Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 352 Player's Corpse

Chapter 352 The Player's Corpse (Please Subscribe~)

After opening the dungeon map, the three of Su Ming found that the city layout of the Tratu ruins was in the shape of a seahorse.

"The ruler of this city is quite thoughtful, and he doesn't know where the copy exits in the seahorse." Silver Time said.

"We seem to come in from the mouth, if it corresponds to the organs..."

Before Kuang Jian finished speaking, his mouth was covered by Silver Time:
"Please don't say that, I don't want to spit out my lunch."

"Okay, okay... I won't say." Kuang Jian himself felt quite disgusted, but he still asked a little worriedly: "What if it is really what we guessed?"

"What else can I do...what to do, what to do." Silver Time muttered, "It's not true."

"If that's the case, then I won't enter this dungeon in the future." Su Ming said next to him, "This dungeon seems to only have enchantment cards and experience gains, and the ratings of enchantment cards are not high. Players with better equipment don't need to play. .”

During their exploration, Su Ming and the others encountered not only the 3*3 seahorse army, but also the 4*4 and 5*5 seahorse army. Totally useless.

However, according to the speculation of Silver Time, the price of enchanting cards may be similar to that of equipment with the same rating. Judging from the explosion rate and monster refresh rate, the Tratu Ruins is quite profitable.

The three of Su Ming were chatting and fighting monsters, and suddenly Su Ming found that Leier had stayed in one place for more than 5 minutes.

This is Su Ming's "signal" to Leier. If Leier wants to find him, he should stop where he is. If he notices, he will go there.

"Rayle called us over, let's change the route." Su Ming said.

Originally, the three of Su Ming wanted to go around the edge of the city all the way to the tail, and then outflank them back, but now they temporarily changed their plan and started to move in the direction where Leier was.

Shown on the small map, the three of Su Ming are crossing the belly of Haima City, heading for the pouch.

After walking briskly for nearly half an hour, Su Ming saw Leier.

The Tratu ruins are quite big, and many players would spend a whole day in the dungeon without a time limit, and it's normal to be bigger.

Leyle was carrying a sword bag, frowning and standing under a giant wall more than 30 meters high. There was a corpse floating near her knees.

The right arm of the corpse was dark black, and there was a particularly thick bracelet on the wrist. A chain extended from the bracelet, connected to a magic long sword, but now, the magic long sword was also lying powerlessly on the ground.

This is the corpse of a "warrior", which can be identified from his arm that seals the devil and the bracelet that suppresses the devil.

If it was just a corpse, Leier would not stop, mainly because it was the corpse of an adventurer. When Leier first arrived, the corpse was still surrounded by a group of fish, as if it had been dead for a while.

The corpse of an adventurer in the wild...

It was the first time Leier saw it, she felt a little strange, so she stood by the corpse, waiting for Su Ming and the others to come over.

"Sister Leier."

Su Ming shook his hand, and after attracting Leier's attention, he trotted over. He immediately saw the corpse next to Leier. In his field of vision, on the head of this corpse, it displayed "LV42 Pursuit Tomorrow" a few words.

Su Ming's footsteps slowed down in surprise, he came to Leier's side and asked:
"This is how the same thing?"

Kuangjian and Silver Time also saw the corpse, and their brows also tightened.

"He was already here when I came, and his body was surrounded by fish. He should have died here for quite a long time," Rael said.

When Rael was talking, Silver Time had already closed his eyes and began to chant the spell of "Resurrection". Through this skill, he could know how long he had been dead for tomorrow.

A piece of brilliance shone toward the pursuit of tomorrow, and Silver Time received a system notification.

System: The player "Chasing Tomorrow" has been dead for 24 hours and 22 minutes, and the "Call of Life" cannot take effect.

Silver Time told Su Ming and the others about the death time of the pursuit of tomorrow. Both he and Kuang Jian turned pale, and both of them regretted entering the instance.

After all, from the current point of view, the game will affect the reality, but after meeting Su Ming, everything became better, subconsciously restored the player's thinking, and rushed forward if it was beneficial, regardless of danger or not.

"Spores... You said that this person has been dead for a day and won't come back to life. What are you doing?" Silver Time asked.

Su Ming saw the concerns of Berserk and Silver Time, and comforted him:

"Don't be afraid, since the game character is still there, it should be fine in reality."

"Then what about his corpse?" Silver Time said, "How about I guard him here? You and Berserk continue to explore the dungeon? I'll go there when I find the exit."

He didn't dare to fight the monster anymore, and he deliberately made an excuse.

Kuang Jian opened his mouth, he also wanted to stay here, but he couldn't speak out after his face was no longer silvery.

"Let's stay here and guard Kuang Jian together." Su Ming patted Kuang Jian's shoulder and said with a smile, "How can a Blessing Master keep it? Are you right?"

Kuangjian didn't expect Su Ming to take the initiative to excuse himself. He thought: On the boat, Spore took good care of the NPCs. He thought he was doing a mission. Now that he thought about it, he probably really wanted to protect those NPCs.

Feeling that he is being taken care of, Kuang Jian's mood is very complicated, both joyful and a little embarrassed, after all Su Ming still looks like a child.

"Why don't you stay with the spores? Didn't you say that you would be back to normal after 3 days after receiving the news? Let's stay in the dungeon together for three days." Kuang Jian said.

Su Ming shook his head, rejected Kuangjian, and expressed his concerns:

"Although the strength of the Tratu ruins is not great, it is an infinite book after all. The longer you stay, the stronger the monsters inside will become. We may not be able to deal with it after three days, so we still have to find an exit.

Find the exit and go back to the ship. It should be safe. If it doesn’t work, you can stay on Bruce Island for a while. I went to the island and checked. The monsters on it are only about 30 levels, which is considered a very low-level area in the mysterious sea area... ..."

Su Ming said a lot of things, his analysis was logical, and his determination to continue exploring was very firm, so Kuang Jian didn't try to persuade him any more, just said:

"That's good... If you are in danger, call us both."


Su Ming thought to himself, when he sees Sister Venus, he must ask what is going on...

Leier probably understood the conversation between Su Ming and the others, so she said:

"Then you two stay here to guard the corpse, and the captain and I will go to the maze behind us to have a look."

"Maze?" Su Ming thought to himself that this is the mission location designated by Dilevwei, and he doesn't know if this is the main mission or the side mission of this dungeon. If it is the main mission, the exit of the dungeon is likely to be refreshed in the maze.

"Yes, behind the giant wall is a labyrinth." Leyle pointed to the north and said, "Walk more than 500 meters there, and you will see the entrance."

Su Ming checked the mini-map and found that the maze was the pouch on the belly of the seahorse.

Su Ming asked Dandan to flap its wings and fly up to see what was going on in the maze.

But when it flew to a height of 25 meters, magic runes lit up in the air, blocking Eggy down.

Eggy was not convinced, and bumped twice, except for making the magic runes flash twice more, there was no other gain, so she flew to Su Ming's side with two bags on her back.

"It seems that it is forbidden to fly. I can only go."

(End of this chapter)

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