Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 172 The Assassination Failed

Chapter 172 The Assassination Failed (Please Subscribe~)

Falling into the river of light and being hit by bullets, a broken shield mark appeared next to his blood bar, and next to the shield, there were three small downward triangles.

That is the mark of the third-level armor penetration, and the armor is reduced by 30%.

"What's the matter? Master Geometry?"

Falling into Guanghe and receiving the system message, he was dumbfounded the moment he saw the person's name - he is a blessing teacher, he is a buddhist gangster every day, and he has never provoked anyone. Why do the top ten players in the weekly list come to him for fun? ?
"I'm looking for you..." Before Xiangshen Guanghe finished speaking, he saw Su Ming rushing towards him, hugging his waist and throwing himself to the side.


A bullet hit the place where Falling Guanghe was standing.If Su Ming didn't make a move, he should already be GG with less than 7000 HP.

Su Ming threw himself behind a boulder, and he asked him:

"Are you related to this person?"

Falling into the river of light desperately shook his head, and asked suspiciously:
"Boss, don't you know this person?"

"I don't know, should I know?"

"He's a player on the weekly list... very famous."

Su Ming laughed and said:
"I don't usually pay attention to these."

There are indeed a lot of people who play games dully and only go to the forum when they encounter problems. They are not very interested in all kinds of inventory on the forum, so they don't ask too much when they fall into the river of light.

He drank the blood medicine, brushed the milk, and said to Su Ming by the way:
"Boss, this guy is one of the top ten gunners on the weekly list, and he specializes in collecting money for PK. If you haven't met him before, someone who had conflicts with you before should have found him..."

While speaking, the bullet had already been shot from another angle, the target was obvious, and it was still aimed at Falling into the River of Light.

This reminded Su Ming of the sentence "PK kills milk first" in the strategy given to him by Zhuojiu Jinhuan.

Indeed, if the opponent's target is really him, he must kill Falling into the River of Light before attacking him, otherwise Falling into the River of Light will soon bring up his bloodline.

Thinking of this, Su Ming also believed that the other party might be looking for him, so he pushed away and fell into the river of light, and he was shot.

This gun has no armor-piercing effect, and Su Ming's armor is much higher than that of Falling into the River of Light.

In the distance, Master Geometry saw the damage rising from Su Mingtou Mountain, and clicked his tongue:
"The armor is really high. The response is also good."

The empty shell casing was thrown from the side of the barrel, and the third bullet was ready to go, aiming at the river of light that flashed green on his body, the geometry master said to himself:

"It's really annoying to have a milk."


The third bullet was fired.

Falling into Guanghe was clasping his fists and praying with his eyes closed. Two seconds later, his body glowed with green light, and he gave himself a big mouthful of milk.


With the healing prayer and the passive effect of "being kind to others", Falling into the River of Light nursed more than 3000 of his HP.

However, as soon as he was milked, he was shot again.

Su Ming frowned and said:
"You quit the team. If his target is really me, and you don't have a team aura on you, he probably won't shoot you."

"Boss, what are you talking about, do I seem to be someone who will abandon his teammates? You run first, and I will drag him!" As he said, he fell into the river of light and began to sing and brush milk again, using the rest of his Skill, it is estimated that it can hold another bullet.

Su Ming looked at falling into the river of light with green light on his body, and said:

"Since you don't run, follow my command... run to the right!"


Falling into the river of light was pushed away by Su Ming again, but this time, no two people avoided, and Su Ming got a bullet.

"Follow my command."

As Su Ming said, he stared at the direction of the bullet - he didn't see anything. It is estimated that the master of geometry has hidden and is looking for a position to attack again.

"Boss, you run, you react so fast, you can definitely run away..."

"Why are you running? If someone hits you for no reason, don't you hit it back." Su Ming threw two bottles of potion to Xiangshui Guanghe, and said, "Drink it, and then listen to my instructions."

Crashing into Guanghe hurriedly caught the potion thrown by Su Ming, checked it, and found that it was the "Breath of Darkness Potion" and "Owl Potion" that were very popular in the market recently.

The two bottles of potion are all added to the sharpness attribute.

After adding the acuity attribute, it is indeed easier to avoid the attack of the sniper.

But the "Master of Projective Geometry" has a good reputation. Hearing Su Ming say that if he falls into the river of light, he has no confidence at all. Holding the potion and frowning, he persuades Su Ming:

"Boss, let's run. It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. This wilderness has a wide view, and we don't know each other's location. It's too easy..."

"Run left! Let the black iron monster block the attack!" Su Ming yelled suddenly, scaring him from falling into the river of light, but this time, his body moved almost instinctively following Su Ming's command.

But his reaction speed was still too slow, and only blood remained after being shot.

Su Ming felt that what he said about falling into the river of light was correct. They didn't know each other's location, which was the most terrible point.

Otherwise, at a distance of more than 300 yards from the sniper, Zaemon could approach him in a few seconds. As long as he harassed him in close quarters, the threat of the sniper would not be that great.

It would be nice to have a thief teammate.

Su Ming also drank the Dark Breath Potion and Owl Potion.

With the addition of the two potions and the second-rank passive, his acuity attribute exceeded [-].

When he fully perceives, he only feels that his consciousness is separated from his body, running in this wilderness like the Flash, and the surrounding scenes are infinitely stretched backwards and elongated.

It's a wondrous feeling, an experience of supernatural power that the game simulates.

The later in the game, the more players can experience this wonderful experience.

The consciousness spanned hundreds of meters in an instant, and the blurry scenery around him became clear after meeting a player with a silver sniper rifle.

In the world of consciousness, this player is like a statue, quietly for Su Ming to observe.

"Got you!"

The extended and stretched scenery returned to normal in an instant, and Su Ming ran towards the hidden position of the geometry master.

The three pets followed Su Ming and moved forward together, dropping the falling into the river of light.

"Damn, boss, you are..." Falling into Guanghe, seeing Su Ming's actions, he was speechless.

Has the boss never PKed with the Gunner?Doesn't he know that the best way to find cover is to find a cover when there are no stalkers?What's the matter with sending it directly to other people's guns?
He watched Su Ming run far away, gritted his teeth, drank two bottles of potion, and started running behind Su Ming, ready to breastfeed Su Ming.

"Get ready to dodge!" Su Ming shouted.

Others might think that Su Ming was talking to his pet, but when he fell into the river of light, he understood the meaning of Su Ming's words almost instantly—isn't this the same as when he was selected as the target of the attack when he was fighting the crystal glass monster? tips.

His attention was subconsciously focused.

Under the boost of the two bottles of potion, he felt the speed of the objects around him slow down... He felt the vacuum channel left by the bullet sweeping away the air.


Fell into the river of light and rolled aside ahead of time.

The bullet hit him, empty.

"I'm stupid, I dodged it! Boss, I dodged it!" Chuo Guanghe was stunned at first, and then he became extremely excited. At this moment, he suddenly felt that the top ten in the weekly list was nothing special.

boom! boom! boom!
Another few shots in a row.

"Hide near the monster closest to you! Zaemon, go and help him clear the monster."

"Hide by the stone on the left front."

"still you."

Listening to Su Ming's instructions, he happily played the game of dodging bullets. After dodging several attacks in a row, he already felt that the top ten in the weekly list was not as good as Su Ming's.

"What kind of weekly list, I feel like I can also be on it, these guys are no big deal haha."

Just a moment's distraction, he fell into the river of light and immediately got a shot, and the blood volume that had just recovered fell again.

Before Su Ming said anything, he immediately apologized after falling into the river of light:
"I'm sorry, I'm distracted."

But he didn't know that now Su Ming could only know who the master of geometry was attacking. As for whether he was hit, Su Ming no longer had the energy to observe.

Falling into the river of light and seeing that he made a mistake, Su Ming didn't blame him, and still issued instructions like a machine, without any nonsense.

Su Ming's back became colder and taller in the eyes of falling into Guanghe...

"What a handsome boss... I can't hold you back, concentrate!" Luo Shengguanghe collected his thoughts, ran and milked himself, took time to wave his staff, and released a "blessing of acceleration".


The acceleration blessing of falling into the river of light has 3 levels, which can increase the movement speed by 17%, allowing Su Ming to run and fly.

Seeing that Su Minghe fell into Guanghe within 150 yards, the geometry master frowned...

What the hell, how sharp is this spore?He only fired a few shots before he found the location.

This Blessing Master... has pretty good skills. With him around, it's not very good at killing spores.

The master of geometry pulled down the goggles from his forehead as he prepared for his final attempt.

The tactical eyepiece is activated.

The speed of Su Ming and Luoshui Guanghe immediately slowed down.

Hawkeye starts.

The geometry master's silver sniper rifle lit up.

A green aiming lens appeared above Su Ming's head.

Seeing this, he knew that Master Geometry was about to kill Su Ming instantly, so he immediately stopped and felt carefully whether any bullets were fired.

Every skill of the Blessing Master needs to be read more or less. He must predict it so that he can be treated in time.

Although Su Ming's speed was slowed down by the tactical eyepiece, but the distance is getting closer, and the figure of the master of geometry is also visible to the naked eye.

"Xiao Hei, please." Su Ming said, he also stopped, picked up the silver whistle on his chest and blew.

Hear the voice of all things!

The sound wave swayed, and the connection between him and the pet seemed to be closer, and they could give each other strength.

The movement speed of Kuro, Zaemon, and Hammer suddenly accelerated.

Especially Zaemon, it turned on the charge, a total of 190% movement speed bonus, the movement speed reached 731, and instantly opened the position with Xiao Hei and the hammer.

It bites the blade of the sword, and its eyes are fierce - those who dare not confront the master head-on, I will kill you with one sword.

Zaemon approached quickly, but Master Geometry's hands did not tremble at all. It was impossible for him to take care of Zaemon at this time. All he could do was to kill Su Ming before Zaemon arrived.

Armor-piercing rounds fired.

Su Ming wanted to dodge, but his movement speed was reduced too much, so he was still hit.

With the full-level Hawkeye skill, the first bullet will deal 210% damage.

Even if the distance was shortened to within 150 yards, Master Geometry still dealt more than 3000 damage.

Almost at the moment when the master of geometry hit Su Ming, the "healing prayer" that fell into the river of light was completed, and the prediction was successful. With the addition of the healing effect, he still gave Su Ming nearly 1500 points of blood. quantity.

After one shot, Su Ming's blood volume was even more than [-].

Continuous sniping.

Su Ming predicted to dodge, but Geometry Master also predicted to shoot, and successfully hit Su Ming.

Seeing Su Ming's behavior, Master Geometry smiled. He wanted to dodge his attack while being locked on by the tactical eyepiece, which was too fantastic.

If the target is hit consecutively by the sniper, the damage received will increase by 15%.

The second shot, 240% damage, and Su Ming's armor was also reduced by 30%.

After this shot, Su Ming's blood bar was more than half, leaving only more than 6000 blood volume, and the next shot would take seconds!
"It's really Iron King Ba, a beast tamer, with more than 800 armor and 13000 HP." The geometry master glanced at Zaemon who was approaching, and shot the last shot.

Looking at Su Ming's dodging figure in a panic, he began to worry - he has to kill twice, if the spores are prepared next time, it seems that it is not easy to do, should we increase the assassination price?
Just when the 280% damage shot was about to hit Su Ming, Shen Guanghe stretched out his hand, and a burst of white light wrapped around Su Ming and pulled him away.

Be kind to people!

The sudden displacement saved Su Ming from danger.

"Damn, I forgot about this one." Geometry Master was a little panicked at this moment, and quickly placed a radio station on the ground.

At this time, the gunner's level 20 skill interferes with the radio station.


The Master of Geometry goes into disguise and he starts to run away.

Zaemon, who was getting closer and closer, looked confused, he couldn't find the geometry master.

"Zaoemon, he is about 20 yards from your eleven o'clock direction." Su Ming communicated with Zaemon mentally.

Zaemon completely trusted Su Ming, and drew his sword without hesitation!As long as it is one second late, Saber Ya will not be able to hit the Geometry Master.

The deceleration effect of jamming radio cannot affect Zaemon who activates the blade skill.

The mouth feeling of cutting the skin came from the blade, and the geometry master showed his figure.

"Hmph!" Zaemon immediately attacked, trampling and slamming one after another, but the geometry master is not a vegetarian, he can hide when he is approached, and he can even reload and shoot.

A red bullet lodged in Zaemon's body.

Bombing bomb: The sniper shoots a bombing bomb into the enemy's body, causing (60+0.8 physical attack power) points of physical damage, and exploding after 1 second, burning the ground, dealing damage to enemies within 10 yards every time Seconds cause (40+0.3 physical attack power) physical damage, last for 5 seconds.Cost: 120 mana.Cooldown: 12 seconds.

Zaemon immediately turned on the dark mudstone shield to resist the damage.

The bomb exploded, although it had no control effect, but the earth and rocks that exploded could buy a little time for the gunner to pull his body.

The Geometry Master ran out from the smoke and dust, but found that a shadow suddenly grew larger, and his vision was plunged into darkness in the next second.

Facing the special situation, the geometry master frowned, and reacted very quickly to give himself an injection.

This is the level 15 skill "Battlefield Veteran" of the Gunner.

Battlefield Veteran (LV1): The Gunner immediately removes the negative status on his body and recovers (200+8% of his own maximum HP) points of HP.

However, after using this skill, Master Geometry's field of vision is still dark, and the recovered HP is just a drop in the bucket for the declining HP.

Before he died, the Geometry Master glanced at his status bar, and there was a pattern of "Slime with its mouth wide open" underneath, and he also drew a few strokes to symbolize the inhalation of white curves.

I have to say, it's pretty cute.

"What the hell state..." Master Geometry was suffocated to death in Xiao Hei's "body" with a depressed mood.

(End of this chapter)

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