Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 288 Acting Consul

Chapter 288 Acting Archon (please subscribe~)

Flying insect attack has the effect of depriving the target of Buff and transferring it to itself.Although one is randomly deprived, there are only buffs under the status bar of Gaigyou's choice, so if it can be deprived, it is 100% deprived of this buff.

A ball of golden sand flew out from Su Ming's side and hit the shield at an extremely fast speed.

Ge Geyou glanced at Su Ming, and said with disdain:
"Where did the little bug come from?"

As he spoke, he waved his hand and launched a sonic boom attack at Su Ming. At this moment, Jinsha attached a shield and disintegrated it, and then energy flickered around Su Ming, resisting the sonic boom attack.

Ge Geyou can deal more than 6 damage with a single blow. Without a shield, Su Ming's three lives are not enough to kill him. No wonder he ignored Su Ming at first.

"what happened!?"

Seeing that the shield disappeared, Ge Geyou finally panicked, carefully checked the thing that attacked him just now, and roared:
"How do you have a sun scarab?"

Su Ming didn't answer Ge Geyou's question, he was still quickly reading through the rows of system prompts.

System: Flying insects have plundered the "proxy status" for you.

System: You have become the acting governor of the Golden City. The highest authority of the Golden City has been unlocked. Now you can call the population, warehouses, weapons, and troops in the city...

System: The Golden City is running, the energy consumption is 1/second, and there are 000 seconds left until the energy is exhausted.

Su Ming checked the status of the Golden City, and found that most of the inventory was zero eggs, and it was a completely abandoned city.

There are many functions that need to be repaired before they can be used. However, at this time, Su Ming is at the top of the Golden City Pyramid, so he can use Worthom's incarnation outside his body, which is the dog-headed phantom that caught Miao Mi just now.

Expanding the attributes of the kobold phantom, Su Ming found that this phantom is actually a level 65 legendary boss...

If the Golden City continues to decline and Gegeyou and Miu Mi are all dead, this phantom may become the target of future players.

After controlling Xuying, Su Ming first let it let go of Miao Mi.

Miao Mi's eyes were red from crying, she looked at Su Ming, and sobbed:

"Human, why does your scarab seem to be stronger than mine... My scarab can only ignore other people's special status, but yours can directly take away other people's special status..."

"After all, they are two bugs, and it's normal to have differences." Su Ming grabbed Miu Mi to Unique, and said, "You protect Unique, and I'll beat your brother."

Ge Geyu's special status disappeared, and he was yelling at the moment, as if angry.

Seeing that Su Ming didn't pay attention to her anymore, Miao Mi looked at Unique and greeted her:


"Hello." Unicole blinked at Miao Mi - the cat's ears, as if rubbing them.

Although Unico wanted to do it, Miu Mi was a god to Unico, so Unico resisted the urge to knead cute things.

Seeing that Su Ming and Ge Geyou were already fighting, Wu Ni asked:
"Miao Mi, aren't you going to help the spores?"

"I'm out of strength now, wait for me to recover." Saying that, Miu Mi tore open the space, found some precious-looking gems from her private storage space and ate them.

After Miao Mi left Su Ming last time, she also worked hard and found a way to get a lot of gems.

On the other side, Su Ming watched Ge Geyou, who was getting bigger and attacking him, and controlled the phantom to punch out, and got Ge Geyou's data.

Gegeyou (mythical boss, LV44): 18880020/20000000.

Ge Geyou was blown away by Xuying's punch and hit the bookshelf, knocking out more than 4 of his blood volume, and the damage he caused to Xuying was transferred to Su Ming, making the energy stored in the Golden City go away again. More than 6 less.

"The mythical boss at level 44 seems to be stronger than the legendary boss at level 65..."

Gegeyou's damage is higher than that of Xuying, and his blood volume of more than 6 million is also higher than the remaining energy of the Golden City's [-] million. It seems to have an advantage, but it is not.

After Ge Geyou lost the status of consul, he could not maintain his full strength, his blood volume was dropping rapidly, and the level mark was also surrounded by an orange circle, which faded a little bit. Every time he retreated, Ge Geyou's level would decrease. down one level.

After the level drops, both damage and resistance are much weaker.

Ge Geyou stood up from the collapsed bookshelf, and his pupils under the helmet spewed anger. He never imagined that the plan that was originally foolproof would be destroyed by a human like an ant.

Ge Geyou felt that since he got the crystal from the demon god, his luck has not been better.

He originally only had one "boss" in Worsom, but after turning to the Demon God, he immediately had five more bosses. Although these people may not be as strong as him, they have special abilities and can always outwit him.

It is also now, a human being, knocking him into the air with the help of a phantom, is considered a top-ranked shameful event in Gegeyou's life.

"Everyone is relying on external forces. If you rely on your own head-on, none of you will be my opponent..." Ge Geyou became angry, and the fog like the night was filled around him. In the fog, there were things shining like stars.

Two semicircular battle axes appeared in Gegeyou's hands. He kicked the ground and rushed towards Su Ming.

Seeing the fog, Zuoemon couldn't help taking a step back, and then he saw Xiao Hei jumping in front of Su Ming screaming. Seeing this scene, Zuoemon's eyes also became firm, and he clenched his swords, ready to fight.

"Both of you back down!" Su Ming yelled, he knew that Xiao Hei and Zaemon were definitely not Ge Geyu's opponents, and it would be useless to help him, and it was unnecessary.

Now the only one who can compete with Ge Geyou should be the phantom that Miu Mi has already controlled.

Miao Mi needs to be recharged, which is useless for now.

And he has only 160 seconds to control, so he must make a quick decision.

Su Ming changed the mode of the phantom, making it smaller and more flexible.

Su Ming controlled Xuying to intercept Ge Geyou, but he couldn't control it well. Xu Ying rushed too hard, rushed over his head, and crossed Ge Geyou.

In the next second, Ge Geyou appeared in front of Su Ming. He frantically swung his battle ax and quickly hit the shield in front of Su Ming. His momentum was stronger than that of Miu Mi just now.

The blood-sucking beetle around Su Ming flew out, passed through the black mist around Ge Geyou, and attacked it. Ge Geyou glanced at the blood-sucking beetle, grinned and said:
"As a human being, it takes a long time to control the incarnation of my elder brother. Even if you control the Golden City, what's the use? Look at you, your scarab has not been bred very powerful, I'll kill you and take your scarab, it's much safer than taking my silly sister's scarab."

When he was talking, Su Ming controlled the phantom and hit the wall twice again, which made Ge Geyou laugh out loud. The attack speed in his hand was getting faster and faster. He could swing more than twenty times per second, and each hit 6 With more than [-] damage, the energy shield on Su Ming's body can be broken in ten seconds.

The blood-sucking beetle next to Su Ming is also a model worker, counterattacking more than [-] times per second, but the damage is too low to be of any use.

Suddenly, Su Ming's bracelet flickered, turned into golden light, and appeared in the distance.

"Small tricks." Ge Geyou turned around and crossed a distance of 10 yards, and came to Su Ming, wanting to continue to attack, but this time, there was a long ax between him and Su Ming.

Su Ming breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile:
"I finally got used to it, it's my turn to attack."

Phantom has 3 skills in total, one is body shape change, Su Ming has already used it; the second is "Solemn Coercion", the surrounding enemies will reduce the attack speed, movement speed, armor, and magic resistance by 60%; The three "taxes" are the most critical. 80% of the damage it causes will be used to replenish the energy of the Golden City.

Su Ming commanded the phantom grid to fend off Gegeyou's weapon, and activated the solemn coercion. A circle of blue magic circle spread from the phantom, covering Gegeyou. Gegeyou's speed was full, although it was still faster than the player It's a lot faster, but compared with Xuying, it's much inferior.

Taking advantage of Ge Geyou's slowing down, Su Ming quickly chopped Ge Geyou with his long-handled battle axe.

Every time Ge Geyou raised the half-round battle axe, the phantom's long-handled battle ax pierced in front of it, making it have to block. scene.

Being pressed all the time was very uncomfortable.

"How can this human being adapt to the god clone so quickly?" Ge Geyou glanced at the silver whistle in front of Su Ming's neck, feeling uneasy: "Could it be that the eldest brother deliberately left a trace of consciousness in the golden city until this day?" Is it in the avatar? These listeners are the best at communicating with various things, and he must have awakened this consciousness."

As soon as Ge Geyou thought of this layer, he immediately jumped away.Naturally, Su Ming would not let Ge Geyou go, and immediately controlled the phantom to catch up. The state of ease made Ge Geyou believe in his guess.

"Once this kind of consciousness is awakened, it won't last long. I'm not in a good state, so let's withdraw first."

Although Ge Geyou hinted at himself like this, there was still a sense of frustration rising from his heart, and he really wanted to fight the phantom again, but he felt his own strength was passing, and he knew that he could not drag on any longer.

Miao Mi in the distance is still eyeing, accumulating strength, and when Miao Mi fully recovers, and cooperates with Xu Ying, he may never be able to get out of the Golden City.

"I remember you, human listener, when I recover my strength, I will be the first to kill you!" Ge Geyou put down the harsh words, tore open the space, and fled.

Seeing this scene, Su Ming believed that Ge Geyou was Miu Mi's elder brother, and the two escaped in exactly the same way...

Just after Ge Geyou escaped, the system suddenly issued a world announcement:
System: The fifth demon king woke up, was severely injured by the "spore" and fled, but the Espine area was already shrouded in his shadow.

After the system announcement, all players in the Espine area found that they had an extra Debuff.

Shadow of the Fifth Demon King: When in the Esbyne area, -20% to all attributes, +20% to damage received.

In addition to this buff, players who fought monsters found that the monsters suddenly became much stronger...

The most unlucky ones are the players in the dungeon. The sudden appearance of Debuff wiped out one team after another...


System: You severely injured the "Fifth Demon King Gegeyu", world reputation +150.

After Ge Geyou left, the energy of the Golden City was enough for Su Ming to persist for more than 30 seconds. Su Ming opened everything that could be opened and checked, and found that there was still an epic sword in the warehouse of the Golden City. After some operations, I transferred the epic giant sword to my backpack...

The equipment that Xiao Hei wanted to devour was finally available.

"Meow! What are you doing in a daze!" Miao Mi suddenly shouted.

Su Ming felt guilty as a thief, touched his head and said:
"No... nothing."

"Hurry up and shut down the energy operation of the Golden City, if this continues, the Golden City will disintegrate!" Miao Mi shouted.

"Shut down?" Su Ming asked: "You mean, the state of war is lifted?"


So Su Ming released it. After the release, the phantom disappeared, and the shield on Su Ming's body also disappeared, but the state of acting consul was always there.

Miu Mi walked onto the stage and pressed the pad of her hand against the depression of the silver stage.

System: The governor of the Golden City, Miao Mi, returns, and the power of agency disappears.

Through the control just now, Su Ming also knew the rules of the Golden City. It is impossible to seize power in a state of war. In a state of peace, as long as the old consul is not dead, there is basically no hope of becoming a new consul.

So Su Ming can't beat Miao Mi.

Miao Mi felt some of the state in the city, and said depressedly:
"Bad, bad, serious meow."

"It seems that there are only two useful people left, meow."

She knocked on the cashier, and there were two more people in the library: Rubesh and Soul Leader.

Seeing the command of the soul, Miao Mi frowned:
"Who are you meow? It seems that you are not an aborigine of the Golden City."

The soul commander saw Miu Mi and said:
"I am an adventurer who accidentally broke into the Golden City, may I ask..."

"If you accidentally break in, I'll send you back." Miao Mi knocked on the cashier again, sending the soul leader away from the sandy abyss.

"Lord Miu Mi." Rubesh knelt down, "Excuse me...what happened...everything has become so strange."

"It's a long story, I'm too lazy to tell you, what did you do before?" Miu Mi asked.

"I used to be the host of the Colosseum, but now I seem to be in the state of a soul body." Rubesh's forehead was dripping with cold sweat. It is said that Miao Mi is moody and often deliberately finds a reason to kill people for fun.

"Well, do you know how to build a city?" Miao Mi asked.

"Building a city?" Rubeish looked confused.

Miao Mi jumped onto the cashier, crossed her legs, and said impatiently with her face propped up:
"You can also see that this Golden City is dilapidated now. I need professionals to help me repair it. And this guy Ge Geyou ran away. I have to kill him. There are so many things."

"This... I really don't know how to do it. Please tell me, I used to be a weapon forging craftsman. It was only because I was more eloquent that I was picked out and became the host."

Miao Mi puffed her face and said depressedly:

"That's useless..."

Rubesh hastened to say:
"Useful, useful! I can forge weapons! I can design a set of powerful equipment for the soldiers of the Golden City!"

"Will you be able to beat Gegeyou after wearing it?" Miu Mi asked.

Rubeish twitched the corners of his mouth, unable to speak...

If he could beat Ge Geyou, would he still be talking in a low voice here... It is lucky to say that after he was restored by Su Ming, he wandered around on the second floor, and found that all the souls were looking for him. Flying to the top floor, he quickly found a place to hide, and waited until the suction force disappeared before being teleported to this place by Miu Mi.

Su Ming looked through the system message records, and also saw the news of the regional debuff, and knew that Geigyu must be killed, or in other words, the ultimate goal of the game of fate is to kill the demon god.

Now that the game has been open for four or five months, I have only reached the fifth demon king. There are still four demon kings ahead. It is estimated that it can last for more than a year, and a new game will be developed by then.

Of course, if the game is popular enough, it is also possible that the game planner will beat his head, and it is very possible to create a boss stronger than the devil... The background settings of many games are serious...

However, there are very few players who pay attention to the background of the game. Everyone can keep playing as long as they have good equipment, improvement, and freshness.

"I don't know if I can wake up after the heat of fate passes."

When Su Ming was wandering in the sky, Miao Mi suddenly tapped Su Ming with her toes, and she tilted her head and asked:
"Spore, is there any way you can help me repair the Golden City? By the way, you need to call some people to help me collect things that can deal with Gegeyu..."

"Repair the Golden City?" Su Ming also tilted his head and thought about it. When he was acting as the consul, he saw some repairing materials.

If the player controls the city, many things will be digitized, which will be much more convenient.

"If you give me the Golden City, I can help you."

"It's a good idea..." Miao Mi gave Su Ming a white look, and said, "However, it's okay to give you an adjutant."

 Thank you "Book Friends 20220427183211646" for your 100-point reward.

  4000 chapters, let the number of chapters return to an even number...

(End of this chapter)

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