Chapter 18
After drinking wine, I opened the attribute panel and saw my sin value of 25 points. My head hurts. If I want to reincarnate (delete the number and retrain), I have to reset the sin value to 0.

In order to avoid the pursuit of the enemy, he deliberately teleported to Thornroot City. If he wanted to hunt him down, he needed to transit through 8 cities, including a teleportation array in a large city. They should not be chasing him.

After all, one or two is to deliver food, and sending too many people is a waste of money.

Then he went to pick up the public welfare mission. I don't know if he changed the city and his luck improved. The mission he received was the easiest public welfare mission and the fastest to wash his name - to bring newcomers.

For this mission, as long as you bring players below level 15 to fight monsters, novice players have a chance to get "Friendship Crystals". Take the "Friendship Crystals" to the judge. Every thousand of them can wash away 1 point of evil.

25 crime points, as long as there are four people in the group, it can be cleared in two days.

"It's free to bring people. A level 16 animal trainer leads people for free. A powerful baby leads a team. The speed is invincible and fast. Come with people, and there are still four vacancies. There are not many opportunities, and there are no hands." call.

People around him knew that he had received the task of "bringing newcomers" when they saw that he was famous and brought people for free.

Logically speaking, he still needs to give money to new talents.

But judging by the shabby appearance of his equipment, he doesn't look like a rich man. After shouting for a long time, he can meet a few newcomers who don't know how to do it, and form a team.

Jiujiuhuan also knew that it was difficult to attract people with his appearance, so he was prepared for a long-term propaganda from the beginning.

However, just as he was about to hang up and go offline, he saw a beast trainer with a slime on his head move over.

LV10 spores.

So soon Xiaobai took the bait, and he was still a colleague.

"Hello, do you want me to take you? It's very fast." He was like a strange uncle who lured little loli with a lollipop.

"Is it really free?" Su Ming asked.

"Really, I have accepted a mission. I will take you to fight monsters later, and you will get an item called friendship crystal. If you think my speed is not bad, you can give me the friendship crystal." Having said that, this kind of thing can't be hidden anyway, newcomers don't understand anything, so it doesn't matter if you talk about it.

As long as it is free, someone will always come over.

Drunken Wine directly invites Su Ming to form a team.

Su Ming agreed, he was attracted for free... He didn't care, and he didn't know whether a level 16 animal trainer could attract people.

"How far can you take me?"

"Here, take it for about two days. It's almost enough to upgrade two levels. It's already very fast. If you level up by yourself, it will take about 5 days."

Su Ming nodded, he knew that the two days mentioned by others meant 6~8 hours a day, not his own 24 hours online, which was indeed very fast.

"However, you are an animal trainer, so you can only upgrade to about one level, hahaha."

The profession of animal trainer is very rare, and he was deeply hurt by drinking and drinking, so he planned to reincarnate.

If it weren't for the fact that the animal trainer was too weak, he would definitely not have been killed at level 4, and only killed 25 people instead.Another stalker, Kuangzhan, had already killed all those weak chickens, and still had to go to eight cities to escape?

Generally speaking, no matter how good a novice is, he should go to the forum to see the advantages and disadvantages of the profession before playing again. Then he will see the bitterness of the animal trainer players-the slowest leveling, scraping damage, weak PK, and expensive and troublesome pets. , There is no investment in sustainable development...

After looking at the shortcomings of the animal trainer, the advantages of the animal trainer can almost be ignored. It is just someone else's fantasy to fight more and fight less.

After all, so far, animal trainers can only have 2 pets at most...

After reading these arguments, newcomers will rarely choose the profession of animal trainer.

So I was very curious when I had a good time with drunk wine, and asked Su Ming:

"Why did you choose the profession of an animal trainer?"

"Because of Xiao Hei." Su Ming took Xiao Hei off his head: "At that time it was beaten by a goblin, and I tamed it into a pet in order to save it."

I can't laugh or cry when I'm drunk with wine:

"What's the reason? The monsters outside Novice Village are very strong. If you catch a slime as a pet, you can only be the boss."

"What is a boss?" Su Ming asked.

"You are now. The person who pays someone to take you is the boss."

Su Ming is alert:

"Didn't you say it's free?"

"Hey, I'm just making an analogy. Do you understand the analogy? Of course I'll take you for free, so you can rest assured." Zhuojiu poked Xiao Hei, feeling very good in the hand, girls might like it, He continued: "I advise you to change to a pet. Have you seen my wild boar?"

"I see." Su Ming noticed from the very beginning that the wild boar was very airy and had scars on his face. Xiao Hei went to say hello, but the wild boar ignored Xiao Hei.

"This is a level 15 boss pet scar pig. Those of us who don't have money to train animals have a high attack and thick blood. You can pay someone to help you catch one. It is estimated that it will be no problem at level 25."

Su Ming heard Zhuojiu talking happily, so he asked:
"You know the tamer well?"

Zhuojiu Jinhuan smiled and glanced at Su Ming. Su Ming's eyes of seeing a master made him very happy. He said "um" with his nose and said:
"I'm not bragging. In order to play the beast tamer well, I have done a lot of research. Many strategy groups on the forum will ask me for advice before posting strategies about the beast tamer."

"That's great, I have some questions I want to ask you, is that okay?" Su Ming's eyes lit up, and he watched the drunken wine with anticipation.

Zhuojiu thought to his heart's content that today he really met a top-notch Xiaobai, who happened to be reincarnated, and told this Xiaobai all the knowledge he knew, as a farewell to the profession of an animal trainer.

"You ask, do you want to know how the beast trainer fights in the Sinking Camp, or how to fight the boss alone?" Zhuojiu uttered a series of questions happily.

Su Ming interrupted him, and asked with great interest:
"Can you tell me how to add points to the animal trainer?"

Zhuojiu Jinhuan was stunned for a moment, and said uncertainly:
"2 bodies and 3 essences, that's all you want to ask?"

"More than that, I still have a lot of questions, but why do I need to add more?" Su Ming said.

It's clear that the turbid wine is full of joy. This Xiaobai must have read a few strategies and wanted to test himself first. It's interesting. He said:
"The profession of animal trainer, to put it bluntly, is a nanny for pets, a blessing teacher for pets alone, and has no offensive ability of its own.

Beast trainers have at least 2/3 of their skills to assist pets, so they must ensure that they have enough mana to continuously release their skills, so they focus on spirit and assist pets as much as possible.

However, if the animal trainer is dead, it is useless to assist the pet no matter how good it is, so I need to point two points of stamina to make myself more fleshy, so as to prevent being close by other melee professions for seconds.

Not only to add points, but also to go in this direction when equipping in the future, and get meaty!Let pets go out.Can you understand? "

Su Mingmao suddenly understood, from this point of view, the ring given to him by Thunderbird is very suitable for a beast trainer.

(End of this chapter)

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