Chapter 146 Sidi
This particular cell is Sidi's secret laboratory.

Sidi is the daughter of the village chief of Lyle.

She has liked all kinds of small animals since she was a child, and fantasized that she could become a small animal.

One day, she discovered a "transformation potion" that could transform into various animals, so she secretly went to the dungeon to study it.

She was so talented that she became a pharmacist by herself.

Like most pharmacists, she doesn't have many formulas, or in other words, she only has one formula of "Transformation Potion".

That's enough, she turns into various animals to play in the dungeon.

Gradually, she was no longer satisfied with the transformation time of more than ten seconds.She consulted various information, continuously improved the potion formula, and increased the deformation time.

Her research results were sorted out by her parents and published in various journals related to pharmacists under the pseudonym of "Dixie", which was also shining for a while.

If things continue like this, sooner or later Sidi will become a rising star in the world of pharmacists.

But all this changed with the arrival of a little wolf cub.

Sidi picked up a dog outside and kept it for a while before finding out it was a wolf.Her parents did not agree with her raising a wolf, but Sidi already had feelings for the little wolf, and she was unwilling to throw the little wolf away no matter what.

So her father beat the little wolf to death with a stick.

Since then, Sidi has changed.

She believes that human beings are dirty creatures, and she wants to purify the environment she lives in, so she starts researching permanent transformation potions.

Of course, this research cannot be successful, because the transformation potion is maintained by magic power, and the magic power of the potion is limited.

Sidi looked through the classics and found some examples of people turning into orcs.So Sidi began to study turning people into half-orcs, and quietly kidnapped the children in the village...

First the kid who likes to beat dogs, and then the boys who like to catch birds...

Sidi was still principled at the beginning, but she quickly lost herself in the thrill of a successful experiment. Gradually, the targets of her kidnapping began to become girls who liked small animals as much as she did...

Because they are easier to get.

In the end, Sidi's behavior was discovered by her parents.

As parents, they stopped Sidi, and Sidi was stable for a while, but she couldn't help but come out to commit crimes.

This time the scope of the abduction expanded, and some drunken homeless men were also targeted by Sidi.Her modus operandi is becoming more and more mature, and there are more and more experimental cases.

She found that the werewolf is the easiest to change, and there is a chance to reverse it, which can be said to be the perfect choice.

She felt that it was the little wolf that was beaten to death guiding her.

Her behavior was soon discovered by her parents again.The mother couldn't bear it, and wanted to take Sidi to surrender, but the father found out that the werewolf's fur was very valuable...

Therefore, Sidi has her father as a helper, and even healthy and strong villagers can become her target.

In this dungeon, more and more experimental objects were also imprisoned.

However, in the process of research, Sidi found that only a small number of people can completely become werewolves, and most people can only change partly.

After comparing and studying various cases, Sidi discovered that the magic energy crystallization is the key.

People who can completely turn into werewolves have been more or less infected by crystals.

As long as it can survive the initial erosion of the magic energy crystal, the crystal will provide magic power continuously.

So she began to study implanting magical crystals into the human body...

Although Sidi arranged a lot of magic circles in the laboratory for the safety of the experiment, accidents still happened.

During an experiment, an experimental subject escaped.

He ran outside the dungeon.Both newly born and withered crystals are unstable and contagious, so the village of Lyle suffered.

Sidi's parents were also turned into werewolves in this accident.In order to reverse the situation of her parents, Sidi pretended to be harmless to humans and animals, and deceived people everywhere to feed her parents...

As for the other werewolves, just leave them behind bars.

In her eyes, human beings are evil... She has no burden in her heart to do this.

It's hard to imagine that this is something a teenage girl can do... It can be said to be a genius, or it can be said to be a pervert.

Seeing that Su Ming hadn't seen the laboratory for so long, Sidi's face gradually became gloomy, but her tone remained childlike:

"Big brother... did you find something?"

Su Ming turned around and was also surprised to see Sidi's gloomy face. He didn't know about Sidi's affairs, but Zaemon was attacked by Sidi, so he didn't listen to Sidi's words and acted.

Seeing Sidi's current appearance, she should be self-confident - this laboratory is related to her, and the werewolf in Lyle Village is also related to her.

Sidi stopped pretending, so Su Ming asked clearly:

"Why did you attack Zaemon?"

Su Ming took out the white shoes:
"Do you know these shoes?"

Of course Sidi knew it. It was this guy's father. She insisted on searching and almost let him find him in the dungeon. He was one of the adult experiments in the early and mid-term.

Seeing that Sidi was silent, Su Ming continued:

"Since this matter is related to you, you shouldn't need to find your parents, right? Did your parents instruct you to trick people into coming here?"

Sidi was taken aback for a moment, thinking that this guy only knew a little bit of the truth, so she followed Su Ming's words and said:

"Yes, my parents instructed me to do it. This laboratory and these specimens were all built and produced by my father. Brother, I will call my father over now, and let you confront each other face to face! "

Sidi ran away as fast as she could. She didn't rely on the trap of the laboratory, so she had no combat effectiveness. Seeing that Su Ming had no intention of entering the laboratory, she was ready to release her father.

Her father became a werewolf king, and her mother was just an ordinary werewolf.

She did research mainly because she wanted to change her mother back. As for her father... it was because her mother only listened to her father's words. If she didn't change her father back, her mother would drag her to surrender.

Sidi likes to imprison others, not to be imprisoned.

Su Ming grabbed Sidi and said:
"Let's go together later."

Being held back by Su Ming, Sidi had no choice but to lie beside her and wanted Su Ming to enter the laboratory.

Su Ming turned a deaf ear and concentrated on waiting for Zaemon to come back to life.

5 minutes passed.

Zaemon reappeared, Sidi said with emotion:
"Is this the power of a professional? If only I could become a beast tamer."

Then the little wolf can live.

"Master." Zaemon called.

"I put you in danger." Su Ming stroked Zaemon.

"It's okay, please don't enter this cell." Zaemon's eyes became sharper: "There are many magic traps inside, all controlled by this girl."

"Well, I know, I heard your warning, so I have been waiting for you to be resurrected. Now you watch Sidi, and I will go into the cell to have a look." Su Ming said.

Saemon nodded and said:
"Yes, she can only control the trap in the cell."

Xiao Hei was the bodyguard and followed Su Ming into the cell.

Soon, Su Ming found a diary, which recorded Sidi's actions over the years. After reading it, Su Ming knew everything.

Xiao Hei was on the table, flipping through it with Su Ming, and said angrily:

"I didn't expect Sidi to be a badass."

Su Ming also didn't expect...his young heart was greatly shocked, and he couldn't imagine that these things were done by Sidi.

After the truth came to light, Su Ming felt that all he could do was to kill all the werewolves in the Dungeon Force to relieve their pain.

In this laboratory, besides the diary, Su Ming also found a potion formula.

Stable deformation potion formula: 45g of nightmare horn powder, gills, feathers, scales, mother's milk, and wing elytra of monsters above LV25, magic coagulation potion*3, advanced stability potion*2.

Stable Transformation Potion: After taking it, you can randomly transform into one of carp, sparrow, crocodile, leopard, and ladybug for 5 minutes.Drug resistance: 10.

This potion is an advanced potion formula. Su Ming is now an intermediate pharmacist and can learn it, but the success rate of making it will be lower.

For the various ingredients in the formula, Su Ming has only heard of an advanced stabilization potion, which is 5 gold in a bottle on the market, and Su Ming has never heard of the rest of the ingredients.

Fortunately, after looting the entire laboratory, I got the materials that can make 10 Stable Transformation Potions.

"I feel like this potion is useless..." Su Ming also couldn't figure out why Sidi turned from a person who studied this boring potion into a pervert...

After confirming that there was nothing else in the cell, Su Ming left the cell and said to Sidi:
"Let's go, take me to meet your parents, your parents should have become werewolves too?"

Sidi was in the distance, and after seeing Su Ming flipping through her diary, she completely gave up.

She was too lazy to lie or talk, just like a dead fish.

Su Ming had no choice but to search for it by himself. Fortunately, the dungeon is not complicated, and he can remember everything after walking through it twice.

Su Ming inspected the cells one by one, and killed all the werewolves who were still alive inside.

From Sidi's research notes, Su Ming also learned that crystal disease can absorb vitality, and his understanding of crystal disease has deepened.

Feeling crystals are very similar to parasites. After determining that the host is suitable, it will feed back to the host to make the host stronger and become a breeding ground for its reproduction.

In the end, I saw another werewolf king, killed it with the same method, and donated a "Blood Gem" to Su Ming, but unfortunately there was no dark gold equipment.

In the cell where the werewolf king was held, there was a werewolf with human eyes.

When it saw Su Ming and Sidi whose clothes were bitten by Zaemon, it showed a hint of relief, and let Su Ming kill it without moving.

In the task bar, the condition for helping Sidi find her parents has changed from (0/1) to (1/1).

Zaemon died completely once, and his experience dropped by 20%. Because it was less than 20%, he dropped back to level 24.

However, after Su Ming revived Zaemon, he assigned 80% of his experience to Zaemon. He ate a golden boss, and after eating the experience of this red mission, he could rise back to level 25.

The second turn can still turn smoothly.

Su Ming didn't intend to do anything to Sidi. Although she made many mistakes and deserved to die, she was not infected by magic energy, nor was she a professional, just an ordinary NPC.

Although Su Ming killed her now, nothing would happen, but Su Ming still planned to take Sidi back and hand it over to the NPCs in the city for trial, in order to tell the NPCs what happened in Lyle Village.

When he came to the entrance of the dungeon, Su Ming always felt weird. He looked back and saw Sidi still wearing a fish lamp cap, and finally remembered what was wrong.

He walked over, took the fish lamp hat off Sidi's head, and put it back on his own.

Then Sidi burst into tears and asked:

"Big brother, I want to eat red berries, can you give me one?"

"Not for bad kids." Su Ming said.

Sidi just started to cry, crying terribly, crying all the way.All the coachmen waiting at the gate of the village looked at Su Ming suspiciously.

"What's the matter, sir?" asked the coachman.

"She wanted to eat, but if I didn't give it, she cried."

"So it's just like this, it's too capricious." The coachman chuckled, raised his whip, and drove back to Yinde City.

 Thank you for the 100-point reward of "The Devil Comes to the World".

(End of this chapter)

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