Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 158 Volcanic Caves

Chapter 158 Volcanic Cave (Please Subscribe~)

Although what Su Ming saw were bloomers, in fact, Menghu Sniffing Rose did not necessarily wear bloomers.

This is just a restriction imposed by the system on male players.

Because the mosaic is not beautiful and does not have "virtual reality", shorts are used instead.

Such restrictions are manifested in all aspects.

Male players protested more than once, demanding authenticity and removing the "mosaic", but they were all rejected...

However, the protest is still useful. At least not long ago, we won an "intimacy system". As long as the intimacy is high enough, the corresponding players will not display mosaics.

This intimacy is determined by female players unilaterally. Only female players have data, but male players do not.

Menghu sniffed the rose and landed on the high platform. When he saw a stone door, which was exactly the same as the stick figure on the mission panel, he knew he had found the right place.

She walked to the edge of the platform, bent down, and said to Su Ming:

"You stand on Xiaotu's hand and come up like I did just now. Don't be afraid, it's very stable."

She was worried that Su Ming had never cooperated in this way, and she comforted her.

Su Ming and Xiao Hei have done much more difficult and exciting cooperation than this, so naturally they will not be afraid.

Now calling out Xiao Hei, Su Ming can go up easily, but there is no need to refuse other people's kindness, Su Ming directly stands on the big hand of the earth element.

As soon as the earth element was thrown, Su Ming flew up, just in time to smash the cute tiger sniffing the rose to the ground...

Su Ming supported the ground with his hands, and met the cute tiger sniffing Qiangwei.

The awkward atmosphere was permeating, Su Ming quickly turned over, stood up, and apologized:
"Sorry, I didn't mean to."

He was also a little speechless, this guy...won't he hide for a while?Obviously looks pretty smart.

"I know..." Menghu sniffed Qiangwei and didn't care too much. Seeing Su Ming's appearance, he matched him with the childish boys in the class...

Those people, borrowing an eraser and helping to solve the problem, will dream about it.

It's not annoying, but it's hard for Menghu to be interested in this kind of person.

Hit by Su Ming, because he is a friend and in a team state, he received a system prompt:
The player "Spore" makes intimate behaviors with you, does it increase the intimacy?
Of course it's a no... and I'm not familiar with it.

Menghu sniffed Qiangwei, stood up, patted the dust off his body, and walked towards the stone gate.

She took the hammer dropped by the elite monster just now, and gestured up and down.

Su Ming walked over and asked:

"Why don't you go in?"

Adorable Tiger Sniffing Rose said:

"The mission says this hammer is a key, but where is the keyhole?"

Su Ming also inspected the door, but found no keyhole. On a whim, he turned around and said to Menghu sniffing the rose:
"Have you tried hammering the door twice?"

After hearing Su Ming's words, Menghu Sniffed Qiangwei smiled and praised:
"Good idea, worthy of being a professional player."

As she spoke, she walked to the door and joked:
"One hammer, eighty!"

The hammer hit the stone door, and the originally dark stone door quickly turned red, and a shock wave was transmitted from the door, knocking Su Ming and Menghu Qiangwei down.

Gates collapsed and rocks tumbled.

Su Ming reacted first, pulled Menghu to sniff the rose, and ran to a safe place.

The cute tiger sniffs the rose and is reminded of the intimacy again, so I click no again...

When the smoke and dust cleared, a spacious cave appeared in front of the two of them.

Heat waves hit their faces.

Menghu sniffed Qiangwei with a smile, patted Su Ming on the shoulder like a buddy, and said:

"My brain is good. If I came alone, I would definitely not be able to think of this way. Let's go, I will take you to find the elite monster first, and then I will go to the task."

"I can catch it by myself..." Su Ming said, "You can go directly to your own task."

"Don't be rude to me, just go away."

Menghu sniffed the rose and summoned a bunch of summoned beasts, and walked into the cave carelessly.

Su Ming followed behind her, Xiao Hei and Zuo Weimen protected him left and right.

System: Your team has entered a volcanic cave.

Su Ming got on the ride of the cute tiger sniffing the rose, thinking:

"This cave is also a kind of hidden map. There should be powerful monsters inside. I must take good care of it. Even if it is a transitional pet, it must be more powerful."

The cave is very spacious and not too dark. Orange magma flows in the cracks on the ground and walls, and magma drips from the top of the head from time to time, hitting the ground and splashing like raindrops.

There are monsters at the entrance of the cave, about [-] of them, like the physical version of the fire element, the part that was originally a flame, was replaced by a red rock.

Menghu sniffs Qiangwei and has already fought these monsters.

From the information on the team channel, Su Ming knew that the name of these monsters was Lava Elemental, they had 12000 HP, and they were level 33 monsters.

Menghu sniffed Qiangwei and commanded his summoned beasts to fight. Seeing that Su Ming followed, he reminded:
"Although these monsters are not elites, they are stronger than ordinary monsters. Don't attract too much hatred."

"Well, I'll pay attention."

Su Ming came to one side, watched the cute tiger sniff the rose and beat it for a while before starting to act.

The perfect tactic.

Su Ming sent Xiao Hei into the group of monsters directly, startled Menghu Qiangwei, and said worriedly:
"I'll take you to catch pets, don't make trouble on purpose."

Su Ming laughed:
"How come, why should I make trouble on purpose?"

"Because I prevented you from catching your pet yesterday." Menghu sniffed Qiangwei and said whatever he wanted.

She frowned, looked towards Xiao Hei, and was about to point out Su Ming's troublesome behavior, but found that there were only three lava elements following Xiao Hei.

Menghu sniffs Qiangwei and knows that Xiao Hei can easily take down elite monsters, so nothing will happen if he carries three mobs.

"Huh? Didn't you use perfect tactics?" Menghu sniffed Qiangwei, thinking that Su Ming would attract many monsters at once, so he was so anxious.

"Just control the distance between them." Su Ming said while directing Xiao Hei to bring the three lava elements out of the monster group.

Su Ming did not eliminate these lava elements quickly.He observed and tested the attack patterns of these lava elements to judge whether it was worth capturing.

After testing for a while, Su Ming found that these lava elements prefer to attack in melee with fists, which did not meet his expectations, so Xiao Hei and Zuoemon accelerated the cleaning speed.

"Ah!" On the other side, Menghu sniffed Qiangwei and suddenly screamed. Su Ming turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

Menghu sniffed Qiangwei and patted her shoulder. A black hole was broken in the equipment on her shoulder, revealing her snow-white skin. She said to Su Ming:

"Be careful of the magma on your head. If you get hit, you will receive 1000 points of real damage, and the durability of the equipment will be directly deducted!"

Injuries are secondary, but the durability of equipment is fatal, and repairing very expensive.

The reminder of Menghu sniffing the rose came a little late, a drop of magma fell on Su Ming's head, landed in the middle of the black and white crown, and just hit the cap of the fish lamp.

System: The durability of your "Lantern Fish Hat" has been reduced to 0 and cannot be equipped.

The lantern fish hat suddenly disappeared, and the swarm crown landed obliquely on Su Ming's head.

Menghu sniffed Qiangwei, whistled, and said with a smile:
"You look so much better without that funny hat."

Su Ming straightened the crown of the swarm, and complained:
"Female hooligan."

"Hey, hey, who was playing hooligans to me at the entrance of the cave just now?"

"It's your earth element." Su Ming replied, and directed Xiao Hei to attract new monsters.

"Uh..." Menghu sniffed Qiangwei, but she didn't expect that Su Ming would fight back like this. She thought that this guy is not completely an idiot, and sometimes he is quite stinging...

Ordinary monsters at level 33 did not pose a threat to Su Ming, nor did they pose a threat to Menghu Sniffing Rose. Together, the two quickly cleared up the monsters at the entrance of the cave and walked towards the interior of the volcanic cave.

 Thank you "Tonight" for the 1500 point reward.

(End of this chapter)

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