Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 268 The Lost Soul

Chapter 268 Lost Soul (please subscribe~)

The gate of the Golden City is a huge iron block, covered with gold skin, and carved with a sleeping fat cat.On the city wall, there are also carved cats and cats in various poses...

Unicle observed the fat cat for a while, and said:

"The records in the book are quite accurate. This city does embody Miao Mi's weird aesthetic everywhere..."

"Why are there no gems on the door?" Su Ming asked.

"Did you see that pyramid just now?" Unique asked back.

Su Ming nodded, that pyramid is the tallest building in the city, and it occupies a large area, it's hard not to notice it.

"The gates of the Golden City actually refer to the gates in the pyramids." Uniko said, "It was recorded in the books that in the pyramids, there are organs that control the entire city."

"Is it Miu Mi's residence?"

"It seems to be. It's all recorded in the book, not necessarily accurate." Unique said rigorously.

Su Ming had a bad feeling, he prayed:
"I hope I don't run into Miu Mi here. It will be a week since we parted. I don't know if she found another gem..."

"If it dares to come, I will lock it down." Wu Ni Ke said with a smile: "Didn't you always want to spank it for revenge?"

Su Ming smiled, touched his head in embarrassment and said:

"That's what I said, but it's better not to meet, it's too troublesome."

Wu Nicole took out the compass, Su Ming guessed the destination before she spoke, Su Ming asked:

"The gem is in that pyramid, isn't it?"

Uniko waited for the pointer on the compass to stop before she nodded and said:


"Then let's set off quickly to find the gems."


The gate of the city is closed, but it will not trouble Su Ming. With his current strength attribute, it is a simple matter to climb up with Unique on his back.

But Su Ming didn't dare to climb too fast. After all, it was an unfamiliar environment and he was not familiar with the monsters inside.

Su Ming's cautiousness had an effect. He walked up to the city wall, and the blue feather arrow flew towards him.

Su Ming, who had been on guard for a long time, dodged sideways, and after dodging the arrow, Su Ming looked in the direction of the arrow.

The archer is an elite monster called "Lost Soul", level 36, with 4.5 HP.They are composed of Lan Youyou's soul energy. In addition to the archer, there are two sword and shield soldiers. The health value of the sword and shield soldiers is 1 higher than that of the archers.

Su Ming summoned three pets, Xiao Hei immediately used rapid ejection, and bounced randomly among the two sword and shield soldiers. Hammer output.

Zaemon directly rushed to the archer with his blade, and went to single-cut the long-range unit.

Both battles were resolved within 10 seconds, only Zaemon lost a little blood and was milked back by Unicorn.

After the lost soul died, 3 things that looked like will-o'-the-wisps fell on the ground, white and green.

Su Ming picked it up and checked the properties.

Memory Fragment (White): After use, add 10000 experience points, not tradable.

Memory Fragment (Green): After use, add 20000 experience points, not tradable.

For things that increase experience, the three monsters exploded, which proves that the explosion rate is very high, and their bodies also provide 7000+ experience. Fighting them is equivalent to double or triple the experience.

"There are white and green, maybe other colors will give you more experience points." Su Ming directly used up these memory fragments and continued to move forward with Unique.

In the process of leaving the city wall, he encountered several waves of lost soul guards. All of them were equipped with an archer and two shield soldiers. They were all easily solved, which became Su Ming's experience.

Entering the city, Su Ming and Unicole were taken aback by the dense blue souls in the streets. These souls were all residents of the Golden City in costume, and they still maintained their daily routines in the beginning-meeting and greeting, buying food, Pull cargo.

A few souls seemed to be leaving the city, so they kept running against the cat and cat gold, a bit like the network freeze in a keyboard and mouse game...

Many souls passed by Su Ming and Unicole without attacking them.

However, Su Ming still didn't dare to touch these souls. After all, the blood bars displayed above their heads proved that these souls, like the guards on the city wall, were elite monsters.

With this density of elite monsters, Su Ming's plan to gain experience by brushing memory fragments is a failure.

Su Ming put away the hammer, put Xiao Hei on his head, and led Uniko and Zaemon cautiously through the crowd of monsters.

The group of monsters occasionally looked at Su Ming curiously, but did not attack.

This is the effect of Su Ming's animal trainer's second sense passiveness. If he was in another profession, he would have to face attacks after entering.

Both Su Ming and Wu Nicole are not familiar with the Golden City, and the compass only points to a straight line, so they often end up in a dead end, and their progress is relatively slow.

Walking around in the Golden City, you can see all kinds of cat statues...

The statues seem to be piggy banks into which residents who have turned into spirits drop their gold coins...

Suddenly, a soul carriage drove up at high speed. The driver flicked the whip wildly, and the surrounding souls gave way one after another. Su Ming also pulled Unique and stepped aside.

At this moment, Su Ming saw a little girl's soul was frightened, and she had no time to dodge, and fell to the ground. He subconsciously rescued her, and his tentacles flew out, pulling the girl back, and helping her escape from the carriage. hit.

However, in the next second, the girl disappeared from Su Ming's hands, and she reappeared in the middle of the road, split in two.

The surrounding souls all looked terrified. Some souls wiped the blood that didn't exist with their hands, and some souls closed their eyes and prayed.

A pair of souls ran out, kneeling beside the girl's dismembered body and weeping, apparently they were the girl's parents.

A crocodile head poked out from the carriage that was driving away, looked coldly at the scene on the side of the street, got back in, and continued on the road.

"This is what happened in the past, and we shouldn't be able to change it," Unicole said.

"It seems to be like this..." After Su Ming finished speaking, he noticed that the souls of the girl's parents began to turn red. He realized that something was wrong, took Unique's hand, and shouted: "Stop the girl's parents, let's run. "

After hearing Su Ming's words, Wu Nicole immediately fixed the girl's parents, but the red color on both of them began to spread rapidly, and even spread to the surrounding souls.

These souls stopped what they were doing, and all turned around to stare at Su Ming.

In the crowd, a soul raised his hand, and a magic ball hit him.

Su Ming picked up Unique and jumped, dodging the magic balls, but more and more magic balls hit them, and these monsters that looked like residents were all mage templates.

The threat level of long-range monsters is much higher than that of melee monsters.

"Xiao Hei, help stop me!" Su Ming shouted, and quickly ran away holding Unico.

Xiao Hei jumped off Su Ming's head and faithfully performed the task. Xiao Hei has recovery skills, and the density of monsters is enough, so it is not a disadvantage to deal with long-range monsters.

Su Ming took Unico to hide on the roof, blocked the vision of those red souls, and then pulled Xiao Hei back.

The red soul couldn't find the target to attack, and gradually turned back to blue, wandering aimlessly on the street.

Su Ming also saw that the girl's soul that had been split in two returned to its original state and continued to play on the street, while the carriage disappeared after running. Su Ming searched for a while on the roof and found that the carriage appeared far away. Far away, running along this street again...

(End of this chapter)

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