Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 143 The Werewolf King Walker

Chapter 143 Werewolf King Walker (please subscribe~)

Sidi followed behind Su Ming, looking at Su Ming's back with cold eyes.

She went to the city to issue commissioned tasks. The real purpose was not to find her parents, but to bring food to her parents who had turned into werewolves.

Choose animal trainers just because they have pets and have more meat.

The previous operations were successful, and the idiots in the city didn't find any problems. The level of entrustment has not been improved, and every time they send weak animal trainers to help themselves.

Of course, these idiots may also be unwilling to send out more powerful animal trainers because they feel that the rewards are too low.

But the animal trainer in front of him is beyond imagination.

No matter the strange slime or the wild boar with the sword, they are both very powerful, not comparable to those of the previous animal trainers.

Sidi didn't even know how her reward of 10 gold coins attracted Su Ming.

Moreover, her method of "laziness and wolves" has failed. This method can effectively make pets become lazy, thereby reducing belligerence.

Xidi was helping Xiao Hei with a massage along the way, but Xiao Hei still looked like she didn't like her at all, and even felt a little disgusted after getting off the car...

Sidi didn't understand. Wouldn't it work on slime to use the method of slapping wolves?

Then, when Zaemon was replaced, Sidi was also quietly making a good relationship with Zaemon, but she couldn't move Zaemon's muscles at all, and went to touch Zaemon's chin, and this wild boar actually kicked her... Coupled with Zaemon's natural half-circle dead fish eyes...

The more Sidi masturbated, the more angry she became... Finally, she gave up on this tried-and-true method...

"Brother, it's so dark in the dungeon, I'm a little scared. I'll just stay at the entrance, with Zaemon here, there won't be any danger.

If you find my parents, come back to me, okay? "

Sidi blinked vigorously, and when Su Ming turned her head, her cold eyes had become very pure, with a little timidity.

Su Ming turned his head, rubbed Sidi's hair, and said:
"No, you stay at the entrance. If there is any trouble, I won't be able to rescue you in time."

Sidi squeezed her small fists and thought to herself: "Didn't I say that there would be no danger with Zaemon? Why can't you, an idiot, understand?"

Sidi was about to speak when a huge hat was pulled off...

Su Ming pulled the lower jaw of the fish lamp cap, and let the fish lamp cap bite Sidi's chin.

"Do you feel better wearing this glowing hat?"

Sidi's fists clenched even tighter: "Why does this damn stupid hat glow..."

Sidi kept complaining in her heart, she raised her head, and said childishly:
"I's still a little dark."

The light shone on the face of Su Ming who was not wearing a hat.

Sidi found that Su Ming was more handsome than the boys in the village. Su Ming's appearance had been sealed by a hat before.

"Oh, maybe it's because there is no oil."

Su Ming unscrewed the small light bulb in front of the fish lamp cap, added fish oil into it, and the brightness suddenly increased a lot. Su Ming smiled and said:

"I've used this hat for a long time, and the oil is almost used up. I need to find a chance to go back and change it. How is it? Does it feel much brighter now?"

Sidi took a deep breath, opened her eyes and said nonsense:

"It feels, still, not bright enough..."

The light bulbs in front of the fish lamp cap were all burning hot.

Maybe it's because Sidi herself doesn't believe it's bright enough, so she speaks intermittently.

"You are really cowardly."

Su Ming took out the "Breath of Darkness Potion" from his backpack and handed it to Sidi, saying:
"After drinking this medicine, you can see clearly even in places where the light cannot be seen. Drink it quickly.

By the way, this medicine is a bit bitter, but this is red berry, sweet, you can eat it with it.

Because Zaemon doesn't eat candy, so I didn't bring it, otherwise you can eat candy. "

Sidi was speechless...

"Big brother……"


"Are you an owl?"

"Why do you say that?"

"It feels have experience operating in the dark."

Su Ming nodded and said:

"I do move around a lot at night. Drink up the potion."

Sidi had no choice but to drink the potion. As for the red berries...

She gave it back to Su Ming.

Who wants to eat what wild boars eat!

"Don't you want to eat it?" Su Ming took two mouthfuls of red berries and said, "It tastes very similar to persimmons, and it's delicious."

"I don't like eating persimmons..."

"Kids can't be picky eaters."

"I... big brother, I'm still a little scared, let Zaemon stay here with me."

"No." Su Ming resolutely rejected Sidi. He could not accept that the task was out of his control. He took Sidi's little hand and said, "Well, brother will hold you, will you feel more at ease this way?" what?"

The smirk on Sidi's face couldn't hold back.

Can you beat your pets, this slime, this wild boar, which one can kill a werewolf in seconds, you can't kill a werewolf with your broken paintbrush Fella for a long time... just you Strength cannot give me a sense of security at all, thank you.

Sidi felt that she could no longer communicate with Su Ming. She was afraid that she would expose Su Ming before sending it to her parents.

It seems that there is no way to separate this guy from his pet, so he can only find a way to weaken his pet first.

"Big Brother, Sidi feels better with you holding her hand, let's go."

"It's really childish, haha."

Sidi's eyes twitched, she ignored Su Ming's teasing, and said:
"The dungeon was remodeled before, and an area was converted into an underground granary. You said, if everyone ran into the dungeon, would they hide in the granary?"

Su Ming thinks it is very possible that it is indeed the easiest place to hide people where there is food.

"Sidi, do you remember where the granary is?"

"Well... roughly remember." Sidi broke away from Su Ming's palm, ran to the front of the team, and said to Su Ming, "Come with me."

Sidi broke into a trot.

"Huh? Sidi, aren't you afraid?" Su Ming trotted behind her.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid anymore." Sidi said perfunctorily.

Suddenly, in the prison cell in the aisle, there was a sound of chains dragging. Su Ming tightened his expression, and grabbed Sidi, protecting her behind him.

Sidi grabbed the corner of Su Ming's clothes, feeling that this animal trainer is stupid, but he is better at taking care of people than the previous animal trainers. If it weren't for the fact that Mom and Dad have been hungry for too long, it would be because of your stupidity , Sidi might let you live.

Sidi glanced at the cell that heard the movement... She remembered that this cell seemed to be the place where the "Werewolf King" experiment was done, didn't it fail?Why is there still movement?

With the light from Sidi's head, Su Ming could clearly see the scene in the cell - on the ground covered with straw, there were more than a dozen werewolves lying here and there. One werewolf was particularly strong, and the muscle fibers on its body were tense. , like a block of iron.

The strong werewolf squatted on top of the corpses piled up by the dead werewolves, dripping with saliva.

The reason why it didn't attack immediately was because it thought it was locked by a thick iron chain, not only it, even those dead werewolves were also locked by a chain.



Stimulated by the strong light, the strong werewolf pulled the iron chain faster and faster.

Although it can't break the chain, it can pull the chain out of the wall.

"Zaemon, take Sidi back a little bit." Su Ming said, the strong werewolf was about to break free soon, judging by its appearance, it was at least at the level of a BOSS.

The space in the dungeon is small, Sidi is too close, and it is easy to affect her.

A little girl, probably only two or three levels of strength, a few hundred points of blood, would die if touched.

Zaemon "hummed", pushed Sidi onto his back, and ran away in the distance amidst Sidi's screams.

Sidi screamed at first, but she soon realized that this was an opportunity, and grabbed Zaemon's limp mane and said:
"Saemon, let's go to the granary and wait for big brother."


Sidi couldn't understand what Zaemon was saying, but from Zaemon's tone, she could tell that Zaemon probably agreed, so she said:

"Run straight ahead, then turn left."

Sidi didn't expect that the Werewolf King was born during the time she was out, maybe she didn't need to disperse her big brother and his pets, she just came over to collect the corpse when the time came.


Zaemon is running away with Sidi, and the battle on Su Ming's side has already started.

Although there was no light, Su Ming also drank the potion of the breath of darkness and was able to see things clearly.

The strong werewolf broke free from the iron chain and rushed towards Xiao Hei who was closest to him. The wooden door of the prison cell couldn't bear its huge strength and shattered in an instant.

It cracked Xiao Hei's body with one claw.However, as a slime, Xiao Hei, these traumas have no effect on it, it quickly returns to its original shape, puffed up, and is about to shoot mucus.

The second catch of the strong werewolf arrived, much faster than expected, neither Su Ming nor Xiao Hei could react.

Slap it.

The huge claws swept over Xiao Hei's mouth, grabbing the slime's bodily fluids and interrupting Xiao Hei's skills at the same time.

At the same time, this blow also had a knock-up effect, sending Xiao Hei flying aside.

After hitting Xiao Hei, the strong werewolf went straight to Su Ming who was closer.

"Master!" Xiao Hei rolled to the ground, duang twice, and the damaged area recovered quickly. It compressed its body, ejected, and quickly approached Su Ming's position.

When Xiao Hei was still in the air, the strong werewolf was already close to Su Ming. Driven by its two strong arms, the iron chain became a powerful weapon.

The iron chain pierced the air and made a piercing sound, sending Su Ming flying.

Su Ming's armor is higher than Xiao Hei's. Although the visual effect is exaggerated, it doesn't feel any pain to the player. Su Ming is in the air and finds an opportunity to swing his paintbrush.

The paint flew into the air, the werewolf howled angrily, kicked his feet hard, and dodged Su Ming's attack.

(End of this chapter)

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