Chapter 79

Arriving at the territory of the rotten bone element, Su Ming occupied an area without people to spawn monsters just like in the morning.

The other four entered a half-hook state.

Generally speaking, at this time, I would go to watch movies or novels, but Felicia still maximized the game interface and observed Su Ming's actions.

Su Ming's two pets, although one is a slime and the other is a low-level scar pig, but the number floating on the head of the rotting bone element tells Felicia that these two pets of Su Ming are very powerful.

After seeing Su Ming's necklace, Felicia had bad thoughts. She contacted her boyfriend "Epic Battle Song" and asked him to find a way to kill Su Ming.

With Su Ming's current celebrity status, as long as he dies once, the rapid growth necklace is almost guaranteed to fall.

Such things as killing people and exploding equipment without any injustice, or getting rich overnight, often appear on the forums. Although they will be infamous, who cares?Get the money first.

Epic Battle Song saw the screenshot of the battle screen sent by Felicia, and sent a message:

"His equipment is too good, he is very fleshy, and his two pets have high damage. I am a spell-riding iron guard, so I may not be the opponent."

"You lure high-level monsters to kill him. Pets of animal trainers are stupid, and they will definitely attack monsters to attract hatred." Felicia often visits forums and knows many ways to harm people.

"Smart, baby, wait, I'll lure the monster right away. Pay attention to the online, don't be killed by me."


About half an hour later, while Su Ming was spawning monsters, he suddenly heard a burst of curses from nearby players. It turned out that a Spellmaster Iron Guard holding a gem shield was leading three decaying bone elemental elites across the territory.

The three rotten bone elements are more than three meters high and are very huge. They follow behind the epic battle song, and their bone sticks sweep around, threatening the safety of the surrounding players.

The epic battle song originally intended to lure high-level monsters, but it happened to see the rotten bone elemental elite refresh, so it changed its goal.

3 elites, much stronger than high-level monsters, and the distance is still short.

Seeing the epic battle song running towards him, Su Ming quickly shouted:
"Run to the left, there's no one there, and I'm still leading newbies!"

Su Ming saw that the epic battle song didn't change his course at all, and ran towards him resolutely, his eyes were fixed.

Su Ming is no longer a novice who doesn't understand anything, and he roughly understands what the epic battle song wants to do.

Su Ming asked Xiao Hei and Zaemon to fight independently, and went to wake up happiness and distance them.

"What happened?" Happiness Distance asked.

"Do you want to trade crystals?" Aunt Kawa initiated a trade request to Su Ming, but Su Ming rejected it speechlessly.

Yun Zan glanced around, frowned and said:

"Deliberately attracting monsters?"

Su Ming nodded and said:

"It's probably because of my red name, I want to kill me and explode my equipment. Be careful and hide, don't die."

Su Ming stretched out his hand in the air, ready to wake Felicia up, but she woke up without touching Felicia.

Su Ming wondered:
"Have you been watching the game screen?"

Yun Zan also noticed, and cast suspicious eyes on Felicia.

Felicia made a haha, and said perfunctorily:
"Watching on split screen, I just noticed something was wrong, so I quickly went online."

While speaking, Epic Battle Song had brought the elites to Xiao Hei and the others. He ran around Xiao Hei, trying to guide the monster's attack to Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei is obedient, even if he is attacked, he will not attack easily without Su Ming's order.

But Zaemon only has 74 loyalty (4 points increase for spawning monsters), and the wild boar has a bad temper. When attacked, he will fight back directly, flying all four hooves, and crashing into elite monsters.


"Stupid pig, what are you doing! The master didn't let us attack." Xiao Hei worried.

Zaemon simply sent a message to Kuro:
"Help me kill!"

Watching the three elite monsters wielding their bone sticks and knocking Zaemon into the air, half of Zaemon's HP was lost, Xiao Hei was speechless.

Kill your head...

The hatred was drawn away, and the epic battle song was very happy, and hid aside to watch the show.

Zaemon rolled and stood up from the ground. Even if his blood volume was over half, he was not afraid of the three elite monsters rushing towards him. With mud and stones on his body, he roared and ran to avoid the attack of the elite monsters. Opportunity, the strong pig's head flicked violently.



Zaemon directly arched a skill crit.

Rotten Bone Elemental Elite (LV17, Elite): 6184/7000.

A level 11 pet can deal nearly 17 damage against a level 1000 elite monster. Su Ming's Zaemon is very violent.

"Kill!" Zaemon yelled again, the pig's trotters slammed on the ground, the cracked animation effect appeared, and damage numbers appeared on the heads of the three elites.


Just when Zaemon was using his skills, the bone sticks of the three elites fell down, and when Zaemon was about to be killed, Zaemon suddenly disappeared, leaving the three elite monsters in a state of confusion.

However, the hatred mechanism quickly helped them identify their targets, and they turned around and ran towards Su Ming.

Zuemon was pulled back by Su Ming with the protector.

"Master, kill!" Zuo Weimen said.

Su Ming stroked Junzaemon's pig hair, threw two pieces of cake to restore blood to it, and said:
"Don't be too impulsive. The current situation is like you have fallen into Carter's trap, you know?"

Zaemon was shocked, fell into a trap?

"Xiao Hei, you pull one, and Zaemon and I will fight one together, is that okay?"

"Yes~" Xiao Hei charged up and ejected onto the head of an elite monster, causing damage, and then spewed out a mouthful of mucus, stabilizing the hatred.

Xiao Hei's current attributes are not too bad compared to elite monsters, and it can recover blood by itself, so Su Ming is more at ease.

Xiao Hei pulled an elite monster far away.

Su Ming said to Zuo Weimen:
"Ready to fight."

"Okay." Hearing the word "battle", Zaemon didn't think so much anymore.

Su Ming directly sent Zaemon to the right side of the two elite monsters with perfect tactics, and only hit one monster with damage. At the same time, he waved his magic wand to mark the elite monsters.

Coordinated attack!

The pig's head arched.

The hatred of this elite monster was completely stabilized on Zaemon.

After that, Su Ming stopped attacking the monster pulled by Zaemon, and instead attacked the least injured monster, pulling it away from Zaemon.

During the battle, Su Ming opened his backpack and began to change equipment. Except for swordsmanship apprentices switching weapons, other characters have a shared cooldown of 5 seconds when changing a piece of equipment.

So it took Su Ming a little time to change from the physical equipment to the speed equipment.

These three elite monsters can even be pulled by a magic-controlling iron guard in the epic battle song.

However, when Su Ming is dodging, he must also pay attention to the battle between Xiao Hei and Zaemon, and give a reminder.

Its fighting style is very rude. Without Su Ming's command, it likes to head-to-head with monsters. It only occasionally evades attacks when it has a flash of inspiration.

Fortunately, its loyalty is not low. As long as Su Ming commands, it will basically listen to it. Although the completion is not very good, it can also avoid most of the attacks.

System: Your pet Zaemon obeys your command, avoiding an injury, loyalty +1.

System: Your pet Zaemon obeyed your command and made an effective attack, loyalty +1.


Fighting powerful monsters is an important way to increase pet loyalty. However, there are gains and losses. Not every animal trainer is as clear-minded as Su Ming. In many cases, mistakes in command will reduce loyalty.

(End of this chapter)

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