Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 219 Dama's Divination Hut

Chapter 219 Dharma's Divination Cabin (please subscribe~)

the next morning.

Su Ming returned to Yero City, threw all the useless materials he produced into the store to sell, and then repaired all the equipment on his body with durability, then sat in the teleportation array and arrived in Sibeiwei City.

Sibeiwei City is obviously more prosperous than Yero City.

Not far from Spiveville City, there is a river passing through it, so the terrain around it is not entirely desert, but more sandstone, and the nearby plants also have more green attachments.

Although the environment has improved a lot, it is still hot and dry.

Last night, Su Ming searched for information on the forum and found that the Dama mentioned on the anklet was a well-known NPC. Although there was no screenshot of her, there was the address of the divination shop she opened in Beiwei City.

Players can obtain a 12-hour buff after finding a fortune-telling NPC. This buff can provide a -20%~20% item drop rate bonus, which is relatively rare.

This explosion rate bonus is multiplicative. For example, if the explosion rate of an item is 1%, and a 20% explosion rate bonus is obtained through Dama, then the explosion rate will increase to 1.2% instead of 21%.

After copying the coordinates from the forum, Su Ming put on his hood and quickly walked through the complicated streets of Sibeiwei City, and soon found a stone house. Under the eaves of the stone house, there was a badly worn wooden signboard. It says "Dama's Divination Hut".

At the door, there are dozens of players queuing up to wait for divination, and the small item is full of chaotic voices. Where there are players, it can never be quiet.

"Yesterday I was bad luck, today must be great luck!"

"Being lucky to join the team, 5 gold per hour."

"Freshly baked big luck, the boss who is willing to pay 7 gold/hour pulls away at a high speed."

Although the increase is the individual burst rate, players believe that those who can get the big luck usually have dog luck, and dog luck can increase the whole team, so they will spend money to find players who are lucky enough to join the team.

The team moved quickly, and the divination room could digest five people at a time.Soon it was Su Ming's turn to pay and enter the house.

A divination costs 10 gold.

"Go and pick a house you like." said the old woman in charge of the reception.

In the house, there are 5 rooms separated, and each room uses a red bead curtain as a door. Behind the door are five beautiful NPCs who look exactly the same and are dressed in cool clothes.

Su Ming scanned the names on their heads, none of them were Dama, Su Ming blinked suspiciously... Could it be that Dama is divination?
The four players who entered the stone house with Su Ming have already found their favorite NPC, opened the bead curtain, and went in for divination.

Su Ming walked into the remaining room, which was not Dama anyway, and any room was the same for Su Ming.

"Please sit down." The NPC stretched out his hand to signal Su Ming to sit on Tuanpu.There is a crystal ball in front of her, and the stars in the crystal ball are changing combinations constantly.

Su Ming recognized a "Night Watch Wolf". It seems that NPCs are divination based on the starry sky.

Su Ming sat down and asked:
"Excuse me, is Ms. Dama here?"

"Hush!" The beautiful NPC frowned and said, "Don't ask about things that are not related to divination, and put your hands on the crystal ball."

Su Ming did as she said, but kept saying:

"Do you know Miu Mi?"

"God of Wealth, Ms. Gold, a symbol of bad luck." The NPC frowned, staring at the changing constellations on the crystal ball, judging Su Ming's fortune today, and said at the same time: "Miao Mi is mentioned in the fortune-telling, She will take all of Ni's good fortune away, and you will become unlucky."

Su Ming always felt that this NPC was cursing him... However, it would be nice if the conversation could continue.

Su Ming rested his right hand on the crystal ball and followed NPC divination. With his left hand, he rummaged through the backpack and found the silver chain. Holding the silver chain, he asked:
"Do you know this silver chain? It seems to be made by Ms. Dama. Does Ms. Dama have Miu Mi's contact information?"

"Oh my God!" The NPC saw the silver chain and didn't answer Su Ming's question at all. She swooped onto the table and checked the anklet in Su Ming's hand. While checking, her body gradually became shorter, her hair turned white, Her face became as big as a washbasin, with deep wrinkles, and the name on her head became Dama.

There was an exclamation from the other four rooms, and it was obvious that the NPCs on their side also changed their appearance.

"Daily frame, big bad luck!"

"Great whirlpool, bad luck!"

"Empty kettle, Xiao E!"

"Desert bandit, Zhonger!"

Four consecutive divination results were reported by a sharp voice, and the four players were thrown out of the room by the NPC before they could react.

She was in charge of receiving the old lady at the door, but she turned into a young and beautiful girl. Her appearance was exactly the same as the quintuplets who were sitting and divination.

She stopped the players who were about to break into the stone house, hung a "Closed Business" sign outside the door, and locked the door of the divination hut.

A girl named Unicle broke into the room where Su Ming was, looked nervously at the old woman who climbed onto the table, and asked:

"Grandma Dama, what happened? Why did you cancel the illusion?"

Dama stretched out her hand and signaled Unike to stop talking. She was holding a magnifying glass and was carefully observing the silver chain that Su Ming took out.

Wu Nicole sat next to Su Ming and asked softly:

"Mr. Listener, what happened?"

"Grandma Dama is confirming whether this silver jewelry is from her." Su Ming said.

Unicorn nodded.

Su Ming pointed to his hand on the crystal ball again, and asked:
"Can I take it off?"

Looking at the swirling stars on the crystal ball, Unique said:

"Oh, I'm sorry sir, I'll help you complete the divination for Granny Dama."

Uniko pressed her white palm on the crystal ball, and the spinning stars stopped, and the stars were arranged in the shape of two horses pulling a cart.

Unic laughed and said:
"It's a 'merchant's truck', sir, your luck today is good."

After Wu Nicole helped Su Ming complete the divination, three stars lit up on Su Ming's head, and then disappeared instantly.

System: You have obtained the "Fortune Divination (Lucky)" buff.

Fortune divination (luck): +15% item drop rate, remaining time: 12 hours. (not effective in copy)

Seeing that Dama was still identifying the silver chain, Su Ming chatted with Unique:
"Why does Grandma Dama want to divination in your image?"

Unicle blinked and said:

"Business is better this way. There are more than one divination hut in the city."

"Then why didn't you let you go directly to divination?" Su Ming asked again.

"Because Unique can't be divided into five people." Dama next to him answered for Unique after identifying the silver chain.

Dama went on to say:
"This anklet was indeed made by me. More than ten years ago, Miu Mi came to me and asked me to divination for her the secret of the stolen gems on the Gem Gate. I didn't want to, so I spent money to eliminate disasters for her Forged a whole body of gold and silver jewelry."

Unico answered next to her and said:
"Why don't I remember this?"

Dama glared at Unico and said:
"When you were a child, what can you remember?"

After killing Unicole, Dama asked Su Ming:
"You said, you tore this silver chain from Miao Mi's feet?"

Su Ming nodded.

"Have you seen Miu Mi?"

Su Ming nodded again, stretched out two fingers and said:

"I've seen it twice."

Dama frowned, feeling uneasy.

Miao Mi's frequent activities are most likely to revive the tyrant of Walsom.

If Walsom is really resurrected, he can control the entire Espine area in an instant...

At that time, everyone will become his servants again, and Miu Mi can enjoy countless treasures again.

The listener in front of me, after touching Miu Mi, will still have "lucky" fortune, maybe he can stop Miu Mi.

In fact, every player who has met Miao Mi but has not yet triggered the mission will be forced to judge the fortune of Xiaoer or higher when he comes here.

Because, according to the game settings, every player is the chosen one, has a hero template, and is an existence that can save the world...

After Dama was fooled by Su Ming's fate, she made up her mind and asked Su Ming:

"You came here to ask about Miu Mi's whereabouts?"


"I can divination for you the general activity area of ​​Miu Mi, but you have to promise me one condition."

"What conditions."

"Miao Mi will look for the lost gems in the Golden City. You have to find the gems before her and give them to me," Dama said.

Su Ming hesitated, he had seen gems before, this is epic equipment.

When he reached level 30, Xiao Hei would probably eat epic equipment. This gem was the only clue he knew about epic equipment.

"What?" Dama asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"Grandma Dama, if I have a way to completely destroy the gem, can I not give it to you?"

Dama glanced at Su Ming, thinking that he was greedy, she didn't expose it, but just asked:
"Such a powerful magic item, how can you, a listener who is less than level 30, destroy it?"

"I have Xiao Hei."

Su Ming summoned Xiao Hei and carried it with both hands.

Xiao Hei and Grandma Dama looked at each other and let out a "squeak".

"It's so cute." Unicle pressed her hands on the floor, leaned over, poked Xiao Hei with her finger, raised her head and asked Su Ming, "Can I hug you?"

"Yes. As long as Xiao Hei is willing." Su Ming put Xiao He down, and said to Dama, "Xiao Hei is my pet, and it can devour magic equipment."

Su Ming thought about this feature, and told the NPC that there should be no problem.

"This is the first time I've seen such a powerful slime... It may be able to digest magic equipment, but the energy of epic-level magic items is extremely powerful. I still don't believe that this slime can destroy..."

Su Ming interrupted Dama, stretched out a finger and said:
"Grandma Dama, how about this? After I snatch the lost gem of the Golden City, I will bring it to you first, and then let Xiao Hei deal with it in front of you, how about it?"

Dama thought to herself that if the gem could really be destroyed, it would be safer than putting it in her place, so she agreed to Su Ming.

After Grandma Dama agreed to Su Ming, Su Ming received a system prompt.

System: You have accepted the random task "Cat's Mouth Snatches Food (1)".

The task description is very vague, and the completion conditions are exactly the same as the Golden City (8) that the cannon fodder picked up, and the gems are also found.

But at least someone took him to find the cannon fodder, so Su Ming's eyes were darkened.

Su Ming told Dama that he didn't know where to start to find the gems.

Dama also answered Su Ming, she said:
"I will help you find out the location of Miu Mi, and Miu Mi will find the gem, and then you just go and grab it."

Su Ming was stunned... really wanted to snatch food from the cat's mouth...

"Do you still remember which hand you used to touch Miu Mi the last time?" Dama asked.

Su Ming stretched out his right hand.

"You wrap the silver chain around your right hand, and then put your hand on the divination ball." Dama said, "Within a week, you must touch Miu Mi again, and if you can't, after a week, I can't help it." Help you locate Miu Mi."

After Dama finished speaking, there was one more requirement for the task of snatching food from the cat's mouth - touching Miu Mi (0/1).

Dama closed her eyes, muttering words that Su Ming could not understand, then opened her eyes abruptly, an oasis appeared in the transparent crystal ball, this is the area where Miao Mi will be active recently.

(End of this chapter)

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