Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 290 Forging the Sealed Sword

Chapter 290 Creating a Sealed Sword (Please Subscribe~)

After the talks between Su Ming, Venus, and Jian Xilai, it is already a certainty that the Cambrian period will be merged with Miracle Wilderness.

The ordinary members of the entire Cambrian guild were stunned by the sudden happiness.

What Su Ming was worried about that the guild members would be unwilling did not happen at all...

In fact, the members of the Cambrian have no sense of belonging at all. After all, the president Shenlong sees the head and sees the end, and the vice president also disappears every three days. The entire guild has not even organized a decent guild activity until now. However, in such a guild, it is impossible for the members to be nostalgic for it...

Being able to join a level 1 guild from a level 5 guild, this kind of good thing can only happen in dreams.

Normally, to join this kind of guild, you need to pass the test and look at some data, but now, no matter how many levels, no matter how poor the equipment is, as long as you have the badge of the Cambrian guild, you can directly join the Miracle Wilderness.

The Great Guild is different. The various departments coordinate and coordinate, and soon the original members of the Cambrian Period are divided up and brought under the management of the guild system.

Normally, as long as you join, you will be able to stay in the guild forever and enjoy the various benefits of the guild, regardless of your equipment strength. However, occasionally there will be stupid people, so they can only be kicked out.

In addition, Miracle Wilderness also formed an additional Cambrian team. The members of the team are naturally more important members of the original Cambrian, including Su Ming, Butterfly Whispering, Light Fading, Zui Mingyue, Wisteria, and Sui Ruguanghe, Huahuo Annihilation, Huo Yanyan, and Naixiao are not sinful.

This kind of team configuration is invincible in small guilds, but it is rare in Miracle Wilderness. There are still a lot of players on the weekly list in big guilds, and the members are all used to it. up.

As for Venus, the direct airborne position of vice president is just a title, without real power. Venus' Chamber of Commerce is under the name of Miracle Wilderness, but no one in Miracle Wilderness can intervene with Venus' Chamber of Commerce.

This kind of chamber of commerce is independent of the guild and borrows the reputation of the guild. At first, it was opposed by many people in Miracle Wilderness. When the scene of falling to the ground and kneeling in the direction of the sand waterfall appeared, the voice of opposition disappeared.

This is a territory with a level 7 city defense. Unless it is disintegrated from the inside by the inner ghost, it will be almost invincible in a guild battle within a year or two.

In addition, there is a "historic city" entry, which can increase the attraction of talented NPCs and related task NPCs; there is also an additional miraculous building pyramid, where guild members can climb the tower to level up, which is equivalent to It is a guild-exclusive copy; there is also a blacksmith Rubesh in the city who can create epic equipment...

What does it matter if Venus brings a near-invincible city to the Wilderness of Wonder?

Therefore, Miracle Wilderness quickly accepted Venus and the Cambrian people, and everyone enjoyed themselves.


After the Miracle Wilderness settled in the Golden City, the task of repairing the city facilities came one after another. Thousands of players forgot to eat and sleep to collect materials, and the repair progress was very fast.

After the Golden City ascended to the Great Sand Falls, in addition to the players from Miracle Wilderness, many other players entered the Golden City. They came for only one purpose, and that was to go to "Rubish" to pick up a game called "Building a Sealed Sword". task.

Players who accept this task will get a "Sealed Sword Embryo" made by Rubesh. As long as they kill monsters that are not lower than their own level in the Espine area, they can get a "Gaiger" You's Demon Qi Essence" quest item.

The essence of magic energy can be absorbed by the sword embryo. According to the amount of essence, it can be exchanged for rewards at Rubesh, ranging from white boards to dark gold equipment.

In addition to equipment rewards, the top 20 players who collected the most magic energy essence can also get the qualification to enter the sandy abyss to fight against the injured Gegeyu.

The Fate official also released the information of Gegeyou, giving the probability of various equipment that Gegeyou may drop. The purple epic note is particularly stimulating to the player's nerves.

So this crusade qualification, this is the reward that the Grand Guild players strive for.In the past few days, in order to fight monsters, PK in the wild is extremely frequent, and even medium-scale guild battles will break out, which greatly increases the danger in the wild...


There are still 2 days until the end of the "Building the Sealed Sword" mission.

Su Ming lay in ambush on a high slope, watching the gate of Chisha City with a telescope.

A red-tailed lion scorpion was raging at the gate of the city, and the NPC guards used siege equipment to bombard the red-tailed lion scorpion.

Near the red-tailed lions and scorpions, there was a group of corpses of players. Obviously, they were the ones who led the red-tailed lions and scorpions to the city gate and wanted to use the city guards to kill the red-tailed lions and scorpions.

If you kill the boss in this way, the explosion rate will be greatly reduced. If you hurt a nearby NPC, you will be chased by the NPC. Usually, few players will do this. However, since the release of the sealing sword mission, use There are more players killing bosses this way.

No matter how the monster is killed, the magic energy essence will not be given less, and killing a boss will get more magic energy essence than killing a hundred ordinary monsters.


Under the shooting of the siege crossbow, the blood volume of the red-tailed lion and scorpion soon couldn't hold up, and the red-tailed lion and scorpion was shot into a sieve.


Su Ming turned over and stood up, and said to Zuo Weimen:

"Quickly lure a monster. Xiao Heichong! The target is the red-tailed lion and scorpion!"

"Hmph!", "Squeak!"

The two pets started to move, Zaemon casually picked a sand scorpion out of the sand, and Xiao Hei disappeared instantly, appearing at the gate of the city.


The red-tailed lion and scorpion disappeared, and a huge slime blocked the gate of the city, making the guards stunned.

In the next second, all kinds of skill lights appeared around Xiao Hei - I don't know how many players are hiding and preparing to take the final blow.

When the light was about to overwhelm Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei's figure flashed and disappeared again.

In the sand, under the city wall, and in the bushes, players poked their heads one after another and said loudly:
"Fuck! Where's the boss?!"

"Nimma's black slime, it's spores again!"

"This slime's way of robbing monsters is shameless!"

After disappearing, Kuro's target was the sand scorpion next to Zaemon. The huge Kuro swallowed the sand scorpion, and his body shrank again.

Three seconds later, Xiao Hei spat out a huge red-tailed lion and scorpion corpse, as well as a sand scorpion that was still alive and kicking with only a few hundred drops of blood left.

Zaemon stepped forward and trampled the sand scorpion to death.

Su Ming took out the sealing sword, collected the magic essence from the red-tailed lion and scorpion, and said happily:

"Haha, after devouring the epic equipment, the devouring skill can be used on 3 targets in a row, and the cooling time is also shortened by one minute, which is too powerful."

"Master, let's find the next boss!"

"Okay, let me see which boss is closer to us."

Su Ming opened the guild channel. The channel of the big guild in the Miracle Wilderness is much more lively than the guild channel of the Cambrian. There are people constantly providing the coordinates of the BOSS. Su Ming can quickly find the target by this.

After marking a coordinate in the channel, indicating that he was heading, Su Ming summoned the Sand Dragon and left Chisha City.

 Thank you for the 100-point reward from "Shang Shan Ruo Shui Diao".

(End of this chapter)

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