Chapter 35 Live Racing

The answer is 0.

After Su Ming got into the water, he opened the sachet and threw it in directly. There was no bubble porpoise elite, but a bubble porpoise king. It was as big as a human, and not only had sharp needles, but also sharp teeth.

Wherever it passes, the lake water is highly poisonous, and the damage is twice as high as that of elite monsters.

Su Ming touched it with a magic ball, and found that it was a level 15 silver boss, so he ran away quickly. He is definitely not his opponent now.

In the water, the speed of the Porpoise King surpassed that of Xiao Hei, so Su Ming could only desperately escape to the island.


The porpoise king rushed and bit Su Ming.

Su Ming was bitten off 1/3 of his life, and the Porpoise King fell to the ground. Just when Su Ming thought it was an opportunity, its strong tail slapped the ground and returned to the water.

It was wandering on the shore, its eyes shining in the moonlight, and Su Ming couldn't get into the water for a short time.

"Xiao Hei, let's explore the island." Su Ming said to Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei nodded and jumped in front of Su Ming to open the way.

The weeds on the island are very high, and the vines of the trees are hanging down, carrying the water droplets condensed at night.

There are fireflies flying around, and the scenery is very good.

During the daytime, Su Ming had never seen anyone go to the island.

Players are very curious creatures, and Bab Lake is a good leveling point. With so many players and no one has come to the island, there is only one possibility—there are no precious items on the island.

The small island is only more than [-] square meters, and Su Ming quickly came to the center of the island.

In addition to the light source of fireflies, Su Ming also saw a familiar, clear light.

"There is also moonlight grass here." Su Ming walked in quickly, and suddenly two six-level poisonous snakes sprang out from the grass.

Su Ming and Xiao Hei immediately deal with one of them.

The poisonous snake was attacked, realized the strength of the comer, turned around and ran away, even if he had no experience in killing a level [-] monster, Su Ming stopped chasing it.

"Uncle Payson did say that moonlight grass likes to grow in damp and dark places, and the environment of the island in the lake is satisfactory."

Su Ming knelt down to collect moonshine grass.

Searched around the island, and finally got 12 moonshine plants.

After picking the moonlight grass, the Porpoise King was still squatting, and Su Ming had been playing for nearly two days, so he rubbed stones back to the city and went offline to sleep.


In the middle of the night, the place where players struggle the most is in the dungeon. The monsters in the dungeon will not be affected by time, and it is the same when they come to fight.

In the copy of the abandoned temple, the major guilds in "Fate" have been preparing for the battle for two weeks, but still no team has broken through the first boss.

The problem of sucking mana back to blood is almost unsolvable.

Players have quarreled countless times on the forum about this, asking the game company to provide a way to recover mana, but the game company pretended to be dead as always, and the player's request was not responded to.

Therefore, the players came up with various ways to clear the level, including stacking basic attack damage, mana stacking, and stacking counter damage, all of which failed.

The method is good, but the player's level and equipment limit the upper limit, and this upper limit is only a little short of defeating the boss, which is very frustrating.

Recently, however, there has been good news.

The news about the primary mana recovery potion was leaked.

The leaker was a novice player. He brought these potions from Novice Village and was discovered, so he made a windfall. Several bottles of potions made thousands of dollars.

It was also revealed that Novice Village No. 777 had sold back the potion.

Countless people have reincarnated, intentionally committed suicide and lost rank, all in order to go to Xinshou Village No. 777 to buy the magic potion.

Xinshou Village also became lively after a long absence.

After two days of returning to the village, the potions in Novice Village No. 777 were also sold out.

The top ten guilds teamed up to raise the price of the potion to prevent small teams from sneaking away. Then they discussed among themselves and decided to distribute the potion equally. Tonight, the first kill of the first boss will be decided, and it will be broadcast live, and commentators are also invited.

The commentary is matched by a man and a woman.

"Well, the time is 0:[-], and we can see that the teams of the top ten guilds have entered the first floor of the abandoned temple. There should be no pressure to deal with the stone knights who came to stop them. Everyone has fought countless times. The method is very familiar." The male commentator said while looking at the screen.

The female commentator then said:

"Yes. We can see that each of the top ten guilds has the same professional configuration. The iron guards, guardians, fighters, and two elementalists all focus on magic damage."

"That's right, because in the abandoned temple, whether it's the mobs or the final boss, their armor is higher than the magic resistance," the male commentator said, "Now the camera is showing the team led by Feixue Qianyue from the dream guild , Their speed is very fast, there are a total of 24 stone knights in the passage, and all of them are brought together without falling. With the help of the pillars, the damage of the two elemental warlocks Liaoyuan is not wasted."

"Yes, the current speed of the Dreamland Guild is the fastest. It only took 2 minutes and 32 seconds to pass through the corridor on the first floor of the temple. Feixue Qianyue is also the only female iron guard among the ten teams. Girls play iron guards. It's even rarer to play so well like Feixue Qianyue."

The director split the screen, and ten shots appeared on the screen. Above each shot, the number of remaining monsters was displayed, and there were only 1 or 2 of them.

Passing through the hallway of the temple, what was waiting for them was an elite. It was said to be an elite, but its strength was actually the same as that of the boss in the wild. It was just that in the dungeon, there were only three levels: ordinary, elite, and boss.

"All the teams have started to attack the defecting knight." The male commentator said, "The background story of this defecting knight is very interesting. It is said that he wanted to escape from the temple, but he was captured by the captain of the temple guard and became infected with magic energy. Half human, half elemental. His attacks randomly petrify enemies, which is very annoying. I've died at his hands many times."

"Me too. But if it doesn't petrify, it's not that powerful." The female commentator said, "The top ten guilds compete, this step is the most luck-based, and the teams that petrify more will definitely be slower. Oops , Two people in the dream guild team were hit by petrification in a row, and their first position will be lost. Feixue Qianyue was too careless, she didn't help her teammates block the petrification ray."

In the shot, the number of monsters at the top of the screen becomes the blood bar of the defected knight.

Dreamland Guild originally had a lead of about 10%, but now it was petrified and immediately overtaken by three guilds.

"Now the Moon Shadow, the Great Emperor, and the Long Time River guild are very tight in blood volume. They are indeed the top three guilds. They caught a small mistake of the opponent and immediately achieved a lead." The male commentator said: "The defecting knight will soon be defeated. Now, we are going to meet our old friend Knight Commander."

The female commentator joked:
"I believe that countless players want to defeat this old friend in their dreams. After all, the Abandoned Temple is a dungeon group. As long as there is a team that clears the level, the rest of the players can skip the first floor and directly challenge the second floor. There are better rewards out there waiting for us."

(End of this chapter)

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