Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 167 Turning into a Sparrow

Chapter 167 Become a sparrow (seeking subscription~)

Su Ming and Qingfeng Fuxue were stunned by the electric shock from Monica, and they fell to the ground, their hands and feet twitching slightly.

Su Ming, who had a high physique attribute, was the first to recover from the paralysis. As soon as he recovered, he immediately took out the swiftness potion and drank it, and rushed out first.

"I'll take a step first~"

"Despicable, rushing away again!" Qingfeng Fuxue watched Su Ming run far away, feeling very anxious, and when he recovered, four or five colored medicine bottles were immediately discharged in front of him.

He picked up the vials between his fingers and poured them into his mouth as he ran...

As a stalker, Qing Feng Fuxue often wanders alone in high-level areas - looking for treasure chests, looking for suitable BOSS monsters, often encountering danger.

When encountering danger, the important thing is not whether you can fight or not, but whether you can run away. Qing Feng Fuxue has rich experience in escaping, so the potion to increase the speed in his hand is far more abundant than Su Ming.

After drinking the swift potion, the glass test tube was thrown on the ground with a bang, and Su Ming saw Su Ming's back again.

"Haha, you run away, can you escape?" Qing Feng Fuxue ran wildly, hair flying up.

After drinking the Fengxing potion, there was still a "pop", and the breeze and snow walked side by side with Su Ming.

Su Ming looked at Qingfeng Fuxue in surprise, he ran away for at least half a minute, and was caught up!

"Hey." Qingfeng Fuxue smiled cheaply: "If you want to compare speed with me, you are still far behind."

Qingfeng Fuxue drank the remaining potion, distanced himself from Su Ming, laughed and ran wildly.

The breeze and snow were getting farther and farther away from Su Ming, and gradually, his back was no longer visible.

Su Ming's footsteps slowed down and finally stopped.

It is too difficult to compare the movement speed with the stalker, let alone there are so many potions that increase the movement speed in the wind and snow.

"I can't run him at all. Unless I have a pet like Monica, who can take me directly to fly up..."

Su Ming thought so, and stepped on the glass bottle thrown by Qingfeng Fuxue on the road—in order to maintain the advantage, Qingfeng Fuxue did not stop the potion even if he opened the distance.

Staring at these shining shards of glass, Su Ming suddenly remembered that he seemed to be able to fly.

The last time I did the second mission, I took 10 copies of "Stable Transformation Potion" materials from Sidi. These days, when I practiced the pharmacist level these nights, Su Ming consumed all these materials, and successfully made 8 bottles of stable transformation potions in total. Shapeshifting Potion.

After drinking this potion, you can randomly transform into one of carp, sparrow, crocodile, leopard, and ladybug.

As long as you become a sparrow, you can fly directly up the mountain. Between two points, the straight line is the shortest, which is definitely faster than running around the mountain road with a light wind and snow.

Su Ming pulled out the backpack, lowered his head and rummaged inside.

Soon, he found the potion, took it out and gulped it down.

After drinking, only a bang was heard, and Su Ming was wrapped in a burst of white smoke.

System: You drank the stable transformation potion and turned into a crocodile. The equipment attribute bonuses temporarily disappeared, and you couldn't use skills. You can release the transformation state by yourself.

The smoke dissipated, and a small crocodile about 1 meters long lay on the mountain road. The eyes on both sides of the crocodile's head blinked, and after two curious steps, Su Ming released the deformation.

There was another bang, and Su Ming turned back into a human.

"It's quite interesting, but the materials are so expensive, it seems that it can only be changed for fun..."

Su Ming drank the second potion, this time he turned into a carp, flapping his tail frantically in the sun, the sand was blown away.

Su Ming felt as if he was about to suffocate, and his blood volume was also dropping rapidly.

He quickly changed back, and in his human form, his health also dropped proportionally.

"Turn me into a sparrow, please, please!"

Su Ming prayed and drank the transformation potion again.

In the smoke, the shadow of a sparrow emerged.

The brown, chubby sparrow flapped its wings, and Su Ming cried happily:

"Scum! (Successful! Good luck.)"

"Scum? (I can't talk?)"

"Scum. (Never mind.)"

Su Ming flapped his wings happily, and flew at a height of one or two meters above the ground for a while. After getting used to the flying operation, he began to raise his figure and set off to the top of the mountain.


It's been a long time since Qing Feng Fuxue saw Su Ming. According to his judgment, Su Ming should be able to follow him more than [-] meters or [-] meters behind him, but now he doesn't even have Su Ming's shadow. see.

"Has this guy given up?"

Qingfeng Fuxue smiled, put the medicine bottle in his hand back into his belt, and slowed down a little.

"That's right. If it were me, I would give up too. The gap is too big."

Feng Fuxue looked up, he was at least 2/3 of the distance from the top of the mountain.

At this time, Qingfeng Fuxue saw a sparrow flying up unsteadily, and landed on a tree to rest.

Because of the sparrow's weird posture, Qingfeng Fuxue took a second look - such a fat sparrow, no wonder it can't fly.

"Little Sparrow, you should lose weight, or you will be eaten by monsters on the road!" Qingfeng Fuxue felt that Su Ming had given up the game, and he was in a happy mood. Talking to Sparrow was actually more like talking to himself.

Su Ming glanced at Qingfeng Fuxue strangely—what is this guy doing, why don't he run away, and is still talking to me here...

Su Ming saw that Qingfeng Fuxue seemed to be thinking of coming over to tease him. Afraid of being discovered, he quickly flapped his wings and continued to fly crookedly upwards.

It was the first time that Su Ming became a bird, and he was not very skilled in flying, and the flying height of the sparrow was not very high. Coupled with physical limitations, it often became very difficult to fly 34 meters. Fortunately, there are many trees and stones in the mountains to rest on. , allowing Su Ming to rise in stages.


The top of the mountain was covered in darkness, and it was actually a leveling area.

A level 40 thundercloud element floated over the top of the mountain, chopping down two bolts of lightning from time to time.

On the roof of Nez's house, there is a lightning rod, which will attract the thunder and lightning of the thunder cloud element to the forging room. He uses thunder and fire to forge tools.

After Nez returned home, he stored the purchased materials in the ice cellar. Thinking that Su Ming and Qingfeng Fuxue would come up later, he grabbed a handful of tea and prepared to make some tea for him.

In the yard, the small stove was on fire, and the water in the kettle was gurgling and bubbling. Nez raised his head and asked Monica, who was hunting thundercloud elements:

"Monica, shall we make a bet?"

Monica ignored Nez, she knew Nez's temperament - she liked forging, drinking, and gambling.

Apart from forging, the strength of the other two items is really not that good. They are too strong to drink, and they will lose every bet.

Although Monica didn't reply to Nez's words, he continued on his own:

"Let's bet on which of the two of them will reach the top of the mountain first. I bet that the light wind and snow will arrive first. The bet is 50 'Thunder Elemental Crystals·Boom'. Who do you bet on?"

Monica grabbed a dozen thunder element crystals and landed next to Nez, and said quite speechlessly:
"Who else can I beat, there are only two people in total. If you beat the stalker, I can only beat the young animal trainer. Let me tell you first, I have no bets."

Nez laughed and said:

"It doesn't matter, as long as you lose!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a cheerful shout:

"Uncle Nez!"

Both Niez and Monica turned their heads to look at the mountain road——Su Ming was trotting towards the courtyard, shaking his hands and smiling innocently.

(End of this chapter)

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