Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 313 Before Leaving the Island

Chapter 313 Before leaving the island (please subscribe~)

In the lush forest, two brutal Naga battled over territorial issues.

In this field where swords intersect and magic balls fly, a baby dragon with an eggshell appeared above their heads.The young dragon opened its mouth, squeezed its eyes tightly, puffed up its mouth and blew hard, as if there was only water element left in the air.

The naga who were still arguing just touched the water element, and snowflakes representing the "frozen" state appeared on their heads, turning into ice sculptures.


After these naga were frozen, a black slime fell from the air, and the shock wave it caused harvested the remaining blood naga.

After the normal naga fell, another quilboar rushed out from behind the tree and attacked the elite naga.

These three young dragons, slimes, and wild boars fighting side by side are naturally Su Ming's three pets.

Two days have passed since Su Ming tamed Dandan.

Due to the large number of pets, the testicles still have experience penalties, so it took two days and failed to break through level 36...

Now Su Ming's experience progress has reached 72%.

According to Su Ming's speed of spawning monsters, if he kept spawning monsters, it would probably take a whole day to feed the remaining 30% of the experience.

It seems that level 36 is not high, but in fact the highest level reported on the forum is only level 38.

After level 35, the difficulty of upgrading has increased, and the strength of monsters has also increased a lot.

Players need to spend more time on building equipment to improve, and they can't wear excessive outfits like in the early stage to rush to the level.

It is also for this reason that high-level equipment is more and more valuable, and the price has risen recently.

Although he needs to fight many monsters and do many tasks to level up, Su Ming is not very tired.

During the past two days, most of the time, Xiao Hei and the others would fight monsters automatically, while Su Ming just hung on the spot, practicing Xiao Jin's skills, practicing life and professional skills...

In the past two days, Su Ming has fully practiced the proficiency of the two skills of "brood nest" and "flying insect attack".

As Su Ming guessed, improving Xiaojin's skills requires his skill points.

Now the player is more than 30 levels, remove the must-point ten-level buff skills, at most 2~3 skills can be filled, and in many cases, there is a trade-off, so skill points are something that is in short supply for players.

Fortunately, Su Ming has Xiao Hei, and Xiao Hei eats equipment to provide Su Ming with skill points, and then Su Ming can just use it for Xiao Jin, so as long as the level is raised, there is no need to worry too much about the lack of skill points.

LV2's brood can house 42 worker insects, and each worker insect can provide a 0.6% damage increase.

In other words, it can provide a maximum damage increase of 25.6%, which is a full 15.6% increase compared to the first-level brood. It is a skill with a terrifyingly high growth rate.

However, mana consumption is still a problem. Each level 2 worker insect consumes 350 mana points, and a full explosion will consume 14700 mana points. After three or four times, Su Ming will be drained. More importantly, Su Ming As a beast trainer, Ming, even if his damage is increased by 25.6%, the damage cannot be compared with those professions that rely on themselves to fight...

Fortunately, this skill can be applied to Xiaojin.

Level 2 Flying Insect Attack is a powerful single-target explosive skill with a 55-second cooldown, a base damage of 800 points, and an AP coefficient bonus of 1.2. If it can take away the enemy's buff, it will also cause an additional 1.2 AP real damage.

If additional effects can be achieved, combined with worker insects to increase damage, and some ordinary monsters can be hit, the damage can also exceed four digits.

In addition to Xiaojin's two skills, Su Ming's life and occupation experience has also increased rapidly.

After leaving the young dragon's secret realm, Su Ming went to the village head to hand in the task and learned two formulas: "Water Element Damage Potion" and "Water Element Explosion Potion".

In the past two days, he has trained the "harm potion" to level LV4, which is an extraordinary speed.

To be able to practice so well, in addition to Su Ming's long online time, sufficient materials, and equipment bonuses, the most important point is that with the bonus of "Sage Beetle", the appearance rate of powerful potions has increased a lot. Let Su Ming's refining experience often show explosive growth...

Under normal circumstances, depending on the level of the formula, the probability of a powerful potion appearing is about 1% to 5%. The success rate bonus given by the sage beetle can also be applied to this probability, which is equivalent to doubling.

It seems that the probability is still not high, but in the process of mass production, the body feeling is still very obvious.

In addition to these two potion formulas, Su Ming also helped the villagers on the island to do tasks these two days. Relying on his high reputation, he got the "Naga Skin Potion" that can increase water resistance by 15 points and maximum magic value by 300 points. Practice it to LV3.

In this way, Su Ming has mastered the formulas of ten intermediate potions, and all of them have reached LV3, so he can go to the Pharmacist Guild to advance.

The advancement of life occupations is much simpler than that of combat occupations. You don't need to do tasks, pay some gold coins, and demonstrate all the potions you know in front of NPCs, and you can successfully advance.

However, during the demonstration, you can't fail, if you fail, you have to pay again...

The brutal Naga elite was knocked down by Xiao Hei and the others. Naga's body fell to the ground, and copper coins and some materials were scattered on the ground.

Su Ming didn't pick up things like before, and his hang-up experience has been upgraded again, the main reason is that Dandan will help pick up.

Egg comes with a 36-slot backpack.

This backpack was transformed from the collapse of the "Young Dragon Secret Realm". It was something Soyna originally planned to leave to Dandan. As its level grows, each level goes up by one.

With a backpack, Eggy can pick up things.

Su Ming also experimented with No Story and the others, and found that when forming a team, Eggy can ignore the team rules and pick up things directly, which is simply invincible.

If Eggy falls into the hands of players with bad character, I don’t know how many teams will be robbed of their hard-earned equipment...

I saw Eggy flapping her small wings and flying between the copper coins and materials. Once these copper coins and materials were touched by it, they would be stored in its own backpack.

Eggy flies in the air, scans the territory, confirms that it has picked up all the things, then flies to Su Ming, and gives all the things it picked up to Su Ming.

Su Ming rubbed Dandan's head and said with a smile:
"Thank you balls."

"You're welcome~ Eggy likes to pick things up~"

"If it's just me, you can pick everything up. If there are strangers around, you can't pick it up, you know?"

Eggy nodded, expressing understanding.

"Okay, then let's go back to the village. The level of the potion has been practiced to the full. Replace all the ingredients with potion ingredients. Let's leave this island." Su Ming smiled and said to his three pets, "It just so happens that Wiener Sister Si came to me for help, she seems to be hunting down some pirates who lied to her, so you should behave well when the time comes."




(End of this chapter)

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