Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 333 Shelling the Squid

Chapter 333 Shelling squids (12 more)

Zero One Zero is a blessing teacher.The reason for this number is because Blessing Master is the tenth finalized character during game development, and the account names of other GMs are the same.

As a blessing teacher, no matter how good the equipment is, her output ability is difficult to pass.It is more difficult to kill mission players and obtain mission items like other GMs.

Their GM's strength is so strong, naturally they don't need her assistance, it's a complete waste of resources to strengthen them.

So she was assigned a different task - using special props to control sea monsters and block the entry of players and NPCs on the way to the mysterious sea.

Preventing players from entering is to protect players from being harmed by program bugs; preventing NPCs from entering is to prevent data changes in the area and fix bugs as soon as possible.

This is a relatively easy task, because no one has ever traveled to the mysterious sea... Until today, there was only one case on the route she was guarding.

There are more than [-] players on board...the number is quite a lot, let them rush into the mysterious sea, I don't know what will happen.

Zero One Zero immediately called in the Apostle Squid, ready to sink the Dolphin.

The special item she possesses is an epic item named "Sea God's Whisper".It looks like a conch horn, and through it, an epic boss whose level does not exceed her can be randomly selected to serve her.

If it is obtained by the player, Sea God's Whisper will be weakened, and only the dark gold BOSS can be summoned, and there is a time limit; but the props are in the hands of the super account, and the balance will not be weakened, so the epic BOSS can be summoned, not only has no time limit, It can also control the actions of BOSS.

It's just that the summoned epic boss didn't completely listen to her, she could only influence the boss's actions by insinuating.

Like this time, influence fails.

The squid is chasing people, the dolphin is gone, and more than [-] players are about to enter the mysterious sea!
The point is that the squid will not be able to solve this player for a while...

Spore #4432.

a familiar name.

A few days ago, [-] was killed by this person, and was ridiculed by their GM group. I didn't expect that she would be defeated by this person today.

"Why is he, a beast trainer, moving faster in the sea than the epic boss!"

The apostle squid was kited by Su Ming for half a day, and already lost 50 health points.

From Su Ming's point of view, the apostle squid is very dangerous. He has to keep an eye on the skills that he doesn't know when it will appear, but Zero One Zero knows that the apostle squid is a general attack special boss and has no special skills.

It relied on its tyrannical basic attributes to reach the standard of an epic boss. Besides, it has ten tentacles, which means ten times the damage. If it can touch people, even if it has no skills, it is still a powerful existence. There is no front row that can resist it. Can live.

The point is, it can't be touched now.

It is not that the apostle squid has no chance at all, but several times, Su Ming used various skills to save the day.

"If this continues, he will be able to complete the achievement of single-handedly defeating the epic boss."

Zero One Zero directly opened the "Permission Sky Eye" to scan Su Ming's equipment, and after learning about Su Ming's limit, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Boss is not that bad, let me take part."

A hole was opened in the head of the apostle squid, and Zero One Zero drilled out of his upper body, raised the platinum scepter, and released the "Blessing of Acceleration".

Her legendary weapon, the Archangel's Rod, allows her to apply abilities to anything, not just monsters, but buildings if she chooses...

The apostle squid suddenly felt much lighter. Just like before, it was puzzled, but it didn't think about it, and focused on what it wanted to do—kill Su Ming.

It was a little angry after being unable to catch up for a long time, and its hatred for Su Ming accumulated very high.

For high-level monsters, the hatred mechanism is slightly different-the proportion of damage has dropped, and it depends more on the interaction between the player and the monster, or their own AI judgment.

Regarding this difference, many players have already discovered it after the level has increased.

As I joked before, using "Hey! Grandson!" to taunt and attract hatred may really be a good way to attract hatred...

The change of the hatred mechanism has advantages and disadvantages for the players. However, as long as the mechanism still exists, it is not out of the scope of the game, and the players will definitely be able to use it.

Su Ming felt the pressure of the sea water behind him increase, he didn't need to turn his head, the three pets had already given feedback, letting Su Ming know that the squid was speeding up.

"Have you finally used your skills?"

Before, Su Ming was surprised that such an epic boss, who lost 1/10 of his health, was still chasing him stupidly, without any other movement, which made him nervous, thinking that the squid was holding back his big move .

Now that the squid was speeding up, it finally reassured him a little.

It's just a status skill, it doesn't matter.

Through private messages, Su Ming knew more than ten minutes ago that Venus was going to drive the Dolphin back to hunt squid. Now the two have been calibrated and are very close.

"Master! The squid is less than 50 yards away from you!" Xiao Hei reminded Su Ming.

"I see."

Su Ming took out the special swift potion and drank it, and his speed increased sharply again. While leading the squid in circles, he commanded Eggy to leave the ocean ahead of time and meet him on the sea surface.

After the egg was in place, Su Ming adjusted his body position and floated upwards at a 45-degree angle in the seawater. With the help of buoyancy, he further accelerated the speed.

"Sister Venus, I'm going to bring the squid to the surface." Su Ming communicated with Venus. He turned his head to look at the squid that followed him, and after simulating the follow-up situation in his mind, he marked it on the team map. After checking the position, he sent a message saying, "Fight according to this position."

Su Ming leaned out of the sea, and the sound of heavy rain and strong wind instantly entered his ears!

The huge squid rose rapidly below him, pushing the surrounding sea water to surge upward.


A not-so-violent dragon roar came from above Su Ming, and Eggy, who had been waiting here, flew over, grabbed Su Ming's shoulders with both claws, and lifted him out of the water.

The squid poked its head out of the sea, stretched out four or five tentacles, and rolled towards Su Ming.


Eggy let out a dragon roar again, aiming at the bottom and spraying out the dragon's breath.

As a dragon, its skill priority is very high, and its control effect is very good. The transparent ice crystals spread from the tip of the tentacles to the surrounding sea water, which helped Su Ming delay for a while.

Then, a sound louder than thunder erupted in the sea.

It was the roar of the Dolphin.

Forty-two artillery pieces fired together, and the shells rained down on the squid's head.

In addition to the shells, there are also the skills of the players. With Su Ming punctuating ahead of time, the skills are better hit. Although the damage is not high, a dozen players burst out for a round, which is equivalent to two or three shells .

The squid's body tilted from the cannonball, and a flame started to burn, but it was quickly doused by the heavy rain, and black smoke billowed out.

Ling Yiling was so frightened that he hid in the body of the apostle squid. Using his eyes, he checked the attributes of the Dolphin. He looked at a warehouse with a reserve of shells worth millions of RMB. He was speechless:
"This Venus is also a weird thing. There is simply too much money to spend. Are you here to play games or fight... Crazy, put so much ammunition."

After a round of volley, the apostle squid lost nearly 1/5 of its health. It stabilized its body, ignored Su Ming, dived into the sea, and rushed towards the Dolphin.

"Eggy, let go!"

Su Ming fell freely from the air and crashed into the ocean. A string of bubbles bubbled out from the corner of his mouth. He swam rapidly and quickly came to the eyes of the apostle squid.

Generally speaking, attacking the weak point of the boss can cause more hatred. In this case, the frequency is more important than the damage.

Su Ming used the protector to pull Zuoemon, and asked Xiao Hei to turn on the bubble gun, and his big eyes were full of output.

The apostle squid's eyes suddenly turned and stared at Su Ming motionlessly.

Su Ming is not only not afraid, but also a little happy:
"Successful! The hatred has re-attracted back."

Su Ming swam up immediately, activated the skill of deep sea boots, sprayed a stream of ink on the big eyes, and sprayed himself out of the water...

Like last time, the squid came out and planned to attack Su Ming.

At this time, the Dolphin had rotated 180 degrees, aiming the muzzle on the other side at it.

The artillery roared again, knocking down the squid who wanted to attack Su Ming.

Su Ming and the Dolphin covered each other like this, and used artillery to deal with the apostle squid. If it were in reality, or if the squid was timid, the squid might run away.

But this is a game, and the hatred mechanism is a law that monsters cannot cross.

The small brain of the apostle squid can only choose the target between Dolphin and Su Ming.

After two more salvos, which took no more than five minutes in total, the epic squid was on the brink of death.

Zero One Zero was in a hurry, stretched out her staff, and healed the apostle squid. Her skills and equipment all had a percentage healing effect, and when used on the BOSS, the effect exploded.

However, when she got out of the squid's body and released her skills, Su Ming, who was caught by Eggy, stared straight at her...

Su Ming looked at Ling Yiling's long hair protruding from the jar, and several question marks appeared on his head:


 I still owe one update, make it up tomorrow or the day after tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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