Chapter 231 Nightmare (Supplement 12)

Nightmare, a powerful monster that only refreshes from 8:3 p.m.

Regardless of whether it is an ordinary player or a player on the weekly list, when encountering a nightmare, there is a high probability that the ending will be death.

Although the Nightmare is very powerful, its spawn rate is less than 0.01%.

Su Ming has been in the game for so long, every night to brush monsters and level up, and he has never met it, but he often walks on the shore, so there is no one who does not get his shoes wet...

I just got promoted to a level today, so I ran into it, which can only be said to be unlucky.

Su Ming walked to the entrance of the cave, checked left and right, and found no figure of Nightmare.

Looking at the continuously spreading gray, Su Ming thought to himself:

"It is estimated that the nightmare is in the wild map, and it is still invading this space."

The most deceitful thing about Nightmare is that it can enter the dungeon...

When encountering a nightmare while brushing dungeons, I really want to scold my mother.

Su Ming opened his backpack to check, and found that the Boundary Breaking Orb had been blocked.

"I can't fight it in the cave, there is too little room for maneuvering." Su Ming thought so, and was about to leave with his three pets when he suddenly found Miu Mi, who had been sleeping, staring at him with her sapphire-like eyes. with him.

"Huh? Haven't you been pinned down?" Su Ming was puzzled. Generally speaking, when a nightmare strikes, both monsters and NPCs will be pinned down.

"How could such a low-end abyssal power affect me." Miao Mi flicked her tail and said, "However, for you, this abyssal power is indeed too powerful.

If you are willing to give me a hundred high-level gemstones, I will help you deal with it, how about it? "

Miao Mi saw with her own eyes that Su Ming directly bought a hundred high-end gemstones for convenience, and was afraid that she would be picky, so he bought a little bit of various attributes...

She has been thinking about secretly opening Su Ming's backpack, but all failed, because her attainment in space magic is not high.

It takes about ten seconds for Miao Mi to eat one gem, and Su Ming's body is completely cold after eating one hundred gems, so Su Ming knew that Miao Mi was fooling him, so he said:

"No, you just stay here obediently and protect yourself."

After speaking, Su Ming ran away.

"What a stingy human meow!" Miao Mi meowed in the cave, complaining about Su Ming in "meow language".

Suddenly, Su Ming entered the cave again, startling Miao Mi.

"Why are you back as a human?" Miu Mi asked.

Then she saw Su Ming suddenly open the backpack and shake out a large pile of gems. The gems piled up into a hill in an instant, and then collapsed, burying Miao Mi inside. The number of gems was more than a hundred!
Myu Mi was furious, and a cat's head emerged from the jewel:
"Human, you secretly hid so many gems behind my back!"

Su Ming patted Miao Mi's head, and said:
"I suddenly remembered, if I die, you won't go back with me. You can't even beat me now, right? It would be bad if Nightmare troubled you again, so you took advantage of me while I was still fighting Nightmare , eat more gems and restore some strength."

Su Ming also considered that Miao Mi could move in the nightmare space, and was afraid that it would be targeted.

After speaking, Su Ming left again.

"Human beings..." Miao Mi sniffled, feeling a little moved. The next second she was lying on the pile of gems like a second uncle, with her legs crossed, and she started to gnaw on a gem, "I can't beat me Can't you run away, then the gems I had a few days ago were just for nothing? Hmph, stupid human beings."

Suddenly, Su Ming poked his head out from the entrance of the cave again and asked:
"What are you meowing?"

"You are willing to sacrifice for me, I am a little touched, what are you doing when you come back?"

"It's not necessarily dead. I checked. The nightmare's attributes are not high. I might be able to deal with it. But in case I die, if you can help me retrieve the magic equipment I dropped, try to retrieve it as much as possible." , can you?" Su Ming asked.

"Well, you can go at ease."


In the gray space, a faint blue flame appeared out of thin air, and then, a monster with no legs and no entity shrouded in a black cloak squeezed into the periphery of the oasis illusion.

It turned its head left and right to search, and after locking onto Su Ming's position, it licked its lips with its red tongue, and a slightly excited voice came out:
"Found you, food."

Afterwards, it speeded up suddenly, dragged a long tail flame, and made an ear-piercing sound, and quickly flew towards Su Ming who was hiding behind the Gobi Desert.

When Nightmare met, they used skills to play a set. Many players would die before they could resist Nightmare.

Su Ming drank the Breath of Darkness potion in advance to improve his acuity attribute and help him better target the nightmare. He also drank the Wisdom Potion and Zealot Potion to increase output.

After hearing the piercing sound, Su Ming turned around immediately, and the nightmare's claws almost pierced his eyes, but this did not affect Su Ming's subsequent actions.

The front of the nightmare can be seen when the nightmare is approaching for the first time. If Su Ming records this operation, even if he is killed, it is estimated that this bug-level reaction can become a hot topic of discussion among players.

Facing the crisis, Su Ming controlled his instinct to dodge. He couldn't dodge, because then he couldn't use the fastest speed to throw the paint of the brush on the nightmare.

Draw fast!

The gray world was splashed with bright paint, and the flying posture of Mengmai was frozen, appearing between Su Ming and Mengmao, pushing them apart.

"Small tricks!" A nightmare cloak, two arms came out with the black mist, expanded the attack range, and landed on Su Ming.

Nightmare strikes!

After the claws caused huge damage, Su Ming immediately had a "nightmare" debuff on his body, and his attack power, defense power, and maximum health and magic value were all weakened by 20%.

Just when Nightmare wanted to continue attacking, it fell into darkness.

Xiao Hei flashed out and swallowed the nightmare.

Nightmare sneered, waved the cloak, trying to get out of control, but it swung the cloak left and right, and it couldn't escape.

"What is this place?" Mengyan was confused, thinking that after killing Su Ming, he would ask the wise men of the clan.
1660, -1765...

Nightmare (LV29): 65000/65000.

Nightmare does not belong to BOSS, their level is the same as that of the attacked player, the HP attribute is about 3 times that of the attacked player, and the armor resistance is 2 times that of the player, that is to say, the better the equipment, the more Nightmare is stronger.

Just after the nightmare was swallowed by Xiao Hei, Su Ming blew his whistle and activated his second sense to increase the pet's damage.

Then Su Ming stepped back and opened the distance, while launching "Incentive", which increased Zaemon's attack speed by 30%.

The shield on Zuemon's body flickered, and he used his blade teeth, almost cutting through the pigment's body, and then it slashed with two blades without using any skills.

Because under the triple buff of Beastmaster's Second Awakening, Encouragement, and Dual Sword Wielding, it can cut 3 knives per second, which is much faster than the skill output.


A series of numbers appeared on the clone, but because Su Ming's armor was too high, Zaemon's basic attack damage was not very high.

At the end of the 3-second devouring time, Zaemon and Su Ming's hammer's output totaled more than 1.6 hits, of which 1.2 output came from Zaemon.

"The stronger it is, the more delicious it is!"

After Nightmare came out of Xiao Hei's belly, it completely ignored Xiao Hei, who was the first to deal damage, and went straight to Su Ming. It had no hatred mechanism at all, and only had eyes on the player who was locked at the beginning.

For this reason, many teams disbanded and fled directly after encountering Nightmare to prevent the transfer of hatred after Nightmare killed someone.

"Xiao Hei, attack the clone!"

Xiao Hei nodded and rushed towards the clone.

Su Ming used "rebuke" at the nightmare.

"Small skills." Nightmare read the lines, waved the cloak, and received the sound of scolding magic into the cloak. It was not affected at all, and continued to approach Su Ming.

Faced with the instant control of scolding at a distance of less than 5 yards, it can block it in advance, which is completely useless.

Su Ming already knew that he could not control the nightmare so easily, so he had already made second-hand preparations.

Before Nightmare's attack came to him, Su Ming used the Sightseeing Mirror to copy the "scream" skill.

Su Ming deliberately chose to activate the copied rebuke skill at the moment of Nightmare's attack, because it took time for Nightmare to change his movements to resist the player's skills when attacking.

The sound waves impacted on Nightmare and successfully forced Nightmare back.

(End of this chapter)

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