Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 194 Being Followed by Stalkers

Chapter 194 Followed by Stalkers (please subscribe~)

Entering Yelo City, the first thing Su Ming did was to fix the resurrection point in Yelo City, and then went to the grocery store to buy the return stone of Yelo City, so that even if he died, he would not have to make an airship.

Su Ming has a psychological shadow on the airship.

The airship that was blown up before also became a hot topic. The animal trainer who deliberately attracted monsters and shouted was left with nothing but his pants and vest, and all his pets ran away. In this state, he has been blocked and killed. .

He couldn't keep his mouth shut anymore, and after posting an apology post, the players on the airship let him go...

After the two airships were intentionally blown up, there was another so-called agreement between the players - when taking the airship, they must honestly stay in the cabin for half an hour, and they are not allowed to go to the deck. Anyone who violates the rules will directly kill K.

Anyway, it should be much safer to take an airship in the future.

Since Su Ming was promoted to level 26, he went to the bank again and took out the gold equipment that he had flopped when playing the Heroic dungeon before. It was level 26 equipment. He couldn't equip it before, so he put it in the warehouse.

Badge of the Listener (LV26, Gold):

+720 Health, +720 Mana

+1 coordinated attack
+1 for listening to the sound of all things
Durability: 45/45
Career needs: listener

This piece of equipment, plus a second skill level, is the graduation outfit pursued by beast tamers at the current stage. The copy of the abandoned temple on normal difficulty will also drop. The probability is definitely much lower than that on heroic difficulty. If it is not impossible to trade, this badge is probably already It was fired up to sky-high prices.

Although the second-turn skill can be upgraded without proficiency, it needs to be level 5 to be upgraded to one level. This badge is equivalent to giving away level 5 plus 3 skill points for nothing.

Below level 30, it's hard to find a better badge than this.

The passive and active effects of listening to the voice of all things at level 2 have increased by 10% overall.Duration increased to 15 seconds, cost increased by 500 mana, cooldown unchanged.

Although the skill value has only increased by 10%, which doesn't look high, the duration has also increased, and its real growth can only be calculated by integrating the growth of the duration.

In the forum, a beast trainer has calculated that after the second-level skill is upgraded from level 1 to level 2, the output efficiency has increased by 65%, which is a great improvement.

After wearing the new badge, Su Ming wandered around the city.While watching what other players were doing, he also stopped a few NPCs and asked about the "Breath of Darkness Gem".

Su Ming tried his best to ask the NPC who looked old and rich.Not just asking questions like "Do you know where the Breath of Darkness gem is?", but also asking the names and whereabouts of the knowledgeable and well-informed NPCs in the city.

One NPC leads to another NPC, so the probability of triggering the task is higher.

In the city, like Su Ming, many players wore cool robes and concealed their names on their heads.

Although the robe covered the whole body, Su Ming's fish lamp cap was too conspicuous, and some players recognized him.

The player named "Holy Mark Sword Emperor" has his eyes on Su Ming.

His name is Saint Mark Sword Emperor, but his profession is a stalker.

The stalker's second turn is called Shadow Dance.Their shadows will disappear unscientifically, shrinking into a black shadow under their feet. This black shadow is equivalent to the silver whistle of the listener, which is the professional symbol of shadow dancing.

The Saint Mark Sword Emperor entered the stealth state and followed Su Ming, thinking in his heart:

"Many game media want the information and whereabouts of Spore, but few people have seen him in the past few days. I didn't expect him to be in Hierro City."

He secretly took a few photos of Su Ming to prove that he had indeed seen Su Ming, and was about to "submit" the photos to make money, when he saw Su Ming pull another NPC and start asking questions.

Although the NPC was very impatient, after accepting a silver coin from Su Ming, he stopped and answered Su Ming's question.

"The gem of the breath of darkness? What is that?" Sword Emperor Stigma has heard this word several times. "Is it a task related to the breath of darkness potion?"

After Su Ming became famous, the relationship with Venus was the most excavated.

Although everyone was gossiping, the people who eat melons lost interest in it after they knew that Su Ming and Venus were in a cooperative relationship.

However, through digging into this relationship, players who often visit the forum also know that the most popular "Primary Magic Potion" and "Dark Breath Potion" that Venus Pharmacy is looking for to buy are from Su Ming.

Saint Mark Sword Emperor is a well-informed player who often visits the forum. He naturally associates what Su Ming is doing with the "Breath of Darkness Potion".

"Quests related to the Breath of Darkness potion? This is a big deal."

The Sword Emperor of St. Mark gave up the idea of ​​"contributing articles" and continued to follow Su Ming. At the same time, he sent a message in his guild - "Hongchen Pavilion".

Sword Emperor Shenghen briefly told about his meeting with Su Ming, and expressed his guess.Soon, the members of the Hongchen Pavilion Guild in Hierro City were mobilized by him, and began to imitate Su Ming, looking for NPCs in Hierro City to inquire about the "Dark Breath Gem".


Su Ming was walking on the street full of vendors yelling. From just now, Su Ming had the feeling of being watched.

He turned his head and glanced behind him suspiciously—NPCs came and went, and players were mixed among them. A few players staring at Su Ming thought Su Ming was looking at them. They looked at Su Ming and smiled awkwardly. Hastily left.

These are just ordinary players who recognized Su Ming's identity and looked more curiously.

Su Ming frowned.

"It's not these few people... There are stalkers following me." Su Ming was depressed, "Anyone else wants to blow up my equipment? Didn't it mean that players rarely attack players on the weekly list..."

Su Ming quickened his pace, pushed away the NPCs and players blocking the way, and quickly turned into the narrow alley between the houses.

The urban PK management in the Espine area is very loose. As long as the NPCs are not alarmed, even if you PK in the city, you will not be arrested, and it is not a big name (above 10), and it does not matter if you enter the city.

Su Ming confirmed that the stalker behind him hadn't followed into the alley, so he activated "Deep Sea Grasp", and the octopus tentacles flew out from his neck, bringing him to the roof.

Su Ming summoned Xiao Hei, who was smaller in size, and stared at the shady alley with his sharpness fully activated.

Soon a vague figure was felt entering the alley.

"Xiao Hei, hold him down."


Xiao Hei charged up and ejected, and fell down, knocking out the Saint Mark Sword Emperor from his concentration state.

Su Ming jumped down, summoned Zaemon to surround him, and after ensuring that the stalker could not escape, he asked:
"Why follow me?"

The Saint Mark Sword Emperor did not expect that he would be spotted by Su Ming even if he was following him 50 yards away. He thought that he was indeed the top player in the new evaluation list last week, and he was in good condition.

The Sword Emperor of St. Mark rolled his eyes, held the photo that was secretly taken at the beginning, smiled awkwardly, and said:
"Isn't it because I want to take pictures of the boss's heroic appearance so that I can go to various media outlets to exchange for some money? Don't blame me... If you don't like it, I can destroy it right now."

Su Ming felt helpless when he saw these blurry photos. After he became famous, it was not the first time he encountered such a thing, so he felt that what the Sword Emperor of the Holy Mark said should be true.

Su Ming called Xiao Hei and Zaemon back to his side, and said:
"I slapped you, I'm sorry. If you want to keep the photo, you can keep it... Don't sneak up on me in the future. Do you want me to cooperate with you and take two clear pictures?"

"Uh, no, no, big brother, go get busy, I'm interrupting."

Su Ming was so eloquent, which surprised Sword Emperor Shenghen.

The president of Hongchen Pavilion, "Hongchen Sword Master", is a master of the weekly rankings. He usually gives the impression of the Sword Emperor of St. Mark that he is as good as a 250, which makes him not have a good impression of the players on the weekly rankings.

Seeing that Su Ming was about to leave, Sword Emperor Saint Mark stopped Su Ming.

"Why, is there something else?" Su Ming asked.

"Well, I heard you asking about the Breath of Darkness gem..."

When Su Mingting mentioned the gem, his eyes lit up and he asked:

"Do you have a clue?"

The Holy Mark Sword Emperor did not expect Su Ming to react like this, he thought Su Ming would hide it...

The Saint Mark Sword Emperor looked at the information exchanged rapidly in the guild channel, shook his head, and asked:
"I'm just curious, is it related to the Dark Breath potion?"

"It has nothing to do with the potion. It has something to do with my pet. If you have any clues, you can tell me, and I can give you a little reward." After Su Ming gave his business card to the Sword Emperor of St. Mark, he left .

(End of this chapter)

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