Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 229 Equipment Blueprint Fragments

Chapter 229 Equipment Blueprint Fragments
On the outskirts of the oasis illusion is a Gobi Desert.

It's just that where the eye can see, all kinds of scenery are covered with a layer of green filter, which looks green.

The three of Su Ming stood on a high point in the Gobi Desert, looking down, they could see many ants with almost transparent bodies climbing up.

This kind of ant is called Jiejie Ant. It is forty to fifty centimeters long and has a pair of large and powerful pliers.

They should be light blue, but with the green filter, they appear yellowish.

"There are too many monsters." Zui Mingyue looked at the seemingly endless army of ants below, trembling in her heart.

Even if it is an ordinary monster, so many will surround people to death.

"It's more, leveling is faster." Wisteria said with a smile.

"Then how do we brush? Hard? They don't do much damage?" Zui Mingyue asked.

Wisteria shook her head and said:

"Of course not, look at the surrounding Gobi Desert, there are many caves eroded by wind, as long as you find one to hide in, you can only spawn monsters in one direction.

These boundary-breaking ants will send messages to their companions after they die. Even if we stay in the cave, monsters will always come to us. "

"Then how do we leave the illusion?" Su Ming asked, he looked at his backpack, in the map, even the return stone is useless.

"Monsters will drop a kind of Boundary Breaking Orb, which is specially used to leave the illusion. Although the explosion rate is not high, it can't hold back the monsters. I am usually alone, and I can spawn them in two hours. Now that we have a lot of people, we should be able to spawn them." faster."

Zui Mingyue asked: "Your level is so high, you should have done it here, right? Do you have extra Boundary Breaking Orbs on you?"

Wisteria shook her head again and said:
"No, after leaving the illusion, no matter how many Boundary Breaking Orbs you have on your body, they will disappear immediately."

After Wisteria answered their doubts, the three of them took action.

They first looked from a high place, found the nearest cave, and then tried to run there.

The cave was about 150 yards away from the three of them.

The method Wisteria used was very simple. She relied on her skills to move between the boundary-breaking ants. As soon as the boundary-breaking ants started to gather, she had already disappeared.

Finally, she grabbed a raised rock above the cave and waved to Su Ming and the others.

Under her feet, hundreds of boundary-breaking ants gathered.

The boundary-breaking ants all raised their heads, waiting for the wisteria to fall, and some ants stepped on the bodies of their companions and crawled upwards.

Wisteria was hanging on one hand, and wielding a dagger with the other hand, knocking down a small number of ants that climbed up.

Through the information sent out in the team channel, Su Ming knew that this monster with only level 26 had only 5000 points of blood, and the experience provided by the death of a monster was only 200 points, which is estimated to be 600 points when converted into single-player experience. It is about 26/1 of the normal level 4 monster.

Although there are experience penalties brought by high-level Wisteria killing low-level monsters, it is still lower than normal monsters.

However, it still can't stand the large number of them.

Su Ming has rough skin and thick flesh, and with the help of Xiao Hei, these monsters with only 5000 HP can be destroyed by Xiao Hei's mucus burst in seconds.

It would take a lot of effort for Zui Mingyue to break through, so Su Ming invited Zui Mingyue to go forward with him.

"Sister Mingyue, come and hug Miu Mi, and follow me."

Miao Mi has also followed up the secret realm...

"Okay." Zui Mingyue also knew that it would be too much for her to break through, so she took Miao Mi and followed Su Ming closely.

Xiao Hei ran with Su Ming, and when the boundary-breaking ants were almost gathered, he released the viscous liquid directly. Xiao Hei's viscous liquid could cause more than 5900 damage to the boundary-breaking ants, far exceeding the killing line.

Su Ming moved forward very easily, and soon came to the place where the wisteria was, and helped her clean up the boundary-breaking ants under her feet.

The three of them entered the cave together and cleaned up the boundary-breaking ants in the cave.

This cave is not big, only four or five square meters.

Su Ming definitely wanted the Hammer and Zaemon to gain experience, so he shrank the Hammer to the innermost part of the cave, and made Zaemon transform into a wild boar to save space.

Xiao Hei blocked the entrance of the cave and became the killer of the boundary-breaking ants.

Soon the corpses of the Boundary Breaker Ants piled up at the entrance of the cave.

Although these Boundary Breaking Ants don't have much experience, they can kill seventy or eighty at a time. Overall, the speed of leveling is far faster than that of the field map.

During the period, the three of Su Ming were not idle either. They checked for leaks and made up for the gaps, and killed the boundary-breaking ants that bypassed Xiao Hei and entered the cave.

"Experience is increasing so fast, Xiaohei is really suitable for farming monsters here." Wisteria chopped to death a boundary-breaker ant that ran into the cave, and said, "I used to change to a cave after brushing for a while, otherwise the cave would It will be overwhelmed by monsters, but with Xiao Hei, it will be different, you can brush one at one place, and the efficiency will be much higher.”

Su Ming asked Wisteria:

"Do you want to join the guild I'm in? People in the guild will have experience bonuses when they team up to spawn monsters."

"Huh? Me? Is it okay?" Wisteria was a little surprised. Her reputation is not very good. The large guild with capital operation would not want it, and the small guild would be afraid of others causing trouble, so there has been no guild.

"What's wrong with this, you can join if you don't have a guild." Su Ming happily sent an invitation to Wisteria to join the guild.

Su Ming thought to himself that he had kidnapped another weekly leader into the guild, and that he was a good vice president.

Zui Mingyue didn't have much research on the guild, so she didn't stop her.

Thus, wisteria joined the Cambrian period.

Wisteria glanced at the situation in the Cambrian period, and didn't care that it was a newly established guild, and said with a smile:
"Thank you, Vice President."

"Hey, you're welcome."

When forming a team with members of the guild, there will be experience bonuses.

Although the Cambrian was only a first-level guild, Venus was willing to spend money to activate all kinds of technologies and attributes in the guild.

Through the first-level "Work Together" skill, everyone in the same guild in the team will get a 2% experience bonus, and Su Ming and the others will get a 6% experience bonus.

The first-level guild skills can be unlocked only by paying, but to upgrade the second-level skills, you need to invest in guild contribution points, which requires guild members to do guild tasks and donate to provide them.

Therefore, if a guild wants to maintain a small number of people, it will not be able to develop. Venus has released news about the guild in the past few days and recruited many passer-by players to join the guild. Now the first-level guild that can accommodate up to 500 people is almost full.

There are also 5% of the quota reserved specially to recruit more powerful people. Almost every guild will do this.

Otherwise, it would be very damaging to "character" to deliberately kick someone in order to recruit someone.

Boundary-breaking ants are very stingy, and they can hardly explode things. Wisteria said that the Boundary-breaking beads were brushed thousands of times, but they didn't see them, but there were some pieces of paper floating on the ground.

Su Ming went out at risk, picked them up, and checked their attributes.

Wisdom Stream Robe Blueprint Fragment (2/5).

Antback buckler blueprint fragment (1/4).

Heavy Steel Pants (1/2).


There are quite a lot of drawings, and the numbers after their names do not mean how many there are, but the number of them.

The higher the quality of equipment, the more blueprints are required.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that these ants specialize in exploding equipment blueprints, but I didn't dare to pick them up before, so many of them disappeared." Wisteria posted a few equipment blueprints she had collected before on the team channel and said, "I also lost all the blueprints below silver, these blueprints take up too much space in the backpack.

Because the numbers will be repeated, it is very difficult to get together a blueprint, so you'd better not have any expectations. "

Su Ming glanced at the blueprints sent by Wisteria. They were all equipment that needed more than a dozen fragments to assemble, and the quality basically reached gold.

"Let's keep it for now. If we can get it together, we will distribute it according to need." Su Ming said.

(End of this chapter)

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