Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 123 [122] What a wonderful time

Chapter 123 [122] What a wonderful time
Bull Shit and the others returned very quickly.

It took several days to assess the "positioning technique" when I came here. On the way back, there were road signs built along the way to guide the way back, and it took only 3 days to reach the camp.

This is still taking into account the running with Xiaohua, slowing down the speed.

A group of teenagers have become rough men, with many calluses on the inner crotch, which is a symbol of knights.

5 month 9 day.

The army set off.

6000 iron cavalry and people from various tribes gathered nearly 8 people. After 5 days, they finally saw the legendary Great Salt Lake.

They used to think that Mono Lake was an incredible creation of this world, almost boundless, but the Great Salt Lake in front of them made them appreciate what the real vastness is.

Niushi said: "My lord sent down an oracle. In the future, we will balance the people and create white salt in this Great Salt Lake, enough to feed tens of millions of people."

Everyone was shocked, "My lord can bestow the 'salt praying technique'?!"

Today's balance does not lack salt.

This thing is worthless in this world, and Zhou Li'an has already put it in large quantities.

When the balanced iron cavalry went out, everyone carried a sufficient amount of salt, and added salt when making meals. It took almost a year to go out, and everyone still had more than half of their salt reserves.

But the natives are poor and afraid.

Their ancestors have been worried about salt since ancient times, and the salt obtained by the so-called salt prayer technique is all bitter and difficult to eat.

If you can create the pure, god-given salt of your own creation, it must be a great event that will inspire all peoples.

Niu Shi chuckled, feeling somewhat superior.

It's not that I look down on these big bosses, it's just that the more knowledge of laws I have, the more I feel that there is a gap in consciousness between myself and them.

After practicing various scientific and divine laws, one can naturally create countless things with the technique of creation.

The ultimate goal of bullshit is a flying sacred weapon that can reach the sky, and a cannon that can open mountains and explode rocks.

Salt is just a trail.

"My lord said, when we return from the expedition, millions of people will submit to the balance, and will naturally bestow countless law practice secret volumes..."

Bull Shit looked up at the western sky, his blood boiling, "At that time, my lord will bestow the [Shrine of Equilibrium Law], and only the high-level top-ranking powerhouses of the 'Law of Language' can enter the temple to practice profound mysteries!"

As soon as knowledge was mentioned, Niu Shi turned his face high and flushed with excitement.

A group of big bastards didn't know what was going on, and felt shocked, but they couldn't get the excitement of cow dung, and continued to ask, "So, can you create that snow-white salt?"

Niu Shi smiled wryly and nodded, "Yes."

When climbing mountains and other people, they hugged each other from left to right, looking forward to the bright future.

Afterwards, Niushi took a group of leaders to the supply point.

Tell my Lord to bless you.

"Good wine, it's actually good wine!"

"My lord is above, our people praise you, praise balance!"

When the news spread throughout the army, the 6000 iron cavalry suddenly boiled.

However, the quantity of good wine is not enough, only [-] bottles are in stock, Zhou Li'an will not use the precious material storage space to put these wasteful things, as long as he wants to.

He also gave a decree to tell how the cow dung should be distributed.

The wine is high vodka.

They can be diluted for drinking.

After boiling the water and letting it cool down, pour a dozen bottles of vodka into the pot and drink it in a wooden bowl.

Once the drinks were in the mouth, they realized something was wrong.

No fruity sweet and sour taste.

However, the feeling of being in the air, like falling into a fairyland, quickly rose to the top.

This night, the carnival celebration begins.

Most of the Hohokan people and the leaders of the tribes and tribes were blessed with good wine.

Tasting the holy wine for the first time, the alcohol burned their nerves and amplified their emotions infinitely.

Around the bonfires, singing and dancing continued.

Some people even burst into tears because of the grace of the gods, and cried endlessly... This is in later generations, it is because of bad wine.

Bullshit and other teenagers are not allowed to drink, and can only watch eagerly from the sidelines.

Fine wine is like the apple of Eden, full of magic power.

However, their piety tells them that they must not disobey the will of the Lord God, and minors are not allowed to drink alcohol.

Zhou Li'an is different from a certain Jesus.

A certain Jesus is just a fictional character on paper, and the teachings given are carried out by the Holy See; however, the Lord of Balance came to the world and watched His people all the time, and no one dared to disobey and blaspheme the will of the true God.

Return to account.

Xiaohua's mother has already boiled hot milk.

Xiaohua skillfully rummaged through the cow dung bag, found white sugar, and sprinkled it in.

Niushi saw that she could only dote on her, so he poured milk for the two of them, and pushed the rest to Xiaohua's mother, "You, drink!"

Xiaohua's mother still shook her head.

She knows that milk powder is precious, and it is the post-milk given by climbing a mountain a few months ago. She is not willing to let Xiaohua drink more, and only drinks it once every three or four days. But as long as cow dung comes, it must be cooked every day.

Niushi could only say to Xiaohua: "Let your mother drink it, my lord has bestowed blessings on you, and you should praise after receiving it."

Xiaohua quickly translated.

This time, Xiao Hua's mother no longer refused, and now she can proficiently praise, "Praise the balance!"

Xiaohua followed suit, with a serious look on her immature face.

She gradually understood the meaning of the gods, and no longer dared to act casually.

Everything obtained today is bestowed by the Lord of Balance of the True God.


5 month 17 day.

The various ministries that celebrated the three-day celebration are finally about to embark on a pilgrimage.

Cow Shit handed them compressed dry food and told them how to eat it. Two meals a day can be boiled with water and added. A square brick the size of a palm can melt a large pot of food.

It can not only satiate the stomach, but also supplement the nutrients needed by the human body.

Of course, this food is very constipating, but for the tribal natives who are used to living a hard life, the compressed ration full of fat and milk is definitely a delicacy in the world.

After all, their taste buds have not yet been developed, and the compressed rations added with modern condiments is an unprecedented taste experience for them.

Before departure, Niushi recruited a few disciples and solemnly instructed——

"Leading 7 people to migrate and submit to the balance is a test for you. If you can complete it, my lord will definitely bestow rewards and glory to you and your relatives!"

"Every time you perform the positioning technique, you and all other members need to check the calculations individually, and finally check for errors and omissions and choose the correct value!"

"If you are really lost, don't panic, make good use of the compass and the sunrise position, the balance is located in the west of us!"

"You should also remember that after I got the horses in the Horse Clan, I went to Squaw Valley to conquer the two tribes of the Tahoe."

"As long as you can reach the vicinity of Squaw Valley, there will be road signs left by my army to guide you!"

"Of course, don't forget that you need to leave road signs along the way. If you can pass the balanced road from the 'Great Salt Lake Area' to Squaw Valley, it will also be a great achievement!"

Everyone nodded solemnly and made a promise, "We will definitely obey the divine order of our lord, and we will definitely not disappoint the teacher!"

Bullshit for the final test—

"Where is the next supply point on the map?"

They quickly pointed out the location, which was more than 200 kilometers west of Salt Lake City; the next one was 500 kilometers away.

In fact, as long as they reach the second supply point, they will be at the door of Balanced.

Because there is the capital of Nevada, the Sparks-Carson City area, there are signposts set up long ago.

So their task is to lead 7 people through the last section of the 500 kilometers.

After they finished answering, Niushi said again: "The last thing, if you wait for the summoning of my lord and the witch, you need to ask my lord to tell me about the next expedition plan in detail."

"Nearly 200 iron cavalry guides have left the team. If my lord agrees, you will have to go out again later. Follow the road signs left by the army to catch up and add combat power to the iron cavalry army."

Someone said: "But in the vast land, even if there are road signs, it may be difficult to find the traces of the army?"

Niushi said very firmly: "If my lord promises you to go out again, there will be a decree. My lord has penetrated everything in the world, and naturally knows the position of the army."

Only then did a group of students come to their senses and praise Balance.

About to leave, they went to rectify the horses.

Cow Shit turned around and saw the weeping little flower, and was about to part again, and the next time we saw each other, I don't know when it will be.

Cow Shit has already explained what should be explained, but the child is not easy to coax, so he endured not to look at Xiaohua, but said to Xiaohua's mother: "Meet my mother, letter, give it to her, my mother will give it to the witch."

He spoke in simple Aztec.

Xiao Hua's mother smiled and nodded, then patted her chest again, expressing that she would definitely keep the letter safe.

So, the cow dung turned around bluntly and left, leaving only the sound of howling behind him.

Nearly 6000 cavalry set off first.

One man and two horses, with roaring iron hooves, left smoke and dust billowing on the ground, and ran towards the north.

Tens of thousands of tribesmen have been accustomed to the majestic power of the iron cavalry of the legion of gods, but at this moment, they still couldn't help kneeling down and admiring their strength.

Now they know...

Balance is the destination of thousands of tribesmen on the earth.

The people as powerful as Hohokan have already surrendered, and the strong clans all over the land are not far away.

Equilibrium for 6 years, mid-June.

It's summer.

It took a month, and 7 tribesmen successfully arrived in Carson City.

When several knights found the signpost they had left behind, they were all ecstatic, and quickly turned around to bring back the news.

"We have found the road sign of Balance, and now there are only 180 kilometers left to reach the Kingdom of Balance! It only takes 7 days at the fastest!"

The Hohokan people and the various elders saw these knights looking crazy and excited, but helplessly they couldn't understand their words.

Then, countless eyes fell on a little one...

Xiaohua is still acting as an interpreter. Thanks to her being able to communicate with the knight in Chinese in the past month, "the distance is balanced, and it only takes 7 days and nights."

When the news came out, tens of thousands of people were elated.

Excitement made their tired bodies burst out with a last burst of strength, and when they set off the next day, they accelerated their progress.

at the same time.

Nearly 6000 cavalry troops have arrived in District 5, Idaho.


As everyone does not know that Salem is the capital of Oregon, this little-known town is also the capital of Idaho.

A river meanders through the city.

The local aborigines climbed the mountain and saw the long river like a winding snake, so they named it "Snake River".

at this time.

The Snake River was soaked in blood, and many floating corpses flowed along the water.

The sound of shouting and killing resonated with the sound of horseshoes.

After a long time, the restlessness gradually subsided, and when dusk and evening came, it turned into bursts of crying and singing in mourning for the dead.

Thousands of troops surrounded a large settlement, making the tribesmen kneel down.

After the defeat of the tribe named "Nez Perce", they swore allegiance to Kinkou.

Time to step into July.

More than 13000 people gathered in Idaho, led by 50 cavalry, went south along the signposts to the Great Salt Lake area. At that time, they could trace the migration route of the Hohokan people and return to balance.

Idaho is located at the eastern foot of the Rocky Mountains and also belongs to the bitter cold mountainous area in the west, so the population is far less than that of Arizona and Utah in the south.

In the evening, the leaders of each battle group meet regularly.

Bullshit speaks:

"According to the large map book given by our lord, the population of No. 5 and No. 6 areas is sparse. If there is no accident, we can complete the conquest in August and enter No. 8 area in September."

Number 6 is Montana.

No. 7 is Wyoming.

Before the colonists landed and fought with the aborigines, there were few tribes in the west, such as the famous Sioux and Cheyenne, most of them migrated from the east to the central Great Plains and western mountains after the war to escape the war.

Although Montana has the reputation of alpine pastures, 60% of the state's land is prairie.

However, in the current primitive era, it is difficult for the aborigines to resist the cold current from Canada.

Montana is as famous for its winter blizzards as it is for its pastures.

The remaining 40% of the land, mostly the area of ​​Yellowstone Park, was called "bad land" by the first explorers hundreds of years later.

All kinds of rocky mountains are not conducive to planting, and there are volcanoes and geothermal heat, showing the horror of nature.

The aborigines keep a respectful distance from this place and fear the gods.

Wyoming is not much better. The western half of the area is occupied by the Rocky Mountains, and only a small part of the eastern part belongs to the Central Plains. The indigenous tribes are also concentrated in the east.

Therefore, the road to the north is relatively easy.

Hurry up and go, before the end of summer in September, you can complete the conquest of 9 areas and return to the south of the Central Line of the Pacific Railway.

7 month 7 day.

Zhou Li'an and Xuenv come.

Immediately, I felt the voices of people in the main city of Balance.

At the same time, [Ding, population +63321! 】

[Total population, 128422! 】

The Hohokan and Arizona and Utah tribes migrated into place.

For the first time, the number of balanced people exceeded the 10 mark.

On that day, Zhou Li'an performed a miracle and bestowed pendants and statues.

It is no longer possible to bless one by one, but the balance is strong enough to make these migrating tribes return to their hearts.

For the first time, there was housing shortage in the city, but with enough supplies, the elders made a guarantee that everyone would be able to live in peace before winter came.


[Eye of the Void] Consciousness descends.

Zhou Li'an found traces of the cavalry army in northeast Idaho, and they were about to step into Montana.

Tens of thousands of other tribesmen are traveling from Idaho to Salt Lake City, Utah, on the way of balance.

at the same time.

Xuenv was busy arranging things in the city. Before she arrived, she had received the decree from the gods, and now she is releasing a red-headed document for the follow-up work arrangements to the elders.

On the south side of the main city of Balance, cut down the forest and open up new construction sites.

This will become the site of the [Equilibrium Law Temple], which is the [Academic Center] of the system.

Also, one should work step by step.

The new focus is to develop the Sacramento area as soon as possible, build a new city-state, and prepare for the subsequent population migration.

Otherwise, there will be a shortage of housing due to continuous tribal migration.

Today, the balanced main city with more than 12 people has already shown a bloated trend.

The youngsters who practice the law have yet to grow up, and the power holders of Balance are still a group of uncivilized veterans, and they are inevitably unable to manage matters.

Therefore, we can only divert the population and reduce the overstaffed system.

After she's done.

The mother came with a woman, and behind the woman there was a little animal hanging far away, and it stopped outside the gate of the temple.

It was just ignored by Xue Nu, because her mother handed over a letter, "This is brought back by cow dung, I don't know what it is!"

Xuenv knew at a glance that it was bullshit who had something to report, and it was inevitable that there would be mistakes in relaying the words. The letter was written in the language of balance, which can be used for expression.

I just don't know if it's good news or bad news.

She quickly opened it and read it.

After seeing half of it, he shouted in surprise, "Father has a new heir?"


Seeing that her mother was at a loss, Xue Nu looked at the woman beside her with a funny face, and explained: "It is said in the cow dung letter that Xiao Hua's mother gave birth to the father's offspring."

The words fall.

Xue Nu's mother also turned her head abruptly, only to look at the protruding belly of the woman beside her.

The two couldn't speak the same language. When they first met a few days ago, they thought she was beautiful, but they didn't expect her to be pregnant...

She didn't feel uncomfortable at all, but she was pleasantly surprised, holding the other's hand, as close as a sister, "This is a good thing! Why didn't you tell me!"

In the rear, Zhou Li'an has withdrawn from [Eye of the Void].

Looking at this scene...

"What a wonderful time!"

"The husband sings, the wife follows, and the sisters love each other!"

He walked slowly, Xue Nu's mother and women knelt down immediately, Xue Nu also knelt down and presented the letter...

Zhou Li'an took a few glances to read it, and knew the arrangement for the conquest of cow dung.

The army assigned knights to lead the return to balance, which reduced the strength of the cavalry and needed to be replenished.

Moreover, these returned people have accumulated experience along the way, and they will lead the various ministries to migrate in the future, so they will be familiar with the road.

Therefore, it can be dispatched again to join the army.

As for the last—

Zhou Li'an smiled and waved to Xiao Xiaozhi outside the temple, "Xiao Hua, come in!"

The girl ran quickly and knelt beside her mother...

As the bullshit said in the letter.

She is gifted and intelligent, and has a very high learning talent. Now she can speak in proficient Chinese, and she is no longer the fearless person she was when she first met her. She has a heart of reverence for the true God of our Lord, "Praise my Lord, praise balance!"

Xuenv said: "Master, I beg you to give Xiaohua the secret of law practice. It has only been 7 months since the New Year's recovery day, and she has been able to speak the language of God fluently, and she is smarter than Xuenv before."

Zhou Li'an glanced at her and knew that Xue Nu had a small selfish desire to pray for her younger brother.

In the daytime, when the elders of the Hohokan people visited, they also mentioned Xiaohua, and the migration all the way depended on Xiaohua as a translator, serving as a link of communication in the two parts.

Today, nearly 7 tribesmen who speak the Utah-Aztec language family have surrendered. Now that Xiaohua has been enlightened, she can play the original role of the snow girl and spread the seeds of language to the newly arrived tribe children.

Bullshit, this is a tool man specially sent here.

Thinking of this.

Zhou Li'an smiled and nodded, "I'll hand her over to you these days. You come to assess and train her, and open a new school as soon as possible, so that the balanced language law can spread among the new people."

Children are the flowers of balance.

A strong youth is a strong country!

(End of this chapter)

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