Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 43 Fusion Smelly Mud Monster

Chapter 43 Fusion Smelly Mud Monster

Underwater Breathing Potion Recipe: Requires Water Sand Fruit*3, Scale Powder*1, Secondary Stability Potion*1.

When Su Ming learned the formula of underwater breathing potion and clicked on the production interface, he found something was wrong.

He found that the formula he learned was somewhat different from the formula redeemed with contribution points.

Su Ming went to Gunnets to open it.

Underwater Breathing Potion Formula: Requires Shuisha Fruit*10, Magic Purification Liquid*2, Neutralizing Reagent*1.

Sure enough, apart from the fact that there are fewer Shui Sha Guo, the latter two reagents are completely different, with completely different formulas, why are the names the same?

Su Ming asked Gunnetts this question, and Gunnetts replied with a smile:
"You are a junior pharmacist after all. Why don't you know that there are many different formulas for one potion? It seems that you need to supplement your basic knowledge."

Su Ming smiled embarrassedly, he doesn't have any basic knowledge, no matter what players make, they all rely on the system to quickly complete it.

"It turns out that there are different formulas. No wonder the potions sold by players are sometimes more expensive than the system, and sometimes cheaper than the system. Only by mastering the formula that sells potions cheaper than the system can you make money."

Su Ming thought so, bid farewell to Gunnets, and came to the exchange in the city.

Water sand fruit - 1 copper, scale powder - 1 copper, secondary stability potion - 5 copper bottle.

The cost for Su Ming to make the underwater breathing potion is 9 copper, which is only 1 copper cheaper than the one sold at the Bab Lake camp...

Magic Power Purification Solution - 1 Silver, Neutralizing Reagent - 5 Copper.

The ones exchanged in the camp, even lost blood, and the money for making a potion of underwater breathing can directly buy 3 bottles.

"It seems useless..."

Su Ming exited the exchange in disappointment.

Su Ming didn't know that different potions provided different experiences. The experience provided by underwater breathing potions to junior pharmacists was among the top three known potions.

Therefore, even at a loss, many pharmacists buy underwater breathing potion formulas to increase their proficiency. If they can save money to level up, that is also an advantage.

If Su Ming was a normal person, he might go to the forum to complain about this situation, and then someone would tell him the reason.But Su Ming can't go to the forum, so he can only understand it when he wants to become a pharmacist in the future.

"Continue to brush the diary."

Su Ming stepped into the teleportation array, changed several times in a row, and returned to Moyes City. He had just replenished enough fish oil at the Bab Lake camp to keep the fish cap on his head lit.

At night, more stinky slime monsters were spawned in Judi Village, and Su Ming didn't dare to go to the blind orc's territory at night, so he spawned more and longer than during the day.

When the sky was turning white, Su Ming swiped out a "4", and then he was lucky, and immediately swiped to a "6". At this point, a diary was assembled.

Pete's Factory's pre-quests have also become achievable.

"Go and beat the blind orc lord first, and then turn in the quest."

Just as Su Ming was about to leave, the ground shook slightly.


A sound of planks breaking and stone walls cracking came from the house in front of Su Ming.

Su Ming took Xiao Hei back, and after a while, a stinky mud monster that was 5 or 6 times larger than ordinary stinky mud monsters broke through the wall and came out of the house.

Fusion Smelly Monster (LV15, Bronze Boss): 15000/15000.

Because he was going to fight a silver boss soon, Su Ming had no interest in this fused slime monster.

Su Ming chose to keep a distance, not to attract the attention of the stinking slime.

However, as the stinky mud monster moved, the muddy water on its body surged, revealing a delicate corner of the silver-white treasure chest.

The pattern on the treasure chest is very unique, exactly the same as the pattern on the collapsed building in the Temple of Reincarnation. It is a treasure chest refreshed by the system.

There are locked and unlocked treasure chests, but the reward inside is usually equivalent to a BOSS of the same level.

There is no player who does not like treasure chests.

Su Ming stopped for it.

"Xiao Hei, let's see if we can defeat it and take the treasure chest."


Xiao Hei jumped from the top of Su Ming's head, and did not immediately attack the fusion stinky slime monster. It knew that it needed to obey Su Ming's command when dealing with powerful monsters.

Su Ming followed the fusion stinky slime monster for a while, and recorded its range of action. Within this range, there is no point that can fight it alone. No matter what, it will always attract one or two ordinary stinky slime monsters. Strange.

However, Su Ming made a plan in advance to wipe out the stinky slime monsters on his action route, and created an area for himself without ordinary monsters for a few minutes, so he could fight for a while with peace of mind.

It will be almost a day for Su Ming to fight the stinky mud monster. It is not difficult for him to remember the time of each refresh point in Judi Village.

After clearing out the normal stinky slime, Su Ming launched an attack on the fusion stinky slime.

A magic ball and Xiao Hei arrived almost at the same time.

Coordinated attack!

The coordinated attack caused huge damage to the boss who was almost full of blood, and also allowed Xiao Hei to stabilize the hatred.


Normal Attack! -

Su Ming scolded and reset the normal attack, and immediately re-condensed the blood claw marks on the fusion stinking slime monster's head.

Fusion oozes are larger than normal oozes and have rough hands.After it was attacked, it immediately turned to Xiao Hei with its huge hands that looked like a child made out of plasticine.

"Xiao Hei, get out of the way. Get out of the gap between your hands!" Su Ming commanded in advance, and at the same time, he didn't stop his hands. Putting on Xiao Hei's guard, it can absorb a little damage.

Xiao Hei faithfully carried out Su Ming's instructions, and jumped out from between the hands of the fused stinky slime monster.

Viscous liquid!

Xiao Hei hit the fusion stinky slime with his skills in the air, triggering the damage of the coordinated attack, and also triggered the 20% acceleration effect of the guard, and then it fell on the fusion stinky slime's arm.

It wanted to run away immediately, but the body surface of the fusion stinky slime was also soft, so Xiao Hei couldn't jump very high, and was slapped away by the fusion stinky slime.

Xiao Hei fell out of the wall and reported to Su Minghui:
"Master, it doesn't hurt very much."

As soon as it finished speaking, a mud bomb fell on it and drowned it.

Su Ming immediately threw a piece of cake at Xiao Hei and said:

"Let's fight close first. When it's close, it doesn't seem to like to attack from a distance."

Xiao Hei felt a little ashamed after being slapped in the face, and rushed towards the fusion stinky slime monster under the accelerated state of the guardian.

Su Ming's judgment was correct. In close proximity, the fusion stinky slime monster prefers to use both hands to catch the harasser, but its movements are very slow, so it can be easily avoided.

Su Ming was attacking while observing the battle situation. With previous mistakes, he commanded more carefully. He even pointed out the direction and strength of Xiao Hei's take-off. attack.

(End of this chapter)

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