Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 184 The Responsible Chief

Chapter 184 The Responsible Chief (please subscribe~)

On the ground, two pieces of golden equipment fell, namely pants and a belt.

Lazy Queen Bee Pants (LV26, Gold):

+720 Health, +70 Armor
+100 Strength, +92 Constitution
Laziness: Passive: -30 movement speed, -200 damage taken.

Durability: 80/80
Occupational Requirements: None.

Bee Waist (LV25, Gold):

+650 Health, +60 Armor, +60 Magic Resist
+85 Dexterity, +90 Spirit
Smart Dodge: Active: Within 1 second after being activated, gain 20% dodge chance.Cooldown: 60 seconds.

Durability: 50/50
Occupational requirements: none

The attributes of the two pieces of equipment are not very suitable for the three professions present, so Butterfly Whispering did not give anyone the right of first purchase.she says:
"Let's all roll, just me and you roll, Guangming will not participate in the roll."

Whispering Butterflies is still very fair.

The two began to roll the dice.

"86." Butterfly whispered.

"76." Su Ming.

The pants belong to Butterfly Whispering them.

"66." Butterfly whispered.

"73." Su Ming.

The belt belongs to Su Ming.

Because the attributes of the two pieces of equipment are similar, the two sides cancel each other out, and no one needs to spend money.

Of course, this is because Die Xiyu and Su Ming have a relatively casual relationship. In many cases, even if they take one from each other, they still have to settle the money.

Passers-by formed a team and showed good ones, but the equipment was not suitable for them. They couldn't even roll, and would just sit and wait for local tyrants to buy it, which was easy to pay for.

Only when there is no one to pay, will I roll it and find an unlucky guy to spend it.

The belt that Su Ming is wearing now is still the silver belt that exploded from the first floor of the temple dungeon. This belt has a lot of poor attributes, so he just changed it.

After dividing the equipment, Butterfly whispered to Su Ming:
"Thank you this time. I can't let you work for nothing. Venus seems to be your intermediary? Should I contact her to give the money, or give you the money directly?"

"Give it to Sister Venus directly." Su Ming said, "Then I can go?"

Butterfly nodded softly and said:
"Next, we just need to wait for the dust of the mist to dissipate and clean up all the remaining mutated bees."

"Then we'll see you tomorrow." Su Ming shook his hand.

"See you tomorrow."

Guangming disappeared and said to Su Ming with a crooked smile:

"I'll send you something to eat later, it's a product of this mission, and it should be able to add attributes permanently."

"Thank you~" After thanking, Su Ming crushed the stone back to the city and left directly.

After the fog dissipated, Butterfly Whisper found that the area where Su Ming spread the fog was actually covered by more than 40 mutated bees.

"How did he do it?" Die whispered in surprise and walked around the area where Su Ming threw it twice.

Her eyes swept back and forth between the area where the queen bee was lying and the area where Su Ming threw mist and dust, and gradually figured out the mystery.

"It's the route of the bees. The dozen extra ones flew in on their own initiative... Did he take all these factors into account when he came here for the first time? Although it has no effect on the final result...

No, it does have an impact. If you give him the dust of the three fogs and wait for a while, maybe all the mutated bees will be included, so that there will be more manpower to deal with the queen bee, right? The optimization of my style of play.

Where the hell did this guy come from? "


Help Butterfly Whisper the two of them to complete the task, and the time is almost at night.

Venus sent Su Ming the process of transcribing the copy of the three-story temple. Su Ming carefully read it twice and wrote down the main points in the strategy. This is not difficult for him.

Most of the time, the game strategy has to be tried before it will be impressive, but Su Ming's strong memory allows him to skip some practical content.

Afterwards, Su Ming mailed half of the money he earned from selling the sniper rifles to Fall into Guanghe, and then returned to Venus' pharmacy to refine the medicine.

The various bonuses in the pharmacy workshop are higher than those rented by the pharmacist guild.

After arriving, Su Ming found that the pharmacy was much more lively than before.

At night, the magic lights on each floor are also on.

There are many NPCs in the workshop who are off work, or come to change shifts.

Because the salary given by Venus is relatively high, even if they work three shifts, their happiness is relatively high, and there are very few cases of passive sabotage.

How to find a balance between happiness and passive sabotage to save costs is a problem that many capitalized guilds are studying.However, Venus has never studied this issue. If the salary is full, the happiness will naturally increase.

Venus doesn't think about problems that can be solved with money most of the time...

Perhaps thanks to the generosity of Venus, when the NPCs who came to work here saw Su Ming, the chief pharmacist who rarely appeared, and the second boss of the alchemy workshop, they would greet him very warmly.

Su Ming was flattered and hurriedly responded.

Seeing that Su Ming was more accommodating when he responded, an apprentice pharmacist mustered up his courage, stopped Su Ming, and asked:

"Mr. Chief, there is one thing I don't understand about the primary magic potion..."

The apprentice pharmacist mentioned a lot of nouns. To be honest, Su Ming didn't understand them either, but fortunately, this is a task.

The task showed that Su Ming only needed to show the apprentice pharmacist the process of refining medicine, so Su Ming took him to his office and took out the materials to practice it.

After the task was completed, the apprentice pharmacist thanked him excitedly. His potion proficiency improved a little, and Su Ming also gained a higher proficiency experience.

"Two-way promotion, this task is good." Su Ming realized the benefits of the task, and began to wander around in the pharmacy, visiting everywhere. If the NPC didn't look for him, he would take the initiative to find the NPC.

In one night, more than 50 pharmacy apprentices working overtime in the pharmacy shop were harassed by Su Ming, most of them were squeezed out of tasks by Su Ming, and their experience was ruthlessly exploding.

However, the NPC didn't think it was harassment, and was very grateful to Su Ming for his guidance, and the enthusiasm for production became higher.

Su Ming also found that pharmacy apprentices are more likely to generate quests, while a small number of junior pharmacists are less likely to generate quests, while the few management NPCs, intermediate pharmacists at the same level as him, are a quest Neither trigger.

"I have to work hard to improve." After Su Ming made sure that there were no NPCs to harass, he locked himself in a special studio and began to improve the proficiency of the Breath of Darkness potion.

After a night of sprinting, the proficiency of the Breath of Darkness potion was also successfully rushed to LV3 by Su Ming.

"The next one is the owl potion, and then the mid-level life recovery. Breathing underwater is also a mid-level potion. You can also flush it. The failure rate of high-level potion formulas is relatively high, so take it easy."

Su Ming has a Dream Eater backpack with sufficient materials and the addition of a pharmacy workshop. Basically, a third-level potion can be prepared in three or four days, and he can be promoted to a senior pharmacist in half a month.

After practicing the potion all night, Su Ming didn't feel tired at all. He hummed a song, walked around the medicine refining workshop, and continued to gain experience.

Those NPCs who were harassed by him last night would politely reject him, while those who hadn't seen him would give him a mission with a high probability.

"It should be refreshed after a while." Su Ming guessed so, planning to try again in a few days.

Su Ming returned to Wendy City, and took out the mail sent by Light Disappeared last night from the mailbox.

There is a piece of "Superior Honey Cake" inside, and besides the first time, there are many small biscuits. The light fades and the special note is for Xiao Hei. It seems that she really likes Xiao Hei.

Premium Honey Cake: For the first time eating it, permanently increase the constitution by 3 points.

Su Ming went to the NPC's store, bought milk, and prepared to eat it with it.

Then Su Ming summoned three more pets, and when he distributed the biscuits to them, Su Ming quietly took two of them and tasted them...

After enjoying the breakfast in the game, the time came to 6 o'clock, and the number of copies was refreshed.

 Thank you "YKYB_KI" for the 200 point reward.

  Thank you "Dong Dong Dong 123" for your 100 point reward.

(End of this chapter)

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