Chapter 63 Bidding
The dragon general looked happy, and continued to greet the surrounding players:

"1300 gold, is there any higher one?"

The animal trainer who originally offered 1250 gold looked down, and followed up with the price:
"1400 gold coins, little brother, just give me this equipment."

Su Ming shook his head. He firmly remembered the principle of "you can't be stingy when investing in yourself", and he didn't hesitate to buy equipment that suits him. He said:
"I also need these two pieces of equipment, 1450 gold."

"Okay, don't let it go, right? 1500 gold. There is a whole guild behind me, you can't compete with me." Said the animal trainer named Duo Mingban.

"1550." Su Ming ignored the deadly banana and continued to bid.

"1600." Cold sweat dripped from Duo Mingban's forehead. 1600 gold coins was his limit.

"1650." Su Ming easily continued to follow the price.

Suo Mingban hesitated, gritted his teeth, and shouted:


At this time, Suo Ming Banana no longer wanted to buy it, he sneered in his heart: You like to shoot, don't you?I'll raise the price for you to shoot.


The two took turns calling the price, and quickly raised the price to 1850 gold. The dragon general looked at Su Ming, then at the Duoming Banana, and smiled like a flower.

This small town of Bier is the right place to meet two big local tyrants.

Because Su Ming called the price very quickly every time, Duo Mingjiao thought that Su Ming still had more energy, so he directly raised the price and said:
"1900 gold!"

Su Ming hesitated after Suo Mingjiao called out 1900 gold.

He could continue to follow, but that would be a bit silly. The unity ring set is very rare, but it does not have a skill level cap. After a dozen levels, after the "coordinated attack" is full, he will definitely be eliminated.

In addition, the basic attributes of the unity ring are not good, maybe there will be rings that surpass the value of level 2 skills by relying on attributes.

It was a bit of a loss to buy it for 1800 gold. Su Ming called him 1850 gold. He was also driven by the surrounding atmosphere, and he already regretted it in his heart.

Su Ming admitted defeat and stopped talking.

Seeing that Su Ming was silent, Duo Mingjiao laughed in a panic, and mocked:

"You keep barking? Why don't you bark? Could it be that you don't have enough money?"

Su Ming rolled his eyes, he didn't want to get entangled with such a person, so he pushed away the crowd and left.

Duomingjiao didn't expect Su Ming to give up so decisively. Seeing that the dragon was about to walk towards him, he panicked even more.

Long Jiang still doesn't know that the person in front of him can't afford the money at all, so he happily initiates a transaction request to Duo Ming Banana, flattering Duo Ming Banana non-stop.

After a while, Longjiang said doubtfully:

"The boss accepts the transaction request, what are you doing?"

Duomingban looked embarrassed, took two steps back, exited the trading range, and said bluntly:
"That person was your entrustment just now, right? Damn, I bought a pair of rings for 1900 gold, and I'm really ashamed to trade them with me. The maximum is 1600 gold. Do you want to trade?"

Long Jiang was dumbfounded. He originally thought he was a big boss, but he didn't expect to raise the price maliciously. He yelled at Duo Ming Banana:
"I rely on Ye Niang! If you don't have money, you can pretend to be your mother's big-tailed wolf!"

"Kid, keep your mouth clean, the town of Biel is the stronghold of our Fruit and Vegetable Killer Guild..."

In the middle of Duo Mingjiao's words, Long Jiang kicked him and kicked him into the crowd.

"Damn you, you're still pretending!" Long Jiang punched and kicked the Duo Ming Banana, until the Duo Ming Ban summoned the Scar Pig, Long Jiang got up and ran away.

Players in the town can fight each other, but they can't kill people. As long as they don't kill people, they won't attract guards.

With the movement speed of the beast trainer, nothing can stop the fighter, so Duo Mingjiao can only watch the dragon general run away.


Su Ming came to the door of the post office and found that in addition to more than 2 gold coins, there was also a gold-level energy gun (guardian equipment) in the mailbox.

"Brother Spore, the president of our guild heard that you were collecting gold equipment and entrusted me to give it to you. She said that it was a thank you gift from me for giving her the priority supply. You are welcome, accept it, anyway, Guardian The equipment is not expensive." - From Venus.

In the contract, Su Ming only has the right to distribute the money from selling the potion, and Venus is handling the rest of the related projects. In fact, it is okay not to tell Su Ming about the extra income she gained through operation.

No matter how much the guardian profession is stretched, it is easy to buy gold-level equipment for tens of thousands of yuan, but Venus still gave it away directly, which moved Su Ming a lot, and his favorability for Venus increased again up.

After collecting the mail, Su Ming walked to the bank. He was going to deposit the money in the bank first, and then find a place where no one was around to give Xiao Hei food.

If the player dies in the wild, the coins on his body will drop by 5%~15%. Su Ming dare not take [-] gold coins to take risks outside.

Walking on the road, Su Ming thought to himself: If he sells all these gold coins, he can get more than [-] yuan in exchange, which is enough to support his hospital expenses for a year, and his wish to make his sister feel more relaxed can also be realized.

But Su Ming has no way to contact his sister.

Su Ming also thought about asking Venus for help.

In Su Ming's eyes, Venus is a warm-hearted big sister. He feels that as long as he asks, Venus will most likely agree.

But the Internet is the Internet after all, and there is still a big gap between it and the reality. Su Ming feels embarrassed and unsafe to bother his real affairs to netizens...

Sister Venus seemed to be too kind to herself. Su Ming remembered the facial cleanser that day, blushed again, shook his head, and shook off the strange picture.

Su Ming had a feeling in his heart that if he met Venus in reality, it would be very troublesome...

Su Ming still decided to wait.

After two months, my sister is online, so I will hand over all the money to my sister.

The previous goal of 1 gold coins was a bit too small. Let’s set a goal of [-] million this time. It shouldn’t be too difficult.

It's really easy to make money in "Fate". Maybe my sister gave this set of game equipment to herself. At this time, I can already buy a second set, and I can meet my sister.

At the bank, Su Ming saw Dragon General.Su Ming guessed that Dragon General should also come to save money, after all, he just completed a big deal.

Su Ming saved the money silently, without talking to him.

Dragon General actually came to save the ring, and he was a little worried that the life-threatening banana would find someone to blow up his equipment.

There is no teleportation array in the town of Bier, and the return stone can only be used in the wild, so it is really possible to be surrounded in the town.

Just in case, Long Jiang came to the bank.

Long Jiang also saw Su Ming, and he was very happy.When he ran away just now, he deliberately went to look for Su Ming, but he couldn't find it. He didn't expect to meet him at the bank. What a coincidence.

He came to Su Ming and asked:
"Little brother, do you still want to buy the ring? I'll sell it to you for 1700 gold coins."

1700 gold coins is the psychological price of Dragon General, a little bit higher than the market price.

Su Ming wondered:
"You have two sets?"

"Hey, that person deliberately raised the price with you just now, he can't afford it at all." Long Jiang explained.

Su Ming was delighted. Although he didn't understand why Duo Mingjiao had to raise the price with him even if he had no money, it was a good thing to finally be able to buy the equipment he wanted. Su Ming left 1800 gold coins on him and initiated a trade request with Dragon General .

The dragon will see the 1700 gold coins in the transaction column, and said with a smile:
"My little brother, you are generous, and you are not sloppy in your transactions. That person has no money and still pretends to be aggressive. It really pissed me off."

"Well, you should confirm first." Su Ming kept in mind the trading principles that Venus taught him.


The two happily completed the transaction.

After Long Jiang received the money, he also deposited it in the bank, and said to Su Ming:

"Little brother, if you come across that life-threatening banana when you go out of town, be careful. He has a guild in this town. Pay attention to people with the same badge on his chest. With his temperament, he will probably trouble you. .”

Su Ming nodded, indicating that he understood.

The badge on the chest is the logo of a guild, which can be worn or not. This is what Su Ming learned when he was selling poison sacs.

 The 15 readers who read the chapter "Venus Tossing Coins" before 55:56 yesterday can refresh and read it again... I was too excited when I finished writing it, so I didn't revise it carefully. Many.

  Also... Too many people complain about the plot of biting the rope in Chapter 2. I will change it to make it less embarrassing. Maybe the comment will be deleted by mistake, let me tell you in advance.

  Thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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