Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 318 The Cook and the Sailor

Chapter 318 The Chef and the Sailor (please subscribe~)

Hand over the ingredients exploded by Neptune fish to Granny, who will soon make fish soup and distribute it to all players and NPCs.

Delicious Neptune Fish Soup: After the first consumption, permanently +5 Strength, +5 Constitution.

A total of 10 points of attributes are added, which is relatively good food.

Players drink happily, and NPCs also drink happily.

Granny, who was wearing a white chef's uniform, was smiling, standing next to the bucket of fish soup, refilling bowls for others.

In the middle of this peaceful scene, Leo, the boatswain with his rotten teeth, said in his hoarse voice:
"You dare to eat the food made by Granny, aren't you afraid of eating something strange?"

Glenn frowned, looked at the slightly hunched Leo, and asked displeasedly:
"What are you talking about? Difficult to drink too much, are you drunk?"

Leo laughed and said:

"I read your story in the newspaper. The 'Miracle' you were on was hit by a storm, and you survived the entire ship. When the rescuers found you, there were still..."

As he was talking, Granny rushed up, grabbed his collar, widened his eyes and said:
"What do you want to say! It's all fake! It's a story fabricated by the newspapers to gain attention!"

Leo pushed Grenny away, sneered and said:
"Since it's fake, why are you so excited? Anyway, I won't eat your food. No matter how delicious it is, I won't eat it."

Seeing the two NPCs arguing, the player immediately became interested and wanted to dig out some quests.

A player asked:
"Leo, tell me, what else is there beside Granny?"

Leo glanced at Glennie, whose face was flushed with anger, and said with a smile:
"Two incomplete corpses! He drifted at sea for 28 days on a small boat before he was rescued. Think about it, how did he survive these 28 days?"

The answer to this question couldn't be more obvious. Before the player felt anything, the NPCs felt their stomachs churning, and they stopped drinking the fish soup unconsciously. What's more, they came to the railing and quietly poured the fish soup into the sea.

Under the suspicious eyes of others, Glenn was furious, clenched his huge fists, and roared:
"I told you to talk nonsense!"

He sent his fist to Leo's face.

As a chef, Grenny used his arms the most, so the punch was fast and powerful, and knocked Leo to the ground. At this time, three sailors came out from the crowd. They were stronger than the other sailors. , there was a trace of cruelty in their eyes, and as soon as they appeared, they hit Granny together.

Granny was alone, so naturally he was not the opponent of the three of them. He was overwhelmed by them, and the three of them smashed their fists in the face of Granny in turn. Leo also stood up and stepped on Granny's face. :
"Damn, dare to fight with me, I'm really tired of work!"

"Who is tired of working! Stop it!"

With a sharp shout and a gunshot, Venus came out of the captain's cabin, and Leyle was half a body behind her.

As soon as she came out, she took away one of Leo's ears with a single shot. Leo covered his ears and screamed, and he couldn't step on his raised foot.

The players were all shocked by Venus' thunder method, because very few people would directly injure non-professional NPCs, and there would be a probability of obtaining evil points...

If you kill an innocent NPC, you will get 20 points of evil, and you can't take the task to eliminate it, you can only eliminate it in the wild.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, players generally will not do anything to unprofessional NPCs.

Moreover, Venus used muskets, not magical equipment, and there was no system modification at all. This shot was so accurate, either because he had trained for a long time in the game, or he had experience in playing with guns in reality.

Venus stood in front of the captain's cabin, swept past the crowd, put away the smoking musket, and said to Granny and Leo with a frosty face:
"Is there anything you two want to explain to me? You better explain it to my satisfaction, or get the hell out of here."

Granny and Leo were both the first batch of crew members on the Dolphin. They had seen Venus at the manpower stage—this woman was resolute and self-centered. obedient.

Venus said to let them explain, but if the two of them really explained what happened, there is a high probability that both of them will be thrown into the sea, because explaining this matter is not what Venus wants result.

Venus has Rael's help, and the two of them have no ability to resist.

Granny took a deep breath and said:
"It's okay, the two of us are just kidding around."

He had to stay on board, it was a well paid voyage and he needed the money.

Leo also wiped off the blood on his face, laughed and said:
"Yes, two of, five of us just kidding."

Venus nodded and said to Leo:

"Take care of your three subordinates, don't cause trouble, go to the boat to heal your ears."

Leo nodded, covered his bleeding ears, and hurried to the treatment, and then Venus ordered a few more sailors to clean the blood on the deck.

Looking at a boat of sluggish players, Venus instantly changed his face and said with a smile:
"I know you're curious, but these two NPCs actually don't have any quests to dig out. I've put all the information about them on the guild channel. If you are interested, you can take a look, but don't follow the other NPCs on the boat, I'm afraid it will affect this trip. The morale of the journey.”

If a ship wants to operate, it still needs NPCs. If morale is low, NPCs have a chance to defect.

Everyone nodded and read the information of the two NPCs.

It was discovered that Glennie was indeed the only survivor of the Miracle as Leo said, and there were reports that he was an ogre, but the case had been overturned a long time ago. The body test results showed that he was killed by a shark. Ni just wanted to bring his companion back to his hometown for burial, so he kept carrying the corpse with him.

Through a series of reports, the players on the ship even discovered that the person who helped Glennie reverse the case was the player... After the verdict was reversed, Glennie changed his life to his current name.

Leo was originally a member of the "Robin Pirates", a pirate group that robs the rich and gives to the poor.

The Robin Pirates were disbanded more than ten years ago, and Leo has also been a good man. He has been working as a hired sailor. The three sailors who helped him beat people are his younger brothers. He has been leading them to live, and some players have contacted them. Helping them with tasks, but they were all tricked by Leo to drink...

After feeling that the two NPCs are worthless, the players on the ship should do whatever they want...

Granny pushed the iron bucket back to the cabin, and met Su Ming who was looking out from the cabin. He was very impressed with Su Ming. The captain was like a devil, only when he got along with this person, he was docile and gentle. sheep.

Glenn may not know that there is a kind of wolf in sheep's clothing, which is most likely to appear in the Ether wolf group...

Granny thinks that Su Ming is also a sheep, he doesn't look like someone who can control the captain...

When Su Ming saw Grainy, he asked curiously:
"Leo said you bit off his ear. Is it true? Why did you bite his ear?"

Before meeting Glennie, Su Ming met Leo first... He was naturally curious about Leo's injury, so Leo teased Su Ming, and by the way, mocked Glennie's "eating" of people.

Glennie was a little angry, but he explained it to Su Ming. Su Ming nodded. At this time, he happened to see the message Venus sent in the guild channel, and he understood the whole thing.

"In short, I didn't do the things Leo said. Leo has a head full of prejudice, which will kill him sooner or later." Granny complained about Leo and cursed along the way.

Su Ming nodded and said without any doubt:

"I believe in you, you are a very good person to persist in bringing back your companion's body.

Your food is delicious, please give me another bowl. "

Feeling Su Ming's sincere gaze, Granny dodged a little. He said "thank you" in a hurry, took the bowl Su Ming handed over, and filled Su Ming with a bowl of fish soup with his bandaged hand.

Su Ming noticed the bandage on Granny's hand and asked:

"What's the matter? Are you injured?"

"Well, when cutting vegetables, I accidentally cut my hand."

After speaking, Granny left.

Su Ming was carrying the fish soup, ready to go fishing on the deck.

(End of this chapter)

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