Chapter 73 Supplies
Vardanis City, the resurrection point, people from the Fruit and Vegetable Killers Guild gathered to chat.

This scene seems to have been seen before.

However, the level of this group of people has dropped, and their equipment is also missing.

"Are you still chasing?" Someone asked.

"Stop chasing."

"Breaking the guild, I won't wait any longer. There isn't even a single expert. You're just kidding around." Saying this, the man took off his chest badge and threw it on the ground, before leaving.

This action caused many people to follow suit. Four or five people who were chatting away left at once, and the badges that were thrown on the ground turned into dots of light and disappeared.

Several core founders don’t know what to do when you look at me and I look at you.

"Where's the boss?"

"I worked overtime yesterday, are you still sleeping now?"

"What about Ajiao?"

"I don't know. After the 'Spore' jumped off the cliff, he went offline to rest and didn't answer the phone."

"I'll call the boss to go online, I guess only the boss can defeat this animal trainer."

"Can you really beat it?"

"Always call and check, otherwise people will really disappear."


Su Ming hid in the bushes, his two bright eyes rolled around to monitor the surrounding movement. Once he found a member of the Fruit and Vegetable Killer Guild, Xiao Hei who was hiding not far away would explode and kill him.

The person was killed by the opponent for two rounds, the backpack was full, and there was still some equipment that was too late to pick up, and was picked up by passers-by, but the good equipment has been picked up as much as possible.

The slippery mud boots on his body were replaced with the better boots of the night crawler that exploded in the middle.

Boots of the Nightcrawler (LV15, Silver):

+385 Health, +45 Armor
+52 Dexterity
+25 movement speed
Gem Slot (1/1): +5 Movement Speed
Durability: 12/20
Occupational requirements: none

This piece of equipment has been slotted with gemstones, so its durability has dropped a lot. Su Ming didn't dare to throw away the slippery mud boots, lest the durability be worn out and there would be no shoes to wear.

There are 6 pieces of equipment in Su Ming's backpack. Because there is only so much space in the backpack, Su Ming will implement an elimination system and keep the valuable equipment. Among the last 6 pieces of equipment, 5 are silver weapons, and it is estimated that they can sell for seven Eight hundred gold.

The commotion caused by Su Ming's assassination lasted for about an hour. Su Ming's potion was almost used up. He was worried that the other party would catch up again, so he contacted Venus.

To be honest, Su Ming was a little embarrassed to trouble Venus all the time, but there was no way he could trust Venus the most in the game.

The sound of shoes crushing fallen leaves came, and Su Ming looked in the direction of the sound.

Seeing a pair of flat sneakers, the sense of fashion, at first glance, is a non-attribute fashion designed by the player himself.

Going up the sneakers is a pair of black silk legs with smooth lines. The calves are straight and the thighs are plump. Further up, there are breasts that are so big that people can't even look down on the ground.

The owner of the beautiful legs and big breasts looked a little confused at this moment, she looked around and muttered:

"'2215, 2335, 46', the coordinates are correct...Brother Spore, are you there?"

"Sister Venus, I'm here." Su Ming got out from the bushes, with fallen leaves hanging all over his body. Although he looked a bit embarrassed, he was in a good state of mind.

"Your name..." Venus covered his mouth when he saw Su Ming's bloody name, "How many people have you PKed?"

"A guild."

Venus approached Su Ming and helped Su Ming pick up the broken leaves from his hair. At this moment, she asked curiously:

"What happened, how did you get involved with a guild?"

Su Ming told Venus what happened in the past two days.

"This person is really annoying. If my sister is not a professional in life, I will definitely beat him up for you." Venus waved her white fist and initiated a transaction request to Su Ming, saying: "100 bottles of intermediate life recovery potion, 50 bottles of intermediate instant recovery potion, 50 bottles of swiftness potion, and I also brought you 3 ten-slot expansion backpacks, so that you can stay in the wild longer."

Su Ming nodded, and handed over 5 pieces of silver equipment that exploded from the opponent's guild to Venus.

Selling these equipment can almost recover the blood consumed by the potion and the expansion of the backpack.

The transaction was completed, Su Ming thanked:

"It's obviously my own business, but I'm sorry to cause trouble for you, sister. In the future, if you have something to do, you must tell me, and I will definitely help."

Venus narrowed his eyes and smiled:
"Why are you being polite to me? We are business partners, sister and I are your intermediary... If I don't serve you well, brother, how can I make money? Right?"

Su Ming felt wrong and retorted:

"You can't just serve me, sister, we should serve each other."

After Su Ming finished speaking, he ate Venus' brains.

Su Ming covered his forehead and asked aggrievedly:

"why did you hit me?"

Venus raised his eyebrows. This spore brother would always say things like tigers and wolves inadvertently... If he hadn't been with him for a while, he knew that Su Ming really didn't understand anything, and Venus would have felt that Su Ming was I deliberately teased myself.

Originally she was the one who teased Su Ming, but suddenly it was the other way around, and Venus became a little "angry" from embarrassment.

Of course, it is impossible for Venus to explain her mental journey to Su Ming, otherwise she will be regarded as a pervert.

Venus stretched out her hand, rubbed the place where Su Ming was bounced, put Su Ming on the shoulders, stood on tiptoe and blew on his forehead, and asked:

"It shouldn't hurt, right?"

The field of vision was suddenly occupied by the most primitive pursuit of infancy, and Su Ming's pupils were shocked, and he said:
" doesn't hurt."

Su Ming couldn't say anything shy, so naturally he didn't have the heart to ask the previous doubts.

Venus stood up again, circled around Su Ming, helped him pat off the remaining fallen leaves on his body, and said:
"Then sister is leaving, so just tell me if you have something to do, don't be polite, um... I said earlier that the matter of only running errands for my future husband is a joke, you shouldn't take it seriously, right?"

"Of course not. If it's true, I won't bother you this time." Su Ming said.

"That's good. I'm afraid you'll be too shy to look for me. Then I'll go." Venus took out the back stone, still a little worried and said, "Your crime value is so high, you met someone outside. Be careful when you meet people, and be careful when forming a team, don’t be deceived, you know? Your necklace, if it can be hidden in your clothes, don’t show it.”

"Yeah, I see." Su Ming opened his collar and threw the necklace in.

Seeing that Su Ming was obedient, Venus nodded, crushed the stone back to the city and left.

Su Ming touched the place where his forehead was blown up, and stayed there for a while before he came back to his senses, ready to find an area with few people to brush monsters to clear the evil value.

As for the red berry monsters, Su Ming planned to go to brush them in the middle of the night. At that time, the members of the other guild would not be able to gather together. If one or two came to cause trouble, they would just deliver food, so don't worry.

(End of this chapter)

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