Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 376 Explosion (4K, it can be regarded as a supplement +1~)

"Spore, is your friend here?" Finley observed the reef, took out a piece of seaweed from the gap, wiped it on his clothes, and then put it in his mouth to chew.

"It should be soon." Su Ming was sitting on a high reef, looking down at one or two golden beetles that occasionally flew out from between his fingers. He was helping Xiao Jin practice his skills. Because he was out of combat, his magic value had recovered. Soon, the practice will not pull the state down.

Finley took a sip, spit out the seaweed he had just eaten, then escaped from the small backpack with the notebook, put it on Momoo's back, and began to draw the seaweed it had just eaten. Eat, but not tasty" evaluation is over.

Suddenly, Finley sensed the danger, and after it gave a strange cry to remind Su Ming, it disappeared with Momo in an instant, and it probably turned into a certain stone on the ground again...


Su Ming raised his head and looked around suspiciously, and saw an illusory figure approaching rapidly.

It's a stalker in a stealth state. His stealth is very bad. How can anyone advance at full speed in a stealth state?Isn't this obvious right away?

But Su Ming's arrival was not surprising, because the person who came was the ghost crow, so it was understandable to be anxious.

"Is there a monster behind you?" Su Ming jumped down from the reef and sent Xiao Hei to meet Gu Ya, but Gu Ya handed out the dagger directly.

Su Ming reacted quickly, and immediately asked Xiao Hei to use the compression ejection, trying to use invincibility to block the damage.

But the ancient crow never thought of hurting Xiao Hei at all. He activated the skill attached to the Quicksand Dagger of Time, and a distorted clock appeared on Xiao Hei, and Xiao Hei was frozen in place, unable to do anything.

Shadow attack!

With a swipe of the dagger, the ancient crow jumped behind Dandan in the air, and hit the same clock symbol on Dandan, immobilizing it as well.

At this point in the matter, no matter how slow Su Ming reacted, he knew what had happened.

Xiao Hei and Eggy were sealed, and Su Ming could only rely on Zaemon. However, the ancient crow's offensive was swift and fierce, and Zaemon was not given a chance at all.

Gu Ya looked at Zaemon, who rushed to his landing point and wanted to take the initiative, and showed a disdainful smile.

Ghosts are fighting with you.

Gu Ya raised his left hand to his chest, and lowered his right hand, several strings of silver threads flowed out from the dagger, covering his whole body.

Shadow Dance!
As soon as it came up, the ancient crow used his second sense to fill Su Ming with 5 layers of fatal rhythm, increasing the damage bonus by 40%.

With the help of the attack speed brought by Erjue, Gu Ya began to cut quickly behind Su Ming.

Just cut it and hit more than 6000 damage.

Gu Ya was quite surprised to see that he only dealt more than 40 damage with a 6000% damage bonus:
"It's really tough, almost like an iron guard."

If it was an iron guard with the same hardness as Su Ming, the ancient crow would definitely run away without saying a word, because the iron guard is full of control and has the ability to fight back, but Su Ming is a beast trainer, no matter how much blood he has, he is just a sandbag.

Gu Ya swung the dagger continuously, thinking that after the second awakening, he would be able to cut off half of Su Ming's blood, and if he made another set, he would be able to kill Su Ming in seconds, and easily complete the task.

Suddenly, Su Ming's earrings lit up.

Su Ming was wrapped in a giant tear, and the crow quickly attacked the tear, causing no damage at all. …

"Invincible skills?"

Although Erjue only played an effect with a stack of deadly rhythm layers, he was not in a hurry, and rationally opened the distance to deal with Zaemon who had rushed back.

Relying on the 80% dodge brought by Erjue, Gu Ya dodged Zaemon's attack easily and freely, and took Zaemon far away by the way.

The ancient crow was fighting with Zaemon, but his attention was always on Su Ming. The moment he saw the tears disappear, he immediately turned around Zaemon and swung past Zaemon.

Deadly rhythm!

With a swipe of the dagger, the ancient crow arrived behind Su Ming in an instant.

Rogues have countless ways to approach their targets.

Zaemon roared, annoyed at his poor performance, and launched a dark charge, chasing the crow.

After Su Ming was approached by the ancient crow, he was chased by the ancient crow and slashed a few times in a row, and was approached by the stalker. He definitely couldn't stop and counterattack with a magic ball. Compared with the stalker's normal attack, his normal attack It's too slow and easily interrupted.

So Su Ming just opened the 2 blood shield on his belt and started to run away.

Seeing that Su Ming's health bar was suddenly pushed down by the white shield, Gu Ya couldn't help but swear in his heart, and then launched the spinning flying blade to quickly break the shield.

Zuemon rushed to Koya's side, Guya sneered, activated the active skill of the dark gold shoes, and kicked Zuemon precisely at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Flash kick!

Zaemon was kicked off half of his blood and flew far away.

Su Ming seized the opportunity of the ancient crow attacking Zaemon, turned around and released "rebuke", scaring the ancient crow into fear.

Su Ming felt Zaemon's impatience at the moment, and communicated with Zaemon in his heart:

"Saemon, don't worry, the most important thing in battle is to be calm. You can't protect me by helping me take damage and forcing the enemy away like Xiao Hei. You have to use your strengths, use your mobility, find Opportunity, burst to kill the enemy.

If you trust me enough, you can wait for me to create this opportunity for you.There should be mutual cooperation between the animal trainer and the pet. "

Hearing Su Ming's words, Zaemon stopped sprinting. It remembered that when he was fighting Wisteria before, he had many attacks and was blocked by strange skills.

Although the ancient crow is chasing Su Ming to chop now, but his Shadow Walk and Wind Walk have not been handed in, so even if Zaemon uses Saber and Whirlwind to approach suddenly, there is a high probability that he will not be able to deal damage.

Its blood volume is low, and it may be instantly killed by the ancient crow that counterattacks smoothly.

At that time, Su Ming will really be left alone.

"The master is right, I need to be calm, and I need to be calm in battle."

Zaemon stopped and began to circle around Su Ming, waiting for Su Ming's instructions.

The ancient crow has the props to remove the abnormal state, but he feels that this is not the time, he wants to keep it, trick Zaemon to attack, and then suddenly relieve the fear, attack Zaemon, kill Zaemon, and then slowly Slowly cut Su Ming to death.

However, he didn't expect Zaemon to not attack, but just circle around.

"Cut, did you receive the order? You are quite obedient."

In the distance, Su Ming started to attack with magic balls, and by the way he recovered blood with the blood-sucking beetle. …

Gu Ya saw that Su Ming's blood volume returned to more than 1500 per second, so he simply stopped pretending and directly removed the fear effect on his body. He suddenly accelerated, dodged Su Ming's normal attack, and approached Su Ming again.

Su Ming was waiting for this opportunity. He stomped his foot hard, and the ground shook.

Relying on the skill of the dark gold trousers, Su Ming knocked down Gu Ya, and waved his flute to teleport Zaemon.

Perfect tactics!

Gu Ya fell halfway, and suddenly bent his legs and kicked.

He slid close to the ground, forcibly changed his position, and escaped from Zaemon's attack range. After escaping, his figure disappeared.

He entered the stealth state in front of Su Ming. Of course, he didn't want to be discovered by Su Ming. He just used the accelerated state of high-level stealth to approach Su Ming.

He even deliberately didn't sneak well, just to let Zaemon find out and seduce Zaemon away, but Zaemon is like a pillar, standing near Su Ming, motionless, just making a pair of piercing eyes The pig eyes with gods stared at him, as if they wanted to kill him with their eyes.

Kou understood Zaemon's concentration as the effect of "hatred", thinking:

"The pet wants to move like this, and it can be controlled, so do you still have the energy to deal with my attack?"

Relying on the high bonus of movement speed, he circled behind Su Ming and launched an assassination.

There are 5 layers of deadly rhythm stacked on Su Ming. If he is hit by an assassination, he will definitely receive critical damage. The crow has a bunch of critical damage gems on his body, coupled with the equipment effect, the critical strike damage is as high as 250%.

Su Ming tried his best to turn around, and at the critical moment, he used his shield to hold Gu Ya's dagger.

One skill can blow up nearly 1/4 of Su Ming's health, so many times, when crispy occupations encounter stalkers, they may die without even seeing their faces.

After Su Ming was attacked, Zaemon seized the opportunity and swung his sword from the side of Gu Ya.

The blade pierces the wind, extremely swift and violent.

Judging from experience, Gu Ya knew that this blow would cause a critical strike. He had fought with Su Ming before, so he knew that this pig would deal critical strike damage.

He is not like Su Ming, who has more than 7 health and more than 4 armor.

He was stabbed by Zaemon, which is actually similar to killing Crispy.

Shadow Step!
The ancient crow blocked Zaemon's blade attack, then circled around, drew a semicircle away from Su Ming, and approached the back of Zaemon.


As long as this stab hits, Gu Ya feels that he can instantly kill Zaemon. Even if Su Ming uses the "Loving Heart" shield, Zaemon's blood volume cannot withstand his outburst.

However, his smooth skill missed Zaemon, who suddenly transformed into a boar form and shortened his body, making his backstab miss.

Gu Ya frowned, he didn't know that Zaemon had such a hand, although it happened suddenly, but he reacted very quickly, flipped the dagger, and knocked down.


After using the skill again, Gu Ya regretted it, the battle was too fierce, he forgot that Su Ming was still holding "listen to the heart".

Sure enough, as soon as his dagger touched Zaemon's head, the blue skill light effect of "Listening to the Heart" flashed on Zaemon's body.

He didn't even have the control effect for 0.1 second, which instead affected his subsequent offensive actions. …

Zaemon let out two thick breaths from his nose, and pushed his thick pig teeth upwards.

Slam (double-edged gouge)!

The pig's teeth hit the gust of wind around Gu Ya's body.

Due to a mistake, Gu Ya had to hand in another life-saving skill, and by the way, distanced himself from Su Ming.

Zuemon didn't pursue him either, and turned back into the form of a wild boar, standing in front of Su Ming, holding his swords tightly, staring at the ancient crow.

The two invincible skills are fully handed in, and most of the output skills are also handed in. Gu Ya subconsciously knows that the assassination has almost failed at this point...

However, when he thought that after the failure, Baitian would become disgusted with him, and sometimes even Baitian would embarrass herself and pretend to be nothing to comfort him, so he didn't want to accept the fact of failure.

Don't let the daylight be sad because of him!
The ancient crow bit the bullet and launched another attack.

Wind Strikes One Section!
The crow's movement speed has increased by 100%!

In order to prevent Su Ming from seeing where he was going to attack, he ran around Su Ming.

Su Ming circled around on the spot, trying to keep dealing with the crow's attack head-on. If he could block it with a shield, he would take 10% less damage.

However, in the end, Gu Ya got the upper hand. He seized the change of Su Ming's footsteps and launched an attack. Not only could he hit Su Ming's back, but it was also difficult for Su Ming to counterattack.

Wind Raid · Second Stage!

The wind is lingering, and the gravel is flying. This is a good angle, and even Zaemon can be twisted into the wind!
"Have a chance to win!"

This is a hit of super level play!
Suddenly, there was a flute sound accompanied by the whistle, and Su Ming activated Erjue and "Melodious Flute Sound" at the same time, which increased Zuoemon's movement speed by 90%, but this was not for Zuoemon to kill the enemy , but let it escape.

When Gu Ya hit Su Ming with a dagger, he crossed Zuoemon, and the strong wind didn't hurt Zuoemon at all.

Meeting Zaemon's eyes, Kou's heart almost stopped beating, the hope of victory may be lost because of the cowardice of this pig!

How can you run away! -

A huge damage figure burst out from Su Ming's body. Although the wind attack had no control effect, but because the damage was too high, Su Ming was knocked back a step. The ancient crow was worried that failure would come, so he roared and launched an attack.

In less than a second, four or five damage figures quickly burst out on Su Ming's body, and 1/3 of the blood that had just recovered was cut off again.


Su Ming activates the skill of the jacket, restores 15% of the maximum HP, and at the same time adjusts his posture to meet the enemy head-on, while Zaemon has already slashed at the ancient crow with a blade.

Gu Ya glanced at Zaemon from the corner of his eye, and he reacted to the blade skill that was almost the same as teleportation!


This stalker's level 40 skill made him appear behind Su Ming in an instant, avoiding Zaemon's blade attack.

Assassination (LV1): Shadow Dance immediately enters the advanced stealth state for 5 seconds, increases the movement speed by 25%, forces the next attack to come behind the target, ignores 20% of the enemy's armor, and causes (300 1.6AD) damage. If there are 5 layers of Deadly Rhythm, it will be a critical strike, and an additional 20% critical strike damage will be added.Consumption: 700 magic points.Cooldown: 40 seconds.

The ancient crow almost abandoned the stealth state of assassination, gave up the chance of pulling in exchange for extreme operations, and immediately launched an attack. He came behind Su Ming and stabbed the dagger into Su Ming's back. …

However, as fast as his dagger was Zaemon's blade.

Whirlwind clings to him from left to right.

The three-knife critical strike directly took away the ancient crow, and Zaemon and Su Ming won the battle smoothly.

"Master!" Zaemon rubbed his sword and said excitedly, "We won!"

If it was fighting by itself, it might have handed over the key skills at the beginning, and it would be defeated by the crow one by one, unable to win.

Zaemon learned a lot from this battle and became more loyal to Su Ming.

"Haha, I won, I won. This guy is quite dangerous. He rushed over to kill me all of a sudden..." Su Ming was saying this, and when he lifted the seal, Xiao Hei ran over crying and knocked Su Ming to the ground. .

"Master, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

Although he couldn't speak, Su Ming could understand Xiao Hei's mood. Su Ming quickly rubbed Xiao Hei's QQ bouncing head, and then took out a cake to comfort him.

Dandan looked at the things on the ground and said excitedly:

"Master! Let's go PK a few more people!"

Eggy somewhat understands why in her memory, her mother always likes to rob humans.

After Gu Ya died, more than a dozen pieces of equipment were laid out on the ground, along with thousands of gold coins, hundreds of bottles of potions, and thousands of units of various materials.

Su Ming was dumbfounded:

"Is this... a humanoid boss?"

Su Ming was worried that Gu Ya and the others still had teammates, so he quickly packed up. If the other party went up together this time, he would definitely die. Su Ming was also a little puzzled in his heart. Since the other party wanted to kill him so much, why didn't they go up together...

Su Ming still can't feel the pressure of public opinion, because his little blacks are drowned by Venus's navy.

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