Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 354 Tracking down Stherda

Chapter 354 Tracking Stherda (for subscription~)

after an hour.

There are as many as 12 maze graphics in Su Ming's mind, and the maze changes every 5 minutes.

Anyone who entered the maze and was trapped inside would be aware of this conclusion, but Su Ming went one step further than them. By comparing the graphics, Su Ming also discovered the way the maze changes—rotation.

According to the change of rotation angle and parts, many mazes can be combined.

After knowing the method, Su Ming still wanted to find out the pattern, but unfortunately, there was no pattern in the previous few rotations. It was not until the 13th rotation that Su Ming matched it with the original map in his mind.

"This is Maze No. 3."

Su Ming named the 12 maps according to their numbers. Maze No. 3 was the maze that changed in the 10th minute.

Su Ming said to himself:
"The maze has started to repeat, so there are only 12 kinds of mazes. The combination of changes is fixed, but how is the change random?"

Su Ming continued to move forward and expanded the map of the No. 3 maze in his mind. After 5 minutes, the maze changed again. Su Ming quickly found the corresponding map from his mind as before.

Su Ming breathed a sigh of relief, the guess was correct, with only 12 changes, he would be able to leave the maze soon.

After walking a little further, on a wall, Su Ming found a green trace that was obviously man-made. Su Ming walked over to check, and Leier followed.

"It looks like traces of blood splatter." Su Ming made a judgment.

"I heard that the blood of the high-level formless demon is green." Leier said, "He encountered a battle here, and we have to be careful in the future."

"This is not necessarily the first scene of the battle." Su Ming walked along the trace, and there was an obvious section in the trace, which should be caused by the change of the maze, "But you really have to be careful."

"Master, there are also bloodstains on the ground." Xiao Hei said to Su Ming.

Su Ming squatted down, checked the direction of the bloodstain and the section of the bloodstain on the wall, and judged:

"The Formless Demon should have encountered a battle in the No. 8 maze, let's go."

Seeing Su Ming walking back suddenly, Leier asked suspiciously:

"Isn't it a dead end yet?"

"Let's go find the Phaseless Demon who stole the 'Glory of the Ancestors' first. It's been so long, and it's time to give you an explanation."

Although there are only 12 maps, in fact, there should be 13 mazes, and there is one original maze that did not appear, but Su Ming can also restore part of it through "similarities and differences".

By restoring the "Original Labyrinth", the deconstruction of the "Change Labyrinth" can be predicted to a certain extent, so Su Ming is now in the No. 5 labyrinth, and can track it based on the blood left in the No. 8 labyrinth.

Leyle followed Su Ming around in the maze, and saw the blood stains again, feeling very miraculous, so she asked Su Ming how he did it.

Su Ming explained a lot to her, and Leier was dizzy. She could understand some parts, but she felt that it was impossible for humans to do it...

In this way, relying on the bloodstains, Su Ming kept searching, but after more than ten minutes, he couldn't find the blood of the Phaseless Demon. Su Ming guessed that the Phaseless Demon should have recovered from his injuries, so he stopped bleeding.

There are four forks in the road ahead, and just as Su Ming was guessing where the Phaseless Demon would go, there was a rustling sound. Stheda, with octopus tentacles and wet skin, walked from the fork in the middle with an iron box on his back. walked out.

When the two sides met, their eyes widened and their eyes widened, and they were a little dazed for a while.

When Stherda discovered the maze, he deliberately left the search for tomorrow at the entrance, because it knew that adventurers have the ability to recognize the way, and wanted to let the search for tomorrow help it by "spreading the conch".

In the beginning, it was indeed able to return to the entrance following simple instructions such as "one point to the left" and "one point to the right" tomorrow, but after a while, its call lost its response, and it did not know what happened.

It probably didn't expect that the pursuit with luxurious equipment would be killed by a team of 5*5 sea horses tomorrow...

Stherda, who has lost help, has been trapped in the maze for three or four days. He doesn't have the perverted memory of Su Ming. If he doesn't say anything, he can't even find the entrance, so he can only go round and round in the maze.

It doesn't want to find the "Ocean Star Fragment" for the time being, but just wants to leave the maze, whether it is from the exit or the entrance.

Seeing Su Ming now, Stherda felt hopeful—the adventurer should be able to lead him out of this damn maze.

But... Stherda rolled his eyes and looked at the angry Leier.

The atmosphere of the Abram family.

Stherda knew why Su Ming and the others came. In the world of the aborigines, there is a saying - one adventurer cannot help two aborigines.

So, in order for Su Ming to help it, Stherda made a decisive move.

It opened the iron box behind it, and a black-green liquid flowed out from it, gradually agglomerating into a human shape. In the liquid, fine dust-like particles moved like blood.

Seeing that the water ghost's face resembled the face of the family ancestor's portrait, and the veins in the hand holding the sword bulged, she yelled angrily:
"Dirty formless demon, stop manipulating the souls of my ancestors immediately if you don't want to die."

"Hehe, what's the use of taking back a pile of dust? Under my command, your ancestor can regain his former style and continue his favorite battle. Even if he chooses it himself, he won't go back with you."

Stherda lifted his cloak, and threw three sword blades of different styles from inside, including a one-handed long sword, a two-handed long sword, and a short sword.

The water ghost picked up the blade and put it on his waist, and sprinted towards Leier. During the sprint, the blade kept switching, making it impossible for those fighting him to respond in advance.

Leier drew out her sword and said to Su Ming:

"Captain, I'll restrain the water ghost, and you go and attack the formless demon itself."


Neither Sceda nor the water ghost is a boss template, and Leier is fully capable of dealing with the water ghost alone.

Su Ming ran away a little, leaving space for Leier and the water ghost to fight, and then directed the three pets to attack the Phaseless Demon. He also waved his magic wand to attack.

Facing Su Ming, Sseda did not dare to be careless. Any animal trainer who has a dragon pet will leave a name in history. Like dragons, they are synonymous with power.

Moreover, the strong fluctuations in the magic power of the magic equipment worn by Su Ming also made Sseda tremble. It even suspected that Su Ming was the stupid son of a certain grand consul, who used the wealth of several territories to arm it...

"Guino's legacy." Sceda recognized the equipment worn by Su Ming, narrowed his eyes and said, "It turns out that you killed another adventurer, it seems that you are also a greedy person, as long as you stop talking to me How about I take it to find better magic equipment after fighting?"

"No need." Su Ming flatly refused. When Ssorda made this request, he didn't even trigger the mission prompt, which proved that it was a complete lie.

And Su Ming will not do double-faced things.

"Really, what a pity..." Sseta fluttered his cloak behind him, flexibly avoiding the attacks of Su Ming and his pets, and his body gradually dissipated, "But don't worry, even if you want to kill me, I will leave you alone." life until you lead me out of the maze..."

(End of this chapter)

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