Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 180 Members of the Advertising Team

Chapter 180 Members of the advertising team (seeking subscription~)

The two parties made an appointment to meet at a tavern in Wendy City.

It was still Su Ming and Venus who arrived first and chose their seats.

Soon, two female players, one tall and one short, entered the entrance of the tavern.

The slightly taller Blessing Master with beige long curly hair is wearing a white robe and carrying the magic staff dropped by Ace in the second-level dungeon. Her sharp and confident eyes swept across the tavern. When she saw Venus, she left immediately passed.

The cursing teacher with short black hair next to the blessing teacher was a little shy. She kept pulling on the sleeve of the blessing teacher. Since her steps were very small, she almost trotted to keep up with the blessing teacher beside her.

Two female players named Butterfly Whisper (blessing master) and light faded sat across from Su Ming.

Venus greeted with a smile:
"It's coming so soon."

Butterfly whispered and turned to the waiter for a glass of wine and said:

"Guangming and I happened to be leveling nearby. What about Oriole and the others?"

"Still on the road."

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the tavern was pushed open again.Two players, a man and a woman, walked in.The male is called Two Orioles, and he is dressed in shiny equipment, and he can be known as the Iron Guard at first glance; the female is called Yixing Bailu, who is carrying a large scroll that is as tall as a person, and is a magic net wizard.

The two also quickly found Venus and came over to sit on the side of the round table.

Seeing that everyone was present, Venus was about to introduce his four teammates to Su Ming, but the two orioles spoke first.

The two orioles felt familiar to Su Ming when they first entered the tavern, but now they are getting closer. After carefully looking at Su Ming, they made a surprised voice:

"It's you!"

Venus looked at Su Ming, then at the two orioles, and asked curiously:

"You two know each other?"

Su Ming recalled and remembered.Isn't this person the same Law-riding Iron Guard that he met for free when he downloaded the "Peter Factory Dungeon"?

I didn't expect such a coincidence to meet again in this way.

On the other side, the two orioles were also talking about the scene when he first met Su Ming,

"At that time, you were still a novice who didn't even know the pre-quests of the dungeon. In the past few weeks, you have grown to the point where you can challenge the most difficult dungeon. It's amazing."

"Hey, thank you for your compliment, I was taken care of by you at that time." Su Ming said.

"You are really destined." Venus smiled, ordered a few glasses of wine, and then introduced the four players to Su Ming.

Through the introduction of Venus, Su Ming knew that Butterfly Whisper and Light Disappeared are good friends who have been playing together since the game server opened.

Butterfly Whisper is very powerful, and has always firmly occupied the top three positions in the weekly list of blessing masters, and is also one of the few individual players in the weekly list (especially the top ten).

This time, she is the captain of the team formed for advertising.

Compared with Whispering Butterfly, the strength of Fading Light is slightly weaker, but it can also be ranked within the top [-] on the weekly list of curse masters, which is considered very powerful for ordinary players.

In fact, the curse master is not suitable for the three-story temple, but Butterfly Whispers does not want to be alone, so he brings the disappearance of light to the team.

Two orioles and a group of egrets, you can tell from their names that they have a close relationship. They are husband and wife in reality. They opened a game studio with more than a dozen people, and they did all the work of thugs and middlemen.

He didn't join a guild either, and kept picking up jobs and working for others, which was equivalent to being a mercenary.

The two couples have also hovered between the 10th and 20th in the weekly list for a long time, and they have strength.

After introducing these four people, Venus introduced Su Ming again, telling how he just defeated the geometry master in the arena, but other than that, Su Ming didn't seem to have any outstanding achievements...

"If you have anything else you want to know, you can ask Spore. I'm not very clear about the combat profession." Venus said politely.

Butterfly Whispers, as the captain of this operation, said bluntly:

"It's not particularly difficult to defeat the sniper in the arena. Even if you can't find output, Venus, you can't go to the doctor in a hurry."

Brightness Disappeared tugged on Die Whisper's sleeve, signaling her to speak more tactfully...

Butterfly Whispers frowned, pulled his sleeves away, angrily continued dipping his fingers in the drink and drawing on the table when the light faded...

"I didn't go to the doctor in a hurry." Venus kept smiling, pulled Su Ming to his side, and said, "The spores are very powerful. Look at the equipment on his body."

"The equipment is very good. I checked it when I came in." Butterfly whispered, "Because the equipment is good, it is not difficult to defeat the geometry master."

As a player who remains in the top three weekly rankings, Butterfly Whispering did not pay much attention to the geometry master. She said:

"We already have egrets in our team, so it's best to find another physical master C. Moreover, in the third-floor dungeon, facing Ai Digu, the 'coordinated attack' skill that the animal trainer is most proud of cannot be used. It's enough to be a magic assistant..."

"That, excuse me." Su Ming raised his hand and asked, "Why is 'coordinated attack' not available?"

"You don't know?" Butterfly whispered back in confusion.

Seeing Su Ming in embarrassment, Huang Li coughed twice, rescued Su Ming, and explained to him:

"Aidigu, the boss, can't take more than 5% of the maximum blood volume in a single damage, otherwise it will enter the invincible state for 5 seconds, and randomly rush people. Therefore, the coordinated attack of the animal trainer and some high bursts of other professions None of the skills can be used. The best choice is to let magicians, summoners, hunters and other professions with continuous output ability play."

Su Ming nodded, expressing his understanding.

Venus possessed herself and said in Su Ming's ear:
"I will send you the strategy of the three-story temple later, so you should study it carefully."

Su Ming nodded again.

Seeing Su Ming's ignorant appearance, Butterfly Whispering couldn't help rubbing his temples, stood up, and said to Venus:
"Miss Venus, please come out with me..."

Although it was a request, Butterfly whispered without waiting for Venus to agree, and walked out first.

"Come here." Venus has also been in contact with Die Whisper several times this week, knowing that she has a straightforward personality, and she can say whatever she wants. She is willing to avoid Su Ming and communicate with her outside. restrained.

So Venus pushed back the chair, and looked.

At the entrance of the tavern, Butterfly whispered against the wall, and said to Venus helplessly:
"Miss Venus, I know this is the last day. You are in a hurry, so why can't you try to contact people like 'King of Spades' and 'Dark Decay'? They don't seem to be participating in their guild's competition tomorrow... ..."

"I want to get in touch." Venus blinked his eyes wide, and said innocently: "But I woke up today, I was busy with things, so I didn't have time to get in touch."

What she said refers to helping Su Ming buy the factory.

"Then you should contact me now. It's only two o'clock in the afternoon. There's plenty of time."

"But I think Brother Spore is better." Venus continued to maintain an innocent expression. She knew that facing a person with a personality like Butterfly Whisper, it is best to use softness to overcome rigidity. Maybe he just put down the burden and quit.

"" Butterfly whispered keenly to capture the key information. She stared at Venus for a long time, wanting Venus to explain herself.

But in the end, she still couldn't stand the gaze of Venus's big sparkling eyes, so she was discouraged and asked:
"What's your relationship with him?"

"I am his intermediary." Venus replied.

"Intermediary?" Die Whisper gritted his teeth and spoke through the gaps between his teeth: "I came to you with light before, didn't you say that you were too tired and didn't want to do it?"

Venus raised his eyes, looked towards the sky, and muttered:

"I don't like girls like you..."

Butterfly whispered: "..."

"It must be him?" Butterfly whispered again, "He won't use any dirty means just to earn your reward..."

As Butterfly whispered, Venus pinched her face. She frowned, raised her head uncontrollably, and said vaguely:
"What are you doing? Let me go."

Venus said helplessly:
"Can it be used as an output? Don't you know by looking at his attributes and the attributes of his pets? And I am the one who pays. Even if you can't beat the dungeon, the reward will not be less than you."

After speaking, Venus let go of his hand.

"Huhu..." Die Xiyu took out a mirror, pinched his chin with his hand, and turned it left and right to check.

"Don't worry, if there is no mark, the light will not know." Venus said with a smile.

"Damn it... Forget it, you're right. It's not that I spend money, so if you want to be taken advantage of, go for it." Butterfly whispered and walked into the tavern, muttering incessantly: "It's not that the attributes are good. It can play high output... This spore looks so dull, it must be the kind of guy who is slow to respond and slows down the operation..."

She muttered all the way to the wine table, slapped the table, and said to Su Ming:

"Come with me and Guangming later to test your skills. If you fail, I will not accept this order."

Su Ming looked at Venus at the door.

Venus nodded to him, so Su Ming nodded too.

(End of this chapter)

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