Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 119 [118] Migration Planning

Chapter 119 [118] Migration Planning

Equilibrium for 5 years, December 12, afternoon.

The Hohokan voted.

Vote with peace of mind and reason, sincerely convinced.

Sworn surrender and allegiance to Kinkou.

The balanced army is high-spirited, and the victory won by the divine punishment of our lord is far more glorious than the one they won with a knife.

It is about a sense of superiority that my father is Li Gang, and I am proud of my parents' achievements.

Of course, Da Kuang'er is not afraid either.

Even without my lord's action, the balanced cavalry has long regarded the Hohokan people as something in their pocket.

During this time, all the elders of the Hohokan people came to bow down, and they no longer had the attitude of pretending to be stupid before.

Even though they didn't understand the language, they gestured enthusiastically, wishing they could follow the Balanced army on the road immediately.

The leaders such as climbing the mountain sneered at this.

Only bullshit knows the way to return to the heart, and reminded: "The Hohokan people don't know that my Lord of Equilibrium has come in the world, just like all the tribes of my Modoc people. Therefore, my Lord once said that those who don't know are innocent!"

"Under balance, they are all people! The Hohokan people will be our brothers and sisters from now on."

A leader looked at the kneeling elders with a little disdain, "Bullshit is a wise man who has become my bishop, I can listen to what he said..."

"However, they have not migrated to the Kingdom of Balance, and they are not counted as subjects!"

Everyone agrees.

Niushi said again: "You are right. If there are rebels along the way, we will slaughter them. There is nothing wrong with that."

The Hohokan people bowed outside the city for a long time, not daring to move lightly.

It wasn't until dusk fell that the balanced army opened the New Year's Eve celebration of the recovery day, and then sent the cooked bison to celebrate the New Year with them.

the other side.

The balanced holy weapon has come to the balanced station.

Zhou Li'an took back the memory card of the video recorder in Zhou Weiguo's hand, and told the two of them, "Xue Nu is going to direct and arrange the New Year's Eve celebration, Wei Guo, starting tonight, I will broadcast the video of the 7-day Balanced Iron Cavalry Expedition, so that the people will be aware of their expedition. peace of mind for your husband, son, and brother."

Xue Nu and Zhou Weiguo praised, "My lord, I praise your kindness."


Zhou Li'an left.

Back to the real world and edited into a film, from the first battle with the Hohokan people last time to the big bombing this afternoon, there are countless explosive materials.

It not only shows the strength of the iron cavalry, but also stabilizes Zhou Li'an's supremacy of Godhead.

Leaving aside the historical significance of the future, the current wartime internal propaganda work must be completed.

Export the video of [Eye of the Void] from the system, and then stitch together Zhou Weiguo's recording...

After all, you get what you pay for.

The awareness of 3000 million US dollars came, and the recording effect was perfect, not like shooting, but more like special effects production.

And Zhou Weiguo's handheld shooting is several grades worse.

The first cloud bomb was fired, and the recoil and flames frightened him to the point where he sat down, the camera was out of focus, and he didn't remember to record the snapshot until the third explosion sounded.

Fortunately, the last explosion scene was photographed.

At the end of the film is the scene where my lord receives all the warriors.

Zhou Weiguo later scanned the audience with the camera, trying to leave as many faces in the camera as possible, so that the people can find their relatives.

The clip is complete.

Zhou Li'an considered whether to add subtitles, and finally thought about it, leaving some archaeological significance.

When these images are dug out in the future, it is natural for someone to delve into the Modoc and Aztec languages ​​in the screen...

For now, keep the mystery.

It was nightfall when we returned to the station. In the center of the station, there was a large square that could accommodate tens of thousands of people. Numerous bonfires were swaying, cooking and grilling ingredients, and the fragrance was wafting.

Zhou Weiguo has already set up the projection screen, and only waits for the movie to play.

With the previous viewing experience.

Xuenv and the elders have settled everything, and are going to watch movies in batches.

Zhou Li'an did not show up in a hurry, the film is often in the early 2 hours, and it happens to be rotated twice, and it is the countdown to the New Year's Eve.

This year, as in the past, large-scale fireworks will be set off to bring the celebration to a climax.

At the same time, Zhou Li'an bestowed low-alcohol fruit wine. Alcohol should not be eliminated blindly.

When movie playback starts.

The noisy square suddenly fell silent. Whether it was the first batch of thousands of people watching the movie or the people waiting in the distance, there was no sound.

The naughty chasing children also calmed down, hugged their wooden swords and wooden bows, sat cross-legged in the arms of their elders, and looked at the picture on the big screen with blushing little faces.

Iron cavalry swept across, blood boiling.

Everyone restrained their emotions and did not shout. A raging fire was burning under the calm surface.

When the divine punishment of our lord comes again——

Boom, boom.

Destroy the world.

Only then did exclamations sound, and the continuous praises continued.

The climax was when my lord received the warriors. People kept finding their relatives and shouting, "That's my family's wild bear!"

"Haha, I saw the child's father!"


Some people shouted, some people wept with joy, showing their longing.

Taking advantage of this time, Zhou Li'an and Xue Nu went to the hill outside the station to place the detonators for the fireworks.

After the two rounds of screenings were over, one master and one servant climbed onto the high platform, taking time.

The holy dharmakaya of our Lord appears.

Under the guidance of Xuenv, tens of thousands of people started the countdown——

"10, 9, 8..."




Boom, boom!
Huge fireworks exploded in the night sky with brilliance and splendor, illuminating the heaven and earth, and illuminating the silent, sweet and happy faces of all the people.

And in this moment.

In the Owens Valley, people sang and danced, chanting "Praise Balance"!
Again outside Phoenix, Arizona.

Thousands of warriors put on armor and formed an array to express their awe and piety to the western night sky by slapping their armor.

Equilibrium 6 years, arrived.


1 month 1 day.

Zhou Li'an and Xue Nu are about to leave, starting a new round of time acceleration.

Before leaving, he used [Eye of the Void] to search everywhere.

In Hohokan City, tens of thousands of residents have begun to pack their bags; at the same time, various migratory tribes in Nevada are orderly.

The nearest migration team is expected to arrive in a month.

Therefore, Zhou Li'an summoned the group of elders and told them that in the next three months, 3 to 1 people will arrive one after another, and more than 3 people from Hohokan still have a long way to go, and it is estimated that it will be half a year later.

The newly added population can be given farm tools to reclaim a large amount of farmland for sowing after the spring.

The existing people of Balance are responsible for hunting, construction, and gold mining, and they still need a group of guards to guard against mutiny and rebellion.

When the next time comes, Zhou Li'an will perform miracles to win them back.

Before noon, I went to the Owens Valley to condolences to the people on the first day of the new year.

So far, things have settled down together.

After returning to the station...


A master and a servant disappeared in this time and space.

[3 months to speed up, start! 】


Equilibrium 6 years, June 1.

After a week of recuperation, the army was radiant and full of passion; more than 3 Hohokan people became licking dogs...

This is a very delicate relationship state.

More than a slave, less than a brother.

Because of the cultured man of bullshit at the helm of a group of big bastards, the situation of the Hohokan people was not too bad.

At least superficially, when dealing with the group of elders, climbing the mountain and the others saved a bit of face.

The more than 800 slaves recruited in northwestern Arizona have long been docile.

Not to mention the Hohokan voted...

Seeing the coming of the true god, if you don't vote, you'll be waiting.

There is also the soft policy of bullshit, and Xiaohua's mother was treated, and she was cured from being half dead.They are more and more convinced that this is not a calamity, but the greatest luck in the world.

That night.

The leaders of the warbands gathered for a meeting.

"We will set off tomorrow, how to arrange?"

"The old way is to send out 20 riders to lead the way, and find the road signs we left along the way to return. Area 2 has been swept away by us now.

Even if there are scattered tribes that have not been discovered, with more than 3 Hohokan people, it is enough to destroy them, and maybe even add more population to my balance. "

Climbing nodded lightly, and glanced outside the account, "We have not let up these days. The warriors who are good at craftsman led the Hohokan people to build many carts, and we can continue to cut wood along the way to make vehicles."

"My Lord's creation brings great convenience to migration!"

Everyone agreed, and after habitually giving praises, they pointed out on the map, "There are about 3 scattered tribes in area 2. After the Hohokan people set off on the road, we can use the big city of Hohokan as a base to gather them together at that time." , and then set out to migrate.”

"This will also reduce the number of our cavalry. Up to now, the cavalry regiment has dispatched more than 120 cavalry. At first glance, it doesn't look like many cavalry, but if this continues, our strength will be greatly depleted."

However, after a while of discussion, everyone suddenly felt a little strange, as if something was missing.

After a sudden silence, everyone's eyes fell on the cow dung.

"Bullshit, why haven't you spoken for so long!"

Bullshit couldn't recover for a moment.

Climbing the mountain slapped him before he woke up, "What's wrong?"

Climbing the mountain frowned, "Our elders are all discussing important matters, how can you be listless? Before my lord left, how did you guarantee it?"

After all, being a father has a strong sense of fatherhood, indiscriminate, habitually scolding first.

Niu Shi smiled wryly and said, "I was thinking about it, and felt that now is not the time to do the migration."

Climbing the mountain was about to speak.

Niushi didn't want his thoughts to be interrupted, so he hurriedly said: "It's a good idea to use the big city of Hohokan as a base, but 3 Hohokan people are migrating. , will be extremely cold, even lower than last year's temperature."

"The Hohokan people have no material security along the way, and a large number of people are bound to be exhausted and starved to death on the way!"

Someone asked: "My lord has given me the responsibility to set up a supply point for the migration route, so how can I be exhausted and starved to death?"

Cow Shit took off his shoes, stepped barefoot on the huge map on the ground, and used small stones as distance measuring coordinates, and placed them at the location of Hohokan City——

"Here we are now."

He picked up other coordinate objects connected with straw ropes, placed them one by one according to the route of the army's conquest, stretched them to form a distance measuring line, and said:

"This is the route we are going on. From the northwest of No. 3 area to No. 2 area, all the way north, twists and turns around mountains and rivers. The total journey is more than 1300 kilometers before we can reach the nearest supply point."

"All the leaders, you don't have the concept of 'kilometers', but you should also know that the hardships we have traveled along the way are based on the premise of the blessing of our Lord to create weapons, and we can easily hunt countless herds of bison .”

"However, under the harsh winter, I waited for the hunting ground where the bison was discovered earlier. The cattle have already migrated, and the food is worrying. It is unrealistic for 3 people to walk such a long distance."

"Then let them die..."

The words just came out.

Bullshit was furious, and shouted at a strong man in his thirties: "The Hohokan people have already surrendered to the balance. Even if they have not yet become subjects, our Lord will watch them. You want to blaspheme our Lord, the true God?"

The leader was terrified, and bowed his head in shame, "No, I dare not! I, my heart is balanced, and I am the most devout servant of my lord."

He knelt down again and continued to pray.

Bullshit then sighed, and continued to get down to business, picked up another stone and placed it directly in the north——

"This is the No. 4 area. In the large atlas given by our lord, it is called the 'Great Salt Lake Area'. Although it is long, it is only 800 kilometers away. You can find the supply point, and the road is less than half."

Everyone looked at each other for a while, and asked, "But judging from the severe cold weather, the result seems to be the same?"

Niu Shi nodded and said: "It's the same, but if I have the protection of my cavalry army, the result will be different.

After escorting them to the supply point, we can continue to conquer the No. 4 area. At that time, spring and summer will also be entered. At that time, dozens of cavalry will be assigned to lead them, and they can return to the Kingdom of Balance along the "Equilibrium Avenue". "

The so-called Equilibrium Avenue is the North American midline migration route planned by the Pacific Railway in the future.

On this horizontal line, Zhou Li placed more than a dozen material supply points.

"Of course, I understand everyone's doubts. Escorting the Hohokan people will delay our conquest, and after arriving at Area 4, the return journey is a brand new road. There is no balance sign, and the direction cannot be determined..."

"So, that's what I thought about it."

"The migration of the Hohokan people is postponed. After we unify the remaining 3 people in the No. 2 area, we will gather 5 people and escort them together."

"In this way, the food and clothing of 5 people can be taken care of by my cavalry army, and they will go north together."

"And during this period of time, I will train Tiaoyu and others, and practice the positioning method. Before the departure, my lord gave me a redundant 'sextant' sacred artifact. I will hand it over to them at that time to lead the migration team. Return to balance!"

"In addition, the new road they have blazed can also set up road signs along the way to guide the future tribes!"

"The more important point is... the Hohokan people have returned to their hearts. We are now sweeping through the No. 3 area, and the language is not fluent, but the Hohokan people know that the true god has come, so they can send down the divine decrees of our Lord to all the tribes."

"In this way, we can bring the remaining 2 people into balance without much effort!"

The words fall.

The huge amount of information made it hard for a group of big brains to turn around.

They were silent for a long time before they gradually understood the meaning of cow dung.

There are more than 3 Hohokan people in this area, and one family dominates. If they go out with the army, they can easily absorb all the ministries.

After all, my lord has already given the prophecy to the ministries, and when the two are added together, the ministries will be able to surrender.

There will be a large army to deter and escort them all the way...

Everyone's eyes brightened at this moment:


"At that time, I don't need to guard all the way. I just need to continue the expedition and leave road signs along the way to guide the Hohokan people."

"In addition, hunt the bison along the way and store them in the cold weather for easy storage, and they will be able to reach the 'Equilibrium Avenue' smoothly!"

"If there is an accident, the scouts can also send a message, and we can turn back at any time."

Talk to here.

Everyone hit it off.

When they looked at the bullshit again, there was only reverence in their eyes.

"Bullshit, from now on you can be the great patriarch, and you must be even greater than the mountain-climbing patriarch."

In this regard, climbing the mountain is not disliked, and his son's achievements only make him feel honored.

After all, a pair of sons and daughters must be my bishop, which is something he cannot look down upon.

Not long after, climbed the mountain and issued a military order, "Use the big city of Hohokan as a temporary garrison, and attack all ministries in the No. 3 area!"

It's also in season.

Under the harsh winter, Arizona is still extremely cold. If you migrate directly northward, the journey will be unimaginably difficult.

At the same time, this also leaves enough time for bullshit to cultivate talents and make sufficient preparations and calculations for the future road of conquest.

Everything is going well, and the glory of Kinkou is rising...

(End of this chapter)

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