Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 2 The Bullied Slime

Chapter 2 The Bullied Slime

Su Ming swallowed a mouthful of saliva. To fight such a monster, the psychological pressure is still quite high, but in order to make money, he gritted his teeth and rushed up with his bare hands.

Su Ming punched the Goblin on the head.

The goblins immediately fought back. They were small in size, but they were extremely fierce when they hit people. The wooden stick embedded with stones was aimed at Su Ming's face.

After a while, Su Ming was beaten to the point of bleeding. Fortunately, the pain setting in "Fate" was not high, otherwise Su Ming would have fainted from the pain.

It took a lot of effort to beat a goblin to death with his fist, and only a trace of blood remained.

After the goblin falls, a copper coin pops out and the body disappears.

With a bruised nose and swollen face, Su Ming put the copper coins into his backpack, rested against the tree, and thought to himself:
"A geek is given one copper coin, and it takes ten beatings to earn 1 yuan. Making money in games is so difficult, but in reality it must be more difficult and harder. For my sister, it doesn't matter how much I get beaten!"

So, after Su Ming's blood volume recovered to full, he bravely rushed to a goblin again, one person and one monster hugged each other, and began to fight each other with one kick and one punch.

If other players see Su Ming's behavior, they will definitely laugh their heads off. "Fate" has an internal test, although it is not long, but some people have sorted out a novice guide, which details how to go to the blacksmith shop to get novice The method of equipment, it will be easier to deal with monsters with weapons.

And Su Ming didn't learn skills either.

Su Ming didn't understand this. After wrestling with the goblins in the forest for more than an hour, the novice clothes on his body became tattered, and his durability was lost.

In his backpack, there are now a total of 46 copper coins, and ten hemostatic plants have also been collected.

"The goblins are too stingy. They only give 1 copper coin at most, and sometimes they don't even give copper coins." Su Ming walked carefully between the two goblins.

After fighting, he has a preliminary control over the hatred distance between goblins.He knew that he could only deal with one goblin at a time, and if two goblins came, he could only run away.

"Crackling, croaking, croaking! Hahahaha!"

As he walked, Su Ming heard the voice of the goblin in front of him getting louder. He took two steps forward to check the situation.

I saw five goblins pointing around a mass of black jelly, and when they got up occasionally, they waved their big sticks and hit the jelly.

The jelly will make a crackling sound, and the goblins will laugh happily.

When Su Ming was fighting Goblins, he would occasionally see this kind of jelly called slime. It was an ornamental monster in the forest, and he beat inexperienced monsters.

Whether they saw people or monsters, they would run away from them. Most of them were green in color. Somehow, this black slime was caught and beaten by five goblins.

The five goblins seem to be working together to hit rice cakes. You and I hit the slime, but they don't kill the slime. They just think the reaction of the slime is interesting, so they keep hitting it.

Slime was bruised and teary from the beating.

Su Ming couldn't stand it anymore, his parents died early, some classmates knew that he had no parents, so they often made fun of him.

He was bullied mentally, but this slime was bullied physically, the situation is very similar.

Someone needs to step up and help it.

However, Su Ming was tired enough to deal with one goblin. If he were to fight five goblins head-on, he would definitely not be an opponent. He could only find a way to lure them away.

Small rocks in the ground may be a viable tool.

Su Ming picked up the stone, weighed it twice, and threw it at the goblin.

The stone fell to the ground with a slap and failed to hit the goblins, but it also managed to attract their attention. They turned their heads to look at Su Ming, chattered a lot, and rushed towards Su Ming waving their sticks.

Su Ming ran away quickly and shouted at the same time:
"Slime, you run too."

The dark slime realized that Su Ming had come to save him, so he squeaked to express his thanks, and immediately bounced and ran in the opposite direction.

One of the five goblins noticed that the slime was running away. It stopped and called out to its companions. They chatted for a while, obviously thinking that the slime was more attractive than Su Ming, so they chased after him. Slime, let Su Ming go.

Su Ming ran wildly for a while, but didn't hear any movement behind him. He turned his head in doubt, but there was nothing behind him, so there were no goblins.


Su Ming returned the same way, and heard the sound of "Papa Papa" again.

Slime has been captured by Goblin. In order to prevent Slime from escaping, Goblin tied Slime to a tree with a rope.

Even if the goblins were distracted, the slime couldn't escape.

When the goblins saw Su Ming come back, they fought more vigorously. While fighting, they danced like crabs, probably mocking Su Ming.

As soon as Su Ming gritted his teeth, he rushed over and squeezed into the middle of the five goblins. This behavior immediately annoyed the goblins, and their sticks immediately greeted Su Ming.

Su Ming lay down and protected the slime with his body, the stick hit Su Ming's back, making a bang bang sound, Su Ming grabbed the rope with both hands, and tore it outward with his feet, but the rope was too strong, he couldn't stop pulling. So Su Ming tried to bite the rope with his teeth.

The slime's eyes were wide open, staring at the man who had been punched in defense of himself.

"Zhizhi——" it was beating lightly, pressing against Su Ming's lower abdomen, beckoning him to run quickly.

But Su Ming couldn't run even if he wanted to. His blood volume dropped rapidly, and he bit the rope halfway before he was beaten to death. His body pressed on the slime and flattened it.

"Crackling!" The goblins waved their hands excitedly, throwing Su Ming's body away and letting it disappear into a spot of light.

The slime returned to its original form. It was angry, shouted, and bumped into a goblin, but was hit by a stick on the tree trunk, and then five goblins surrounded it to make rice cakes...


Su Ming returned to the ruins surrounded by clouds and mist. This is the Palace of Reincarnation, which is the place where the player was born and where the player died.

The only difference is probably that the elf disappeared, leaving behind a tall statue of a goddess.

The Goddess pointed to a dark whirlpool door in the distance.

Behind the door is the passage of reincarnation. After walking through the passage of reincarnation and landing one level, the player can be resurrected.

If the level cannot be lowered, all the experience of the current level will be deducted, so Su Ming can also be resurrected.

Su Ming knew all this from the novice guide, and he ran into the dark passage of reincarnation.

After spinning around for a while, he stood in the square of Novice Village again.

"You can only bite off half of the rope at a time. Even if you untie the rope, the slime will be caught back. I can't save the slime like this. I have to kill all five goblins to save Shi. Lime," Su Ming thought, "but now I can't deal with five goblins no matter what. If I can't kill the goblins, I might as well let myself hold on longer, bite the rope and hold the slime Run away together."

(End of this chapter)

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