Chapter 387 Re-adding Points and Guild Wars (Please Subscribe~)

Su Ming handed in the task items and drank the "Forgetting Potion".

System: You drank the "Forgotten Potion", the skill list is cleared, and you get 51 ordinary skill points and 5 boundary-breaking skill points.

Su Ming got 3 skill points by doing tasks by himself, and with the help of Xiao Hei, he got 13 skill points, plus the 41 skill points he got from upgrading, theoretically, he should be able to wash out 57 skill points.



The initial value of pet food is high, 10%, but the growth rate is only 0.5%, and the full point is only 14.5%. It is too expensive to spend skill points. Point a level, and eat the equipment effect is enough.

The scolding skill is very useful. It is an instant control skill. When the level is high, it can control high-level monsters. However, the control time has not been extended, so it is also a little bit of equipment effect. Su Ming used to add two or three points to this skill before. point……

After the active effect of coordinated attack is changed, although the active effect is not used much, the passive damage is still indispensable. It is the key to the beast trainer's continuous output. Put 6 points into it, and the actual level is 11.

Su Ming didn’t use the guardian skill before, but recently found that this skill is very useful. In addition, Su Ming’s equipment has improved, and the value of the shield is also quite impressive. Put in 6 points, full, and can absorb (200+1.4 Maximum AP) damage, after triggering coordinated attack damage, an additional 47% movement speed is added, and mobility is greatly enhanced.Lasts 10 seconds, cools down 6 seconds.

For perfect tactics, pet displacement, and damage skills, level 1 is enough.

Protector is also a skill to help pets move. Although it can increase the pet's magic resistance and give it a shield, these magic resistance and shields are useless in most cases, so it is also a level 1 skill. Su Ming also used this skill before. There are more skill points.

Well-trained, needless to say, the core damage skills are maxed out, and the boundary-breaking skill points are also thrown in by the way, directly to level 15.

The ability to listen to the voice of the heart has the effect of removing negative buffs. The higher the level, the lower the cooldown. If it is full, the cooldown will be reduced to 11 seconds, and the movement speed will be increased to 66%.

Incentive skill is a skill that helps pets to move and increase attack speed by the way. It is more suitable for long-range pets that can output in a safe position. Su Ming now has a testicle, so he can also fill it up and increase attack speed by 57%. Most of the skill points picked out are invested here.

Awakening can be added once every 5 levels, and consumes two skill points at a time. After reaching level 4, 6 skill points are consumed, and there are still 11 skill points left.

The power of companionship and co-existence and death can only be ordered up to level 5 now, and the heart of compassion can only be ordered to level 1, so all skill points have just been consumed.

With the help of Xiao Hei, Su Ming's advantage is that even with the two mobility skills of guarding and listening to the heart, the damage-increasing skills are not lost.

After clicking the skills, Su Ming opened the guild channel to check the situation of the guild battle.

The battle mainly took place near the territory of the two sides in the Nascent Continent.

The number of players on the Nascent Continent is the largest, and the strength is the closest. In Esperne and the Mysterious Sea, the Stars and Miracle Wilderness are not worth fighting.

The person in charge of Miracle Wilderness thought that Su Ming was still in the Mysterious Sea Territory, and Su Ming had a special status in the guild (actually under the control of Venus, but the battle was provoked by Jian Xilai), so he didn't call Su Ming. Ming joined the war.

In the guild channel, only the captain's speech mode is turned on. Members form a small team of five, and form a large team with five small teams.

Those who speak in the channel are the captains of these big teams.

The goal of the guilds on both sides is to break into the territory of the other guild and destroy the territory crystals inside.

Both sides have defending and attacking players.

There are no tactics at all in the battle between players, and they can't die, just rush and finish.

Even for guilds like Miracle Wilderness and Stars, the most they can do is turn brainless rush into organized rush.

The members of the Miracle Wilderness Guild have a relatively high overall level, and the Star Guild has a large number of people. After a group charge all morning, it has gradually evolved into a tug-of-war and guerrilla warfare.

Both sides are harassing around the other's territory, consuming the other's strength, it depends on which side can't stand it first.

In this kind of war of attrition, teams of expert players play a very important role.

This kind of team is generally called the vanguard team.

A vanguard team can easily expand its advantage by quickly roaming the battlefield for two waves and exploding the equipment of the opponent's middle-level team.

Coincidentally, the Star Guild is bragging rights, and there are not many star players in Miracle Wilderness, so the competition between the two sides is actually the hard power of the core members.

However, just an hour ago, the Star Guild invited a bounty hunter, and the situation was quite different.

"My 5 teams were all wiped out by the 'Eye of the Sky', and I lost 2 physical damage gold shirts... 3 magic damage necklaces, please replenish equipment."

"Two of my teams were also killed by them. I sent stalkers to chase their positions, but they failed to catch up."

"One of my teams was wiped out by the 'comet', and the opponent still fights and leaves, and picks others to fight the rest. You have to be careful."

"Hey, I wiped out the two opposing teams and captured..."

"Boss, let's invite bounty hunters too."

"I'm in touch." Jianxi came and went. In the past hour, the record in the channel was not very good, and he was also a little worried.

He was a little slow to start. Many bounty hunters declined his request. Obviously, the Star Guild had already started communicating with these people. Into the set of the star team.

The "Comet" team is mixed among the names of many local teams in the channel, and they are not very eye-catching. They only appear occasionally, and the frequency is far less than that of the professional assassination bounty hunter team "Sky Eyes". However, they are the protagonists of this battle.

The head of the Star Guild probably wanted to get rid of the declining popularity of Day Ruhuo a long time ago, so he took advantage of the problem and launched this women's team...

It hadn't been a few hours since the battle started, and there were a bunch of posts discussing the Comet team on the forum, with no trace of propaganda, it was a high-level navy.

In the past, if similar things happened, the protagonist of the forum would definitely be Ruthless Day, but this time, there were only a few true fans posting and insensitive media posting news related to Rumorous Day...

Jian Xilai decided to contact Venus and asked her to ask Su Ming and Die Xiaoyu for help. Jian Xilai was very sad when she saw her elder brother being beaten and didn't care about her.

As soon as I opened the friend bar, a message from Su Ming popped up in the guild channel:

"Where was the comet team last seen? I'll go and kill them, and the others will also help me keep an eye on the approximate location of the members of the Skyeye team. I can also find them."

Although Su Ming is not the captain, he has an administrator vest in the guild channel, so he can speak.

Su Ming observed the news in the guild channel. The Comet team seems to be a traditional combination of tactics and animal husbandry. PK picking heads requires contact with people, so it is easier to find them, so we will pick them first.

The "Eye of the Sky" are all sniper killers, killing people hundreds of yards away. If there is no system news, they don't even know who killed them. It is more difficult to find, and they can only be killed by luck.

Su Ming planned to kill the two most threatening teams a few times first, smash their equipment, and then break through the city with the guild members.

As soon as Su Ming appeared on the guild channel, the news scrolled faster, and there were calls for help everywhere. In the end, Jianxi came forward, coordinated the information, and gave Su Ming the coordinates.

"The news of the spores joining the battle, everyone, don't let it out." Jian Xi said, "Kill them by surprise, and the curse division team will remove the spores and protect them."

Cursors can provide pets with a small amount of milk, so they are more suitable for activities with animal trainers.

Su Ming refused:
"No need, you just need to provide me with the coordinates. I just need to cooperate with the nearby teams. If they follow me exclusively, they may not be able to keep up with the movement speed."

"Brother spores, be careful... Potions, engineering bombs, etc. are all ready. Each team will send a person to Weve Island to pick up a support package." Venus suddenly appeared.

Venus has been silently watching the screen, while organizing life players in the club to provide backup, while observing the trend of public opinion on the forum.

Although Venus can't be seen on the frontal battlefield, Venus can be seen everywhere, but she doesn't show off. Businessmen pay attention to harmony and wealth, so the image should not be too scary.

"Yes, yes, be careful." Jian Xilai followed with concern.

If Su Ming dies, Jian Xilai feels that Venus may peel him a layer of skin... He didn't take the initiative to ask Su Ming to help, and he also had this layer of consideration in it.

Now that Su Ming can take the initiative to help, he is quite happy. If he wins this time, he will decide to admit that Su Ming is the right choice for his sister-in-law.


Su Ming set off, and Jian Xilai continued to contact the bounty hunter.

The guild members of Miracle Wilderness who were still fighting knew the news that Su Ming joined the battle, and their morale was also high, and the attack was much more violent.

 Thank you "Added Tim" for the 1500 point reward.

(End of this chapter)

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