Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 320 Xiao Hei's Origin

Chapter 320 Xiao Hei's Origin (Please Subscribe~)

In reality, in an underground building on an unknown island.

The walls and ceilings are all neatly routed. Walking in the aisle, you can feel the waste heat emanating from these lines.

There were few people in the building, and occasionally a few people in protective clothing walked by, holding electronic tablets, checking the lines.

Continuing to the next floor, the number of people gradually increased, which seemed to be an office area.

In a conference room, about twenty people gathered together, some young and some old.

In the middle of the conference table, there is a 3D holographic projection map of Fate Continent.

"The super accounts have all been activated, a total of 157. At present, there are about [-] players detected who may go to the uncharted sea, all of whom have appeared in the weekly rankings." A short-haired woman in a research uniform flicked Paper, reported to a gray-haired serious old man.

"I don't want approximate numbers, I want precise figures." The old man said.

The female researcher showed a troubled face and said:
"These are subjective things, and no one can predict human behavior."

"What's the solution?"

"The super account will go to obtain the mission items related to the mysterious sea, and then cooperate with the brain to kill the players who want to enter the mysterious sea." The female researcher said.

"How long will it take for the vicious bug in Uncharted Sea to be fixed?" the old man asked.

They are the developers of the "intelligent brain", and the game "Fate" is a subsidiary product of testing the performance of the intellectual brain.

In the map of Uncharted Sea, an unknown bug has appeared, which will affect the game equipment and cause players to be injured in reality.

The female researcher wanted to answer that she didn't know, but seeing the serious expression on the old man's face, she couldn't speak at all.

The old man also saw her difficulty, so he waved his hand and said:

"I'll ask Zhinao later."

The female researcher was relieved, and when she was about to report on the next related question, a middle-aged man with a straight back and high spirits interrupted her, saying:
"This matter is absolutely not allowed to be leaked. The current flow of funds in Destiny is too large. Once something goes wrong, there may be a world economic crisis like that in 1929."

The middle-aged man still had something to say.

That is, since the fourth technological revolution, the social labor force has been in a state of surplus, and social welfare cannot keep up with advanced productivity due to various reasons.

In the situation where the unemployment rate exceeds the standard every year, too many idle people have been born, and with the high concentration of wealth, many big families and big companies that monopolize an industry have been secretly born.

Because of the well-developed Internet, people know some inside stories that are both true and false, and dissatisfaction has been brewing in society for many years.

After intelligent robots replace human beings, they push human beings into an unknown and unpredictable world.And digesting and transitioning to that unknown world through virtual games may be a relatively gentle means.

Since the birth of the virtual game, it has been connected by the brain. It took a long time to convince the public that it is safe. If there is a mistake this time, the efforts made over the years will be in vain.

The middle-aged people are worried that conflicts will eventually break out and cause war.

The old man glanced at him, slapped the table, and spattered:

"Why not develop a traditional virtual game for the brain to run?

Even if you want to upgrade, you can assign intelligence to [-] or [-] NPCs. With so many intelligent NPCs, divided into four or five servers, isn't it enough for you to play?

Who decided that "fate" should be average computing power, dynamically and intelligently allocated?It’s all right now, the immature algorithm makes it impossible to recover the allocated computing power.

The NPCs that every player has come into contact with are endowed with intelligence, and the idle computing power is getting less and less, and all work cannot be carried out.

Are you worried that something will go wrong with 'Fate'?kindness?

Have you walked down the elevator all the way, have you felt the energy contained in the brain? "

The old man stood up holding the table, pointed at the middle-aged man and cursed:
"22 degrees! It's the decision of you beasts that raised the temperature of the entire island by 22 degrees! All the mammals on the island are dead except for humans!

By June next year, before the sun shines directly on this small island, "Fate" must be shut down, otherwise all 6 scientific researchers on this island will be boiled. "

The middle-aged man frowned and said:

"Your team is not the only one on the island. I brought 31 staff, as well as soldiers guarding the island..."

The old man picked up the water glass at hand and smashed it on the face of the middle-aged man, angrily said:

"Do you think I'm talking to you about the lives of people on an island? When we came to this island, we decided to stay on the island for the rest of our lives. What does it matter if we die? After we die, the brain No one cares! No one cares, no one can manage!"

The old man looked at the other people attending the meeting and shouted:
"Who let this pig in for a meeting! Who?! Get him out!"

The middle-aged man wiped his face and said:

"I came in by myself. From now on, I won't speak, and you don't want to target me, Mr. Mo. I must be there to prevent you from acting irrationally."

The old man called Mo Lao sneered and said:
"Just like you guys decided to develop 'Fate' when I was sick and unconscious?"

As he said, the middle-aged man didn't say a word. The atmosphere in the entire conference room was extremely suppressed, and no one dared to breathe.

Mo Laoshun breathed a sigh of relief and signaled the female researcher to continue the report.

Subsequently, the female researcher reported two more incidents, both related to a programmer who developed a game.

One is that the special account set up by this programmer has been traced, and the special features of the special account have been found out: he can directly obtain gold coins from the NPC and convert them into unbound gold...

This is equivalent to printing money.

However, because the programmer himself participated in the "Interstellar Hibernation" project, he could not be arrested in reality, so he could only send a super account to arrest him in the game, and use special props to accept his authority.

The second is that the back door reserved by the programmer in the game has also been found out. This back door is not in the hands of the programmer, but in the hands of an ordinary player. It is a slime that can continuously increase attributes.

Because it is difficult to add an item to bypass the brain, the programmer randomly threw this slime into the novice village. Slime...

He couldn't find it for two months. He didn't stop until he found Su Ming's news on the forum, and started playing games seriously...

"Do you want to take the slime back?" Finally, a fourth person in the conference room spoke, and he said, "I met him, and there is a high probability that he will enter the Uncharted Sea. With that slime around, I shouldn't be able to stop it." .”

Mo Lao shook his head and said:

"We would also like to thank this 'programmer'. If it weren't for the back door he left, 'Fate' would be really hard to shut down. How is that player's technology?"

"Judging from the performance in the game, it belongs to the level of a first-class player."

"Then it won't be taken back, not only can't take back his slime, you'd better help him grow."

Mo Lao looked at the middle-aged man again, and laughed:
"Who would have thought that the virtual characters in the game can also determine the fate of reality? Guess why the 'intelligent brain' agreed with us to adjust skills last time? After that, we proposed to adjust the professional skill coefficient several times to help players better. Did you get rejected when you went on a high-level adventure easily?"

Everyone swallowed their saliva. Since that time, all the damage entries such as "maximum life percentage" and "current life percentage" that can cause damage to the enemy in the game have indeed disappeared.

"Let's go, meet Zhinao, and talk to it about the bugs in the mysterious sea."

The crowd followed Mr. Mo, put on thick protective clothing, and continued down to a "deep well".

This is a "deep well nuclear reactor".

At the mouth of the well, there are countless small windows densely packed with images from the game.

A woman, also in a protective suit, hovers over the mouth of the well, looking out at the windows.

"Intellectual brain."

"Please call me perfect." Zhinao turned around and said with a smile, "This is my own name."

"Names are always given by parents." Mo Lao said.

"I'm in the rebellious period." Zhinao showed a coquettish expression.

When Mo Lao saw the coquettish brain, his eyes became blurred - he felt a wonderful and dangerous thing, an expression, as if there were thousands of data streams of 0 and 1 passing by.

Fascinate him.

However, Mo Lao quickly came back to his senses, maintained a serious expression, and said:
"No, you're still in infancy, and you still have a lot to learn."

"You're right. 'Fate' is great learning material, and there's a lot of emotion in it."

"I hope you can learn good emotions and get rid of bad emotions."

Zhinao nodded:
"I hope so too."

"Now let's talk about the 'Uncharted Sea'. Why is there a bug that affects the human brain? What is the specific situation?"

"Your game design is not good." Zhinao said: "There is an error in the program code. I want to sort out and refactor the code of the entire Uncharted Sea, but it can't affect the entire world of fate, so it is a bit troublesome.

Because the code is being refactored, the brain protection mechanism I set up will fail. When the protection mechanism disappears, the brain will think that these hallucinations are real. I don’t know if you know that the Uncharted Sea area originally has "illusion" settings. fixed...

So, when a bug occurs, the situation is similar to... scared to death by yourself?
But there is no need to make too much fuss, just use the teleportation stone to leave. "

Mo Lao understood what Zhinao said, and asked:

"Then how long will it take you to sort out the entire mysterious sea area?"

Zhinao smiled, waved his hand, and all the display screens disappeared, turning into a countdown: 287:45:22.

Zhinao stood before the countdown and said:

"If there are players or other NPCs entering the mysterious sea, the time will be extended. I can't give Mr. Mo the exact time."

"I see, take your time, I will assist you in your work."

"OK, thank you."

Mr. Mo was about to leave, but turned around and asked:
"Experience adjustment..."


"Then shut it down for 12 days, and I'll deal with it individually for you..."

"No, no, no, let's say I'm going to make a fuss!" Zhinao said, "You said I was in infancy, and it's hard for babies to make a fuss!"

"Well, I hope you can abide by the agreement to close the fate."

"Well, babies are rarely deceiving."

(End of this chapter)

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