In the face of large creatures, the card position is mentioned in almost every strategy.

As long as you can find a good position and the monsters will not forcefully clear the hatred, you can use this style of play. This style of play is simple and easy to understand.

In the early stage of the game, Su Ming used this method to kill the wild-eyed orcs who were nearly 10 levels higher than him, so as to achieve the purpose of rapid upgrade.

The savage-eyed orc is stupid enough, and the Poison Feather Dragon Liu Halazi doesn't look very smart, so he might be able to get stuck.

Su Ming also thought of the terrain used to trap the poisonous feathered dragon, and that was the tunnel where Finley hid in the first place.

The tunnel is actually not small, and the Poison Feathered Dragon can probably squeeze in, but once it gets in, it can't fly, and it can't open its wings. The bird has no wings, and its attack methods will definitely become poor.

Moreover, Su Ming can drill back to the first floor, and the hole he drilled in can be used to get the second slot.

Su Ming ran quickly in the hidden rock forest, and returned to the entrance of the tunnel. Just as he was about to enter, the Poison Feather Dragon suddenly accelerated and rushed in front of Su Ming.

The Poison Feather Dragon has lived in the reef forest for a long time. Its IQ is not high, but it knows that behind this tunnel is the exit from the reef forest. If the food in front of it runs into the tunnel, the predation will fail.

The whole ghost pirate ship is not shitting, it has not tasted meat other than fish for four or five years, so Su Ming must not be allowed to enter the tunnel.

It screamed loudly, turned around in the air, and flapped its wings against the entrance of the tunnel. The strong wind mixed with venom smashed the reefs along the way, piled them up at the entrance of the tunnel and blocked them, and covered them with a layer of venom.

"What's going on, this stupid bird suddenly became smart."

Su Ming stopped and thought:
"It's no longer possible to get stuck, so we have to find other ways. In fact, the key is to let it fall to the ground."

Just like now, in order to block the entrance of the cave, the poisonous feather dragon landed and gave up the initiative.Xiao Hei, Zaemon, and Eggy attacked together, and took away more than 3 life points in an instant, and it was not without hope of victory.

It's just that if it flies, the output efficiency will drop too much, and it's unlikely to be beaten.

The Poison Feather Dragon turned around and began to fight back, flapping its wings, sweeping away a bunch of hidden reefs every time.

Su Ming spread out the three pets to avoid the common attack damage of the Poison Yulong at the same time.

If only Xiao Hei resists alone, Su Ming has enough milk, and Xiao Hei has a strong self-recovery ability, so he can resist it.

During the battle, Su Ming thought of another way:
"If it can play a disabling effect, it can restrict its actions."

The "disabling" effect is usually an effect that can only be played when a high-level character fights a low-level character, and the damage is too exaggerated. It is a Debuff that lasts until the end of the battle.

Not only will it reduce the attributes of monsters, but it will also play a certain role in controlling them.

If Su Ming could cripple one of the wings of the Poison Feather Dragon, things would be easier.

However, with Su Ming's attributes, it is definitely impossible to incapacitate him with one blow, so he can only use the method of "superimposed damage" to achieve the goal.

This method was also learned by Su Ming when he was browsing the forum.

Even if you can't deal high damage, you only need to launch continuous attacks on one part of the monster, preferably the joints. …

When the total amount of damage to a part reaches the passing line, it can also cause a disabling effect.

Although the crippling effect is very powerful, this technique is rarely used in actual combat, because the time interval required for attacking is only 1.5 seconds. During this period, monsters can hide or block. It is equivalent to beating for nothing.

"The blood-sucking beetle is small and flexible, unobtrusive. Due to its fast movement speed, time will hardly be wasted by flying ballistics. Maybe it can be done."

Su Ming wanted to use the blood-sucking beetle to achieve the goal of maiming, so he selected the middle joint of the left wing of the poisonous feather dragon to strike.

This joint surface is actually quite large for a blood-sucking beetle. Su Ming tried many times before he found a point where the flying posture of the poisonous feathered dragon would be affected after the blow.

Then, Su Ming began to continuously control the blood-sucking beetle to attack this point.

This behavior obviously annoyed the Poison Feather Dragon, it spun and flew in the air, turning its head to peck the blood-sucking beetle.

The blood-sucking beetle is an invincible unit, so it is not afraid of it, and with the speed of the blood-sucking beetle, the poisonous feather dragon can't catch it. If it doesn't attack Xiao Hei, Su Ming's pressure is much less.

After being entangled with the blood-sucking beetle for about ten seconds, the Poison Feather Dragon realized that it could not threaten this annoying bug. In fact, it only caused a few hundred points of damage each time, which was nothing to it, but it was very uncomfortable to be harassed. That's all.

The poisonous feather dragon couldn't catch the blood-sucking worm, so it simply ignored it and continued to attack Xiao Hei.

In the reef stone forest, there were constant bombardments and hooting, and Xiao Hei's body flashed green light from time to time, or he was thrown a piece of cake or two, and occasionally a thick layer of shield was attached.

Su Ming focused on two things. When helping Xiao Hei to heal, he also controlled the blood-sucking beetle to attack accurately. Relying on the real damage of 824 points each time, he bit more than 200 bites and killed more than 20 lives of the poisonous feather dragon. value……

It's a pity that the poisonous feather dragon doesn't seem to be affected much, and it still flies very fast.

Now it has lost more than 120 million HP in total by Su Ming, and was forced by Su Ming to develop a Poison Feather Arrow skill - Poison Feather Dragon will flap its wings in the air and project feathers with venom.

This skill is quite easy to dispel. When the Poison Feather Dragon is released, it is enough to hide in the crevice of the reef. Instead, the Poison Feather Dragon will stop in place stupidly and be used as a target for others.

When working in a team, if the professional match is reasonable, you can seize this opportunity to explode.

When fighting the Poison Feather Dragon, Su Ming also had a slightly different view on his skill points.

Because his pets are powerful enough, skills like "Partner Power", "Inspiration", and "Listening to the Heart" with a little support in the attack are not very practical, but "Guardian", which seems to be used for PK skills. It is more frequent, and it can also have the effect of feeding back the animal trainer's movement speed, which is very useful in actual combat.

Now that Su Ming's level has become higher and his equipment has become better, many equipment will have the effect of adding lower-level skills. Some low-level skills only need to be added to three or four levels, and with the equipment effect, they can have the full-level effect.

Animal trainers are no different than other professions, high-level skills do not have high damage, and the improvement of investment skill points does not seem to be very large. …

Su Ming felt that he should wash up and re-plan his skill points.


The poisonous feather dragon roared and curled up into a "pot" shape in the air, which made the vampire beetle almost hit the wrong position. Fortunately, Su Ming corrected it in time and continued to attack, but the next second, the poisonous feather dragon suddenly spun and released the poisonous Feather Arrow · Rotation Version.

Su Ming was dumbfounded. With the Poison Feather Dragon's posture, no matter how skilled he was, he couldn't aim accurately...

Su Ming directed Xiao Hei and the others to hide in the reef, thinking:
"We have to start all over again. Xiaohei's blood volume is maintained very well, but his mana is not enough, and he can survive for a while with the magic potion. It is estimated that when the Poison Feather Dragon's 200 million blood is destroyed, it will fall into a state of completely empty mana. , when the recovery effect of the viscous liquid is lost, it may not be able to withstand it..."

After the feather storm stopped, Su Ming and Poison Yulong fell into a tug-of-war again.

Blood-sucking beetles also started re-biting damage.

This time, the Poison Feather Dragon's blood volume had only dropped by more than 20, and it began to rotate its body again.

Su Ming frowned, it was almost impossible to be disabled in this situation.

Are you going to lose?

Su Ming glanced across the battlefield, and suddenly saw Zaemon who was trying to find an opportunity to attack, but couldn't deal any damage. His eyes lit up, and he had a new idea:

"The overall style of play is correct, but the details need to be adjusted. Xiao Hei and Eggy can't attack, and the output must be handed over to Xiao Jin, unless he can't be disabled if he hits more than 100 million health points..."

Su Ming activated the "rest" skill, forcibly canceled the summoning, and attracted all the hatred to himself, and then he started to circle the dark reef forest with the poisonous feather dragon again.

This time, he didn't deal any damage at all, allowing the Poison Feather Dragon to regenerate blood.

Relying on the special instant recovery potion (20%), Xiaojin and the high blood recovery of the belt, it took five or six minutes. When the poisonous feather dragon recovered to full blood, Su Ming still had half of his life left.

Su Ming summoned Xiao Hei and them again.

As soon as Xiaohei came out, he turned on the bubble gun, squeaking to attract the hatred away; Eggy also took off immediately, looking for an attack position; couldn't hit it.

Su Ming stopped Dandan from attacking, and at the same time ordered the little underworld:
"Xiao Hei, don't use the bubble gun to attack, and the viscous liquid is only used to restore health. Eggy, you don't need to use ordinary attacks, just freeze it when the poisonous feather dragon randomly selects people to collide, and put it It’s enough to interrupt the charge.”

Then, Su Ming explained to the pets the reason for such a battle, and then fought again with the Poison Feather Dragon.

Because the fighting time was too long, the surrounding reefs were shattered, and it looked like a gravel beach. Considering that he would avoid the feather attack of the poisonous feather dragon later, Su Ming sent Zaemon to the nearby Find a space where there are no monsters and where it is easy to hide.

Zuemon completed the task very well, and Su Ming moved to that space with the poisonous feather dragon.

During the process, Su Ming really wanted to know where Finley went. From the beginning of the battle, it and Momoo disappeared like the world evaporated...

After gaining the first battle experience, the second battle went smoothly, but the main body that resisted injuries changed from Xiao Hei to Su Ming.

Without pet food and viscous liquid in a super large cup of blood recovery, Su Ming is more difficult to resist than Xiao Hei, but relying on super high speed to dodge attacks, plus pulling Xiao He over from time to time to take damage twice, it is still better than just lifting Be gentle when summoning delays. …

In this way, Xiao Hei and the others could hardly fire a single shot. Su Ming relied on the blood-sucking beetle to bite one bite at a time. After biting for seventeen or eight minutes, he bit off more than 80 health points of the Poison Yulong...

But the Poison Feather Dragon was still flying in the sky, it let out a sharp cry, spread its wings, and released normal poison feather arrows.

Su Ming retreated into the reef, and while dodging, he controlled the blood-sucking beetle to continue biting. He checked the backpack, and found that there was not much life-restoring potion left in it. He never imagined that there would be a day when he would empty out the blood potion.

Just when Su Ming was feeling desperate and wanted to give up, the Poison Feather Arrow stopped suddenly. The middle of the Poison Feather Dragon's left wing split first at a point, then a crack, and then the gap expanded rapidly, and the blood fountain gradually stopped. The bones inside were exposed.

The Poison Feather Dragon flapped its wings, trying to maintain its flight, but the more it wanted to fly, the wider the wound would be.

Affected by the wound, every time the Poison Feather Dragon vibrates its wings, it will reduce its maximum HP by 0.1%, which seems small, but as long as the frequency of flapping increases, the overall damage will be considerable.

Since it fell from the sky to the ground, more than 6 blood has been deducted.

"It's finally succeeded!" Su Ming was excited, he didn't expect the threshold of "disabling" to be as high as 80 blood...

In fact, the damage of the blood-sucking beetle is too low, and the threshold is not high. If it is handed over to Dilevwei, the wing of the poisonous feather dragon will be broken with two punches.

Waiting for the Poison Feather Dragon that fell to the ground were Xiaohei and Dandan who were in full condition, and Zaemon who was about to move.

Su Ming gave Xiao Hei the best output position to ensure that it could take away the hatred in the shortest possible time. He himself continued to control the blood-sucking beetle attacking the poisonous feather dragon's wound to prevent the wound from healing.

When the Poison Feather Dragon was in the air, Su Ming hit it with 80 blood, and it took 78 minutes. After it landed, the three pets pumped out all their strength, and it took only three or four minutes to knock out another 80 blood.

However, this only wiped out about 1/4 of the blood of the poisonous feather dragon, so Su Ming can't take it lightly.

After landing, Poison Feather Dragon's normal attack and skill attack were somewhat weakened.

Like the collision skill, after you can't use the wings to accelerate, you can dodge casually.

Poison feather arrows can only be fired once, not continuously.

It didn't see the rotating poison feather arrow either.

After hitting 60% of its health, the poison feather dragon curled up into a ball, its feathers exploded, and it turned into a hedgehog, rolling and attacking.

When rolling, it shoots feathered arrows from both sides of its body, but these feathered arrows are weak, slow in speed and short in range.

Su Ming dodged easily, feeling that the 60% HP skill of this boss is a bit ridiculous...

In fact, if it is in the air, the poison feather dragon will roll faster, change direction in the air, and launch the feathers around, but on the ground, the feathers are oppressed and cannot be launched up and down, plus the speed cannot rush up. , the power of Feather Arrow is also greatly reduced, not even 50% of the power.

A skill whose damage and form have been weakened naturally cannot be strengthened.

As the battle progressed, Su Ming discovered that the Poison Feather Dragon's skill is to shoot feather arrows in various postures...but because it can't fly, it's not very strong.

Finally, the poison feather dragon suddenly screamed, and the feathers it had shed earlier trembled, and thousands of feathers flew back at the same time, cutting everything in its path.

This is a powerful large-scale instant kill skill. If you don't pay attention, you will be wiped out by this skill.

If you are familiar with the Poison Feather Dragon before fighting, you must control the blood. Before the Poison Feather Dragon activates this skill, lure the Poison Feather Dragon away and refresh the feathers it sprinkles before fighting.

It was the first time Su Ming fought, so he didn't pay attention to this, but he has Xiao Hei, and he kept the devouring skill all the time, just to interrupt the boss's ultimate skill.

If it can't be interrupted, Su Ming still has the "Golden Body" skill, Xiao Hei has the invincibility of compression ejection, Zaemon has resurrection, and Eggy flies in the air, in fact, there will be no mistakes.

Now the swallowing skill is effective, so it doesn't have to be so troublesome.

The poisonous feather dragon was eaten by Xiao Hei, and the feathers on the way lost control, and immediately lost power, becoming extremely soft and harmless.

After Xiao Hei spit out the Poison Feather Dragon, its blood was low. Su Ming teamed up with three pets to explode and killed the Poison Feather Dragon.

After the Poison Feather Dragon fell, thousands of gold coins exploded all over the place, as well as a dark gold shield, a dark gold hunting bow, and five pieces of gold equipment.

The things in this place are worth tens of thousands of gold coins, which is more than enough for a team of ten people.

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