Chapter 217 Grab the Orb (please subscribe~)

Su Ming grabbed and masturbated subconsciously...

Then Su Ming heard a piercing meow, and Snica, who was supported by him, suddenly turned around, her nails became sharp, and she grabbed Su Ming.

Su Ming leaned back to avoid the claw, but he didn't let go of the cat's tail, and pulled the cat's tail straight...


Snica blushed, bared her canine teeth, and roared angrily:
"Idiot, let go of my tail!"

"Oh..." Hearing this, Su Ming let go of his tail and took two steps back to prevent Snica from attacking him again.

Snica flicked the tail to her hand, rubbing it tearfully——suddenly pulled, it hurt to death.

Su Ming looked at Snica whose name changed to "Miao Mi" in front of him, and matched her with the black cat in his impression. Su Ming opened his eyes wide in surprise and said:
"Are you the cat from the Flint tribe? So your name is Miu Mi? I always thought it was Miu Mi."

Miu Mi lowered her head. After defeating Tovic, her strength was exhausted and she was unable to maintain her human form. Now the cat ears and cat tail have grown out. After a while, it is estimated that she will turn back into a real cat.

Miao Mi stared at Su Ming ferociously. If she could eat more gems in the Flint Tribe, she wouldn’t be unable to maintain her human form after hitting Tovic. Action, all blame this human being!
"Irreverent listener, it's rare that you haven't heard that a cat's tail can't be touched?" Miao Mi looked at Su Ming angrily, and slowly backed away, walking towards the stone pillar.

Su Ming touched his head and said:

"You mean the tiger's butt?"

"Do you still want to touch my ass! Pervert!" Miao Mi said, turning around suddenly, rushing towards the epic orb floating in the air.

While Miao Mi turned around, Su Ming received a system message.

System: Miu Mi (NPC) has withdrawn from your team.

System: The mission NPC has left the team, and the shared mission "Golden City's Gem Gate (8)" has failed.

The Red Dust Juggernaut and Cannon Fodder who were looking for equipment in the grass also received the news.

"What happened? Why did the mission fail?" Hongchen Sword Master asked.

"What the hell is going on with Snica?" Cannon Fodder ran two steps forward, and seeing that he couldn't catch up, he shouted at Miu Mi: "Why did your name change? You want to do something to my epic equipment?" what!"

Snica, who was running towards the epic orb, turned her head, made a grimace, and said with a successful prank smile:
"Your epic equipment? A pathfinder servant also wants to get the key to the Golden City. You are too naive!"

The cannon fodder was dumbfounded. Judging from Miao Mi's words, he had accepted a fake mission that was doomed to fail.

From the point of view of cannon fodder, Miao Mi's personality is not very good, lazy and spoiled, and the first few rounds of missions always release some missions to find food... It has nothing to do with the final mission, but the name of this mission is too bluffing, The cannon fodder endured it.

Because the continuity of Miao Mi's previous missions was too poor, the cannon fodder once wondered whether Miao Mi was using him as a tool.

Some bad NPCs will indeed do this, and there are occasional cases on the forum. Players who are fooled will publish these NPCs on the forum to prevent others from being recruited later.

But under normal circumstances, most of the time this kind of task is over after two or three rings, but the cannon fodder has been done for two days, and 8 rings have been done, and thousands of gold coins have been invested...

However, in fact, cannon fodder is not considered cheating. In this link, Miao Mi took him to the treasure house in Tovic's tomb to get two pieces of gold equipment, but compared with the epic equipment, it was not enough.

The huge psychological gap made the cannon fodder extremely angry, and roared at Miu Mi:
"Snica, I'll kill you!"

Miu Mi looked at the cannon fodder charging towards her, not afraid at all, and even smiled.The mysterious lines on her forehead flickered again, and golden ripples escaped from her temples on both sides like quicksand.

Cannon Fodder had seen Tovic being instantly killed by the golden ripple, so he was immediately persuaded and forcibly interrupted the charge.

The cannon fodder was trying to avoid it, but found that the golden ripples dissipated halfway through the flight.

Miu Mi lost interest in playing, and the smile on her face also disappeared—the strength is really running low, she must rest as soon as possible, and then find another fool to lie to her.

She didn't know that the cannon fodder would expose her on the forum tonight, and she might never be able to deceive the players again.

Thinking so, Miao Mi quickened her pace, bent her knees and flew into the air, and grabbed the epic orb pulled by the magic light. She was about to catch it, but suddenly there was a numb feeling on her feet, which made her unable to bear it. Boom" sounded.

Miao Mi lowered her head with a blushing face, seeing Su Ming grabbing her feet, her shy pink turned into an angry red, her face was about to explode—it was this guy again!


Back in time a little bit.

Su Ming was also chasing Miao Mi, and Su Ming acted earlier than the cannon fodder.

In fact, Su Ming was not chasing Miu Mi, but Baozhu.

Su Ming thought that the task failed, and everyone should have a chance to get the epic orb, so he rushed directly to the orb just like Miao Mi.

Although the molten flame shield with the hammer accelerated, Su Ming was still not as fast as Miao Mi, but Su Ming did not give up, and was still catching up.

When he chased under the stone pillar, the blue magic boots on Su Ming's feet shone brightly, and a pair of small wings grew.

Leap lightly, launch!
The magical equipment from the Sister Flowers of the Abandoned Temple allowed Su Ming to increase his jumping power by 20%.

After jumping up, a white light flashed on Su Ming's wrist, and he turned into a ball of broken light with a bang, and suddenly disappeared in place.


The flicker made Su Ming rush 10 yards in the air and successfully catch up with Miao Mi.

Su Ming also reached out to grab the gemstone, but his jumping height was still a bit short after all, so he could only grab Miao Mi's feet.

Miao Mi didn't wear shoes, and Su Ming grabbed her bare feet, but Su Ming grabbed very hard, the numb feeling on the soles of her feet spread all over Miao Mi's body, making her tremble all over...

After shaking twice, Miao Mi came to her senses and shouted as if she was about to cry:
"Perverted human! I'll kick you to death!"

Miao Mi twitched her foot, and Su Ming grabbed the silver chain on her instep. The mysterious golden inscription flashed on her forehead again, and a ball of golden light rushed out, knocking Su Ming to the ground.

After releasing this golden light, Miao Mi no longer had the strength to maintain her human form, and turned into a black cat, landing on Su Ming's chest.

Without waiting for Su Ming to react, Miao Mi turned her body around, lashed the bridge of Su Ming's nose with her tail in a vengeful manner, and threw a red mark on Su Ming's face...

Then, Miao Mi stepped on Su Ming's chest and took off again, holding the epic orb in her mouth, and when she fell, she spread out a magic circle in the air and disappeared into the valley.

Su Ming rubbed his nose, let go of his hand, and looked at the silver anklet he was holding.

Miao Mi's anklet: a silver anklet made by Dama in Sibeiweicheng, beautiful in shape and expensive.

Xiao Hei and the others rushed to Su Ming, and the hammer pulled Su Ming up.

Su Ming put the silver chain into his backpack, and patted the weeds off his clothes and pants.

"Are you okay?" Hongchen Sword Master also ran over and asked.

"It's all right. It's a pity that I didn't get the epic orb, and I didn't even see the attributes." Su Ming said, "If I can drink the swiftness potion and the soaring potion, I might be able to snatch it. It's a pity that I don't have time to drink it for me."

Su Ming looked at the cannon fodder who kept hitting the ground with a shield and shouting in the distance, and asked in a low voice:

"Is he all right?"

The Red Dust Sword Master shrugged and said:

"It is estimated that the initial investment is not small. I played with this cat and I am angry. Ignore him. I will be fine after a while."

Su Ming nodded and asked again:

"Have you found the equipment that Tovic exploded?"

The Sword Master of the Red Dust shook his head, Miao Mi snatching the orb happened so suddenly, he hadn't searched carefully yet.

"Drink the 'owl potion', improve your acuity, and look for it again." Su Ming gave the potion to the Red Dust Sword Master, and said: "If you have equipment...below dark gold, let the cannon fodder participate in the distribution. It's so pathetic."

The Red Dust Sword Master smiled and nodded in agreement.

With Su Ming's participation, the equipment, materials and gold coins in various trees and bushes were quickly found.

(End of this chapter)

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