Chapter 326 Iron Box (please subscribe~)

The pier in the early morning is not very busy, there are many unmanned boats floating on the water.

After the sailors fixed the anchor and fixed the ship, Venus sent Su Ming and Bo Ni off the ship to buy materials for repairing the ship.

Players repairing ships is the same as repairing equipment. They don’t need to be rebuilt. With gold coins and materials, they can repair them with one click. It is much more convenient than NPCs. After players have ships, NPCs will definitely not be able to consume players at sea.

Venus leaned on the railing, looked at Su Ming who got off the boat, and ordered:

"Buy a few more copies of the materials for backup. They should be useful when we go to the mysterious sea."

Venus hadn't driven her own boat much before, and usually sailed with NPCs, so she was not fully prepared to go to sea, but after this time, she should check for omissions and make up for the vacancies.

"okay, I get it."

"Look at Boni, don't let her get drunk." Venus instructed again.


After Su Ming left, Venus began to assign other tasks.

The first is to replace the blank canvas for the ships of the Lost Pirates, and then assign some people to them, so that the players in the meeting can drive back directly, and exchange the pirates on it for gold coins, and these gold coins are also counted as the rewards of these players.

There are forty or fifty pirates, and there are thousands of gold coins. Thousands of gold coins are still a lot for ordinary players.Coupled with the original rewards, the players who followed in the meeting also gained a lot.

Then to maintain the ship, Venus sent people to buy the ammunition needed for the artillery, and finally waited for the NPC at the dock to start working before recruiting new sailors.

Lidmei's warship is parked not far away. Although Venus looks down on Lidmei, Lidmei also has dark gold strength, so Venus doesn't want to get off the ship, so as not to cause trouble for no reason...

After arranging things on the ship, Venus began to remotely handle various affairs sent from pharmacies in various places in the captain's room.


On Su Ming's side, he took Bo Ni to the shipyard where he could buy materials for ship repair.

Boni was just like what Venus said, she started to look around when she got off the boat, looking for a place to buy wine, but it was too early, and the shops hadn't even opened yet.

Just when Su Ming was relieved, Bo Ni thought of a strange trick - she grabbed a tactician who got up early to play games, pretended to be sophisticated, and gave him a task to buy wine.

The tactician was fooled. He thought he had encountered an adventure mission, so he accepted it and was going to find a drink for Bo Ni.

"This big brother." Su Ming grabbed the tactician and explained to him: "This NPC cheats on drinking, and there is no real reward for the mission."

The fighter shook off Su Ming's hand, frowned, and said:
"Which onion are you... Huh? Isn't this the spore boss?"

At the beginning, the tactician was quite angry when he was disturbed, because many people would deliberately cut off the mission, but after seeing Su Ming's face clearly, he became more polite.

After all, Su Ming is an expert player. Since he entered the weekly rankings, he has maintained the first place with an overwhelming advantage.

Recently, it was reported that Su Ming had tamed a baby dragon as a pet. This news alone made Su Ming book the first place in the list next week.

Among the eighteen professions of Fate, apart from the beast trainer, none of the professions ranked first is so dominant...

However, this situation may change in the near future.

The new star player "Soul Commander" of the Great Emperor's Guild released a strategy on the forum not long ago, revealing a new way of playing the beast tamer - to increase the level of the "beast tamer" skill.

After many people experimented, they found that the feasibility was very high.Beast trainers ushered in the trend of changing pets, and the prices of several pieces of equipment that could increase the upper limit of skills by 1 level also rose accordingly.

This new way of playing requires less investment and higher returns than the previous game that the animal trainers explored, and it became popular in just a few days, raising the strength of the animal trainer player group to a higher level.

The tactician thought that a high-level player like Su Ming would not steal his mission, so he curiously asked Bo Ni's identity.

"You can go to the forum and search for 'Liar NPCs in Mordia City'. There are some deceitful NPCs on the forum, and Boni is among them..." Su Ming said, "She is actually a shipbuilder. Now follow me to the shipyard. Buying materials, I really want to drink now, but I can't find a shop to buy alcohol, so she will lie to you..."

"Hehe...hehehehe..." Bo Ni gave a strange smile, covered her mouth with her hand, looked slightly sideways at the fighter player, and said faintly: "It seems that you have no chance with the treasure house of the Pirate King."

The fighter looked at Su Ming and asked:
"Boss, how about I buy a bottle and try it?"

Su Ming looked at the fighter, and then at Bernie—as expected of an NPC that can be listed in the strategy guide, he is too good at grasping the player's psychology.

Su Ming compromised, and he told Boni:
"Okay, drink a bottle. Auntie, after you finish drinking, you can't drink any more."

Boni showed a happy smile and said:
"One bottle is enough. You are much easier to communicate than Venus, don't worry, I won't lie to children."

Afterwards, the fighter found the wine and brought it to Bo Ni, who took the wine, gave the fighter a copper coin, and said:
"Go to the library and look for the book 'Children's Bedtime Stories'. You should be able to find information related to the treasure house of the Pirate King."

After speaking, Bo Ni hid behind Su Ming.

Su Ming saw that the fighter was dumbfounded, patted him on the shoulder and said:
"I told you that she is a liar. How much is the wine? I paid for her."

The fighter waved his hand and said:

"I don't have much money. Sure enough, you have to believe in the strategy. I'll go to 'Daylight' to sign it first, so I won't bother you to do the mission. Goodbye."

The tactician wants to get an autograph and sell it to fans during the day, and he doesn't give up. He plans to go to the library to have a look after getting the autograph...


When the tactician mentioned Bai Tian, ​​Su Ming had some impression that she was the beautiful sister who was on the Lidemei warship before, and seemed to be a star, but it had nothing to do with him.

Su Ming didn't follow the stars, so he continued to the shipyard with Bo Ni.


The 5 members of the Star Team and Brother Jars first arrived at Depu Island last night. After notifying Brov, they stayed in the camp of the Lost Pirates. After seeing the gunfire from the Dolphin, they slipped away until this morning. Li Demei came to clean up the mess before returning to the camp.

However, I don't know who leaked the news. The news that the day was burning on Depu Island was leaked, and many players flooded in at once...

Burning Days is different from an expert player like Su Ming. She is operated and designed by someone, so she has a large number of fans and is fanatical...

Carrying a staff, wearing a gold-rimmed red robe, and a silver time that faintly exudes holy light around him, holding a telescope to observe the situation outside the camp, he turned his head and said to his companions who were rummaging through boxes and boxes:

"The NPCs are almost unstoppable, and it's almost time to leave."

Burning Days opened a wooden box with a magic sword, frowned and said:

"There's no legacy of 'Guino' ah, the whole camp has been rummaged."

Guino is a scholar who observes submarine volcanic activities, and he took on a task related to him like a burning day.

The ghost crow wrapped in black clothes leaned against the wall, while playing with the purple dagger in his hand, he said:

"Will it be taken away by players in Miracle Wilderness?"

"It's possible." Burning Day said.

"Their boat seems to have docked, so I can get on the boat and steal it?" the ghost crow asked.

"is it okay?"

"I'll try it first." As he said that, the ghost crow turned into a puff of smoke and dissipated in the room. His stealth was different from others.

"sorry to bother you."

"For you, no trouble."

Carrying a big sword, knocking on the floor, gentle and crazy, dry and strong, said:

"Ouch! I'm sick of nausea, get out of here, okay?"

The ghost crow did not respond to his message, and had already left the house of the master.

At this time, Shi Shihe, who stood aside and hadn't spoken all this time, opened his eyes and said with a smile:
"I found it. Move out of the way, Zhou Zhou."

"Oh." Burning Days moved a few steps to the side and asked, "Is that okay?"


Afterwards, Shitou raised his staff and released "Yantu".

Relying on the earth elementalist's ability to destroy terrain, Stone River pushed open the floor and pushed out an iron box buried deep in the ground.

"To unlock." The day was burning and said: "The ancient crow just left..."

Gentle and crazy approached the iron box, drew out the big sword, and said with a smile:

"I don't need the crow, I'll break through it directly."

As long as the strength attribute is enough, many things can be violently demolished.

Gentle and crazily shouted, and smashed the iron box.

"Be careful, don't chop the things inside." Silver Time said.

"Don't worry." Rourou said crazily, he had already lifted the sword and cut it off, the lid of the iron box was just cut in half by him, and the contents in the box were unharmed.

In the box, there is a ruby ​​necklace, a roll of parchment, and a model brig.

(End of this chapter)

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