Chapter 367

Burning Day wears four pieces of epic equipment, and the rest are all dark gold equipment, so not only the meat, but also the damage is high. If you touch the big guy twice, you have already knocked out more than 3 blood from the big guy.

With such a high output, it may take a while for Xiao Hei to take away the hatred, but now Xiao Hei's skill form has just been optimized, and his output ability has skyrocketed again.

Xiao Hei found a gap, smeared out a mouthful of mucus, and exploded on the big guy.

Xiao Hei now has nearly 35000 blood. With the addition of Su Ming's skills, equipment, and his own epic equipment, the panel damage of a mouthful of viscous liquid exceeds [-] points, but it can only hit about half of the damage when it hits the big guy. Output, it can be seen that the magic resistance of the big guy is very high.

In Fate, there is a very strange setting, that is, monsters without shirts usually have quite high magic resistance...

After one bite, two holes melted next to the little black eyes, and black bubbles flew out from the inside and hit the big guy.

After two quick attacks, Xiao Hei immediately fired the second shot of "Viscous Liquid" stored.

After the viscous liquid is optimized, it can be stored, but it cannot be fired continuously. Su Ming fumbled while fighting monsters, and knew that the interval between two skills would take about 0.5 seconds.

In this short period of time, a general attack of the bubble gun can be interspersed. The current small black text has a 40% attack speed bonus. Wan, attracted the big man's attention.

"Slime? Disgusting thing." The big man had a lot of combat voices. It hit the deck hard with a hammer, creating cracks. If the materials of the Dolphin were not good enough, there would definitely be a big hole.

The shock wave sent the little black bullet flying, and the big man made a home run posture, swung the hammer towards the little black, and said:

"I'll beat you up!"

With a sound of waves, Xiao Hei was deformed by the hammer, spinning and flying towards the ocean.

Su Ming twirled the flute in his hand, and used the skill of "Protecting the Lord" to pull Xiao Hei back. Xiao Hei landed on the ground and continued to use the bubble gun to output.

The big man ran towards Su Ming with a hammer in his hand:

"It turns out that you are controlling the slime! I'll kill you first!"

Su Ming frowned, and said to the members of Star Team:

"His way of hatred seems to be different, please don't shoot, I will do some damage first."

After speaking, Su Ming fought with the big guy on the deck. The three pets surrounded the big guy, outputting non-stop, but the big guy kept chasing Su Ming.

The five members of the Star Team naturally agreed, and they opened another chat channel to discuss the timing of dealing with Su Ming.

"Let's first see if this boss has a large-scale instant kill skill." Shihe said, "If there is, make a mistake on purpose, get stuck in his position, and let him eat the skill."

"I'll breastfeed normally first..." Silver Time said.

"The person in Kata's position happened to die with him, so there's nothing to say when he's resurrected." Burning Day said, "But its pet is really exaggerated, it seems to have become stronger again? It's a bit different from the ones on the forum."

While they were discussing, Su Ming had already thrown 5 to 6 output on the big guy, most of which came from Xiaojin, Xiaojin and Su Ming were one, and its damage would be counted as Su Ming's damage.

No matter how the other three pets output, the big guy keeps attacking Su Ming crazily. It seems that he is another boss who can recognize the profession.

"Let's fight, the hatred should be stabilized." Su Ming said.

Burning Day, Gentle Crazy, and Phantom Crow all surrounded him and began to look for openings to output.

After starting to output, Su Ming's mouth never stopped, his eyes rolled around, he had a panoramic view of the battlefield situation, and the command command chattered out:

"During the day, you stand on the left side and fight with Zaemon, and occasionally help Zaemon resist damage; you stand on the right side of Gentleman, and Xiao Hei will assist you; crow, you stand behind and fight back.

The intelligence of this boss is quite high. There is no fixed form of normal attack. Occasionally, he will hit people nearby on a whim. Please pay attention. If it is about to hit someone, I will remind you.

Don't change positions easily between you, it's easy to be hit by its big hammer, it will disperse the milk of time and mess up his hatred.

For stones, you can use straight-line and landing skills. Don’t break the terrain-breaking skills. This is my ship. If the damage is too serious, I will make you lose money. Haha, just kidding... It’s just that I just tried However, the control is useless on the big guy, and it will make it go berserk, so you don't need to use the control skill. "

When Su Ming was commanding, the five members of the Xingchen battle crazily complained in their own channels:

"Does this person treat us as idiots?" Gentle and crazily slashed at the big man with a sword, and the big man turned back and struck, followed by Su Ming's reminder and the heroic Xiao Hei...

After Xiao Hei took the hammer for him, he immediately took a mouthful of viscous liquid to restore the blood volume, and at the same time, he gave two "squeaks" to Wen Wen Kuang with a righteous face, praising Wen Wen Kuang for doing a good job - just like a kindergarten It's like the teacher in the school is encouraging the children.

Burning Day strongly agrees:

"That's right, you want me to help its pig block the attack, what do you think of me..."

As soon as the day was burning, Su Ming's command arrived again:

"Daylight, push forward quickly, change positions with Zaemon, and help him block it! Don't be stupid!"

Burning Day puffed up one side of her face, ignored Su Ming's words, swung the magic sword, and attacked from the gap, but she just swung the sword twice, and the big hammer came over.

Burning Daylight stepped on one side, trying to escape, but found that Zaemon was stuck behind him...

The big guy's hammer hit Ruburning Day solidly, causing more than 1 damage. The big guy has the setting that basic attacks must hit critically, which is pretty fierce.

The day is burning like a fool, she hasn't gone to Kasuming's place yet, but this guy let his pet get stuck in her place first!It just doesn't make sense!
When Burning Day was voicing bitterness in their own team channel, Su Ming was thinking quite sadly:

"This guy is probably the worst in their team. Such a simple change of position can't even be done. Let's lower her requirements a little bit."

Su Ming shouted:

"Forget it, during the day, you can look for opportunities to output like this now, and I will let Zaemon hide by himself."

Hearing what Su Ming said, as if accusing her of doing something wrong, Burning Day burst out a little:
"Just hide, why are you stuck in my position?"

"Because you want others to maintain their output. If you and Zuemon both dodged, wouldn't the BOSS chase you? So, it's not a bad thing to be attacked by monsters sometimes." Su Ming knew Burning vegetables, so I patiently explained to Burning Day.

"Damn..." Burning Day of course knows this truth, she is not pure Mengxin, but she can't fault Su Ming's words at all, so she has no way to fight back, so she can only say:
"I see, then I just cooperate with you, don't let your pigs get stuck in my position, I don't like the operation being disturbed."

"Can you really do it?" Su Ming looked at the burning day with very suspicious eyes.

"Of course you can~" Burning Day tried to maintain a smile: "It's a very simple operation, what can't be done?"

"Okay then. Dare to operate is a good thing, let me give you another chance." Su Ming said, "But if you make a mistake again, you don't need to operate, okay?"

"Haha... ok~ no problem~" Day Ruburn clenched his fists in front of his chest, and smiled sweetly at Su Ming: "I will work hard."

In the next second, the big man hit someone randomly again, and the target was burning daylight again.

Su Ming and several others paid attention, and quickly shouted:


Burning day came to his senses, he had already been sent flying...

Su Ming raised his forehead, and pretended to be cute when fighting, but his skills and concentration are not good...

However, there is no way, who made himself promise Shi Shi to take them through the mission.

It's better to command her like a pet. The crow is quite worry-free, and you can allocate a part of your energy to Bai Tian.

Afterwards, Su Ming became more concerned about Bai Tian. From his anger at the beginning, Bai Tian gradually turned into suspicion. She suspected that Su Ming wanted to use this method to attract her attention.

Thinking of this, Bai Tian fully understood, and he no longer resisted Su Ming's command, but cooperated with some complacency.

Su Ming is very pleased with the changes that have taken place in Bai Tian - a child can be taught, and the most important quality of an excellent newcomer is to be able to listen to the advice of a veteran.

The six people cooperated with each other, and the big man's blood volume of more than one million was not enough to fight, and soon only 50% of his blood volume was left.

"Go away!"

The big man roared, and the hammer danced in a circle, sweeping everyone away.

The eyes of Bai Tian and Shi Shi He lit up, and they said in their own team channel:

"The big one is coming, let's see how powerful the boss skill is."

 Thank you "Mohei Zizhu" for your 100-point reward.

(End of this chapter)

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