Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 256 Unicole's Ability

Chapter 256 Unicole's Ability (Really Please Subscribe~)

After Unicol drank lightly, the color of the sand grains around the desert worm became dim, and no matter how hard the desert worm struggled, it couldn't move any more.

"Quick, get rid of it now." Unique said.

"Okay." Su Ming output with all his strength, and within a short while, he killed the immobile desert worm.

After the desert worm dies, the grains of sand are back in motion.

The desert worm dropped a Qingtong suit, which was of a high level. Su Ming threw it into the guild warehouse, and then returned to Unique.

He realized a problem. He was going to do this task with Unique, but he didn't even know what kind of occupation or skills Unique had. mission failed.

Su Ming felt that if he was asked to do it by a powerful person, he would definitely not make such a mistake. He is still too amateurish, and fighting is okay, but to do the task, there are many details that are not in place.

However, it is not too late to remedy the situation.

Su Ming came to Wu Nicole who was teasing Xiao Hei, and asked:
"Unique, what did you do just now?"

"It's time to stop." Unique said: "I can stop the flow of time in a certain object or in a certain area. Grandma Dama knew that I have this ability, so she let me grab the gem. Miu Mi should also take I have no idea."

When stopped, it sounds very powerful.

Su Ming looked at Unicole who said these words lightly, and asked a little excitedly:

"Can I learn?"

"You?" Unicole looked at Su Ming who looked expectant, smiled and shook her hands, and said, "No, this is my blood talent, and you adventurers can't learn it, but if you give birth to me It is possible for a child to master this ability when he comes out."

"Ahem, let's forget about having a baby..."

Wu Nicole looked at Su Ming who was not being teased, and said with a smile:
"Actually, my ability is not a big deal. You have also seen it. At most, I can restrict other people's activities. I have no attack ability at all, so I still need you as a bodyguard."

Su Ming nodded and asked again:
"Besides this ability, Unique, do you have any other abilities? Or, what is your profession?"

Su Ming told Unico about his thoughts, and Unico nodded in approval and said:

"It's true that we can act better if we get to know each other. You don't need to talk about it. I'm still very familiar with the listener. As for me... I don't have a job, and I only have a few innate magic skills.

In addition to the time stop just now, I will also speed up time. The specific performance is to make you move faster, the faster your skills turn, and the faster your life recovers.

There is also time regression, which can restore your life and magic power to the level it was 10 seconds ago. "

What Unique said was ambiguous, and she didn't have a clear understanding of her own abilities, so Su Ming asked Unique to test it with him.

Relying on the prompt on the status bar, Su Ming got the detailed data of Unique's three abilities.

Time Stop: It lasts up to 10 seconds. If it exceeds 10 seconds, Uniko will be very tired and cannot be cast continuously. However, if it does not exceed 10 seconds, it can be played 5 times in a row.

Time Acceleration: +75% movement speed, attack speed, casting speed, -75% cooldown reduction, lasts 15 seconds, the most energy-consuming ability of Unicol, use it once and get tired.

He really got down on the ground and jumped Su Ming, but he could recover after 10 minutes of rest.

Time Rewinding: The most commonly used and least energy-intensive ability, with an interval of 5 seconds, no matter how many times you use it, you will not get tired. You can only retrace your HP and mana.

Back in time can be used on pets.

In addition to the bloodline ability, Unique uses a short knife to defend herself, just an ordinary short knife, not even magic equipment, so it can be seen that she really has no attack ability at all.

After learning about it, Su Ming has a full understanding of Unique's position—a powerful assistant.

Su Ming thought: "It would be great if I could become a pet..."

Su Ming was taken aback by his strange thought, and quickly shook his head to get the thought out of his head.

"What's wrong with you?" Unique asked, she had just finished the test, and her face was still a little red.

"'s nothing." Su Ming didn't dare to express his impolite thoughts.

"Hehe, I feel like you're thinking of something bad."

"How is it possible... let's hurry up."

"Well, I hope you won't be attacked by monsters again this time."


Unicole's prayer worked, and the journey between the two of them was indeed very smooth. When the stars climbed into the sky, they arrived at the largest city in the scorching mountains - Blaney City.

Blaney City has red walls, guards wearing red armor, houses with red roofs, stalls with red tarpaulins, and even the nearby mountains are covered with red gravel...

Everything here is related to red, which symbolizes flames. Even the equipment worn by players who have been active here for a long time is mostly red.

Apart from the red color of the streets, the most impressive thing about Blaney City is the heat. Even at night, the temperature is nearly 30 degrees.

As soon as Unique arrived here, she rolled up her hair, sleeves, and trousers, revealing her white neck, arms, and long legs.

In other places, a Unicorn like this might attract attention, but in Blaney City, it was normal.

"It's finally here." Unico took out the compass from the cloth bag and opened it with a "snap".

Su Ming leaned over and saw the complicated needles on the compass turning. He couldn't see it for a long time, but after reading it, Wu Nicole knew the direction.

"Let's not go into the city, let's go to the place guided by the compass first." Unico said.

"it is good."

Su Ming followed Unique to advance, the more he advanced, the more players there would be.

Finally came to a mountain.

"The Difficult Bandit Reclamation Group, come with an iron guard with fire resistance of 500+!"

"Elite Difficulty Thief Book, take a small pass, and get physical output of at least 4 oasis suits!"

"The Muhuo Potion is on sale! The Muhuo Potion that I just grabbed from the Venus Drugstore is the last batch today. It costs 15 gold a bottle. Hurry up if you want to buy it."

"Fire Elemental Warlock please bring me, errr~"

There were loud shouts on the hill.

This is the instance entrance of "Fire Bandit". Like "Oasis Fantasy", it is currently the hottest place in the Espine area, just like the entrance of the abandoned temple.

A whole mountain is densely packed with players.

The single piece of equipment produced by Flame Thief has better attributes than the Oasis suit. Those who already have gold equipment and do not need to change the Oasis suit will directly use the Flame Thief, and if the Oasis Illusion does not include the seal outfit, the income will be greatly reduced.

Both dungeons have their own advantages and disadvantages, and their popularity is equally divided.

Wu Ni was used to players, so she was not frightened by this scene, she pulled Su Ming and squeezed in.

Because Wu Ni Ke is in the task state, the names on the head are hidden. Some players come to strike up a conversation when they see Wu Ni Ke is beautiful, and Su Ming goes up and stops them all.

Then there were those who didn't have long-sighted words, talked harshly, and wanted to PK, Su Ming directly showed their names and three pets, and scared these people away. Fame is still useful occasionally.

Uni could see it, and said with a smile:

"You are quite famous among adventurers?"

Su Ming touched his nose and said modestly:

"so so."

Then Su Ming looked at the revolving portal in front of him and asked:
"The gem is in the copy?"

"It's there, but it's not there." Unique said, "Inside this space, there is a 'door' leading to another area. I need to enter it to determine the position with the compass."

Su Ming and Unique are on the way to the mission, Su Ming can choose to block the conversation between the two, so others can only see Su Ming and Unique's mouth moving, but they cannot hear what they are talking about.

Su Ming understood what Unicole said, that is to say, there is another hidden copy in the copy.

Hidden copies represent rich rewards.

Su Ming happily took Unicole's hand and said:
"Then what are you waiting for, let's go in quickly."

Unicole showed a embarrassed smile, and said helplessly:
"I know you're working hard, but at least let me rest today."

Su Ming touched his head in embarrassment. He almost forgot that Wu Ni is an NPC, so he can't stay up at night like him...

(End of this chapter)

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