Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 16 Out of the Village

Chapter 16 Out of the Village
After asking the Thunderbird, Su Ming took away the ring on the ground. The snake is useless, so let’s keep it as fertilizer for the land. Maybe the Thunderbird will take it back and eat it when it sees that Su Ming didn’t want the python. .

The ring is a level ten silver equipment, so Su Ming can use it.

Pure Silver Ring (LV10, Silver):

+150 Health, +150 Mana

+20 Constitution, +20 Spirit.

Durability: 28/30
Occupational Requirements: None.

Adding life and magic power is not very suitable for animal trainers, but there is no better choice, and it is better than nothing.

At noon, the sun was shining brightly.

When Su Ming left the woods, a burst of dazzling light made him squint his eyes. When he took a closer look, it was a pink diamond the size of a pigeon egg.

Rhodes' pink diamond for testing: The pink diamond used by Rhodes to test the beast tamer is very valuable.

"This is... a pink diamond?" Su Ming was a little confused, not knowing why the pink diamond appeared on the dirt road.

Su Ming picked up the pink diamond and looked at it under the sunlight. The cut surface of the pink diamond exudes a charming light, which is easy to make people greedy.

It is true that some players tried to sell pink diamonds, and then changed their careers, but Rhodes directly killed two levels and confiscated the proceeds from selling diamonds.

Su Ming didn't have any greed, he was just puzzled, the pink diamond was too clean, without any dust on it, as if someone put it here specially.

Su Ming put the pink diamond in his backpack and came to Rhode's house.

"Mr. Rhodes, I'm back."

"Well, the action is very fast. Did you bring the pink diamond back?" Rhodes asked knowingly, the pink diamond was sneaked by him and placed on the ground.

"Bring it back." Su Ming took out the pink diamond and said, "But I didn't take it from a tree, but picked it up on the road."

"Nonsense, I put the pink diamond on the tree with my own hands, how did you pick it up on the side of the road?" Rhodes didn't want to admit that he made a mistake in his work, even if no one knew about it.

For players, this is not the first time this happened to Rhodes. Although the number of times is very small, other people have encountered it and posted the experience on the forum. The discussion is not very hot, and only a few can be found. post.

Rhodes will deny his mistakes, as long as the player does not continue to refute, he will quickly help you complete the job change and let you leave, if you continue to refute.

Like now——

Rhodes waved his hand and said:

"Okay, okay, it might have been blown away by the wind, so don't worry about this kind of thing. I'll give you a token of job change."

Su Ming "doesn't know what to do" and continued to ask:

"You believe that I picked up the pink diamond on the road?"

These words seemed to emphasize Rhodes' mistake again, and Rhodes said angrily:

"Idiot, what matters is the result, not the process."

"I know, I'm just telling you that I found it on the ground..." Su Ming touched his head, and Rhodes looked a little angry, but he didn't know the reason.

"Okay, okay, since you value the process so much, you can do the task again, but I am tired today, and you need to do the task again tomorrow."

This is the second stage. Players who encountered the same situation as Su Ming did not enter Su Ming's current stage.

Suddenly being asked to do the task again, Su Ming felt aggrieved, and his tone became more serious:

"Okay! I'll do it again, but if you still put it on the tree, I hope you can fix it with glue or something, let alone an assessment, but it turns out to be like a child's play house "

Su Ming put the pink diamond on the table and walked away.

Rhode's beard was crooked with anger, he stared and said:

"You don't need to teach me how to do things!"

There is a level lock in Xinshou Village. Su Ming has reached level [-] and can't practice level, so he went to the Snake Cave to continue collecting moonshine grass. At night, he went to Payson to buy a batch of materials and continued to make primary magic potions.

The next day, Su Ming found Rhodes.

Rhodes thought for a night and realized his mistake. After seeing Su Ming, he changed his tough attitude yesterday, explained the real situation yesterday to Su Ming, apologized, and said:
"I hope you can forgive me."

"It turned out to be like this. As long as you tell the truth about this kind of thing, no one will blame you." Su Ming felt that Rhodes looked a little like a child, and he might be an old urchin.

"So, do I need to climb a big tree again to prove myself?" Su Ming asked again.

"No need, in fact, I saw your performance yesterday through the crystal ball remotely, otherwise I would not be able to place the pink diamond on the path you passed so accurately. You and your slime pet cooperate very well. An excellent animal trainer."

Rhodes took out a wooden whistle and handed it to Su Ming.

Beastmaster's Whistle: Professional certification for the Beastmaster.

"This is the proof that you have become an animal trainer. With this, you can leave the village." Rhodes said: "As an animal trainer, the most important thing is to listen. You have to listen to what people say, and you have to listen to what animals and plants say. , Even the sound of mountains and seas, you have to listen to it, which determines whether you can continue on this road.”

System: You have completed the job transfer task "Assessment of the Beast Tamer", the tenth-level skill "Coordinated Attack" has been unlocked, and now you can learn more skills.

Coordinated Attack (LV1): The animal trainer and the pet are intimate and cooperate with each other to cause more damage.

Passive: Pet bar +1.After the animal trainer deals damage to the target, the target will be marked, and within 5 seconds, the pet will attack the marked target, and an additional (10 + 1% of the target's current HP) magic damage will be added.

Active: The animal trainer strengthens the mark, clears the mark after the pet attacks, and causes (30 + 8% of the target's current HP) magic damage.Consumption: None.Cooldown: 15 seconds.

This tenth-level skill is automatically given by the system after completing the job transfer. You don't need to learn it. It is one of the marks of job transfer. Skill.

"I wasted half a day of your time. I'm very sorry. This is my research on coordinated attacks over the years. Take it and have a look. It should be helpful to you." Rhodes took out an old notebook and handed it to Su Ming .

Coordinated Attack Research Notes: After reading it, the Coordinated Attack level +1, does not consume skill points.

A first-level skill was given, which was pretty good, and Su Ming used it directly.

The passive damage has become 20+2% of the current health value, and the active damage has become 50+10% of the current health value. The improvement is still quite large.

Su Ming still doesn't know how precious this kind of consumables that increase skill levels are.

Players can use skill points to reach level 10 at most. After level 10, if they want to improve, they can only use external objects, such as equipment, such as the research notes that Su Ming has obtained now.

Equipment may be changed at any time, but research notes are permanently added and more precious.

After that, Su Ming bid farewell to Rhodes and came to the teleportation array in the village.

The teleportation array detected that Su Ming was wearing a whistle and started it automatically.

System: Random teleportation is being prepared. The teleportation town will be your main city. Near the main city, you will get a 10% monster experience bonus.The town you are about to go to is called Thornroot City.

I wish you a happy game.

(End of this chapter)

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