Chapter 89 Hidden Map
Su Ming chased for a while, and heard Zui Mingyue yelling and cursing:
"Damn Kobold, don't let me catch you, or you will have nothing to eat! The trick is really dark, don't stay at all, don't let players enter the mine if you don't want people to mine and make money, you have to design such an NPC Disgusting person, game designer, you don't have a mother, I rely on...

My hidden mission, my dream of a rich woman, woo woo woo. "

Just crying to vent her emotions, Zui Mingyue found a gust of wind passing by her, Su Ming, Zuoemon, and Xiao Hei rushed past her one after another.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Zui Mingyue asked, she was 100% sure that Su Ming's mine was also robbed, after all, he ran slower than herself.

"Chasing Feifu." Su Ming turned his head and said, "You have also been robbed of the mine, let's chase together."

With that said, Su Ming sent Zui Mingyue a team invitation.

Zui Mingyue joined the team, followed behind and asked:
"How to chase? Do you know where it hides?"

"I sprinkled a tracking potion on it."

As a fighter, Zui Mingyue has a lot of agility attributes, and quickly chased after Xiao Hei who was at the back. She asked curiously,
"Why do you still carry such things with you?"

"When I was PKing with people before, I left it on my body."

PK with tracking potions?

Zui Mingyue was surprised. A bottle of tracking potion costs forty or fifty gold, which is not cheap.

This spore looks harmless to humans and animals, and it wants to kill people by biting them in PK, is it so ruthless?

Actually, it wasn't Su Ming who was ruthless, it was Venus who was ruthless...

After walking around the mine for about ten minutes, Su Ming and Zui Mingyue stopped in front of a cliff. There was originally a chain bridge connecting the other side, but it was broken now.

The map showed that Fei Fu had already run to the opposite side.

"It's over, what a cunning kobold, no wonder no one has found it, it turned out to be hiding on the opposite side." Zui Mingyue stopped walking, frustrated.

Su Ming came to the edge of the cliff and probed down, only feeling dizzy for a while, which was much deeper than the cliff he fell off before.

He exhaled, and asked the little black man:
"Xiao Hei, can you jump over?"

"Yes, it's easy." Xiao Hei said confidently.

"Okay, then you go first."


Xiao Hei ran up and sprinted, and Duang landed on the opposite side.

Su Ming took out the gliding feather from his backpack, trotted and jumped on the spot, and experimented with its effect a little.

Zui Mingyue came over curiously and asked:
"what are you doing?"

"Find a way to jump over." Su Ming posted the effect of the gliding feather to Zui Mingyue and said, "I should be able to do it alone, but I don't know if it will work with two people. You can try it on my back."

Su Ming squatted down with his back to Zui Mingyue.

"Why did I come on your back..."

"I'll carry you on my back, I don't know if the weight of two people can fly."

Zui Mingyue stared into Su Ming's eyes and found that there seemed to be no impure thoughts on the other side. Thinking about her dream of getting rich again, she gritted her teeth and jumped on Su Ming.

Su Ming grabbed Zui Mingyue's thigh, and Zui Mingyue groaned, and said in a low voice:
"Don't hold on so tightly."

"What should I do if it falls?" Su Ming said, "You look thin, but you are actually quite heavy~~~"

Su Ming's ears were screwed up...

"Let go, what are you doing?" Su Ming patted the hands that twisted his ears, and said, "It's very disrespectful to twist people's ears like this."

Zui Mingyue snorted and said:

"It's disrespectful to say that girls are heavy."

"It seems so, I apologize."

"Then I apologize too."

It wasn't too embarrassing for the two of them to argue.

Su Ming jumped twice on the spot, and found that both the height and the distance of the gliding were much different, so he had to put Zui Mingyue down.

"It doesn't seem to work. I'll go after it by myself. You wait for my good news."

"Wait," Zui Mingyue said, "Lend me your feathers, and I'll take you flying. I'm a fighter, and my strength and agility attributes are higher than yours. I'm sure I can slide a little farther."

After thinking about it, Su Ming was right. After getting in touch with Zui Mingyue, she didn't seem like someone who knew how to wear fur equipment, so Su Ming traded the feathers to Zui Mingyue.

Zui Mingyue got used to it and motioned Su Ming to jump on her back.

Su Ming walked over, but when he was about to go up, he hesitated... I felt that it was embarrassing to be carried by a girl.

Zui Mingyue waited for a long time but no one came, she turned her head and frowned and said:
"Come up quickly, I won't be able to catch up with Fei Fu later."

Being urged by Zui Mingyue, Su Ming put down his face... He lay on Zui Mingyue's back, and it was the first time he had extensive physical contact with a girl, and Su Ming's mind went blank.

Zui Mingyue was much more reckless than Su Ming, she stood up a little bit, took two steps back, and took off with a run-up.

The speed and jumping height of fighters are much better than those of animal trainers.

The gliding feathers were bright, and Zui Mingyue felt a stream of air supporting her, allowing her to stay in the air for a longer period of time.

"The gliding distance is not enough, I'm going to hit the wall!" Zui Mingyue's legs ran quickly in the air, like a scene in a cartoon.

Su Ming recovered from his shyness and shouted:
"Just grab the broken chain bridge, and Xiao Hei will help pull us up."

"it is good."

Zui Mingyue stretched out a hand and grabbed the broken chain bridge. Gravity caused her to fall nearly two meters before she stopped.

"Too bad, Xiao Hei doesn't seem to be able to grow so long." Su Ming looked up.

"I don't need your pet's help for this distance. You hold me tight, and I'm starting to crawl." Zui Mingyue felt that the arms around her neck were a little tighter, and she let go of Su Ming's hand.

Holding the iron chain with both hands, she climbed up vigorously, and took Su Ming to the shore in a short while.

When Su Ming reached the shore, he let go and stood on the ground.

"Give it back to you." Zui Mingyue gave the feather to Su Ming, and seeing Su Ming's face under the fish lamp cap was as red as a red butt, she thought it was too innocent, but this guy did look like a child.

Zui Mingyue asked curiously:

"How old are you this year?"

"18." Su Ming put the feather back into his backpack, opened the mini-map, and said, "Fei Fu seems to have stopped moving, let's catch up quickly."

Zui Mingyue followed behind Su Ming and asked:

"I'm 18 years old, so I guess I haven't been in a relationship yet, right?"

"Well, my family doesn't allow me to fall in love early."

"Haha, what you said is really funny. Puppy love is not allowed? Is there no chance for puppy love?" Zui Mingyue said with a smile.

Su Ming was surprised that Zui Mingyue's guess was accurate. In school, he really didn't seem to have a chance to fall in love early. To be precise, he didn't pay much attention to girls...

Thinking back now, the relationship between him and the girls is so-so, but a few seniors from the high school have approached him...

Su Ming has been relatively easy to attract the attention of his elder sister since he was a child.

"Master, she laughed at you, I'll beat her up for you!" Xiao Hei duangduang followed Su Ming, jumping in front of Su Ming for a while, falling behind soon, and overtaking Su Ming after a while.

"No, no, no." Su Ming and Xiao Hei communicated with their minds, which was amazing, like listening to voice with headphones.

After running for a while, Su Ming slowed down.

Zui Mingyue also stopped, she looked at the dead end ahead, and said doubtfully:
"Did you lead the wrong way?"

"No." Su Ming looked at the trajectory of the red dot on the map, and said with certainty: "Fei Fu has definitely been here before, but for some reason, he suddenly moved forward for a while."

Su Ming groped and walked along the rock wall, and the lights above his head found out the surrounding situation.

There are a lot of ore scattered around, and some animal bones, some of which have been eaten, and some of which have not been eaten.

Zui Mingyue also turned on the searchlight of the miner's hat, looked around, and said:
"This seems to be where Fei Fu lives."

"Well." Su Ming looked at the small map and said: "He stayed here for a while, and after we jumped the shore, he continued to move forward..."

While speaking, Su Ming touched a protruding stone, and the stone sank slightly. Su Ming increased his strength, and the stone was completely embedded in the rock wall.

On the originally sealed rock wall, a rock gate rose.

"There's even a hidden map?" Zui Mingyue said in surprise, "This kobold is too cunning."

"Go in and have a look." Su Ming walked into the cave behind the rock wall first.

(End of this chapter)

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