"Ho Ho Ho!" The Obsidian Elite... No, it should be the Obsidian BOSS now, beating its chest angrily and roaring unwillingly.


(End of this chapter)

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