Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 186 Attacking Eddie

Chapter 186 Attacking Eddie (1)

After entering the copy, an animation appeared.

Su Ming lost control of his body, and so did the rest of his teammates.

The two sisters on the second floor fell to the ground, looked up at Butterfly Whispering (the captain) pushed open the door, picked up the steps and walked to the third floor.

"You can't... bother Master Ai Digu."

"You will regret it."

After two sentences, Su Ming regained control of his body and summoned all three pets.

According to the guide, there are no monsters on the steps. After the butterfly whispered to give the blessing to the dawn, the five people quickly ran to the third floor and stopped in front of the gate.

Behind the gate, there is a monster that will open the gate to kill.

Orioles moved early to a position that would attract aggro, and the others retreated to safety.

"I'm opening the door, are you all ready?"

Butterfly Whisper glanced at the positions of other people, especially the positions of Su Ming's three pets, they were all very good, and said:

"Okay, let's go."

Oriole opened the door, and the interior of the third floor of the temple was richly decorated, with exquisite reliefs made of marble and complex murals praising a blond man.

However, before he had time to appreciate these extravagant decorations, a stench came over his face.

A monster with a bloated belly, covered with black crystals, and slender hands and feet grabbed the door beam and kicked directly at Huang Li.

Oriole's shield was pushed forward, and after blocking the kick, the shield burst into dazzling light.


Stink Roach (BOSS, LV26): 210000/210000.

According to the player's research, the owner of the temple, Ai Digu, was just a gangster. One day, he accidentally got crystal disease.

In the past, crystal disease was not widely spread, and the public did not know much about it.However, Ai Digu has seen one or two people who also suffered from this disease, and all of them died in pain.He resented the injustice of the heavens, so he planned to assassinate a random person.

He chose Roach, a well-known rich man in Stubbs.

Aidigu chopped off the crystallized finger, ground the bone into a sharp knife, and combined it with the blade. Relying on the stealing skills he relied on for his livelihood, he stabbed the knife with the knife as soon as he met him in a crowded crowd. into Luo Qi's heart, looking at Luo Qi lying in a pool of blood, he ran away without a sound.

He waited for the news of Roach's death in the slums, waiting to go to the funeral to get money.

He waited for three days without any news of Roach's funeral. When he came to the street, he found that not only was Roach not dead, but he was still looking for the owner of the finger bone.

Under the constant search of Roach's servants, Roach finally found Ai Digu.

Ai Digu originally thought that Roach would kill him directly, but he didn't expect Roach to treat him as a guest of honor...

It was only then that Ai Digu discovered that Roach was also infected with crystal disease, but instead of being sluggish, his spirit became radiant, and all the diseases caused by obesity disappeared.

Luo Qi raised Ai Digu as medicine.

Ai Digu also has endless food and endless women.

Under the extravagant life, his body gradually became stronger. Although the magic energy crystals spread more and more, he didn't feel too much discomfort.

Moreover, more and more rich people came to him, only asking him to stab the crystals into their hearts and bring them young and healthy bodies...

With more and more money, Ai Digu gradually got rid of Luo Qi's control.

After many experiments, Aidigu found that only his own crystallization had this effect, and it was only useful when piercing into the body of the rich, while piercing into the poor would still cause them to die in pain.

From then on, Ai Digu awakened. He felt that he was the messenger sent by God to eradicate poverty...

As long as all the poor are killed, there will be no poverty.

However, it cannot be directly said that under the propaganda of the rich, people in Stubbs City believed that Edigu had magical powers——the crystallization from him could keep people young forever and eliminate diseases.

This benevolent lord, rich people need to pay high medical expenses when they seek treatment from him, while ordinary people seek treatment from him for free.

If it is not cured, Edigu will tell them that you are not pious enough, because there are successful cases, so the people of Stubbs City have no doubts about this and become more fanatical.

They carved stone statues for Eddie, built temples, and dedicated everything...

In this way, Eddie turned from a punk into the belief of everyone in Stubbs City.

Less than a year after the temple was built, though, Stubbs was a dead city, and no one knew what happened.


On the main stage, two commentators are explaining the race.

"Roch, the monster, is the first difficulty in the third-layer dungeon. He will spray venom everywhere. He can hit people and milk himself. It is very difficult to deal with." Commentary A said.

"Yes, the team whose output is not up to the standard will not even be able to enter the door when it encounters it." Commentator B said.

"Speaking of output, these ten teams..."

What commentator A said was interrupted by commentator B with a smile,

"Oh, I made a mistake. It's eleven, and there's another team from the Venus Pharmacy. They're doing activities recently. You can go and buy more potions."

Faced with this rough acting skills, the bullet screens all accused...

After completing the task of Venus inserting the advertisement, commentator A began to explain seriously:
"Of the eleven teams, five teams have brought animal trainers as their output. What do you think?"

"If the animal trainer catches a good enough pet, it is indeed no problem to be an output.

We can see that, except for the two teams of Venus Pharmacy and Demon Realm, the animal tamers of the other three teams have specialized pets, all of which are long-range pets, and the output is definitely no problem.

From Roach's remaining HP at the moment, it can be seen that the attacking progress of the team with the beast trainer is even faster than other teams. After all, the beast trainer is a profession called a boss killer.

It's just that when fighting Aidigu, the animal trainer has to turn off the "coordinated attack" skill, and the output ability will be greatly reduced...Facing Aidigu's outbreaks, without enough output, they can really survive what? "


Every time Roach is attacked, his skin will break open, and a ball of green mucus will drop out. If he steps on the mucus, his blood volume will quickly recover.

All the teams used ladders to fight down level by level to prevent too much mucus around Roach.

When all the ladders are used up, Roach must be killed.

In addition, you must also be careful of Roach's "Three-in-a-row Grab" attack. This skill can not only cause a lot of damage, but every time you catch it, it will also reduce the player's maximum health by 1% in the instance.

This Debuff will not disappear without leaving the copy.

Absolutely not in the front row.

Oriole did a good job, dodging all the three consecutive grabs, and the rhythm of luring Roach down the stairs was also very well controlled, ensuring that the output was shot first to shoot the mucus, and then led Roach down the stairs.

Su Ming and Bailu's output was also very strong. When halfway down the ladder, Roach was knocked down.

For the first BOSS, there was no difficulty for the 11 teams who came to compete.

In order to win the first place, everyone didn't even pick up the equipment, drank the blue medicine and blood medicine, replenished their status, and rushed directly to the three-story temple with the door open.

(End of this chapter)

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