Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 152 Chief Pharmacist

Chapter 152 Chief Pharmacist

"It's a lawless place, and it's also connected to the Demon Realm. The Formless Demon is a relatively weak monster in the Demon Realm. Normally, it's impossible to cross the barrier and come to the Fate Continent, but...

Alas, even 'Sisi' has appeared recently, and it's no longer a big deal for a phaseless demon to pass through the barrier. "Brega explained to everyone.

Speaking of the Demon Realm, Su Ming remembered that the "Babie" in the name of his paintbrush also came from the Demon Realm. I don't know what kind of creature it is.

Twilight is more sensitive to tasks. If the Formless Demon is a relatively weak monster in the Demon Realm, isn't the Demon Realm full of golden bosses?
If you can enter the demon world one step earlier than other guilds and attack these bosses, you will be able to get a large number of leading equipment, which will snowball.

Thinking of this, Twilight asked:
"Mayor Brega, how can I enter the Demon Realm?"

Brega shrugged his eyebrows and said:

"Don't talk about the Demon Realm, even the Kalita area, no one has been there for a long time, so I don't know how to enter the Demon Realm. Besides, your strength is not enough to break through the Demon Realm."

Twilight nodded, thinking that it should be a high-level map, and it is temporarily impossible to go to it, and the same is true for the Kalita area.

Brega smiled and said:

"Let's not talk about this for now. I have prepared the rewards you four asked me for earlier, please go and get them with my housekeeper."

After the steward left with the four of them, Brega still had a smile on his face and said to Su Ming and Venus:
"As for Ms. Venus and Mr. Spore, you two have also contributed. If you want any reward, please feel free to say it. As long as it is within my ability, I will try my best to satisfy you."

Both Su Ming and Venus received the same system prompt.

System: You participated in the mission "Looking for the Prom Killer", played a key role, and received the reward "Brega's Promise".

Venus was still a little surprised. After thinking about it, she felt that her key role was to bring Su Ming to the venue.

It is indeed very important. Without her, this mission will indeed fail.

As for Brega's promise, whether this task is good or bad is not good.

The downside is that Brega is not a professional NPC, and they can only help players improve their strength. However, when doing tasks related to Wendy City, you can consult Brega, and you will usually get the key sexually suggestive.

Merchants like Venus can reduce their taxes in Wendy City and have more qualifications to buy land.

Venus knew about this type of reward, but it was the first time Su Ming met him. He didn't know the way of it. He thought that as the city lord, Bieliega should have a lot of equipment, so he asked:

"Excuse me, City Master, is there any reward for dark gold equipment for me?"

Venus wanted to stop it, but it was too late. This kind of reward, even if there is no result, it can be regarded as used up...

"Dark gold equipment? I don't have such precious things. However, I heard that there is a blacksmith living on the highest peak of the Eliment Mountains. It seems that he can forge dark gold equipment. You can go find it."

Su Ming nodded, expressing his understanding.

"What a coincidence, I happen to be going to the Element Mountains to catch a transitional pet." Su Ming thought to himself.

Venus blinked his eyes—it actually gave Brother Spore a clue, what a stroke of luck.

"Miss Venus, what about you? Is there anything you want? I heard that you have been running the alchemy workshop recently. Have you encountered any difficulties? Maybe I can give you some help."

The alchemy shop Venus has been working on it for several weeks, and it is basically ready. The prestige problem is also solved by attending the dance tonight, and Brega's help is not needed for the time being.

Venus communicated with Brega for a while, and kept this reward for later use.

When he was about to leave, Su Ming saw the body of the Formless Demon on the ground, and reminded Brega:

"Master Brega, the Phaseless Demon changed twice in this ball, once as a waiter, about this tall... with a square face."

Su Ming gestured for a while, then continued:
"The second time it turned into... a single VIP who attended the first dance, and I don't know how they are now."

"Thank you for reminding me, I will look for them both." Brega said.

"Then trouble you."

After the conversation, Su Ming and Venus left the villa.


When you get outside the villa, you can use the stone to return to the city.

Venus asked Su Ming:

"What are you going to do next brother?"

"Raise the level of pharmacist, sister, you are about to open a medicine workshop, and I want to increase the proficiency of the dark breath potion to LV3." Su Ming said, he has a dream eater backpack, and the leveling speed is very fast .

Venus nodded with a smile and said:
"My brother is really energetic. He is online for more than 22 hours a day."

When she went offline, she checked specifically that not all vegetative people were as energetic as Su Ming in the game. So many vegetative people entered the game and played brilliantly, and it seemed that Su Ming was the only one.

Venus felt that it was a good thing for boys to have energy...for girls, it was also a good thing.

"Hey, because I'm a vegetable." Su Ming said.

"I don't know if you will be so energetic after you wake up, brother." Venus said with a smile.

"Probably not. There is no one who does not sleep for 22 hours. When I was in school, I always had to sleep for 8 hours." Su Ming said.

"Well, it's really a good habit, I also sleep for eight hours every day.

If you want to refine medicine, go to the coordinates of '26020, 20209, 22' in Wendy City to practice. My medicine refining workshop is opened there, and the equipment is ready, so I just need to recruit people.There, refining speed and experience will increase. said Venus.

Su Ming nodded, indicating that he knew it, and he posted the attribute of "Stable Transformation Potion" to Venus.

After reading the potion formula, Venus thought for a while, and gave Su Ming some suggestions on how to use it, such as turning into animals and crossing terrain. However, Venus has reservations about the commercial value.

Firstly, the material cost is too expensive...Secondly, the player's attribute is much stronger than these animals, most of the places that animals can reach, the player can also reach.

With these two factors, this potion should have more research value than practical value.

Therefore, Venus still suggested that Su Ming should go to the level of "Breath of Darkness Potion" first.

Then Venus went to sleep.

Su Ming went back to the bank, found out the materials needed for the Breath of Darkness potion, and then came to the coordinate point mentioned by Venus.

The alchemy workshop is in the lower reaches of a river.

Su Ming originally thought it was a factory, but it wasn't. It was just that there were several workstations in one room, and each workstation was equipped with a set of refining equipment.

The medicine refining workshop is divided into six floors. On the sixth floor, a room is specially reserved for Su Ming as his private studio.

Here, Su Ming's refining speed and experience gain can be increased by 20%, and the success rate can also be increased by 15%, which can be regarded as the current top-level studio.

"Sister Venus said that I have been registered as the chief pharmacist of this alchemy workshop, so that my formula can be shared with the workers in this alchemy workshop.

My life and professional level is related to the quality of employees, so I must work hard to improve it.

Now that my level has caught up with the mainstream players, I will spend the night time in the future to reach the sub-professional level. "

(End of this chapter)

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