Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 384 Formation of Duplicates

Chapter 384 The Formation of Duplicates (Please Subscribe~)

After the creation of the "Miracle Wilderness" guild, Weve Island has become very prosperous, and it is the base camp of the Miracle Wilderness guild in the mysterious sea area.

However, there are not only players from the Miracle Wilderness Guild on the island.

Because there are many medicinal materials refreshed on Weve Island, it has attracted many idle players. Miracle Wilderness has specially set aside an area for them to rest and trade here, and only charges 1 gold per hour for admission.

Not long ago, in this area, Venus took the lead to build a teleportation array directly to the "National Continent" by gathering the strength of players and NPCs.

It is an unprecedented feat to build a teleportation array on a small island hundreds of kilometers away from the mainland without the participation of a powerful mage, and even the NPCs are amazed.

If there is no player responsible for material collection and transportation, it is impossible to build such a teleportation array on a large scale.

After the portal was created, Venus's world prestige was unmatched, surpassing second place Su Ming by tens of thousands of points...

After that, Venus began to build similar teleportation arrays for other guilds and other NPCs.

This business is not only carried out in the mysterious sea area, but also in Esperne. All kinds of airship and ship business have been damaged due to Venus' actions...

Venus earns gold coins from players, earns land and privileges from NPCs, snowballs roll two, and they roll quickly. The income in the game has surpassed her real income from renting...

As for Su Ming, his world reputation only reached the second in the world not long ago, after leaving the island ship.

This reputation is naturally given by opening the mainline dungeon.

As the first mainline dungeon of Uncharted, the ghost pirate ship is somewhat different from the previous dungeons.

For other dungeons, no matter whether the player comes or not, it just sits there and will not change. The player can only look for the entrance at most; and this ghost pirate ship was completely formed because of Su Ming's participation.

So things like the dungeon portal only appeared after Su Ming left.

This difference has no effect on the player. How to play the dungeon in the past is still playing the same way now, but when the NPC mentions this dungeon in the future, Su Ming will definitely be mentioned, so the world reputation is given more, and a total of 2000 points are given to Su Ming. Ming's world prestige ranking jumped directly to the second place.

In addition to the first time, the process for players to enter the ghost pirate ship is also different from Su Ming.

Because of the battle between Mana and Vidi, the spirit storage layer in the island ship was destroyed, and a large number of souls escaped, covering the island ship, making it impossible for people to board the island ship directly.

The escaped soul pierced the island ship through several tunnel holes. Players need to pass through these holes and come to the heart of the island ship-the ghost pirate ship.

The abandoned ghost pirate ship has become a place where players gather, which is the so-called entrance of the instance.

Through the portal on the pirate ship, the player can cross the scattered ghost layer, randomly transfer to a certain place in the reef layer to start exploring, and finally reach the uppermost coral layer to fight with Mana who has turned into a coral tree.

When fighting, also deal with ghost fish and ghost pirates at the same time.

As for the cell that Su Ming encountered and the tunnel where Finley was located, they were quickly found out by the players, and they became a trick to try luck and take shortcuts in the strategy.

The clue related to the main line is actually "Vidi's awakening", but except for Su Ming, other players can only analyze the name of the fourth demon king from her insults when fighting Mana. Then use other channels to analyze relevant clues.

After Mana was defeated by Vidi, Su Ming found the Dolphin.

The Dolphin was seriously damaged and could not be repaired, so Su Ming asked Venus for help.

When Venus received the call for help, she immediately sent a boat to bring Su Ming down to Weve Island.

After returning to Weevo Island, Finley hurried back to his hometown and showed his murloc family the gun handle he found. Su Ming gave the NPC crew enough pay for the rest of their lives, and investigated the dead NPC by the way.

The main reason is to settle down their families. Now that Su Ming has a lot of spare money, he can do what he can.

However, during the investigation, Su Ming found that some NPCs were temporarily generated by the system to deal with players, and had no life trajectory in the game, which made Su Ming feel a little more at ease.

Generally speaking, the NPCs met directly on the street and then dragged onto the boat all have family members and complete life trajectories, while those directly recruited through the system do not.

Su Ming sent people to the home of the NPC with family members, told the bad news, and made financial compensation.

Leo became a little nervous, but with Man Yi and the others taking care of him, it was not a big problem. After they left the Dolphin, they went inland and bid farewell to the sea.

As more and more small islands are explored in the mysterious sea area, more and more teleportation arrays are built, and players are less likely to travel by boat.

Even if you really need a ship, you usually find a speedboat, put it on a "ship soul" that has become popular recently, turn an ordinary ship into a magic ship, and then set off with a few players, without bringing NPCs.

In short, the Dolphin was completely disbanded, and Su Ming's career as a captain was over.

However, Su Ming has a new mission - to help Vidi find the remaining "Shards of the Heart of the Ocean".

This is a new mission given to Su Ming by Vidi after defeating Mana, and he also got some new information—in the mysterious sea, there is not only Vidi, the fourth demon king, but also a third demon king...

The two had a grudge, and once fought, Vidi won because he had the Poseidon scepter. This time, the two woke up at about the same time, and they will definitely fight again.

For two people of equal strength, the Seagod Scepter became the key.

Su Ming took over the task that Vidi gave him to find the remaining pieces of the Heart of the Ocean. The rewards were not bad. Every time a piece of the Heart of the Ocean was found, the system would give a boundary-breaking skill point.

If three are found, Vidi will give Su Ming an epic poem of his choice.

If Su Ming can find all the remaining pieces, the level of reward is almost equivalent to killing Ge Geyou again.

In addition to accepting this series of missions with generous rewards, before leaving the island ship, Su Ming went to Mana's room to search for it, and found that all the props were missing, probably because they were directly refreshed by the system.

When doing dungeons in the future, Mana will drop these special props, which can be regarded as a small feature of this dungeon.

A copy of the ghost pirate ship came down, and the ghost curse on Su Ming dissipated. He completed the task of eliminating the curse and got 2 extra skill points. It can be unlocked by passing the copy of the ghost pirate ship on a difficult difficulty, but the reward of two skill points is missing.

After checking the backpack on one side, Su Ming found that most of the gains from this adventure were obtained from the scumbags of the Star Team...

Of course, Xiaojin ate another paraworm. When Mana was hit by Vidi with a coral tree, Su Ming quietly took away the black knife that fell, and used it as a weapon for Zaemon...

(End of this chapter)

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