Chapter 76 Catching Pigs

After beating Carter away, Su Ming turned to look at the Scar Pig.

"Hello, we meet again." Su Ming greeted, moved closer a little bit, and cast "Beast Taming".

1%... red light.

The Scar Pig struggled violently in the net.

"Okay, okay...I understand what you mean. Don't move around." Su Ming found a stone with sharp edges, climbed up the tree and cut the rope.

The scarred pig fell to the ground with the pig and the net. It struggled to get up, shook off the net, and ran to the depths of the mountain forest.

Although Su Ming was mentally prepared for not being able to catch the Scar Pig the moment he shot, he was still a little discouraged when he saw that the Scar Pig really ran away.

After all, the task has been done for almost three days.

"Xiao Hei, let's go, let's practice leveling."


Su Ming walked a little way, and suddenly there was a hurried pig cry behind him, as if he was trying to persuade him to stay.

Su Ming turned his head, and the scarred pig had already rushed to Su Ming's side. It ran very fast, did not stop the car, and knocked Su Ming down.

"Stupid pig!" Xiao Hei was angry, and slapped the scarred pig.

The scar pig didn't fight back, which made Xiao Hei very anxious. It jumped around beside Su Ming and shouted:

"Stupid pig, hit me!"

Scarred Pig ignored Xiao Hei, walked towards Su Ming, and docilely lay down beside Su Ming.

"Hey, hey, hey."

"You agreed to my arrest?" Su Ming asked unexpectedly.

Scarred Pigface grunted twice again, and the pig turned its head to the other side, embarrassed by its own inconsistency.

Su Ming propped up his body and reached out to touch the scarred pig's head.


This time, the white ball of light flew into the scarred pig's body smoothly.

Under the moonlight, Su Ming established contact with Scar Pig.

System: The beast taming skill has been activated successfully. The Level 15 Bronze Boss Scar Pig has become your pet. The attributes can be modified. You can check the pet attributes in the pet bar.

"I want to become stronger, help me." Scar Pig's IQ is not as good as that of Xiao Hei, and the sentence he passed was very simple.

Su Ming smoothed the hair of the scarred pig, and said with a bright smile:

"No problem, I will help you become stronger."

Su Ming opened the property panel of Scar Pig and checked it.

Scar Pig:

Rating: 10
Loyalty: 70/100
Health: 2000
Mana: 900
Physical attack: 200~300
Magic Attack: 50~100
Armor: 100
Magic resistance: 100
Movement speed: 350

Slam (LV4): The scar pig swings its head and attacks the enemy with its fangs, causing (90+1.2 physical attack power) physical damage to the hit enemy, and if the enemy has a magic shield, it will cause additional damage to the shield (90+1.2 physical attack) physical damage.Cost: 30 mana.Cooldown: 3 seconds.

Mudstone Shield (LV3): The Scar Pig draws magical energy to create a shield that can resist (200+0.7 physical attack power). The shield lasts for 10 seconds. During the maintenance period, the Scar Pig gets 30 armor/magic anti.Cost: 100 magic points.Cooldown: 8 seconds.


So Strong (LV1): Passive: Scar Pig has a strong competitive spirit, gaining experience increased by 20%, and does not drop experience points after death (built-in 24-hour cooldown).

Su Ming's Scar Pig's defensive attributes are normal, and the upper limit of attack power reaches 300, which is a very good stat.

After seeing the skills of Scar Pig, Su Ming was even more pleasantly surprised.

Normally, a scar pig only has two skills: charge and slam. A better scar pig can have a mud shield, but the scar pig caught by Su Ming has a total of five skills.

Trampling is an excellent range attack skill, and being strong is a magic skill.

No matter what level the pet's original form is, after being captured by the animal trainer, it will be forced down by 5 levels by the system.Of course, if it is a level 1 creature like Xiang Xiaohei, there is no need to lower the level...

The problem of pet upgrades is the biggest problem for animal trainers. After the scar pig has become stronger, this problem can be more or less solved.

This scarred pig not only has many skills, but also has a high skill level.

Judging from the information provided in the strategy guide, the scar pig's skills are two or three levels, which is very good. Su Ming's scar pig has the highest skill level of level 5, which can be said to be a genius scar pig.

It is difficult for pets to improve their skill level, so the initial skill level is also an important characteristic to measure whether a pet is good or not. From this point of view, Su Ming's scar pig is undoubtedly excellent.

Su Ming was the first player to trigger the hidden plot, and he handled it better afterwards, so his scar pig, except for the level, is basically the same as the scar pig in the plot.

Others lack the condition of "first time". Even if Su Ming's operation is reproduced, they can only catch the scar pig with a relatively high skill level, and the two skills of trampling and super strong will not appear again.

If it is said that other people's scar pigs can be used up to level 25 without any problem, then Su Ming's scar pig can be used up to level 35.

"Let me give you a name." Su Ming said to Scar Pig. He had already thought of the name. It was the name of a pig in a cartoon he liked: "From now on, you will be called Fat Du Du Zuo Wei The door is open."

Zaemon has no objection to this.

Xiao Hei jumped on Zaemon's head and said:

"Saemon, you will be my little brother from now on, you want to call me big brother, do you understand?"

Zuoemon flicked his head, threw Xiao Hei off, and said ruthlessly:

"Master~" Xiao Hei looked at Su Ming tearfully.

"To live in harmony."

"One day, I will let you call me big brother!" Xiao Hei ignited an inexplicable fighting spirit...


After successfully catching the scarred pig, Su Ming planned to take the public welfare mission to launder his reputation, otherwise he would hang around with 58 crime points outside, and he would not be able to enter the system stores, exchanges, etc., and he would not be able to deal with NPCs in the city. Very inconvenient.

For other professions, if you take a public welfare task, you will not get experience, but animal trainers are different, they can adjust the experience to pets, as long as it is distributed [-]-[-], and there is no loss if all the experience is given to pets.

It also happened to take this opportunity to bring Zaemon to upgrade.

The relevant NPCs don't go to work at night, and they will be arrested and put in a cell for one night when they return to the city, so Su Ming took Zaemon to fight monsters in the forest for a while, and roughly got in touch with Zaemon.

The scarred pig that Su Ming caught has a loyalty of 70, which is quite high.

Generally, when animal trainers capture scarred pigs, their loyalty will fluctuate between 30 and 50. After catching them, they must rely on a lot of monster spawning methods to increase their loyalty to more than 60, and then they can rest assured to do other things.

After brushing monsters all night, Zaemon's loyalty increased by 1 point.

In the early morning, Su Ming crushed the return stone and returned to Vardannis City.

System: Your crimes have attracted the attention of the guards in the city, and they are about to arrest you and bring you to trial.

Only when the player's crime value reaches 25 points or more, will the guards pay attention to it.

Su Ming didn't want to be tried in Vardanese City, he was not familiar with the nearby monsters, and the monsters were not very concentrated.

So Su Ming turned around and entered the teleportation array and began to teleport quickly.

Every time you go to a city, you will attract the attention of the guards...

Finally, Su Ming stopped at Moise City, which he was familiar with.

The monsters near the Leta Wetland are dense, and there is also a small dungeon and silver bosses that can be spawned here, so Su Ming chose this place for public welfare tasks.

The guards rushed over, separated the players, and took Su Ming away.

(End of this chapter)

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