Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 95 Zaemon, evolve!

Chapter 95 Zaemon, evolve!

After Dak lost his armor, his speed increased greatly, and the blade whip also expanded his attack range.

Although this form can only last for 34 seconds, Su Ming and Zui Mingyue may not be able to last for 34 seconds.

clap clap clap!
The blade whip waving, bursting the air, and every place it hits will cause a small-scale explosion. The dodging skills Zui Mingyue is proud of are useless under the cover of the unreasonable attack range.

After trying her best to dodge two attacks, Zui Mingyue was still hit by the blade whip, and the perfect Dak's attack power was greatly improved.

Zui Mingyue's life was emptied by a whip, and she fell to the ground.

"Damn, I'm still dead. It would be great if I had milk. You have to hold on to the spores." After death, Zui Mingyue spoke in the team channel, and at the same time, she was resurrected immediately and ran towards the Conculus Mountains.

After killing Zui Mingyue, Dak's next target shifted to Xiao Hei, who had the second highest hatred.

Although Xiao Hei has more than 6000 blood, he lost a lot of blood in the battle just now, and now he can't withstand Dake's two attacks.

Moreover, if Xiao Hei dies, he will lose half a level of experience. When a pet dies in battle, the animal trainer will basically die, which is equivalent to 1.5 times of death. Compared with other professions, the death penalty is much heavier invisibly. It is also one of the reasons why many players are reluctant to play Beast Tamer.

"You must not let Xiao Hei die." In the combat state, the pet cannot be returned to the pet space. Su Ming ran to Xiao Hei while reaching out for things in the backpack.

The blade whip rolled towards Xiao Hei.

Su Ming took out the Book of Dead Souls from his backpack and clicked to use it.

Crashing, the pages of the book fluttered open, casting the light and shadow of the axeman.

Spore Axeman: 23000/23000.

With a health value of 2.3w, it seems that he is summoning a Bronze Boss-level ax bearer.

The method of controlling the axeman is the same as that of controlling pets. Directly issue orders, and the system AI will process them.

Su Ming put the huge axeman between Dak and Xiao Hei, blocking all the whips.
2220, -2145, -2020...

The whip shadow flew, and the damage number above the ax holder's head floated out twice a second. If the damage was hit on the player, basically it would not be able to last for more than 5 seconds.


Su Ming issued an order, and the axeman took the giant axe, swung it down against the bladed sword, and knocked Dak into the air, delaying Su Ming for a while.

Dak was soon about to burn himself to death.

The lower the blood volume of Dak, the faster the attack speed, but in the end he failed to break through the defense line of the axeman, and was killed by the axeman.

And the ax holder only has less than a thousand blood points left, which is very dangerous.

After killing the golden boss, Su Ming's experience has increased by 10% with two pets sharing experience, which is very rich.

There were more than 60 gold coins that exploded on the ground, and it took a long time to pick them up.

Su Ming was about to pick up equipment when he heard Xiao Hei calling himself:
"Master, look at the stupid pig, it seems to have eaten something bad."

It was only then that Su Ming noticed that Zaemon was emitting black air at the moment, his eyes were wide open, bloodshot eyes were spreading in his eyes, and he looked forward in a hollow way.

Su Ming quickly searched for system messages and found the reason why Zaemon became like this.

System: Your pet Zaemon has swallowed the Breath of Darkness gemstone, which fits the blood of the "Wild Boar" and is evolving (success rate: 58%).

"Evolution?" Su Ming heard of such a thing for the first time.

However, in the group of animal trainers, such things are not uncommon. Most evolutionary pets are obtained by chance, and there is no very clear method.

Of course, evolution is not necessarily a good thing. If a pet fails to evolve, it will die, and then its AI will drop. According to some posts by players who have failed to evolve, the drop is so large that it is basically impossible to fight.

In layman's terms, it means becoming a fool.

"Zaemon, why are you eating indiscriminately?" Su Ming was distressed, thinking of the murals on the stone platform, Duck's black gemstones, which seemed to absorb blue light spots.

Su Ming went up and tried to communicate with Zaemon:
"Saemon, come with me to a place with more soul fire, maybe I can help you."

Zaemon seemed to have been subjected to a hold technique, and remained motionless, staring.

Su Ming called Xiao Hei over and said:
"Let's push Zaemon to the door, there are still some blue light spots left."

"Come on, this stupid pig is really worrying, it's not like me, it can eat anything." Xiao Hei Duang came over and pushed Zuoemon to the door with Su Ming.

Blue light spots began to fall on Zaemon.

System: The Breath of Darkness Gem absorbed the soul fire, became calm, and the success rate of evolution increased by 2%.

"It works, that's great." Su Ming was about to go back to the upper tomb and kill some tomb guard skeletons to increase the blue light, when he received a new system message,

System: Your pet Zaemon failed to evolve.

"It's over." Su Ming wanted to cry, but he touched Zaemon's mane and said, "Zaoemon, even if you become a fool, I will help you become stronger."

Xiao Hei muttered:

"This time it's really a stupid pig, shouldn't I call it a stupid pig..."

Suddenly, Zaemon groaned loudly, and stomped heavily on the ground with his front hooves. The blue light spots that had already dissipated began to be absorbed by it again, and the absorption speed became much faster.

System: Your pet Zaemon activates the "very strong" skill, immune to this death, and starts to evolve again (success rate 78%).

"Success rate of 78, it should be successful, come on, Zaemon!"

Su Ming saw that there were fewer and fewer blue light spots in the sky, patted Zaemon's pig's head, and said:

"You can evolve with peace of mind here, and I'll bring you back some more soul fire."

After finishing speaking, Su Ming drank the quick potion, rushed back to the tomb above with Xiao Hei, and began to slaughter the refreshed tomb guard skeletons. As the skeletons were killed, Zaemon's evolution success rate continued to increase.

About five or six minutes later, Su Ming received a system message.

System: Your pet Zaemon has successfully evolved, activated the "Wild Boar" bloodline, HP growth +150, magic value growth +50, physical attack power growth +10~30, magic resistance growth +1, attributes have been adjusted according to the level Correction compensation, +20 movement speed compensation, the original skill has been updated, learn the new skill "Blade".

System: Your pet Zaemon is grateful for your help, loyalty +10.

Su Ming ran back quickly and saw that the scarred pig had returned to normal. Its fangs were surrounded by black air and black thorns grew from its back. It looked much stronger and more majestic than before.

"Hmph." Zaemon walked up to Su Ming's feet and rubbed him affectionately. After this evolution event, Zaemon's loyalty has also reached full value. Generally speaking, the loyalty increased by this special event will be a little more stable.

"Hey, stupid pig, how do you feel?" Xiao Hei was very happy to see that Zaemon was fine, but there was one thing that made him unhappy, that is, after the thorns grew on Zaemon, it couldn't jump on the back of Zaemon. on the rest.

"It feels... that I haven't finished evolving." Zaemon rubbed his pig's head up, "I still want the master to continue to take me on adventures and continue to take me to become stronger."

After Zuemon evolved, his expressive ability became much stronger.

"Of course, I will take you to continue to become stronger, but next time, you can't eat without my permission. If you want to eat, tell me and prepare in advance." Su Ming knelt down and rubbed Zuemon jaw meat.


Su Ming opened Zaemon's attribute panel and looked at Zaemon's new attributes and skills.

(End of this chapter)

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