Chapter 340

After Su Ming delivered the meals, he knocked on the crew's rooms one by one, asking them about Man Yi's whereabouts.

On the boat, Su Ming was the only person who could communicate with everyone, and all of this had something to do with his hard work these past few days.

They can't see that there is something wrong with others, but they can see that Su Ming is a person with no problems.

In the eyes of these NPCs, Su Ming is like the only light of fire in the darkness, and everyone can feel a little warmth from him.

After asking all the way, Su Ming really got the clue.

"I saw Manyi and Glennie going to the warehouse." A crew member said to Su Ming, "Captain, don't go there. Glennie can eat people. The recent dinner was so bad, it must be because there is not enough food." Now, Granny, he's starting to..."

"Shut up!" Su Ming shouted, taking out half a piece of cake to cover his mouth: "Don't spread rumors, if you let me hear it, I'll beat you to death."

The crew hurriedly caught the cream that fell to the ground, and said with a smile that they understood.

Su Ming quickened his pace and walked towards the ship warehouse.

Warehouses are usually used to store large fish caught and various supplies needed for long-distance voyages.On the boat, only Su Ming, Leier and Glennie had the key.

But the only one who came in and out frequently was Glennie.

It really felt like his personal turf, a good place to do bad things.

When he came to the warehouse door, Su Ming signaled Xiao Hei to come over his head. After Zuemon and Dandan stood by at the door, he quietly opened the warehouse door.

There was a slight voice of conversation, and there was still a fire inside.

Su Ming stooped and approached the fire.

Soon, Su Ming saw Glennie holding a torch.

At Granny's feet, Man Yi was tied up, with a stinky sock stuffed into his mouth, unable to make a sound.Granny was talking to the big crab in front of him with a gloomy face:
"You can only eat one a day, and when you recover your strength, you will have to salvage my companion's body."

Su Ming frowned—what corpse?Was it the crew that went overboard with Granny?Hadn't their bodies been brought back long ago and buried in the cemetery?
The black crab, which was five or six meters long and about the size of a medium-sized truck, said:
"One is too little..."

The big crab's words are slurred, a bit like a baby who has just learned to talk.

This big crab crawled into the warehouse when the epic squid attacked the ship and caused the ship to be damaged.

Glennie found it and found that it would grow up quickly as long as it ate. After feeding it for a few days, the crab became more and more aggressive. Glennie didn't dare to feed it anymore, but he didn't Tell others about this crab.

He hid the crab in a glass jar and only gave it a little water and a piece of meat every day to keep it alive. He planned to sell it after returning to the voyage.

There has always been a market for strange creatures like this.

But in recent days, Glennie has been affected by hallucinations and heard the calls of his dead companions. They asked Glennie to go to the bottom of the sea to save them.

Glenny also thought it was a hallucination at first, but as the voices he heard became more and more frequent, he couldn't hold it anymore, so he talked to this crab.

He didn't know that this crab was the legendary "boat clamp crab". In many ocean stories, they would chase ships and use their huge pincers to break ships when a storm came.

Like the apostle squid, it is a kind of sea monster, a monster that represents disaster.

However, this kind of crab is still young and does not have this strength. It needs to develop. After listening to Granny's confession, it gradually mastered the human language and began to confuse Granny.

Granny is a cook himself and doesn't have the ability to help his imaginary companions, but the crab does.

Once he got help, Glenny's last rational defense was broken. He forgot that his companions had been buried in the land cemetery, and thought that they all died in the sea, so he began to feed the crabs food.

The food reserves of the Dolphin are abundant, even if Venus is in the game, he will not embarrass his stomach, so the ingredients are also top-notch.

The ingredients that can make food with added attributes will not be bad.

This is a great supplement to the crab.

The boat crab did not disappoint Glenn. With the massive amount of food fed, it grew from the size of a fist to the size of five or six meters in two days. If converted into data, it probably grew from level 20 to level 40. Also reached the dark gold.

Even though the Dolphin has a lot of food reserves, the crabs can't help but eat it 24 hours a day. Most of the food in the warehouse has been eaten up by the crabs.

At this time, the boat crab told Granny that eating live animals would fill his stomach better.

Glennie hesitated for a day, and finally decided to do it.

He tricked Man Yi to the warehouse, defeated Man Yi with medicine, and then brought Man Yi to the crab.

Just kidnapping one has already made him think about it for a long time, but he didn't expect to be satisfied with pinching crabs. Granny slightly increased his voice, panting and said:
"Stop talking nonsense! You can only eat one, and you will be discovered if you have more."

Glennie didn't dare to speak loudly either. The crab was getting bigger and bigger, and he was already a little scared. He probably couldn't hide it in a few days.

After the pinch crab can beat Captain Spore, first mate Rale, and that nasty boatswain, it will definitely rush out and start a killing spree.

Before that, we must let the crab into the sea and help him find the corpse of his partner.


Granny closed his eyes, showing a struggling look, and after a while, he opened them and said:

"Okay, two, I'll find another one for you later. But today I'm going into the sea to find my companion's body."

"Okay, I'll help you find the corpse of your companion. After I eat..."

The pinching crab waved its tongs and pinched the big man Man Yi. Man Yi showed a frightened expression, shook his head desperately, and kicked back with his feet.

Granny came up behind him, stepped on Manyi's back, and said viciously:

"Let your boss say that I eat people! Let you hit me before!"

The pinch crab let out a piercing laugh and said:
"Yes... just like that, bring all the people you hate here, and I will help you avenge."

Man Yi closed his eyes, but he could still see the picture, the hallucinatory picture - a pirate ship burning with blue flames, next to shrill ghosts, the shells were their skin, and the seaweed was their hair.

They approached him with a disgusting fishy smell, scratched his skin with sharp knives, and cut off his tongue bit by bit with scissors.

Why is there no captain here...

It's not true, why didn't the captain come to rescue him these few times...

"The bed is rising!" Man Yi cried out loudly, opened his eyes, and shouted with his half tongue: "You are crying!"

"I'm here, don't be afraid!"

A loud bang.

Su Ming held the pincers of the crab with a shield and stood in front of Man Yi.

Su Ming's face twisted and his body sank.

After feeling the pain, Su Ming realized that 5000 points of damage is also so unbearable...


Su Ming roared and pushed away the pincers that pinched the crab. He didn't quite understand why people yelled in battle. Now that he thought about it, in addition to giving himself courage, it might also help digest the pain.

"Little black!"

"It's coming!" Xiao Hei jumped up from Su Ming's head and slammed into the crab. It stared at the crab with fierce eyes, thinking to itself: "I've been angry with the master for the past few days." Get it back on you! Watch it!"

The viscous liquid sprayed out and bombarded the caught crab.

Young Ship Crab (LV40, Dark Gold Boss): 1087130/1100000.

(End of this chapter)

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