Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 401 Legendary Equipment

At night, the pirates gather together to drink and eat meat, which is rare and harmonious. Players can also participate in activities similar to bonfire parties.

Su Ming and the others found a place, formed a circle, ate the charcoal-fired fish bought from the pirates, and shared the results of their search in the afternoon.

Although Finley is a murloc, he also eats fish. A murloc is a murloc, and a fish is a beast. The two are not of the same race...

Listening to everyone talking about the harvest, Su Ming felt a little guilty - he didn't do anything, just chatted with Sister Venus...

Su Ming's face was a little red, but it was hard to see it under the light of the fire. After everyone finished speaking, there was no clue about the "Battle of Justice and Courage". Finley looked at Su Ming and asked:

"Spore, do you have any clues about the area you are looking for?"

"One thing, there is an auction that will be held in two days, and there are admission restrictions, but I already have the qualifications for admission. If there is your weapon in the auction, I can buy it for you, but it is not free... Finley, roughly how much assets do you have?"

"Two 30 million." Finley said amazingly, seeing everyone staring at it, Finley said, "It's no surprise, at least I am also the best-selling and greatest murloc writer and explorer in history. Family."

After finishing speaking, Finley asked Su Ming how he got his admission qualification, and Su Ming truthfully said that he was brought in by Venus.

When Finley heard this, he smiled and said:

"If this is the case, you may not need to buy it for me. I saw many old friends on the island. If I ask them for help, I should be able to enter the venue."

"This is the best." Su Ming said.

The next day, Finley went to his friends to inquire about it. If he successfully qualified, he didn't need Su Ming's help, and the task was completed ahead of schedule.

After completing the task, Su Ming and the others did not leave.New equipment is refreshed on the island every day, and the price from NPCs will be about 30% lower than that of players. You can gain something by shopping around every day.

At the same time, as the time on the island becomes longer, the whole island becomes more dangerous. Many players have lost their equipment and money due to PK in the wild. Those players who feel that the harvest is enough will no longer go online. Concentrate on waiting for four weeks. Tianhou Emperor Guild returns.

But they were all with Su Ming when they fell into the ordinary. After refreshing their equipment, they followed Su Ming to the sea to find monsters to level up. As soon as Su Ming's pet came out, their identities were exposed, and no one came to trouble Su Ming and the others.

On the fourth night, the auction officially began.

The original camp turned into a 3-story opera house-like building, with a rotunda in the middle, with hundreds of red chairs, and a high platform in front, on which the auction items will be displayed.

Next to the walls of the second and third floors, there are a small number of recessed boxes, which are prepared for the more distinguished guests who do not want to reveal their privacy.

Su Ming followed Venus into a box on the second floor and sat down. After a while, an attendant played by a pirate handed in an auction list.

Su Ming took it and looked at it.

There are not many products, only twelve pieces in total.

The first two pieces are a set of dark gold jewelry and a set of dark gold armor, followed by 3 pieces of epic equipment, but they are all weapons. Su Ming thought that he could take a photo of one and let Xiao Hei eat it. …

Then look down, there are living creatures, 2 NPCs, 1 young hydra, and 1 storm petrel.

The NPCs are all beautiful women, and the photos above are more exciting, so Su Ming quickly flipped through them, not daring to take a closer look.

Venus saw it and explained to Su Ming:

"These two are hostages kidnapped by this group of pirates. Their families are also here today, just to redeem them. I have a mission on me. If they don't have enough money, I will help."

Su Ming nodded, as long as there is a player in a scene, there is probably a mission.

Juvenile Hydras and Storm Petrels are dark-gold-level pets. After being trained by pirates, they will be easier to catch, but they will also lose some growth.

If Su Ming still has an empty pet pen, he can buy one, but he definitely doesn't need it now.

The next pet column can only be added at level 50, which is still far away.

The last 3 items are hidden, with a question mark drawn on them, saying "stay tuned", Finley's artifact should be among these three items.

Venus leaned on Su Ming's shoulder and asked:

"Anyone interested?"

"Buy an epic weapon for Xiao Hei to eat, and then see what the last three things are."

Soon, the auction began, hosted by a bearded pirate, and the auction items were presented in the order of the auction list.

For each auction item, it takes about 10 minutes to determine the ownership.

The third epic weapon that appeared was bought by Su Ming, and at Su Ming's request, it was quickly delivered to the box by a waiter.

Su Ming summoned Xiao Hei and let him eat it. In this way, Xiao Hei could eat 6 pieces of epic equipment.

However, Su Ming considered that Xiao Hei would soon reach level 45, so he made another move and bought the remaining 2 epic weapons for emergencies.

Anyway, these two pieces of equipment are both above level 45, and they can be used as food for Xiao Hei's next growth.

In the next fight between the two NPPCs, Venus only made one move to help another NPC redeem his daughter from the pirates. When it came to pets, Su Ming saw a familiar figure—the soul leader.

This guy seemed to want to directly replace the two dark gold pets, and he spent a lot of money, but he met Sisna who had just learned the beast taming skill, so he only took pictures of the young hydra.

After Storm Haiyan was withdrawn, the next lot was not the same as the other lots. It followed directly. Even the bearded host was replaced and became a beautiful girl from the Great Emperor's Guild.

The beautiful girl is wearing a suit and white gloves, and she looks more professional than a bearded man.

This auction was formed by the pirates offering items and the Great Emperor Guild recruiting buyers. The pirates could make more money, and the Great Emperor Guild could also open up relationships with some high-level NPCs.

The next auction item was covered by a black cloth and carried up by two pirates. The beautiful girl had a professional smile on her face and said with a smile:

"For players, this item may be more practical than the last two items. I believe everyone has heard some rumors, so I won't take it for granted, just show it directly."

Saying so, the beautiful girl tore off the black cloth, and the lights on the scene dimmed a little. In the middle of the stage, a pair of white jade-like daggers shone with bright thunder, and the low-pitched roar was transmitted to everyone in the venue through the glass cover. a corner.

In the eyes of the players, this dagger is still shining with an orange legendary light. They don't need an introduction from the pretty girl to know that it is a legendary weapon, and it may be the first legendary weapon that appears in the game.

The 7 or 8 players off the court are all gearing up to snatch this piece of equipment.

"This dagger is called [Sorrowful Thunder and Yaoyu Short Sword]." The beautiful girl posted the equipment's attributes on a nearby channel, and then introduced the origin of this equipment, "This is the short sword obtained by the 'Storm Pirates' from the Thunder Sea. Sword, the sea of ​​thunder is not an ordinary ocean, but a sea of ​​clouds. Ordinary people will encounter thousands of thunders when they enter, but nothing will happen if they enter with this dagger. Therefore, this dagger is not just a legend Equipment, or a passport to hide the map..."

The pretty girl analyzed the importance of this dagger in detail, and after giving the players enough time to secrete adrenaline, she quoted the price with a smile:
"'Sorrowful Thunder and Yaoyu Dagger', the starting price is 150 million gold coins..."

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